Show i F rom tue the A ita ila il iry tny wy MARRIAGE 01 r JOHNNY BEEDLE 0 OB r jia i U i 1 FAVORITE 11 edd I 1 well johnny beedle needle what has lids in ought you up here right ill iu tile tho winds eye 0 this morning why caan preot an idee wee into my head I 1 I 1 no haw you talk yo see the tee upshot of tiie tile matter watter Is is ive a notion of settin up storsand store and gettin abife a wife antl anil ettlin down slown myself as a merchant Who orah john jolin that is two ideas a store and a wife but I 1 want a little of your help heip says 1 I well weli john says he ill iii do the I 1 ile lle 11 haud hand aud and something by ye if you keep better ghods than anybody else and sell cheaper you shall shail have my custom and welcome provided take hay pay payin in sauce and things that fair oh yes caan and 1 wish you success on the other tack no fear of that ill warrant theres lots of silly gals afloat and such a fine taut rigged gentleman a as s you are arc can run down in 6 no time C ob yes tes capan I 1 have run down hannah already my hannah dh 01 yes capan weve agreed za and only want your consent with this tile the old caan riz right up on oil end upset tub and frying pan and a lid iid pointed with a great red ear of of corn in his hand toward the door without saying in a word but his eyes rolled like all aution cr creation this raised my blood and I 1 felt so stuffy that I 1 marched right straight off and never turned my head to the right or left till I 1 was fairly home and housed well now says 1 I my apple eart cart is upset in good earnest and when I 1 went to doctor dingley for comfort lie he says john I 1 wash my hands of this whole affair from beginning to end I 1 must support my c character h I 1 am a settled doctor in the town and the character of a doctor john 1 is too delicate a flower to go gb poking aro ero around und and dabbling in mess mrs dingley 1 I 1 warn you not to meddle nor make in this business let everybody skin shin their own eels hold dold your tongue you fool tool joa you said sald she did you evar ever hear of me burning my fingers however ilg wever there was underhand work carried on some somewhere where and by somebody I 1 dont tell tales out of school I 1 had no hand in it till one day doctor din dingley says he john if you happen to be wanting my horse and shay this afternoon about three go and take it I 1 never refuse to lend you know and ad I 1 hope capt peabody will gain his lawsuit with deacon carpenter that he has gone down to portland to see to but none of my business somebody too I 1 dont say who told me there was a certain squire darling living in a certain town about ten miles oin on t that did business and asked no questions well in this said town just after sundown a young man named joseph morey morcy was w as walking near the meeting house with a sort of cream colored book under his arm and heard something in the woods this side that if it a harry cane hed held give up guessing such a crackling and squaring and rattling ng such a thrashing and grunting aid and snorting you never neer he stopped and looked back and hannah and anu I 1 soon came to light there was an old white faced horse come scrambling along out of the woods reeking and foal foar foaming iain with an old wooden top shay at his tail tali tail tall and a chap about my size flourishing a small bean pole retty pretty well up aun ann at the end and says I 1 mister can ye tell we rae where one squire darling lives ives I 1 darling says lie he theres two of that name his name is john says I 1 faith says lie he they are arc both loth both johns too but lono one ono is a lawer and a booger cooper C oh t lien then it must be the lawyer I 1 want with this the young man gave a squint at lt hannah and a wink at me rne and says he come along I 1 am going right there now and ill show ye yo tue the squire and fix thin things eya for yc ye we well weil 11 lie he carri carrl carried us into a small one story house a little further on full of books and papers and lust dust and smelling strong of old tobacco smoke c here we sat down doali while he went about about our business we waited halted and waited till tur long after affer after dark ard aad were glad enough to see seo liim him come bak at last w with 1 ith a candle the tiie squire is very siek sick sayche says he lut I 1 I 1 have over persuaded him the next moment the squire came grunting along in all muffled tip up in a r great ireat coaty and spectacles on and AM a great tall ball woman wa with ith him to the bride Well weli he vve ive went litto ritto to work and married us and followed up with a right down sensible sermon about multiplying and increasing on the earth andi andr and r ecter icier never felt so solemn and se serious rious rions then followed kissing the bride all round then the certificates and anil then I 1 gave two silver dollars and wo we got into the shay again and drove off after this nothing happened to speak on oil for about a month everything was kept snug and captain peabody had bad no suspicions but ono one morning at break of day as I 1 was wa creeping softly down captain a I 1 ll 11 abodes odys back stairs with my 6 shoes hoes in my illy band as usual I 1 trod into a tub of water which was standing on the third ste step froni the bottom and down I 1 came slam bang the captain was going to kill his hogs and had got up betimes put his water to heat and was whetting his butcher knife in the kitchen hitchen I 1 the first thing I 1 saw when I 1 looked up there stood captain peabody with a great butcher knife in his hand looking ing down upon me like thu thunder I 1 want w nit to know 1 now if I 1 feel streaked ile he clinched me by the colla collar r and stood me up and then raised his knife over me as high as he could reach I 1 thought my last minute had come blood would have ii ve been shed as sure aure as rats if it been for formaa mrs Mra peabody Pc she slie stepped stopped tip up behind and laid hold of his arm and says she v itis its no matter they thes yare sare y are married I 1 I 1 married to that puppy roared the I 1 captain I 1 yes sir says 1 I ani and heres the certificate and I 1 pulled it out of my jacket pocket and gave it to him but I 1 s stay tay for any more ceremony as soon as I 1 felt his grip rip loosen a little I 1 slid off like an eel and backed out doors doors and made brachs tracks home about as fast as I 1 could leg it but there was to be no peace for mo me this day I 1 was in constant worry and stew all the forenoon for fear tile the captain would do som something ething rash and I 1 could neither sit nor stand still eat drink or think about the middle of the afternoon doctor dingley came bouncing in out of breath and say says s he john you have been cheated and bamboozled bamboozler Your marriage aingworth aint worth that it was all a contrivance of jack darling the lawyer and his two imps joe morey and peter scamp this was all alf he could say till he had w wiped wired ed his ill lil face and taken a swig sig of men mer clater to re recover scover iris his wind win d and h he then gave me the particulars when captain peabody had read m my certificate he could not rest test but tackled up tip and drove right down to let off his fury upon his old friend squire darling the moment he ho got sight of the squire he turned to and called him all thoo loud names he could lay jay his tongue to for half an hour the captain downed the certificate and says he theres black and white against ye you bloody old sc ulpen the squire knew the handwriting was his nephews as soon as he seed it and the truth was brought to light but as the storm fell in one quarter it rose from vother eother squire darling had smelt tar in his day lind and forgot how to box the compass and as soon as the saddle was on the right hoss boss he set in and gave the captain his own agin and let him have it about nor nor west ri night right ht in his teeth till he was fairly blown brown out they shook hands then and seeing hannah and I 1 had got under tinder weigh together they said we must go the hoyh voyage e and no time be lost in making kili kill all fast fist in the tile lashings w with ith a good g 0 03 nine fine square knot before w weather eather so the squire clicked slicked tip up a lit f tle tie got into the shay and came home with the captain to hold the wedding that very night how doctor happened to be in town just at the nick of time I 1 dont j know it was his luck and as soon as he saw which way the wind was he i licked up and cantered home ina lna in a hurry after lie he had got through 0 h with the pari tic ulars says ie he now hir mr beedle beedie its none of my 1 business but if I 1 had such a hitch upon I 1 captain peabody I 1 would hang back like a stone drag till he agreed to back lily my lote bote for two hundred dollars in the f portland bank to buy abdy goods with j enough to set you tip up in a store I 1 thought strong on this ide idee as I 1 was i going over to captain peabodys ys but tile the comenti mo mentI I showed the least lymp i toms such a storm was raised as dg heyer beyer neven never was seen father and aud mother in ln law and squire darling dadlink set u up such a yell all together and poor winnah wannah hannah she sat down and cried my illy heart failed me and I 1 made haste to give in and plead sorry as quick as possible and somehow in a hurry I 1 ae let iet t on that doctor dingley had set me on and so I 1 innocent cause of his get ting inmost most righteous licking he first time tiffie caan peabody caught daught him it settled shore of thirty dollars well squire darling stood and married us about right and there was an end of trouble mother in law would not pact part with hannah and she made father in law give u us s a setting out in north end of the house he could not stomach me very well for awhile but I 1 have managed to get on the blind side sido of him I 1 turned right in to work on 04 his farm as steady and industrious as a cart horse and I 1 kept on pleasing him in one way and another more and more hillh alb elb ad taken sueh such a liking to n me 1 1 p i art with hta me fora r a t cow |