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Show REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 -- LOST FOUND Found: Child watch at Nortli Park in Roy. Identify and pay 9 for ad. ILaEsesM 1 Owner: $54,500 Each. Contract Sale at 127e interest. Townhouses, all brick end aluminum. Brand New. 2623 N. 175 W. Sunset, Ut. 2 bedclosets, rooms with walk-i- n diskitchen with dishwasher, livarea, Dining range. posal, window. with bay ing room Find out what you've always wanted to know about but wore afraid to ask. Weak. Secrets of Tai Kao Tea Kung Fu. Studio in Ogdon, For inter-vio- BUSINESS SERVICE Mr, Eggleston and medals $15 makes Beauty Shop discounts huge levolor Lowest Prices Guaranteed on Window Coveringsl Our low overhead means unbeatable prices. Shop by phone. Free Delivery. Measure and 7 call for prices. Ogden 0 or SIC All Business Comultants Oak cabinets, farmed er flat counter tops, flooring. Experienced kitchen design and Instructor needed for Liquid LOCKSMITH All services available 7 Call after 4 pm. Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING ProtMtional tuning, repairs and rtttorations. Full tarvict piano technician for all models including players. Michael Mann Music Services. 773-538- Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Take care of your life time invest, meats by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WIIINTER AND SONS AN EXPERT DO IT Quality Concrete Work, all Tywork or Structural, Flat pes, Free estimates. Reasonable 0 2 Rotes Ceramic Tile ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates 1 Construction SANTERRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWALL Complete Remodeling Service, All types of remodeling and new construction. Large or Small. Free Estimates. Very Competitive Prices. Call Bob Mike 1 Steve Complete home remodel, room addition, garage converfree estisions, basements, mates. No job too small. remodeling, new construction, residential, small commericol. All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum sidina. Tractor for Hire ing, or Georao back hoe, Service b SHRUBBERY SHAPED Dos your shrubbery need shaping? Do your shade trees Reasonable mowing, trimming Esti- Weekly and hauled away. Free 4 mates, Harold, 8 .. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING New sod or replaces weeding, transplant, trimming, edging, cultivate your flower bea. Mowing, digging, trees out with roots. Retaining walls, rail road ties, fences repaired, concrete work, sprinkler repair, new sprinklers, tree top- roto tilling, Ring, shaping, top soil, etc. Weekly or monthly, big or small jobs. or Then turn right now to our livestock headin ing Classified. SHOPPING NEWS CLASSIFIED INDEX It's easy to find the solution to your want or need in The Midweek Classified Advertising columns. Listed below is the key to Northern Utah's most diversified Marketplace. Be sure to read and use these columns regularly. You'll profit in so many ways! ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements Special Greetings Lost & Found Personals Notices ATTORNEYS 60 81 360 Jobs of Interest General Jobs of Interest Administrotive Jobs of Interest Clerical 83 Jobs of Interest Labor 84 Jobs of Interest 370 380 390 400 410 Sales Jobs of Interest Secretarial Jobs of Interest Technical Skills 90 Situations Wanted 100 Child Care 110 Instruction FINANCIAL 120 1 & Business Storage Rental Agencies Wanted to Rent Land for Rent Water for Rent 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 30 40 Business Opportunities Money to Loan Real Estate Contracts BUSINESS SERVICES Listed under Business Service Directory REAL ESTATE 60 70 1 80 LAWNFARM 1 Condominiums Weber County Property For Trade N. Davis County Box Elder County Morgan County Real Estate Wanted Farms & Ranches Income Porperty Business Property Acreage RENTALS Unfurnished Apts & Duplexes 300 Furnished Apts & Duplexes 3 1 0 Houses 320 Sleeping Rooms ; 330 Nursing Homes 340 Mobile Home for Rent 350 Mobile Home Parks 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 Good Things to Eat Christmas Trees Fertilizer & Top Soil Hay, Grain & Feed -Firewood Pets & Supplies Livestock & Poultry Form & Ranch Supplies Farm Implements RECREATIONAL 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 Boats & Marine Sporting Goods Skiing Equipment Snow Vehicles Travel Trailers Miscellaneous Trailers Campers Motor Homes Tourist & Trailer Parks Cycles & Supplies All Terrain , run In opy ol per week commission. nrs. per week. Call collect 9 a.m. to noon ask for Jim. 20-4- 0 Who can sell Avan batter than you? Ear $6 or mare an hour, full or part time. Call 100 -- CHILD CARE CHILD CARE Love to tend 1 or 2 children. Ages 2 years and up. Hot lunches, fenced yard, strictly days. Call 1 I will tend infants to 3 ysars old. Layton area. 8 Layton High area. Fenced yard, outings, $6.00 a day per child. Call 2 State licensed child care Valley View and North Roy. Park school areas. 731-45- - FREEDOM-BEAUTY- in your singing. RICHNESS Barbara Jenkins 544-2T4Rich Background in vocal technique and musical theater Elected to the performance. of Teacher of Singing. FUN ADULT PIANO, ORGAN lessons, improvise, fun popular ,hry' tion call Let the computer teach you Speed Reading, Touch Typmi Languages, $20.00 for 9 hours of instruction. Elm Tree Learning Center 9 am. 7 pm 360 Fort Lane 110 Piano Instruction Available with experienced teacher if Layton. Beginning through ad 1 vanced. SOUTH DAVIS SWIM SCHOOL. Small dasses begin June 3rd all ages, levels. Mature, Ret Cross certified just back from California training. Fear problems our specialty. Conveniently located in West Bountiful, Val Verdq, and Centerville, Call 5 SWIMMING LESSONS-65- 7 700 S., Clearfield, Registration for first session on June 23 and 2 noon. Lesson: 24 from will be given through July one 2 or 393 August. Call 6094. Tutoring in mv home. Read, ing, math, ana diagnostic testing. Certified teacher. Call to arrange hours, 544-185REAL ESTATE more. Call Jim Fantastic 3 bedroom rambler. Full basement, 2 car Immaculate condition, 70's. Sale FHAVA, Conven2 tional, New Homes RC fantastic View Lot New Home under construction in Oak Forest. Pick own colors. Many extras including hot tub. Four finished levels. New 2 Homes RC Fer tale by owner. Clean Lay-to- n starter, $42,900. Large yard, cor port, new furnace. loan or will Assumable 9 $4 poy points. Fer Sale- - Attractive 2 bed" room home, tingle car garage, ond assume 7W pay equityCall 6 interest. ony- time. .. equity loan, 5 bedroom home, finish, ed basement, close to HAFB.' 1 $69,900. Layton LOW INTEREST ASSUMPTION. $15,800 down and assume 8 state money loan at 3 bedroom brick rambler, fam1400 ily room, approximately sq. ft. Nice fenced yard, good location, - 1 80 WEBER COUNTY Greed family Hamel So. Og den near schools and church. 3 bedrooms, larg fenced yard, Extra storage. By original own Reduced price on 6 bedroom brick home in Roy. Formal dining, family room, 2Vi bathrooms, only $73,250, with $5,000 down and balance at Coll Martin at 9 or JDS HOMESTEAD REAL6 TORS. 10. SWIMMING POOL OAK BRUSH FANTASTIC VIEW bench, 3600 sq. ft., ' story, brick, 5 bedrooms, I baths, 2 family roams, mail floor laundry, 2 car garage, Much, Much, More! $149,000 layton, $54,000, 2 OwnerAgent 3 N.E, Bench 2 b rooms up, 1 down, family room, oir, garaqe with electric opener, fenced yard. $50,000 19- 0- DAVIS COUNTY interest. 2 Aesume FHA 5Va bedroom townhouse; living room, family room, eart unfinished basement garageIf with loft, and fences yard. qualified payments low as $2637month. Call after 3 pm, stove, Beautiful layton 3 bedroom, a?A65 E'.'3250 N.' Beautiful 2 story heme, 4 bed rooms, full basement, family room, formal dining room. VA appraised. New Homes RC 2 brick rambler, fireplace, famit E. N. car 2 room, oarage, 4 6 or Layton. By Owner, 3 bedroom NO DOWN OR LOW DOWN New homes, 2 and 3 bedroom models. Low 50's. Coll New 2 Homes RC FARM HOME We have Lots and Will Build Glauser Construction or 8 1 NEW HOMES Quality Built, Low maintenance, Excellent financing, North Davis County Area. Will Meet or Beat Any Price! Glauser Construction 1 8 or Why buy a used heme with carpets and colors you don't like? My New Home, 3 bedroom, fireplace, 2 car garage, basement, on a beautiful lot, will be yours with payments, (after estimated tax deduction), starting below $350monfh Call Buil- - principle and interest. w6nAi Vor tale, lew monthly payments to qualified buyer. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath, full basement. Landscaped with full sprinkler system. Only 2 yrs. old, nicely located only 2 mi. from Freeport Center. Owners Moving must sell immediately. Asking only $57,800. Call 1 or Sea at 1072 N. 2100 W. Layton 5 bedroom rambler, 2 full baths, fireplace, family room, large lot, with fenced yard, fruit trees, garden and deck, $62,000. Call 544-298- 7 225 -I- NCOME PROPERTY Beautiful Duplex in N. Ogden. Corner lot, 3 yrs. old, good renters. Excellent investment. 11 fixed rate, 6 9 nights. days. Fer Sola: 29th St. Excellent rental history, Low down, 4 240 -- ACREAGE & LOTS lot improved near will ZCMI Lay- sell, trade, subordi- ton, nate. Call NEARLY VS ACRE Excellent South Weber loco, tion. Beautiful homes and view. 7 Only $19,500. Jeff Cook Cook Realtors 2 acres: 120 ft. frontage on Sunset Dr., W. Kaysville, zoned to build, city water, sewer, gas and electric, pro. ssurized irrigation. $40,00C Must have cash out. Beautiful view. Call 250 -- RECREATION PROPERTY 5 Causey II, choice let in Causey estates, above Causey reservoir, Aspen covered adjoining stream, power and water to property line, $18,500. Assume 6,z contract. 392 861 7 evenings Sweetwater Timeshare. June Beer Lake steeps 6, $325. per week. All Day, Euory Day. 2 bedroom, $800. 2 BEDROOMliSO, Washer: dryer hookups, big Railroad ties far sale, all sises, all grades, all shaper will de6 liver, will cut to size. A6K Railroad or Materials. bedroom condominium 538 3rd St, or appreciate, phone 9 300 -F- URNISHED Studio, Apartments bedroom 570 Dork, ed yard, washer ERTILIZER TOP SOIL baths, fencrange, 600 3 beroom 2 Beautiful Kittens CLASSES OFFERED: Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behavior Problems IDIEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. Cat, spayed We're going and overseas and must find her a 8 after GOOD home, 10:00 pm, 5 pm. Hunters quality AKC Registered German Shorthair pointers. Excellent pedigree. 2 no males, 3 females. evenings. facilities. Elm Tree Learning Center 360 S. Fort Lane $1 0 Fort Lane Plaza, Layton 9 am-- 7 $75month payments. Maintenance already paid. Evenings 260 -- MOBILE HOMES Custom built mobile heme. Columbia 24x52. 2 bedroom, baths, fireplace, carport, covered patio, in an adult ark. City Center Park 292-195 ll Double Wide Mobile Home, 2 bedrooms, 2 boths, excellent condition. Buy on contract. Low 6 Down. FIXER UPPER!! Fleetwood 1 2X50 Swinger, with 2 bedrooms, front kitchen model. Moke offer Lakeview Estates 400 W. 2600 N., Layton 546-294- 4 Fer Heme, 2 bed-roo8' extention on living room, refrigerated air, all ap- 8 pliances. Kaysville Fer Sale: 1981 14x70, 3 bed- baths, 10x20' porch room, and awning. Parked in family 5 section of park. Call after 4 pm. reduced sell Must to $9,000. '78 Champion 14x58, two bedrooms, 1 bath with awning, in e. family section of Hillgote 4 Millions Starving IN EAST AFRICA Send your help THROUGH EAST AFRICA 312 Sutler Street. Rm. 602 San Francisco. CA 94108 you find just what you're looking for. Call FORD Econoline Van Asking $4,700 776-64- 2 1974 Ford E300 9 Opel Manta or AUTOS FOR SALE 950 -T- RUCKS $00. PRICE WAR! Be Undersold 1980 Chevrolet LUV, excellent condition, 37,000 miles, $4,300. 1955 Chevrolat pickup, wrap around rear window, needs We Won't '82 Datsun, long bod, locking tool box, CB, speed, 26,000 5 mi., $5295, CUSTOM 5445 So. State Salt Loke City, Utah 3 Coll 8 or 1983 Teton 25 ft. bunk model, sleeps 8, Ford chassis, generator, air conditioned, 0 Heavy Duty Frome Stylish Radius Door J I Compare for Yourself 4 1975 4x4 Chevrolet, automatic transmission, power steeringbrakes, Air, CB, 2 tanks, shell, hitch $3,975. 295- - PRICE $17900 8824. 1973 Blazer, just tuned, everything works, asking $1950. to "Fiberglass Shells" Coll Brett 76 Jeep Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton 0 8 or Wagoneer, Stylish Construction Compare Anywhere 4 door, $3000. 479-350- 5 24 ft. motor home for rent, self contained. Runs on gas or propane. $40 per doy, 10 8 cenfsmile. 79 TOYOTA 4x4. air, winch, black, $4850 , 2 76 SUPPLIES 1974 Suzuki, excellent condition. 4300 miles, $325 or best Honda Civic 2 dr. Hatch back, Pioneer AmFm Cassette. Must see! $1695. 8 offer 6 or 621-43anytime offer. Call CUSTOM TOPPER 1 1978 Toyota Colica GT Power steeringbrakes, Air, sunroof and stereo. $3,950 Cal 295-882- 4 Honda 750 K, 2,300 miles, like new, extras, $1,900 or best offer. Call 825-66- 3 1977 PRICE $34900 980 -I- MPORTS & TOPPER-"Aluminu- Shells" 960- -4 WHEEL DRIVES 1980 Chevrolet LUV 4x4 with shell. Mikado trim, $5,250. Adams R.V. Soles 1464 N. Main, Layton 1974 Make offer 2 some work. Collectors item. $800. or best offer. Coil 9.Steve 6 1972 Fiat 128, $700. 50-931- 3 sis, front dinette, front sofa, rear bath, sleeps 6, less than 8,000 ml. 2 yr. 24,000 mi. warranty ovaifable, ready to 760 -- CYCLES or 2 after 5 p.m. 1980 Grand Prix. power steerair, ing, power brakes, cruise, low miles, excellent con3 dition. 77 PONTIAC SUNBIRD Red, 2 door, 5 speed, $2000 0 78 ask for Anna 6 '81 Grand Prix Brougham, low book 15,800 will take $5,500. ULTIMATE IN STYLE, (CLASS AND QUALITY PUP MALTESE pm Pigeons for Office (pace available, excelExcelin Fantails. $300 o piece. Coll 544-1057 AKC German Shorthairs, 1 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS AUTO OUTLET RD. 6271243 2 weeks, champion bloodline, 4 $50 ea. 7 German Shorthair pups, 7 weeks old, proven excellent hunting stock. AKC registered, 8 $75. FOR SALE Baby crib, excellent condition. Double drop sides with mottress 1 and bumper pads. )1 25, after 5 pm. Blue print and developing A POULTRY Dart 100 $475. Coll machine. Rol- lers, Berlin Tumblers, lent location Layton. lent parking, carpeted, individual central air conditioning 0 and heating. BILLY 1135 A New GOATS PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden Registered Appaloosa Gelding, 4 yrs old, 17 hands, well broke. Call 711 -- 5646 microwave, cedar chest, living room suite, smoked glass and chrome set, and beautiful antique pine I bedroom set. This is good C. stuff 860 S. 1625 E. Clearfield (Sundowner Con- Washerdryer, 8 1 $100 2575 7 VW RABBIT 2 875 7875 M 675 1 door 4 dr. 2 door, ,p J.S loaded CHEVROLET CITATION 4 door, power steering, power brakes, air. 1977 FORD 1979 2 MONTE aii th. extras . sItD .. 1979 TRENCHER 1982 CASE walk behind TL 100 $2,00 COUGAR XR-- HORIZON CHEVROLET GRAN 7 1980 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 660 -- AVIATION 2475 1 975 4 door 4 door SR-- 5 4475 3575 MARQUIS 2 door WAGON TOYOTA $2975 . Loaded CHEVETTE 1980 4 PLYMOUTH 1977 MERCURY 1980 . CARLO'S Loaded 1978 MERCURY 4 2775 4975 3975 di.s.1 Long bed, air MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Hang Glider or Ultra Light, Super condition $750. Pnc or FURY COUGAR 6 TRACTOR Massey Ferguson, 1976 MF40, large scoop, box scraper, ripper teeth, canopy, lights, diesel, wheel weights, 4 and fluid. $5,500. Call 1 p Wolfcreek Country Club $1,125 includes transfer fee. Terms. 544-- 1 173 PL- - condition, PLYMOUTH 1981 LOG SPLITTER Bark Buster, PTO $275 peal equipment, vinyl liner (30 x 41, for doily camper $25, $25. Call Excellent 1978 XR-- 1982 MERCURY 630 -- FARM IMPLEMENTS Used ewimming best offer. COUGAR BOWEN ENTERPRISES 839 W. 17th St. after 5 or 1977 1976 Wooden Feed Boxes, all sizes, p.m. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Office with heavy copier Toshiba stand, $400. Call Overlook Repeiiessien-Juk- i $199.99 cash or $8.00 per month. Call Deal In Town... 8 For tale-redine- r, Fiberglass showertub (new), table top, stainless steel range. 37 Villa Dr., Clearfield. dominiums, RIVERDALE We specialize in all types of vehicles.. .large, small, different! Drop-i- n and talk to us on your Special Needs. $20.00 each 2 450 -F- URNITURE 670 A CARPET Executive desk and credenia, OUTLET ALTO 1135 W. -- BOATS A MARINE 1980, 17, ft. Sailboat, swing keel, Vagabond sleeps 4, new, solid walnut, custom built. 731-23- RIVERDALE RD. sloop, 4 HP 627-124- 3 Johnson $45007 546-109- 8 Easy to sail 16 ft. fishing boat fer sale, with trailer ond 35 H.P. motor asking $750. will accept best 460 -- APPLIANCES, TV, STEREO Color T.V., washer and dryer $135 ona up. Guaranteed 30 days. Phone 546-313Rainbow Vacuums New with power nozzle and 4 warranty $450. offer. Call 4 1982 Hebie, 16 ft. white with yellow, light blue sails. Priced fo sell, 4 or 621-82Jim , $53,000 FOR FOUR BEDROOMS Clearfield's the place, 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, and a quiet neighborhood. Call Walley l'z 0 THIS BRICK HOME HAS IT ALL A lovely COUNTS WIDE MIES LAYTON MODELS OPEN DAILY BEDROOM-$46,50- 0 0.825-7407544-420- 7. CLOSE IN LAYTON No down down FHA. Lovely four bedrooms, family R- -l room. $53,000. Wardley 544-420549. VA-Lo- FANTASTIC DEAL ON CONDOI Beautiful 2 bedroom unit close to HAFB, shopping ond schools. Great tax break. Sheila 544-420Cl 1 5. 7. 4-- UUardleu 32ft. Mobile Heme office trade. corporation Prices start 290 -- UNFURNISHED ARTS A DUPLEXES Comfortable 3 room apartment. Carpets, drapes, lots of storage. Utilities except lights. Safe from flood. No smoking or nets. w 7. redwood Will consider 6-- 12-- 6 deck, awning, shed, new and linoleum, extra ceiling insulation, 2 bedrwvini. 346-45Cal! 4 . 1973 24X64 Custom Built 3 Marlette, bedrooms, 2 boths, very dean, $35,000 consider 6 terms. if 3 Clean 3 bedroom home. Carport, fenced yard. Terms. Call Bert R- -l 51 3. C 4x60 mobile heme, good $6500. car garage, shop, fenced, povered 2 LARGE PRIVATE LOT ON Oak on South, gradual slope portion. Great price. $35,000. Call LAI 1 9. Bob plumbed for washer in bathroom. Complete with awning and storage shed. Good conditions Parked in South Kaysville aduit park. Priced at $9,000. .Owner will finance on terms to fit your needs. Coll 1 Layton location, large family room, patio. Rhea RENTALS Let Classified Ads help Call of- 8 Super Van. $3000. Coll 5 HOUSE HUNTING? 8 1982 Mercury Lynx, standard, AM radio, lighf brown, no oir, 7000 miles, asking $5700. Will 9 negotiate hrice. Coll or excel-le1977 Lincoln Mork V, condition, loaded, $7200. 9 mo. old spayed $75. Call between 9 ; Ford LTD Station Wagon, all or parts. 72 Mavsrick $100. 774 Ford Econolino 100. $1500 or make offer. Call 977 Tioga 22 ft. Dodge (has Calico 72 Custom rack. Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, layton 0 8 or 1 17,500 milts, good mileage, like raw, $5i0uoffor. 560 E. 5 1200 N. Bountiful, 940 -- VANS 1975 Brougham 20 ft. Dodge chassis, front dinette, front sofa, rear bath, air on chassis, storage pod, ladder and roof FREEI 3 $350. 644-160- 3 ranty, reduced $5,000, $29,450. DOG TRAINING Lovable lent condition, $l,000best fer, 1936 Ford Pickup smoke alarm, microwove, front sofo ond dinette, 2,800 mi. includes 5 yr. 50,000 mi. war- 6 Need a clean carpeted room- with piano for your next lecture, recital, meeting? SlO.OOhour or $25 for whole until Pups, Free to good homes 360 -- OFFICE kitchen A SUPPLIES German Shot- - (3) AKC, Champion bloodlines, 8 ST50. ea. 1 fer, , 2 after 4 p.m. ea. Beautiful Cocker Spaniel Pups bath, 600 sq. ft. fireplace, carport and storage, swimming pool available. & BUSINESS DENTAL SUITE suite available. Lovely 824 24th. St.' Ogden, Information at Suite 4. 1 AKC Registered Sholti's (Miniature Collies) 3, $200. 9 July CARS A PARTS 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe, sxcal- - HOMES For Rent Class A Type, sleeps 6, 23 ft., roof oir, generator. 4 1 Available ETS Purbred ir $400mo. Call or -P- AKC 2 bedroom home, $275. plus deposit and utilities, 159 W. 0 Owen, 3 bedroom heme in Clintem, fenced yard, fruit trees, stave, 7 930 -- CLASSIC 740 -- MOTOR A PINE SLABS, 8 ft. lengths, cord bundle $55. 1 TIMBERTOWN 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 7 evening . FEED WHY RENT? I can build your new home with 3 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, 2 car garlot. You age on excellent choose carpets, colors and op- Payment (after filiances. tax deduction) will start ot $350month principle and interest. Call builder 546-141- Mike 40 gal. fuel tank, fer pickup cargo area, 2 solanoid valve.. FuaT gauge and twitch $100. Call late model, dean, like new, fits import or small trucks, short or long bed, sleeps 4, stove, icebox, sink, electric heater, with tripod looding jacks and stress-guar- d onchors, $2,195. 544-931968 Cavalier 8Vfe ft. camper, furnace, $600best of- & SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden and dryer included, $500. water refrigerator, 1 580 -- HAY, GRAIN close to schools, paid, AVAILABLE one livered or you pickup in your own truck. Coif George Nico 3 bedroom brick house, Layton area, close to HAFB, 2 $375mo. Randy e PARTS A ACCESSORIES - MISCELLANEOUS $4200 6 1981 Ford, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, foppor with carrier, Far Sola, nswly rebuilt 1975 Fiat Engira for 128 or X19. Alio a now tronsmiuion clutch and othar component parts, 5 oftar 5 p.m. trailtrt, tandtm flatbed, 3 ton paylood, $11 or 544493. -730 CAMPERS OR -F- AMFM 8 track stereo. or best offer. Coll 25-882- 4 920 -- AUTO SERVICES Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Lav 0 or 546-d7- ( 804 W. 17th St.. Ogden 5 Jenn-Air- Call 8 or 1977 Taurus 17 ft. Excellent condition, sleeps 8, $4200. 0 546-070- 0 8 $35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate 7 fer you Nice Roy 4 bedroom heme, 2 baths, family room, air conditioned, big back yard, storage shea, dose to schools and park $400mo. $150 cleaning deposit. Available June 27, Roy 3 bedroom, 2 MENT center both, kitchen table and chairs hitch included Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton ditioned, SOD Check with T98! Ford Escort, excellent condition, cruise control. 8 VY 910-HEA- TRAILERS Timbertown 1972 GMC flat bod Jump $4,500 otror $1500b..t 3S ft. Sth wheel, swamp cooler, air con- 1976 Coachman 16 ft. DELIVERED INSTALLATION SES 310-HQU- After a place? Phone 3 90-u- 7 4 area. Apts., all sizes $140 to $375. utilities with Some pai id. Ogden 7 or area. EQUIP. TERRAIN Sondrail, 1200 cc, ovtrsliod u as, vary good conditon Many ex- Excellent condition, $2600 or best offer. 720 Many Ogden with all utilities paid. tras. 1 770 -- ALL front dinette, center bath, center kitchen, sleeps 8, nice trailer 550 and 2 1 $130-524- fully self contained, T98I Yamaha 650 Maslm for .ala. Exosllont condition, Call 7 APTS. A DUPLEXES 2 1979 Prowler 28 ft. A SHOTGUNS RIFLES DIAMONDS GOLD PAWNS MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS & LOAN 0 2606 Wall Ave. Must see to deposit. Monday thru Saturday Blvd., Ogden. selling 2958 Wash. Sale-197- White 1982 Chrysler LeBaren Mark Cross EdiConvertible. tion, lots of extras, sporty luxury model, just over 12,000 mi. Contad Michels Wells, 4 from 7:30-4:3- 0 ond 9 from 0 p.m. BANK REPOSSESSIONS Two 1982 Dodge Chargers. Both and in condition. Will probably below book value. Now aking bids at Weber Volley Bank 4079 Riverdale Rd. Ogask for Gary or 5 den. Jim. Solo will dose July . T967 Dodge Dart GT, small 273 high torque engira. Good condition $495. Call With windthiold, look, and rum 4 great, locrifice for $795. IP' completely Single axle. Exceptionally doon. Call Must see 1961 23 ft. trailer. Tandem axle, air, refrigerator, TO BUY Cash paid fer gold rings, ail- ver coins, sterling, etc.... WILD CAT A BULLION, buying and adult complex, applioncoi furnished, gas, water, trash paid, 0 after 5 p.m. 2 bedroom basement apt. large windows, $150mo. $100 cleaning For Best offer $500. 1 7 TRAILERS Travel trailer, work tome brand IT raw condition, only $9 mils.. Havs titls. Must Mil $1050 1979 Yamaha 400 Special EDGED BLABS, For fencing er firewood, large bundle, 6 or 8 ft. lengths. $45 and $55 per bundle 1 TIMBERTOWN 804 W, 17th St Ogden 510-WAN- 6 r $2000. 0 Chevrolet, 4 door, So3y ond drive train good, needs nsw tirstbattoryfork .soil, paint liks raw. $2500oftor, 8 Bofort 2 P.m. 710 -T- RAVEL -- BUILDING MATERIALS after S p.m. 2 bedroom. Cable, carpet, air, close to town, $28u. 4 By appointment Sportitsr, 1979 Yamaha 2S0 MAKES '76 Buick Regal Landau 1 500 NORTH OODEN 1 Vr. old, 2 bedroom $3u0mo. plus deosit, carpets, drapes, dishwasher, washer-dryhookups, 2 child max8 imum, No Pets, liundewner condominium, $ bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, no pets, all luxuries of a condominium owner. Close to 5 HAFB. $450mo. Call 990 -- ALL David. sn, 1979 Harlay liks raw, low mi. ( Five Points 782- - quiet, Soft AUTOS POR SALE A SUPPLIES 8' Hydro Plane Race Boot, good condition. $425. Includes steering aear and throttle. Mutt Sellll Kimball Artist Piano,773--good condition for Evanston (jAltrj APPEAL Classified Soils -- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 480 9th Edgemont Condominium, carSt. 1 Vs baths, built-in0 or air, port, after 5:30 and weekends. 760 -- CYCLES BOATS A MARINE 78 Starfire, 1 56 Catalina outboard, 90 h.p. Mercury engine with hydraulic lifts. Electronic depth linderiish finder, Many Extras. Used very little, like new. $4,800. See at 4054 Von 6 Suren, Ogden Kenmore only bought and told. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers ond electric or gat Everett Olson 73 dryers. 33B9 and stove furnished. No children or pets. $200. 556 8 23rd St. mmoculate 670 -- Whirlpool er WoshersDryers Apts., all sises $140 to $373. Some with utilities paid. Ogden 7 area. or Clean I bedroom, heat, 7B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 TV. STEREO ? Sweetwater timeshare, lew low balance. Take over 12X65 Mebilo Heme. 2 bed- rooms, new appliances, Fisher wood stave, built-i- n vacuum cleaner, and air conditoner. large kitchen and living room, 920 Clenitied Adi running on Tuoidayi amoulonwlitol. our Midwook Shoffmg Nml on Wodnoidoy.. Uner and Inch. !S por lint. All diiploy ortl etiorgod ot SI. 74 por ml. 460 -- APPLIANCES, MOVING MUST SELLI SIDE LOTS BEAR E East shore subdivision 1 mi. of marina beach, slips, tennis. Low interest or Mutt sell 1981 Titan mobile home 14'x56' 2 bedrooms, $13,500 or make offer. Will moving expenses. negotiate Call Lon or 900 Autos for Rent 910 Heavy Equipment Auto Services Parts & Accessories 940 Vans 950 Trucks 960 4 Wheel Drives 970 Sports Cars 980 Imports 990 All Makes RENTALS 290 -- UNFURNISHED APTS. S DUPLEXES Rental Information Service. Fee NEW HOMES Starting ot $49,800 on lots. Monthly payments starting as low at $42l. Cal! Lynn Glauser Construction FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE MIDWIEK SHOPPING NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES ill Salespeople Centerville 6 year eld, split- entry, nice neiighborhooa, 3 bedroom. 2 car garage $366month. $38,200 balance. 0 $200-$40- & Lots Recreation Property Mobile Homes 290 AND GARDEN 670 Area 200 210 215 220 225 230 240 250 260 Auctions Miscellaneous Furniture & Carpet Appliances, TV, Stereo Shoes & Clothing Musical Instruments Antiques & Coins Building Materials Wanted to Buy 660 Aviation 1 185 190 growing needed dis- CAR, BOAT OR MOTORCYCll at down payment for 3 bedroom brick home In Clearfield, with garage and new roof only $47,300. Move in anytime. 9 Call OwnerAgent East 86 1 Office Rentals MERCHANDISE 82 85 RENTALS Legal Services EMPLOYMENTS 80 Ss Kindermusick, A family can. tered music experience. Classes enrolling for ages 0-For more informaand guarantee. 20 30 40 50 count card. Call 54?2867 "'P' TO BUY A HORSE? Landscaping 0 0 National Association WANT yard and garden tilling 1 or 6 Program with earning opportunity. Americas fastest FIND Yard Care and Sons K are For interview call Phone Tree-Shru- rates. Call Evergreen Tree Service TracCUSTOM tor driven tiller prepares excelfor lent seed bed gardens and lawns large or small. Reasonable, YOUNG TILLING references drilling. Call 776-111- need pruning? Farm Garden Plowing and Tilling MID-WEE- HOUSEWIVES tor ladies who Looking tivitios. ce- ment work, flatwork, and foundation. Sewer lines, septic tanks, and ditch work. Truck work available. Free estimates. 6 OF INTEREST SALES Family licensed Day Care. Hot meals and snacks and ac Custom illina, leveling, Excavating 295-897- 84 -J- OBS Dennis Falk Construction, KIRKMAN CONSTRUCTION custom residential framing con. d tractors. Spec and houses. Wood sidings, wood decks, custom interior finish, remodeling 1and repairs. Free estimates. 1 years experience Del Kearl Resident Managers for Large Apt. complexes, Weber and Davis Co.s. d cou- Bias preferred. No Children. have experience, references and be bondoble. Send Resume to Sox CO Ogden Standard Examiner rides. LET "Excavation" time. Part time of full. Need job? Wont Careerl Work own hours. We train, Call Cathy in earning part time with the fastest growing Co. in the U.S. Commissions Bonuses and over- Remodeling Cement Only Embroidery. $12.50 Investment. No experience necessary. Full or part interested 5 Mike Malan remodeling, 2 Thrift Store now hiring solicitors In Wobor-N- . Davis Co. Must po dependable. Work from 4 e, no Ding Locksmith isrvics charge, plus parts, Call anytime 6210906 woodburning stove, deck, double carport, near schools and shopping 773-8- 1 15 after 6 p.m. OF INTEREST GENERAL Disabled American Veterans Cot a job to do? Call on someone who knows how' All Family room, 80 -J- OBS DIRECTORY Appliance Parti Each Now Massage N. DAVIS COUNTY By 40 -P- ERSONALS 2 90 at 49,900 10 Floor Plant to Choose From LAKELAND SUBDIVISION 2400 N. 1200 W. Layton, Ut. VftVxkl 773-853- 7 Rich 479-643- 2 Ted 825-444- 3, 1095 N. Main Layton, UT. On Better I H9,mes. PHONE 5444207 |