Show REMARKS R eni A R K S by president resident brigham yo angin sunday julg july am I 5 REPORTED BYG D WATT wate brother ezra T benson be ansons remar remark referring to our present difficulties with the indians add arid prospects of future difficulties should be well considered by this people As we have here an assemblage of the people from other settlements I 1 wish to impress them with the necessity of treating the indians with kindness and to refrain from harboring that revengeful vindictive feeling that many indulge in I 1 aili alli am convinced that as long as we harbor barbor in us such feelings towards them so long iong they will be our enemies and the lord wiUs vill udder ufler them thern to afflict us I 1 certainly believe that the affliction which has come upon us from the indians is a consequence of the wickedness which dwells inthe in the hearts hears of some of our brethren if theElder israel had always treated the laman ites res as they should I 1 do not believe that we should have had any difficulty with them at all this AS s my firm conviction vic tion and my conclusion according to t the he light th that it is in me I 1 believe that t the he llord lord permits hermits them tilen to chasten us at ht the he t present time to convince convincers us that we h have ave to overcome the vin vindictive diet I 1 ve feelings in s which we have harbored towards ehg that at poor downtrodden down trodden branch of the 1 I ottra of isrnel israel J 1 spoke a harsh word nere here yesterday with regard to a man who professes to be a latt r day saint vio who has lids been guilty of killing an innocent indian I 1 say today to day mathe that he is just as much a murderer through killing that indian I 1 as ashe he would have been had he be shot down a white man to slay an innocent person is is murder according acco iding to the t h law of moses loses 1 not that we believe bellev t that h at the law of moses should in all its ts b earing bearings gs be observed by us but we elleve believe that it has been beell fulfilled fulfilled in a great measure with regard to tho the law of sacrifice tile the lord said to noah before the law was given ven von to moses whoso choso eddeth sh i mans ants blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of god made he man 11 those who shed the blood of the innocent at the present day will have to pay the penalty her here hereof eor or come short of receiving te the glory and the me peace which they anticipate receiving hereafter this may appear very hard aud and unreasonable to td some brother drother benson ex expressed p himself as though some of the brethren felt like wiping out the Lama in ill these regions gions root and branch the evil pas siong that arise idour hearts would prompt us to do this baufve but we must bring I 1 them into subjection to the law of christ chilst chiist Lam tarn told by bishop aaron johnison Joh unson rison that the indians who formerly lived in this district in iri provo on and round about spanish fork have sent word that they wish to return to these settlements and live as they form erly did were they to come back again without the minds of the people being prepared probably some rome ome of the indians might blicht get S killed I 1 wish the people to take tako care of themselves to not expose themselves ves vea to the tha ignorant Lama nama without being prepared to defer defend defez fd themselves when they come to live in your vicinity again let them comein pe peace aee ace and that they in may come lii lil 1 peace and safety and live with us as heretofore itis necessary that all ah feel ings of vengeance should be banis banished lieI from our hearts do we wish to do right you answer yes then let the Lama come back to their homes where they were born and brought up lip this is theland the land that they and their fathers have walked over and called their own and they have just as good a rg right it to call eail il H theirs tod to d dayas 8 any agy people co have h ave aie to call cal any land an their tl air own op wn they V have buried their fathers and molher ayd aid nd mildrea children here this als is freir home rind find we have of it and occupy the land where rethe they used lif e to hunt the rabbit and not nota a great wh while 0 since the bumm buff alband the antelope were ih these valleys in large herds when we first came here when we came here they thoy could catch fish in great abundance ilithe Ii in ithe the I 1 ake lake in the season thereof and live upon them pretty much through uie the summer bue now their game ame lias has gone and they are left to starve it is our duty to feed them the lord elord has given us ability to cultivate the ground and reap bountiful harvests weh Web we have avean an abundance offord of food for ourselves and for the stranger r it is our duty to feed these poor ila fer ignorant g orant indians we are lavingon liv ingon their possessions and at their homes hornes tiie the lord has brought us here and it is all right we are not intruders but we are here bythe by the providence of bod hod god we should lowuse now ube use the indians kindly and deal deai with them so kently gently that wo we w will ill win their hearts and ali alt sections to us more strongly than before and the much good that has been done them and the many kindnesses kindness eA that have been shown them will come up before them and they will see that we are their friends we could coull circumscribe their camps and kill every man woman and child of them this is what others have done and if we were to do doit dolt it what better are we than the wicked and the ungodly it is our duty to be better than them in in our administrations of justice and our general conduct toward tha tho Lama it is not our du duty aty to kill them but it is our duty to save their lives and the lives of their chil chii dren we may not be able to foretell fo refell all things that wll wil come to pass in the future but we can tell teli when we deal righteously with one another if the people had taken the tho counsel which has beenu been given with regard to the proper steps to be taken for we the defence of life and property in ments they would have been as secure from the depredations of indians as the people are in the old settlement but nit they would not build for forts ts nor believe belleve it necessary to follow the salutary counsels which have been continually given them they have gone out unprotected with their wives and children to settie in the wilderness exposing exposit their lives and property to the the attacks of the untutored tu thred ungoverned and wild indian by their works shall ye know them acif ifa fled or co condemned their works speak for them wo ye beg of ot them tk to lecure secure themselves when they go into new now places they will not do it until sorrow overtakes overtakes over them and anc ant they are obliged to mourn the loss of a father a husband a wife a bro brother a sister a it iother mother a daughter or a son who has bi en eli killed by the indians shall we do as the Lama do no N 0 I 1 forbid kt t in the name of the lord jesus Cl christ irist I 1 forbid any elder or member in this church slaying an I 1 innocent L Xa manite any more than lie he would slay an innocent white man but treat them as they are in their degraded state when a man undertakes to shoot shoo an ignorant indian except in la defence of life and property he degrades ill lil himself in to the level levei le of the ke redman and the i portion on of that indian shall be his and his generations ene cne rations shall be cut off from the earth we shall have an end of this indian war they are not going to slay us by any means no n they will seethe see the time they would rather defend I 1 than siny slay them the present difficulties will ensin end in the benefit of the latter ratter day saints and arid the exaltation of pf the poor ignorant Lama and the person or persons who supply su W th the Lama with powder I 1 and nd lead ea a hn and ad foster fosten and encourage them in killing the saints will nina fina nind find that their iniquity willburn will turn upon their own heads let the indians 1 and help belp to live by anti and by they them will ivill be tous to ug for mercy and if they repent I 1 abc acc according ord to the revelations given to us we wd are bound to forgive them I 1 would lather rather that a man repent than persist in his MIS wickedness Is 19 there a heart heafy lera today to day that would desire to have a man damned rather than to be caved aved 1 I 1 would rather nil men would serve gerve gool god that heart that would rather have a man inan damned and never ao come me to tho knowledge of the truth is devoid devold atthe spirl Spi tofT tofy revelation ev elation that wishes all men to be saved tile the spirit of him who has hag redeemed us Is erie crie upon ithon all men unto him and be saved jesus christ has redeemed the earth tartlY and andall andali all ali thing belonging to it and all inan jhan kind may receive salvation if they unto him and receive it il if the come iii in here and there is any person who kills any of them take that man and try him by law and iet let iii him bim tn receive the penalty j U athe h e I 1 law a IV jl I 1 I 1 3 bla pla A I 1 11 1 if f rhy shy an V of the Lama iama w cretu rn have bave be been en guilty of murdering our brethren re quest them to keep a little to themselves and not be too free in mixing among the people we do not gish wish bossee to see them and let the thu friendly indians indiana get et a slice of bread and carry it to them if they ge get t over I 1 it so that they repent enough to go 90 and b bring rin in black hawk and his men and delmr dellver deliver them af to HA the law then we they are sincere in their repentance but they are ignorant how is it with the whites let the spirit dfwar of war var be let loose among theElder the elders eiders of israel and they will be come bome as wild as unbroken colts olt on the prairie if this would be the case among this people wha may we expect of others 11 what hat aisy inay we expect i of the degraded and ignorant laman ites let us set an example for all ma mankind to follow in n the tho high road noad to peace love union fellowship and confidence fi restoring to the world that which has been lost to close my few remarks remember that you must not slacken your hands in the least with regard to guarding th ople opie and the stock day and night 15 |