Show I 1 sabbata I 1 ider lder IT D Kl hards alluded to the peace ilace we enjoy not that which the world look upon cs peace who think thinh thoy they enjoy that blessing if they are not in ila d a SA t te of active war no matter how deep tho the feelings of animosity may be that exist among them but a unanimity of sentiment and action such as can be found nowhere no where else olse ese and which Is the result of obedience to the gospel irb lib looked forward to the the blessing enjoyed by the them here wilf will bo bis extended aver thae thee tho iirth earth to the ahe miss mission lorn on which bo he was about i sUir ting tins and expressed ills lils desires ever the lord required him and ameto to do all thy tho cooj in his power P 1 pros pres D wells spoke hir yot his recent IVI visit it to ahe settlements south idea that i me beu had llad gono gont from this martof part of the tho territory to fight tho Lidi liliant indians ans ant the oli object dic lie t of their going being to til assise assist those who are living thero there to protect themselves and place plate themselves in a state of security no llo gave much valuable instruction wilh with regard to traveling in the mountains or places where hostile india indians indiana might probably bo be reprehending reprehend ing the practice of single persons or small parties of two or three traveling in such places especially when not properly armed said lie he looked upon the present indian difficulties as a means indans of learning the people a josson lesson leson joson losson loson on by which ho he trusted thep they would woula profit to abide the counsel given to them presh Pre sil sll C kimball spoke on the principle of unity and its opposite showing that the unity of the gospel leads people to gather together th that a t they h cy may share communion with each and as men and women depart from the truth and the spirit of tho the gospel they ancon rago feelings which lestroy destroy it that desiro desire of being together he ire exhorted tho the saints to increased righteousness afternoon i tr cw id 1 I vc egl ft a va vry ry inter interest est ast ing historical discourse on inci dedia denia and times in nauvoo subsequent to the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and the patriarch hyrum and previous out to the exodus of ahe the saints from pres ayoung followed instructing the SaInts on litigation advising them not to go to law with each other and inculcating the tho principle that the duty of lawyers Is to honestly lion estly expound the law and seek to prevent event litigation showing that as a p people popie gopie or community depart from tw true civilization they e encourage urage contentions letl ll litigation tl and disputes ou wednesday evening the love knot was produced need for the first time here and rully folly neu its claim to bo be recognized as an elegant and capital little comedy abounding in laughable trifles neatly strung together and with a constant succession of little plots that keep the characters and the audience aud and lence on tile the alert the last act was lacking in life and easy grace in some parts and halt hait halted erat eSat at times yet the niece piece was received with continued marks of approbation till fill the close mr nir mckenzie McKenz lc played the marquis whom circumstances had compelled to turn barber miss adams pers personated persona ted ed his wife the supposed miss blim leeson the gallants lord lavender sir croesus and were represented by simmons graham and lindsay while the characters of lady lavender and lady ilai Ilar bottie bottle were sustained by mrs urs bowring and mrs M G CL clawson the action and dialogue in the first two acts were got through in fine style and the would welt well bear repetition ak miss triplets Trl Tri song was loudly encored to which she responded respond responded ea by hinging another a lively little thing which drew much applause shenew uhe the sew new F footman is a farco farce that has fias some splendid comic points mr marceus exerted himself and provoked ca a great great amount of mirth tho the other othen characters were sustained by lindsay graham and teasdale mrs M U 0 clawson and miss alexander the drama orama ot of the flag picker ticker of paris was performed on saturday evening with som some e in the cast from its presentation here last summer gummer sum gum iler iier miss adams sustained the part of marle marie nils mis zina zinn that of claire ciaire and mr teasdale the character of Dau daubanton benton F ather rather jean hoffman and henri were represented b by y mckenzie lindsay aud and simmons in la the same saine effective manner mallner as they rendered them before deaf as a post plays well it attacks tile tiie theli thell lri iri of an audience in tue the most easily provoked part pait by presenting the palpably lu in delerous in la i probable light sappy is a character in ili his way silly self conceited neel ted yet niggardly mean characteristics that aro are sure sum to lose the tiie 11 vry vly day Y who when d opposed aed sed to manliness and g good dod looks in farces mr ur margetts play pla cd tho the part with much humor humon ills katheran tather dalaw lad law ta be but does not so become is another character acter rendered with a good abood deal of crusty comicality by mr teasdale harry templeton for fou fora a walking gentleman has the theol opportunity 11 ort unity of making considerable mirth by his his assumed deafness mr graham played the part with wital quiet and oase case sally maggs ilai ha a tongue ton no th that it loves ta to run and miss Alex aiex alexander alexande aude ande k let it loose the farce made a great amount of laughter tho the performance of the orchestra bet between deett the pieces drew a hearty round of applause from the audience audlene 1 As al N indus thief AH an indian about if ears cars old oid 4 about b on t 5 feet 1 inches high who has been raised among the tho whites speaks good E En tl gusi sUsi absconded from my employ on tho the third dinst and with him was missing a I very toa roan mare mart mark branded braided CV on abi lit if rund and also aiso alsobr a roan 0 1 au horse hord m on tile the at time a rinne rifle ammunition nd a quilt quilts he ile lk Is supposed to haye have one oab bouts gouts north any person knowing iab the whereabouts aalf saif indian whose name Is hind and allf wilf inforno james J steel pine kanyon too ole cle county by letter ietter 0 o will confer a goodnow good dood not him filth but also on the public as a it will wiil in stopping sto I 1 theft heft t X our out worthy and respected delegate delegato arrived tn lp tills this city from washington on sunday night lis ils numerous frends friend will swill be glad to see him and ills his constituents io to learn of his safe rate arrival qan john lis III smith the new Assessor of internal nev rov revenue enlie culle for fo Utah an officer who has seen some hard hara ser vick ic and held highly responsible conallis conall iq ids ads him both were iu in dood good ap pp health we bid them welcome ur T 13 J jq q jaho 1 lit 1 PAO part iva iya way Y etli with iii ill cra era A arrived ly the next baxt on monday destein Di D STEin tr cr court count tho tji Ul strict coun was opened for on monday morning at 10 oclo ocio clr his flonor honor judge titus presiding and adjourned in the afternoon until there being little before it 1 t ah telegrams rt J c e have bored with the following telegrams ir s I 1 13 young swee sweet I 1 A VUrl dge 11 II we C camp nip liere ilore herc here ir tonight to night n agh t toomas THOMAS too TUO mas VAS eries erles ERIKS nebraska alwn tho the I 1 last a s i com company any im reaves leaves ves today to day shie ehle rhnee three 0 hundred all we weil well I 1 s i i thonas THOMAS tayron TAYLOE v 1 i alkali 13 this peace this ulis morning all ali well vt an eit est wp 1 rood condition I 1 1 I hall shall cro cross att not t I grnya ornia ero cro wp i 11 4 1 D norr nort aly AMt we rave tave been handed tho the ool fol I 1 lowing tt telegrams to ures pros B young fort eort r 0 rt casper 9 sly train passes here inis ibis morning all well T ril RICKS cotto cottonwood awood 9 0 dic nic my AIK train passes this place this afternoon tho the eaith health of the camp Is good stock lu in good condition J T D horse shoe 10 16 we pass here today all ail right 8 P D wiil will WHITE RETURNED B hampton esq returned to this city from the east fast on tuesday evening ath insl in good heal health tb he passed capi capt Chip mans train with emigrants on the nit uit at cottonwood all well he ile kiso viso a iso passed capt crofts train with the balance of the much talked goods at big Lar laramie amle on the aa dinst robair broughon ROU GHOn gnon on tuesday one thomas clark dark in e consequence 0 o ne quence of an old quarrel pitched into antos S M butcher near the exchange bulldis building and gave him an ugly face the parties were taken before alderman clinton when the names of several who have located at times in the pent peni tent lary iary were freely used as composing the crowd of which the belligerents were 0 or had been members member clarh claris was tined fined qia 15 for foran an assault SERVED nue RUE RIGHT A N fi member lefaber of the regenerating ora era ting fraternity lately from montana named john jqhn wright went into the house honse of officer llyde hyde on tuesday evening last and insulted bulted his lady being got out with some difficulty t the following day jay mr hydo overhauled him on south street and obliged him with a good application of bisck bisek blaek black snake giving him notice to quit which was nm s quickly acted upon j the scoundrel va mosing north northward hla in a hurry burry iNsOn lainson itu ILu thursday the oth it rained ia ined lights ll lit ly near nearly lyall all ail day with a heavy thunder towards evening evenings on friday the rain erline came down in soaking quantities in tile tiie forenoon athe afternoon was vas brt bit blight lit and sunshiny what t a peculiar season Is the ori orl original inal inai remark til that it everybody exe eve ry body is now I 1 I 1 wo notice a reservoir in curse curie of construction I 1 in front of kimbau lawrences laurences Lawren ces store ito ilo 0 o be prepared against ig ainest are Urel if rono fono oue one should breau break that vicinity this is isa a wise wao arrangement rangen ran gement lent tent and if reservoirs were more plenty with tho proper apparatus for extinguishing fires there would be less cause lor for a spark set almost a moch mock in a bianze blaze corn CorK terr answers to tho the charades charales cha rades in the NEWS have been furni furnished shed shea by mary fi ir 11 paul naul and mary many jane jana and ellza eliza bradfi POST oprice orvice omee is removed today to its old location ono otlo loor ioor ler ier li ivri ai qt JJ irad ela L or store visitation IT was wash h a 1 uce aud and abarge e number of ills band bandara braves bra cs squaws squads and kapoo ses visited tho tile city on thursday with buo robes and anil skips pila plin on a trading expedition they moved around among the lighter skinned citizens howing how bowing bow ing ine g with suavity and aria bowing with the air of a frenchman wasil wasu a hee kee had five chiefs s of lesser note with him they alf alt folt foil good ilc ile lic heap apgood good as they uliey left on ym priday friday afternoon i C J arthur authur w i riles rites I irom from boull cedar city iron CoX co thit hit their enjoyment of tile the uil nit was sadly maimed marred by tho tile scooting snoot ing af of a boy named john heyborne ney Hey borno boroo through gli gif the accidental discharge of a pistol in tb the c hands of another boy hoy oy the sorrowful accident cast a gloom I 1 erthe ov over oyer the place fir tho the boy wu was much beloved at a n injecting meeting holdin held hold in commemoration c of bf the da day the speakers br richard ruchard aldred q and bishop ir ILU ill inu lunt int tnt made some valuable ybia i OIL anthe the Import importance amo ame of acting according n to coun conn sel and being careful in lian iian dbrig fire aru til jil another meeting was kas 1110 in ili the afternoon ellna ad dressed by br 1 I C hal val raight lit considerable lla tia lied liea ili ILL InC Ct eitan rilar during tilo olio ho past season yet the 01 not been mea great prospects fol for harrom barron nah nan nabert ert pit w ate ere ero very excellent at data dat of writing 1 WANTED A Thursday On last NV B 3 finnegan A and B D before alderman aiderman clinton clinion for forgetting getting tip up a quarrel and drawing a over sonio somo some gambling operation in a place where such unlawful doings are ara carried on near enal Eral emigration atton atlon square ill lil honor fined finnegan V 23 25 and 13 cheap that for blowing oafa offa off a littfe extra steam and threatening threat ening ching to liow blaw kuil kuli kull cove CoTe coverings rings off onas well tue THE eader F A Xi bitchell whose i arrival from om a busin business ess trip to tho the ie east bontly noticed informs ns us that I 1 it Is fac expected to have the tho railroad rall roal roat in running order to pl kear wy nek nei tills this month to cottone cottonwood 0 0 d 99 X miles this side this tilis fall and ia J u ln tinie time for next seasons freight and tra travel vel yel thus licy tiley are hurrying on tha the castcel c portion with a rush wh lab the western is also display ing energy intending to reach austin ly ote foe of or next august such suell energy continued will complete tile track for the fron iron horse from tile the missouri to sacra monto mento or from kew new cw york city to san fr franeisco francisco inside of years and that it will net only be continued but we have good reason to expect for congress ilai his very vay wisely enacted wita I 1 DU portion the eastern castern and western shall shail ab all ail own 4 syl zvi eit CIL s laro as it makes aw both are 44 ne I 1 lie lle 11 it qt A as W W i 1 t b morn MORE oe OF tun TUG owr TWENTY ty WO vvo have more cepora of doings on the ti from distant places 1 at washington co cc they enjoyed themselves with a procession followed by a meeting at which W S delivered an oration after which came music songs and ana toasts in the afternoon thero there was dancing interspersed persed with songs everything was harmony and everybody enjoyed the best of feelings during tie tic day silas harris I 1 31 L 1 hancock and milton mllton dailey daliey wore were the committee of arrangements john S harris marshal of tile tiie day and charles A connelly reporter from washington washington cowe co wo have dive live been favored with a pro gramme of proceedings by br R F goold reporter report oron eron on the occasion from which we learn that they had an excellent time there with a procession in the forenoon anda and a meeting immediately after in the bowery where addresses were dell deil delivered vered by chapman duncan dunean henry heury herriman francis boggs bo gs vosley vasley Vc sley adair adain and R F gould gouid interspersed with song songs s toa toasts s is and recitations in the afternoon pros E R snow arrived from st george accompanied by several other brethren the st george brass band and choir the visitors and citizens proceeded to pres pits C B youngs new now factory building in shiely after music and singing was dedica dediea catch by br snow an address by henry miller followed and the tile afternoon and evening were veto vero reto agreeably spent in dancing co committee of arrangements J M W F freeman reeman R F goold I 1 and J IV G W G averett marshal at st george they had had haa a celebration and procession with kith richard bentley as Ma marshal marshai ershal Irshal and A 21 cannon cannom and J D L dearco assist assistants a ants i elli bracing embracing dignitaries music pioneers 11 il mormon battalion boys young men mon ana and young women boys toys |