Show scandinavian MISSION v Copenhagen I 1 June 26 23 iio igo lyca president brigham young jun dear brother I 1 feel happy liap jn hav hav inythe ing the privilege of sending you the half yearly statistical and win Tin financial ancial report of the scandinavian mis mission slon sion the fruits of the labors of the elders I 1 have been baptisms of w which bich for denmark for awed sweden on and 89 for norway and the prospects for future additions addition sare are still bright and I 1 trust we shall soon fill the decrease caused by this seasons emigration I 1 feel thankful in my heart heartt to the lord for hi his merey mercy merc yand aud and goodness in protecting his servants V otheir their laudis throughout the mission Tiffi bli and aud d I 1 can cai calisay isay isas say with propriety that the elders and the saints have done their best to promote the cause of truth r A t th the e aka saints int s are longing to emigrate and I 1 have no doubt they will do al all ail they possibly can ean to release themselves from the shackles of babylon and judging il ing from their efforts this year yearl I 1 chink chink a goodly number will emigrate next season casoni if the lord nord sees fit to keep the way open for the deliverance of his people which I 1 hope and pray for my heart rejoices in fil the labors 0 of k spreading ther the gospel and gathering israel and my determination is by the assistance of the lord to continue f withful fouti foUtt ful fal I ind navo do mybert to promote his gaus saus band vo the eiders elders and saints join me inn in love iove and respects to yourself and br brother Q 0 gei tei anut att and all associated sith with united lra pray er ir is thai that the lord may bless you in your high and holy callju calling lam zam tas 9 ever your youn bro ther in the gospel of peace mit mil star C |