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Show iff KU 6B Lokesido Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 fv Summer Brings Uncrease in injurie 1 , - Review Correspondent ' BOUNTIFUL More than people are treated in the Lakeview Hospital emergency room every month, with sum1,000 wilds, but if he ever had to he said he would apply a loose tourniquet, keep the victim cool and get him to a hospital where he e would be given the heart beating again by heart massage or stimulation. Safe places to be ip a lightning storm are a closed automobile, a house, or low down in a ditch. By CHERYL ARCHIBALD anti-snak- Vacationers suffer from mer bringing more injuries than other times of the year. A class held in the hospital dining ve-no- serum. n J. Ailments poison was caustic, and get him to the hospital. Bring the bottle of the substance taken to the hospital. I have sent many a parent back home to get the container, Mimnaugh said. For eye poisonings it is best to irrigate the eyes with water and get the person to the hospital. How do you know if bumps or nicks are serious? Mimnaugh said that deformities of a limb or severe pain that continues could mean a fracture. A cut is seripus if fatty tissue is showing. It will probably need travelers diarrhea abroad beCutting an X over the bite cause of organisms present in is controversial, and could food and water. Antibiotics cause more harm, he said. room recently offered tips to should be taken along on trips to In the case of a help people care for minor in- foreign countries. One of our Mimnaugh said the first nurses took some on her vaca- - ' thing to do would be to get the juries at home. It was sixth in a series of tion and was passing them out water out of the lungs by jigglto everyone, said Mrs. ing the person or squeezing the monthly Health and Wellness resusconferences at Lakeview. Up Wanner. chest. for discussion were such things Other dangers of summer, citation should then be applied as broken bones, bruises, burns, she explained, are childrens to get the victim breathing stitches. bee stings, and bites. bigwheels she felt they should again. Loss of sensation is also an Wanbe nurse she Cecile lawnmowers banned; Registered Many times, when we get ner, who is emergency room recalled an incident in which a the revived person in the hospit- indicator of serious injury. To tell if a head bump is a charge nurse, said the first man almost lost his toes except al, thats when the problems or something else of question asked of an injured that he was wearing heavy start, he said, "because of the concussion a serious watch for fluid nature, in room leather the emergency shoes; edgers they pulmonary edema, the infecperson from or nose, unears is when he received the most cause eye injuries; and seconleakage tion, and the lack of oxygen to one dilated evenly pupils recent tetanus shot. During dary water sprinkler heads the brain. lethargy, large, one small the recent floods, people came they can cause infectiosn to When a child accidentally confusion, and recurrent in in droves for tetanus shots, open wounds. she said. Usually the last boosDr. Steven Mimnaugh, takes a poisonous substance, nausea. Paramedics are told to aster is given at age 15 and should emergency room physician, ex- call the Poison Control Center, stomach in the sume dilute the that there is a neck injury poison were the be given every 10 years therethat arachnids plained main class of insects which bite. by giving large amounts of milk whenever they respond to an after. said MimThose who worship the sun, Such pests as ticks, spiders, or water to the victim to drink, accident victim, and especially the suntan, were wasps, and scorpions belong in make him vomit unless the naugh. that class. given precautions by Mrs. Wanner to use sunscreen to prevent Ticks, he said, bury their burning, rather than suffering heads in the skin and feed on the later. She said people can be- blood. We get people in the come very sick from sunburn. emergency room who want Burning can cause skin can- ticks removed, but they can do it at home. He recommended cer, so those with fair skin those with less melanin, or dark turning the tick with tweezers should use sunsc- either clockwise or countercpigment reen designated as 13 for sun lockwise to loosen the hold and then pulling the tick out. protection, she said. If the head remains, remove For every 1,000 feet of alit because it causes the infec5 is more there titude, percent Exterior Interior chance of sunburn. On water, tion. Then disinfect the area. It SPRED SPRED the likelihood increases 15 per- would take three or four hours HOUSE SATIN cent, and in snow there is an 85 of feeding from a tick to cause Dries 10 a Our best sunthe of Mountain durable flat chance wall paint. Rocky spotted percent greater finish. burn than usual. We see a lot of fever or Colorado fever that said. he ticks in burns the face and eye winter carry, The black widow spider has a on skiers, said Mrs. Wanner. Save big on quality paint for your home1 And If prevention has failed and bite that is painful, causes musgallon. register to win a 1984 Ford Ranger Pickup. sunburn is imminent, the best cle spasms and, in the very treatment is to drink fluids to young and old, can cause Exterior prevent dehydration. Clean blis- paralysis of the respiratory sysSPRED 1984 FORD RANGER! ters with soap and water and tem and death. GLOSS end July Weve seen- several cases Register between now apply neosporin ointment, being Excellent purcheee necessary. to enter. Winner for trim. careful not to break any blis- where the spiders were in the must be entries total from chosen be basement in a laundry basket, an Boise Cascade Building ters, she advised. Centers. For third degree burns of any Mimnaugh said. The female is 2ND CHANCE with its the which dark Volume buying, truckload savings, kind, those go through all dangerous one, TO WIN! end honest values let us present our s three skin layers, the treatment black color and red Each Boise Cascade will tor and home Best Prices" your repair on the ventril side. is to apply cold compresses, award 4 gallons of remodel needs. Cltdden paint or and The of out brown recluse dirt neosporin, keep spider equivalent price to a lucky winner! large burn areas with a gauze hides and is less aggressive, but One entry per visit. ala has very dangerous bite, HURRY! REGISTER TODAY!. dressing. SALE DATES: For lacerations or cuts, though it is not as painful as the X June through July 3 stitches may be needed if the black widow bite at first. Within cut is over a joint or on the face hours, however, a bite will start to minimize scarring and infec- to pit the skin, scab, radiate We hardly ever see a redness, and become very pain- tions. ful. Then you will know its a head laceration get infected, OWENS CORNING said Mrs. Wanner, because the bite from a recluse. We will cuts usually bleed so much and treat the bite with ice, steroids, The most economical wall covering are usually not as bad as they at antibiotics, or by excising the Tapered edges for easy installation! first appear. Cuts on the head bite, Minnaugh said. CIRCULAR The recluse spider is brown can be treated at home by Protect your home from damaging SAW with a violin shape on its back. scrubbing or soaking. and save! leaks. hD motor. Powerful 2 To treat abrasions where the In a severe reaction, the victim A? top layer of skin is scraped, on will get a high fever', start to TsVJcitCl Class A" die. a shake and could to children, its good idea put eventually Resists curling. 576, The yellow-jackthem in a tub of water to wasp has Repels water. thoroughly clean the skinned the most harmful of all insect CORDLESS area and then treat the wound bites because it can sting reSCREWDRIVER like a burn. We see abrasions a peatedly,' and some people deTime saver! lot from motorcycle accidents, velop severe reactions to the bits. near-drownin- Cardio-pulmonar- y TRUCKLOAD PAINT SALE! 8' FREE! - rm No 16 1963 You will of 18 hour-glas- ' , 16 B UIUD IN GIMAIiERIallS 7V SHEETROCK StqfL FIBERGLASS ROOFING SHINGLES 49b et ' . Mrs. Wanner said. Contusions, or bruises, should be treated with cold packs, and usually can be treated at home. One of the worst things about dog bites is they become infected so easily. For that reason the bitten one would do well to see a doctor for antibiotics. Mrs. Wanner said that stitches are not generally used and if they have to be then they !are stitched loosely. The most important thing is that the wound should be thoroughly cleansed. Lightning strikes about 400 people each year with a third of those accidents being fatal. ,Most of the time the victim is stunned and burned, but the 'heart can also stop beating. Paramedics can usually start 5)00 4' Za Includes poison. For local, normal reactions to any kind of bee sting, Mimnaugh recommended ice, baking powder paste, or Adolphs Meat Tenderizer paste. Some advocate the tenderizer because the enzymes which break down the meat also break down the poisons from the wasp or he said. For hypersensitive reactions, he said to get a doctors treat-- , ment. There are bee sting kits bee, available for hypersensitive people, and Mimnaugh recommended carrying one on outdoor trips. Hives, dizziness, and unconsciousness are signs of a severe reaction to bee stings. Mimnaugh said that he has never had to treat a snake bite in the emergency room or in the Va A must for the handyman! at REDWOOD (o) OO BENDER BOARD RAILROAD TIES 299! Treated for long 1 used! 457. o life The final touch to any landscape project. 4" width. Varying lengths. each. 8' POST MIX Just add water! 1 88 linear foot. 90 ib. bag. OUiTiDXXQRlRROlIEGiTtS REDWOOD DECK PACKAGES CEDAR FENCING Hundreds of hours of fun! Only a few hours to build! All materials are furnished to build this backyard gym. Includes a material list for parts identification and complete lumber and hardware package! months away Stock colors. If&WNI&XG'ARDiE SPEED DRILL GYM career is only a few 2CT x 8' 3s" VARIABLE JUNGLE Your new x Quality picket fencing ... at affordable prices! Easy summer living! 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