Show sem eem juab co august aukust ith ism rsm EDITOR editon lr NEWS i 1 dean dear alln T here there was eter ever eveny every y 6 prospect of raising thi this s season the largest amount of braill ever raised raided ra ea in tills this county until yesterday when we we b visited by one of the severest storms ever before known in this region about I 1 pm p m of yesterday tho the wind began to blow briskly from the south and in a short time immense clouds of dust came rolling ato alo along niong causing for a short time almost total darkness ess and trie rain began to fall in torrents the great of damage done to our crops props can amat prese arese present nabo bo runy fully realized reail zed or esti mated wheat lent neat and oi oat ait lit gare sare are beaten benten to the thee ground which will cause much more wore gabor labor li order to secure the tho crops Th erets ereIs every reason to believe cl that lato late wheat of which there Is coni cone considerable 0 will bo be much injured tired by tho the rust which has already made its appearance the tho storm has also done much damage to the crops at chicken creek and clover creel creek settlements since my last I 1 am sorry to have to report that a little bw bry of about ten years or of age the son of one of the battalion boys our late worthy brother james jame 3 C sly had llad his arm much injured by falling from a mule the injury done was so great that amputation became necessary which was performed by dr leof leot ville the little fellow Is doing well but bouins mourns over the tho loss of ill lit luls ills arm tile the settlement at clover creek is I 1 being built it no under the tho management of elder inder edward gaward hayand kay and I 1 ani am pleased to report that the in habitants of that place have built a large and ana substantial school hause house ze which is so far finish ninish cd ed as to be of use j ve very ry respectfully SAMUEL sanuel SPANISH FOUK august 8 isor editor editon NEWS in the report of pres B D youngs trig trip to utah county there are some mistakes which valc j in justice to the spanish fork choir should be corrected for they were amanthe among the sweet singers thou though h not mentioned in the report at spring ville saturday morning july 28 8 after bishop raleigh opened the meeting by prayer the spanish fork choir sung noly holy lord afternoon meeting lifter yifter pres ilc lic H C kimball 1 addressed the meeting in his usual happy way the spanish fork choir sung sun not the provo choir sunday morning july 29 10 after elder W woodruff opened by prayer the spanish fork choir sung the Water floods 11 a nine fine piece ot oi music composed by professor herring afternoon meeting called to order b by george Q cannon the spanish F fork ork choik choir sung not the payson choir hoping you will do the spanish fork choir the courtesy to publish these corrections in tho I 1 remain remal u yours respectfully C MOK we nile are arc indebted to br D W rogers 0 gers of provo forthe for the following extracts from a letter written to him hirn by b his Is grandson G Sang lovann 0 at niel biel june juno J lin 0 31 1 1 TA I 1 can truly frilly say ay that the tile lord lora me I 1 and given me more influence over the tho inhabitants of jhb the earth than I 1 ever expected to have beca because useI usel I never knew how bow to appreciate my religion ll 11 iob lob ion until J was sent forth to preach it during the last month my health has failed and I 1 do not think that this climate wiil will agree with me but with falth faith in him that roles rules all nil I 1 hope to bo 0 ablo able to accomplish tho the work I 1 have been sent to perform I 1 hav have ejust just returned from a visit to canton zurich where br J S horne home is laboring religious it ious tons sects are without number in that part amio while I 1 was there br home horne spore spoke with several of them on the principles of life and salvation but we found all of them a great deal out of the vayas way as regards such sueh things there are a great many methodists there who are the worst enemies we have in these parts one reason we have so many enemies is that tb there ere are some black sheep in ili tile chenock fiock flock at b home ome who wiio are not satisfied with their shepherd and and ana the pasturage they are aro on EO so they once in a while to gratify their dissatisfied feelings feelings write some very mean letters over to this country which are calculated to give us trouble those who at fled flod vcr ver very veny v seldom write BO that almost fhe the e only omy news received here from those who havo hove emigrated is from the black sheep if the saints from europe E drope would take the trouble to write occasionally to their friends in these parts it would help the cause a great deal whilo while I 1 am here I 1 want vant to do all the good I 1 can for the advancement of the gospel in ia this land I 1 am very tired of as I 1 am now shudyin studying tile the third the german which I 1 find and to bo be a lil ill hard rd t task a s IC I 1 have so far acquired a knowledge of it that I 1 have spoken in in it t several times in public of course not very well combined combine but in such a way that they say pay they can understand me 0 one no can well see here as well as at home the fai fal fulfillment fIlI ment of prophecies 11 rumors of farsoon war soon to be followed by wars froin from the nil ril lenial tay star tar july I 1 LJ 1 i CHANGES AND rn TS elder eider A K thurber Is released from tho the pre of the london conference and cd ed to tho the presidency of tho the sheffield dietr district ati elder C IV penrose li 13 released from tho the presidency 91 of the essex conference and appoint appointed ea to the presidency of the london hondon conference elder joseph 0 brown crown is released from rom tile the presidency of tho the lands end conference and appo appointed to the presidency of the 0 preston Presto neon conference elder E T williams is released from the presidency of tilo the southampton conference co forence ference abd and appointed to the presidency ol 01 the U essex sex Con conference ferenc E iders elders john D and william au ivyn are appointed to labor lu evales under tho the direction efelder abel evans district Pret prea president ident elmerjohn elder Elde rJohn john appointed to the presidency of the edinburgh conference elder marlus ensign is appointed tp tho the presidency of the southampton Conf conference ermice elder gcorge george hunter is appointed to the presidency of the tho warwickshire Warwick shire conference elder henry F smith is appointed to labor in ID the nit Bit birmingham mIngham district under tho tha direction of elder abram hatch elder edward petty it Is appointed to labor in the tile bristol conference under the direction of E eider elder ider lder IV A mcmaster elder john depaco E race pace is appointed to labor in the sheffield district under tho the direction of or elder A K thurber elders william milliant Willi ani ant S graut grant and edward A k roble noble are appointed to labor in the tha london Londo lff iff 1 district under the direction of elder N 11 felt eider elder nellit 1 fawcett is appold appointed ted tea to labor in the Bedford shire Conference under the direction of elder william S warren 0 elder edgar Dalrym dalrymple dairymple glo bio is appointed to ibor libor in tile the southampton 1 district tract under tho the direct ion ton of efelder E ader A N hill jun juu president of the church chris chrit of latter day saints in the lt lr fi mi isles ansi anil adjacent countr countries le BY r itom lyom president crogham j ln dated juno june leth ith we learn icam of lils his safe arrival A a copenhagen elder eider met him sr pr hamburg on oil the from Tiam hamburg burm burz th y went to kocsor by by steamer and then thence cey by rat rai to copenhagen they had thu far a pleasant plea piea vint trip tho the weather having been I 1 favorable avo rable rabie ile he s ays saya that john W and bo be addressed the saints in tl the le copenhagen branch which numb numbers rr about he peaks hl highly bly of the danish saints and favorably of thod anish people generally on 1 l 0 o following saturday jhc thc they y expect to take takee iner luer I tor nor for or pene peno pene axll alli and safiti 96 wt H thim thi m sait isaar jan 7 |