Show OF I 1 my nix aiA N kyer KJER at LATEST STYLES OF CLOAKS GORED DRESSES ETC made mado jadoon on short notice notices agent for the sale of mrs curtis carus NEW MODELS lessons given in tiie tao art zt of CUTTING every article of ladles ladle s and childrens clothing clochin to nit fit perfectly P e factly without trying on every jad and FRIDAY from fa 1 1 to 4 r i 0 private instructions reaal alron in to ladles ladies at their own residences if required red led clotting clit Cut tina ilna A ritt bitting Itt liis ione done 0 hau half a bloch sasi sast 0 of union unon academy wh mord word 0 L chy NOTI NOTICE CE NE N E chesnut sorrel HORSE HOUSE stripe down the 0 J nabe face one hind leg white some soine saddie saddle marks branded on left shoulder B B B one red OX 10 years old some white under heliy belly bell heil F and legs white spots on ribs white dofan dot dov n face nace f ce branded brand ed on left horn rn M I 1 v 8 A this 1 I S sto stok stow k must u u sa s1 bo be e claimed 12 ed or they will MI be disposed p Is ed of 09 the 11 law directs dirce t I t i C gom GODFREY R it IP P lundh pr s 17 south th cottonwood WANTED A A FIRST CLASS MILLER miler to attend a i grist amill at ht st charles apply immediately personally e tl or by I 1 letter etter a myar evidence esi esl dence in the tho 46 ar t h ward sal 2 1 DAVID TAYLOR U kee ace coan ED 4 41 AND i D MOWERS I 1 ow V E 2 T J MO 1 f yr WE HAVE HA vel JUST RECEIVED AND f r hilti SELL r MOWERS MUM v x it 00 tila til J 1 E REA nea REAPERS PERS and d MOWERS at eadi each 7 A T I 1 75 PLOWS moline pat Pal pattern tern lern i s r n 1 FOR 10 A H ort ott oraina 1 i eldredge 86 crawson clansa Ci awson bsh lm oho who wants wool wooi carded MV CARDING MACHINES ase ast bead yead ready to card and the building in a condition co ditis to receive wool wooi near the warm warn vr springs va SEE slav sign oter OVER 0 1 2 HE irb n BUILDING ga the wool wooi must be washed and picked clean nna nha lid iid thero there should be one pound of clean grease to every eight pounds of wool wooi the wool wooi to b be greased at ohe the machine vessels in which grease js as brought must jaust bo be taken away by the owners that they bo not lost aft YOUNG al i I 1 SALT 1 1 1 PINE FINE dolled dairy DAIRY AND TABLE SALT SILT nay AAY V ky BE HAD llad IN ANY QUANTITY iso aso pu t up lu ln any gize size sacks sachs on the shortest notice by xi T I 1 ath WARD yand 0 S 4 CITY alyf I 1 1 r 1 FASHIONS F A S HION S t 1 0 11 mrs al its the C mathematical 31 U ig R T ie I 1 S leai teal r ia antor system of of cutting continues to give lessons in theart the art of cutting cuttin ey every article of ladles ladies and childrens cilli fr en s clothing lt bing hIng aar any person can learn in a few hours to cut any th thing ng including the gored dress and bacq basquine nine to fit perfectly just think lu in a few hours the perfect art of cutting coats pantaloons ous and N ests can enn be learned mrs coles godes horae warly marly m arty arly orpo oryo site aird bird dhoot school house roust miss liss MAGGIE AGG CU CURTIS ittis having thoroughly learned her mothers celebrated system of cut ting every article of clothing wiil will give lessons in ghe hie art at her home every saturday arter after noon she will also instruct ladles ladies at their residences if f ered sai wag amt eror FOUR SALE P cases mena mens and aud boys boyst boots I 1 mcgrorty ties gy commission merchants cit city utah F FOR fob olt SALE lbs fine leaf lard laid 40 ib cans in lots of 1000 lbs ibs at 40 ets would close the invy invoice at 35 acts ler fer henry HENKY 3 ct utah eoll FOE SALE BALE loo lod boxes boies pate pale soap 2 20 0 ib to W m ib ll 11 bo 13 oxe x ea 1 ahry ahny commis slon sion ts G L utah F FOR OR sabe SALE 1 boxes gafasi assAil grassall Gr all ali sizes I 1 r mcgrorty HENRY IY commission merchants city mab mah FOR fob F OR SALE r cases hats and ana caps chear CHEAP 1 mcgrorty ORTT 4 HENRY HEN ren RY comm commission assion merchants SL city art utah 1 I FOR SALE the Largest Assortment of ladles ladies alne fine shoes ever offered to a discriminating I 1 mcgrorty HENRY i VO R kle loo boxes tobacco mcgrorty HENRY commission merchants cit city utah mah FOR SAL SALE 1 A complete line of staple goods viz riz viz bed bickings Tic Vic kings nie hie it dry denims prints bleached and unbleached muslin stripes and Cotto nades in lots to suit euit purchasers mcgrorty henny HENRY commission Commis alon aion merchants city mali utah FOR FOB SALE A barge large and well selected assortment of merchandise AT RETAIL and at prices which on inspection purchasers will find to their interest to make their purchases of mcgrorty HENRY y aw 3 G a Z L my city ulah blah FOR fob saley CHEAP I 1 11 C k F FIRST PATENT REAPER MO AND r MOWER J 3 I 1 j LYTH SK t t i NOTICE E 11 1 imo 01 OI WW P I 1 ta A r s 3 icv uru 0 f tim tie fl Ma achin chiae or pres fies 13 domig at qt gite glie tiie lite of city crecli kans Kany Is in good running onder order parties wanting lumber pla FLA PLANED N E D can be accommodated on the shortest notice wig tf WM JON jow jolles IS W wo 0 riling bew el er this method to his numerous JL L patrons that ho he has REMOVED from the old stand stana one door below eldred eldredge caud tind eray elaw sons to first south st opposite theatre hiob GOOD G GS TO ALL ALI PEOPLE I 1 AUCTION SALES siles 1 of y STAPLE DRY GOODS 1 Y 7 hootse noot HOOT Sd s NO ac C i i wf wishing hing to cloe out the pro pre nt tf goods at A TX 2 tl C am M C ase ame las e obrn of 0 F 04 oi d temple erects i I 1 Tot wot nake artoni foont for a stool stocia STO CIt cig pow now on tile the llie ivay way from tho the states M eaic vve will nt at AUCTION everyne ei ery TD D and SATURDAY of each week com on SATURDAY AUGUST ath az private sales craty ota oen y pay dan ff alt all ands on hand band at LOW exir gie gle lin uin ai lal lai 1 1 DIXSON DURANT t A a d B H ilo llo ta fen bli ull a i 1 fi f i i i 0 m ll 03 L r 11 l a i 0 tr o ri h 0 s 0 to g 0 M g M ny 2 CO W g g gsg tsi 4 ua rz 0 cees eris Z M t Cs 0 6 CC P q ia IU 14 achs sli lag S M 4 sa rr i S S z sa va L pi C hns nhe R afi r 1 E aa H at t N s s 0 ta ga 4 01 jabr W qa 4 fa 2 lis lik 0 q N N 0 rall q 0 4 0 am U 1 S f tj t tsi asi j cog COP y 9 s 3 hsk v ca hsi 0 n P cef Z C ag 0 agg alg E y w 5 tf 14 5 3 H H oha ehg vii pil y vil pa TS t ti y J w S c t to lo CO epi ezi 1 r I TI 1 aiji iv i dyg ivy lucaj v asli C a 3 0 nar N aa 1 t i it j r ov sr 4 coine come on motil your fireck giten 1 i backs hacks and fuet flet et a dir Bir bargain dargain gaffiN I 1 A F FARM parm A ap A I 1 P dob dor ott S SALE A L F I 1 A FARM containing about acres efland A about 50 acres being under anlu atlon the balance good hay and past pasture uro land under god fence with 2 good dwelling h houses ouse and anda a trading ng store with stabling etc erected ther thereon n together ether with one half interest in a good elou flou floering flouring ning ring ng mill with 2 run of stones with a never falling 9 supply of water said dwelling houses store and floering flouring flou ring mill are erected on said gaid on the town alte bite site of tho the CO IT 11 scat cat oi 01 in the tho territory of U utah 1 11 greater greaten aro are seldom heid held out far fr purchasing yur purchasing chasing property than are in 11 the pi ent ont instance esthe 03 the sa whole or apportion n f aid ald I 1 property will be sold a bargain at private prax ate sale terms nilde by applying to ile lle tuo tho on ou the premises prat or nig aid aa 8 fi city I 1 tg 0 G ard fr fresh T fe ays tys 3 r M yita fita i i ps H MISSOURI nyna THIS SNOOK STAPLE DRY mestie domestic Do domestico domestics ups delagnes De laines 1 f ut U fr at Y IN 1 denims 44 checkum Check ni sM seon y hickory airi 83 ro atia 9 ri iles p i dmn P ants is iny bihy ihy 0 FANCY i BONNETS FLOWERs 1 HATS buches RUCHES erbyl R teather FEATHER FEAT herk HERg L r i a clr i PARASOLS erb RrB BONS P W WOOLEN wooler 0 0 UE A GOODS general C wi e nal ral as of S wiimer nilmer ti baa yaa i woolens j at twin Lt SUITS eme ete 0 1 1 mobs i ij t 11 ll T tu iff lot imf 1 5 sho 1 TJ aj 1 wl i rf miau i I 1 ac d if j 1 all ail will fo ue sold LOW for 0 A A eilts ti I 1 ins rne i 4 1 I 1 houra aw so i s tl |