Show TIT myr r i tw MAff TA A R ft WM P odb teb k 0 9 10 41 0 1 0 0 AITI alik P aist z X t t r ARE ane EE b nov now prepared to receive subscription A aud deposits on stock kytt uni 17 I 1 T 1 fio flotie Flo tir ete etc on commission dri drs h t s i t t AND FLOUR PURCHASED engage FREIGHT W TH E i i i t 1 1 r I 1 tapply app I 1 y a at our our i balice office t at a alason clason tl ason I 1 I 1 I 1 A 4 0 agront aff L PACIFIC AND COLORADO liml STEAM ilia AVIA 11 lil hil an 6 a aniie HE PACIFIC puna fund COLORADO STEAM COMPANY have established A A REGULAR DESPATCH ME LIKE OF VESSELS FROM wrom SAN FRANCISCO to tue the MOUTH of th COLORADO ool COL ORADO RIVER connecting with the companas Comp anys steamers ania imia ffield gildea CM FOU batje VIE 3 AND ALL intermediate LANDINGS ON THE RIVER the AND ste STEAM kni UNI navigation lave the tho im sure sute to announce to the people peonie of f utah tha that e they have prepared refaced and their steamers ESMERALDA NINA anina TILDEN expressly for running THROUGH to E and anu are now lendy rendy to receive freight und land give THROUGH BILLS LAD ING from SA SAN han X FRANCISCO g the thi delt dell c shipments at CALL th dispatch and no detention on the river 1 for further parti particulars ulars ind and information ad adr dress K C A adent agent ten t P AC C h ST i colv par y sw liset bad ban an geo seo 0 JL laal iaal jil III di I 1 I 1 VI rs EXPRESS COMPANY COMPARY 1 7 A k r j carrying tha jhc great reat through 0 mail amail between the Atlantic Athin tic f ir t E 11 a and ild lid deific rt states t a AtY ts amt 41 or COA eoa abases C the company are now running 0 daily coaches to and from ATCHISON KANSAS OMAHA and NE NEBRASKA BRASKA CITIES NEBRASK TERRITORY R ITO 3 Y via DENVER CITY COLORADO TERRITORY connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with their t trl tri r weekly line of coaches fon for VIRGINIA and biele HELENA MONTANA BO ilo ISE CITY IDAHO WALLA WALLA washington TERRITORY and DALLES PORTLAND and OREGON at DENVER CITY CITY C COLORADO cann connecting ecail 9 with their double daily line of coaches for CENTRAL CITY BLACK HAWK and EMPIRE olty passengers for NEW A MEXICO I 1 I 1 ik ido a and n d aiso also connect at DENVER with a tri weekly line of coaches for FORT UN UNION 2 TAOS SANT SANTA FE and other principal points in those territories territories s pa passengers engers for NEVADA and california connect at SALT LAKE CITY with daily coaches of the overland mail company eor for AUSTIN REESE RIVER VIRGINIA CITY NEVADA HUMBOLDT sacramento menio MENTO and AN HAN r FRANCISCO CO calah OR sla NIA N I 1 A 1 yi ifil till LN company have purchased iia ila lid ri a consoli dated the entire property of the overland overland sta stage lsne line and overland despatch cen can com P ny all ali tile the lines att gsg riven river r f 40 havo hava largely increased their artl and coaches on every part of the irline and nave reduced deduced their rates ot 0 fare five per cent I 1 r h I 1 V k ST e WW 39 S 7 f between atchison Atch lson or omaha and san francisco cal cai 16 dayny atchison Atch lson or omaha ao ani J J ly T I 1 virginia city montanan Montana tanaM Mon 14 atchason Atch lson or omaha and city igl atchison atchason Atch lson or omaha and i salt sait 1 I loo loc r between Atch atchison lson ison or omaha a nd and denver denven 5 0 A A between salt bait lake city and denyer denver r a ri Between salt lake pity and aud a v Ct chyi yi fy between salt tadd ciby abdi and geaw geal boise city 3 A anti I t t f 11 rt 11 1 I carried carrle on mail mall time in charge char charge chai ge of trustworthy worthy and ana competent messenger sid lda ida ail all of tad above named points for further apply to tile the office of f the company East Tempe street s AVID ayn STREET gentral general agent agert BE bee BEX I 1 A 1 ST BO |