Show WHOSE BUSINESS JS IS IT being in an inquiring mood we feel like ilke asking a few questions and making some remarks in connection with them in view of the tolerably widespread wide spread feeling that has been worked up tip against us as a community we necessarily haye somo some reflections in common with all who are interested in this matter it is alle aile alleged 0 ed that we dimmer diner very much from the rest of the world in our views opinions and faith if this is a crime erime we have yet to learn how howit it becomes one if we ire do differ from the rest of mankind in those matters whose fault is it lt not ours for if they will only think as we do and believe as we do there will be no difference whatever so far as that extends true the majority is with them but have not the minority a perfect right 0 to hold views that are not accepted by the major majority ityl it is not the first time in the world that the tile minority minora have been in the right a and the majority in the wrong lu iii fact it is the rule and not the exception for aitto be so when the savior was fulfilling his mission on the earth oarth and after his death himself and vind followers were very much in tho the m minority ino rity and they entertained opinions and held a fal fai faith t h very different to the rest of mankind for which tho the enlightened politicians statesmen and priests ot 0 their times persecuted udea them thain it u chic ou it 16 ilaa lua been in almost every age e before and since ince yet truth or its r representatives struggle gleon on against superior numbers nun nuu ibers confident that mat a time will com come ewhen when those who believe belleve it will be la largely reely 1 in the majority majo kits Kity but cut ve we ask whose business is it if we do diner from others or or if othe others i rs differ from Us in thought opinion and faith falth so iong long lon ion as we do not in a single iota seek infringe i upon the rights of any created being we would like ilke bome intelligent 0 mind to step into the vanguard of opposition with a correct appreciation of alip fask task undertaken and t enlighten us on this tilis point we confess to being obtuse enough not to see it at present we think we have a perfect righetto night right to think to think n as we wo P please tease lease and to render our attikons consonant with those thou thoughts gilts wilts so tso ion lon longas ionas as they are atre within the limits of our oun inalienable and constitutional rights 9 again it is well known that we vp arc are remarkably united in this community and that we li have ho sort soft of bf relish religh for the contentions J earrings jar rings and aud bitter bitten ani masities mosi ties so common jn what is with unconscious is eibi elbi u s irony called the civilized I 1 world does this milty hurt wirt an anybody hotly that they should feel so annoyed a about out it if wo we choose to think thinh alike and act in concert on matters pertaining to individual or the public good whose business is that why should people get excited over it and work rhems themselves elves into a frenzy because we will not be so disunited and as socially miserable as they are themselves are they afraid we nye will viii hurt them w 0 that we will try to do so they need not be our object is to do good goody 1 and not evil our union has ever been used for beneficial purposes purpose to the public interest and of mankind witness the 1 sending krendl 16 4 of a vast number of yearns fearns 4 to tire tiie frontiers the tho p present rose n t and q p s e sl LS i fi rr tt ti f c i tir url arl ise tse of helping the poor to this territory where they can find opportunities for be bettering their condition in life ilfe such aa as would never have bee been n within their reach if iphis this help had not been amford afford afforded ed them please do not worry nor fret about our unity but try to imitate it then you will be BO so busy in seeking after permanent bles bies blessings singe yours Sours yourselves elyes and so be happy in their enjoyment enjoy joy ment that you will have neither time nor inclination to envy us the possession of ours again a great deal is said about tho the one man power existing in utah please tell us the name of the man in public life who would not seek to possess the influence which our leaders enjoy among this people if he could get it who is he and where does docs he live men seek for power and influence but they are not willing to abide the conditions by which they areto are to be obtained ho he who would gain true power pure and lasting must live in the hearts of the people that is where the influence of our leaders has its basis through years of trial experience suffering and prosperity we have proved their goodness and wisdom and have found that they have been fathers to the tha people and nd hence their influence if you who rail rall about it while you desire it would obtain such influence pursue a a similar course and the hearts of all good men and women will turn to you as surely as the needle does to the tho pole if we love those men whose business is that must our affections and feelings be controlled if twice a year in mass me meeting eting assembled we voluntarily sustain them ili in their positions by unanimous vote whose business is that iia ila have e we not the right to say who shall take the lead in oure our ecclesiastical celest as affairs and should we not have the right to say who ought to govern asit uso it is the majority throughout this nation that says who shall hold the reins of power and government in the republic and our leaders hold their fao dao 7 1 ty r hlo ilo ah A yron fron eoles vales of tho ilio whole wl iole role does this interfere with rights or privileges leges who is wronged by our eo so doing when you who talk tall of the one man power in utah refer to it be honest if you can dan and say that the people sustain their leaders and do so because they know their worth and because they wish to have good men hold such positions tiong of responsibility amon among them tham these are a few bdour of our though thought ti and aud questions which may may the present 0 |