Show 4 special to the deseret desen ca ab JI awn ccora lilt london OR 6 T consola closed at fo for moneys ja 68 1 11 r I 1 since t he the signing of the truce part of the swiss troops which were guarding arding the border have been disbanded the cholera is increasing inc teasing in england the king of prussia has returned to berlin the municipality presented to him congratulatory addresses in reply the king lung expressed his thanes thanks and pointed out that prussia had drawn the sword not only for her independence but for the reorganization of Germa germany fly ely the first said the iong king has been assured the second also aiso with the help of god may be obtained everything promises a happy future for prussia sla sia S as an hono Aono honorable rable rabie and lasting peace is im ini nent t the king in person opened the prussian I 1 Chamb chambe ers drs rs yesterday yet erday the foil foll following qwing dwing is his speech in full v illustrious nubie noble and loyal gentlemen cbeth of baab House the diet now abati I 1 see gee assembled around me the representatives of the country until co my heart impels me to express first of all from this place my own and my ped peddles peoples ples pies thanks for aa edacious cra era ciOus which has assisted neavy heavy griir successful srul sacr iRce and not only in averting amerun from our frontiers the dangers of hostilities ties but bafit enabling the army armyon of the country by victory to add fresh laurels to its inherited fame and to smooth a course tor for the national development of germany accompanied by the visible blessing of j goa goo the part of the nation cap capable able adle of enthusiastically obeyed the summons to ibe the he sacred struggle gle ale for independence aid abd ald fatherland our heroic army supported by a few but falt fait faithful agul allies advanced from success to success from victory to victory in the cast as in n the west westi i much precious blood has been ab shed ed the country co U mourns the loss of many brave meu men who died heroes in the flush of juul bur standard waved along a line extending from the Carpathia ns to the lebine it win be for the government and the representatives of or the people e in jn united operation cooperation co to bring toma durity urt bie ble tile fruit that must be gathered from this sanguinary nar seed and prevent its being scattered in vai vain loyal gentlemen of both houses of tue the diet biet dieh diet my ly goVern government men t is able to look with satisfaction on the financial position of the state careful foresi foresight ht and conscientious economy have havir placed us in a position to ol overcome the great creat financial difficulties which have resulted AS a natural consequence from the circumstances nt t the present time although a calamity was imposed upon tile the treasury during the present cares by the war with denmark Denmar lr it if has been found possible to meet the expenses hitherto incurred in the present war from tiie the state stata revenue and existing balances without imposing any other burthen on the country than that of tarnishing supplies ankina in kind kina for war ivar purposes geb for which it is bound to provide bylaw I 1 hope most assuredly th that at the tile means required for son the successful termination orthe war and the payment of supplies in kind while maintaining main order or derand and security in be Ie readily granted r by jou ou and thenan then an agreement can be e made with ditl the representatives as to tot tiler settlement of the budget which it has not been able to do aurin during the the state outlay incurred during this period I 1 Is therefore destitute of that legal basis which I 1 again acknowledge the basis can alone reach through the law by which means the be lion olon of 1799 ordains that it la Is annually agreed road I 1 upon between moy toy government and tb the two houses of the diet although my rny government has nevertheless carried on the budget for soy bey enal cral nears years without a legal basis this has been done dore aften arten conscientious explanation and wlter the correctness that in accordance with the th diet the conduct of iho administration and the fulfillment of legal obligations to public creditors and the official of the army and wid state establishment were guert queRt questions ions lons vital existence of the state and that the course adopted ado p therefore became one of those inevitable necessities which in the interest of the country a government must not besita hesitate toto teto to adopt 1 trust that the recent events will so far contribute to effect an understanding that an our having carried on the administration a law regula regulating tind the budget application for which will be made will be granted tb to my government that tho th hitherto existing conflicts will be thereby finally and more security ly brought to a conclusion ion lon As it may be expected that the tre political position 0 of f the fatherland will admit of an extension of t the he frontier of tiie tiler state and the establishment ora ofa of a united federal army under the read lead leadership readership ershig or 0 o f prussia 1 r US U S sl the costs of which will be bor cornevin borne nevin vio flo equal proportion by all the members of the con fen nen ion lon the bills required in this respect tr bar convention convent corm corn estfon fon of the representative federal st std at v it L belaik afore lepore before the diet without delay emen you im know ow that our entire fath tho the high importance of the moment brings me roe once more among you lay ProT blence jence bless prussia as graciously acion Melon sly siy in future ashir has visibly blessed the immediate past lax lay yd ghi grant it 4 prussia has positively declined the proposal of russia for a congress g of t the lie powers which sig signed ped the treaty of V vienna I 1 ac ali e coid cold orado rado admiral goldsborou Golds boros 0 EA alp bliff from rom lisbon arrived at dt ply ma u 1 and sailed for cherbourg Cher bourg 1 I I 1 berlin C 6 the first sitting of f the chambers was held heid today apy day the members rose aad anda pahe letb lu li 1 king Z ing and the prussian victo ries rles 7 count 0 u n t stolberg was elected president of the upper house i y 0 4 6 several political ebi edl arrests arreus I 1 have been made mado ma 1 I aby by the military here faday similar a arrests rests have taken place in other hungary t vienna C atis nis uis expected that a 4 definitive treaty treats of ii mice hice peace will soon be signed by the au aus arian r ian lan and prussian aries at prague italy is not included if the oun dun difficulty culty relative the armistice wita jealy is not arranged arrange d within a few d daya I 1 tys hostilities will be florence 6 ithe ruthei uthai italian and austrian generals met metat 0 at comorn coborn in austria to negotiate trance r rande ranee takes no part in tho the pending 0 armistice austria and italy if it can caan be arranged will hold a separate conference fer ence euce which will probably meet at paris 1 1 st petersburg 7 tu 0 y baere is great reat enthus lasam here in reference to ille the visit of the american squadron squad ron fon the russian fleet have gone to to meet it some of the principal russians have subscribed francs to complete the railroad from kozler to acen alen ken the czar has entered into no ar angeliene angeli ent relative to tho the the tho question as yet et I 1 fa tid 1 dresden 7 special peace negotiations are about to be er opened between prussia and saxony bony rew bew ew york 7 ct the prussian government has made a demand upon the english government for the treasure packed tip up and carried thil tho kins king rin kin g of hanover and d de e bo posited sited by him with the banic bank of en eng land asserting that she will seize a and nd retain hanoverian Hano veran domain if not given up the amount of coin eoin is 9 30 W thaders th alers the patric announces that a mexican arpy army of men recruited among 1 the mexicans and officered by euro 1 will take the place of the french army and will main maln talan talau maximilian oh ff the throne 1 1 I statement of the national debth causes considerable comment it appears that the total debt on the of august augu 1 st was from which deduct 39 cash in the ti casary the cash Is divided into coin 61 0 16 and currency OG the debt includes of temporary loan and papers on demand which is the reason mcculloch does not pay the annual interest brown bros and soother wall st firms mainly branches of european houses unite in a published letter to mcculloch urging him to sell the tiie coin not needed to meet the interest oatlie of the pub lie debt the total deaths ili in the tho city last week were of which 23 9 were by cholera chicago 7 returns returns oc 0 the kentucky election yesterday indicate a majority of over for duval for clerk of the court of appeals over gen hobson hobsons duval is supported by pendleton and dig ham hobson by senator guthrie and rosseau ros Kos seau the steamer gen lytle tuff mail boat between cincinnati and burst her lier boilers near adison madison 11 ind yesterday afternoon 2 20 persons were killed and 70 orso or SO badly scalded i new york 8 the meeting in hyde park on the both was called it is alleged by b consent of the government but the ministers declared that no such consent was given andi anae warned the league against holding the meeting the league determined to hold the meeting and the govern ment vinent assented to its being held at primrose hill declaring that tho royal pariss parks should not be used until the question of rights is settled the truce expired on the of july juli but hut was prolonged to august au and a A 4 weeks armistice commencing from the latter date was concluded it is also announced that peace preliminaries had been signed and had reached vienna alenna for ratification by the emperor of austn austria Ju the minor german states were not ot included in armistice the and hostilities between them and P prussia russia continue the bavarians Bava rians were wee defeated by the prussians near wurtemburg Wurt emburg e the suspension of hostilities hostilities between Ai austria istria and nd italy commenced on the chicago 8 the evening post says the news by the java throws considerable light on the Si billine utterances of the atlantic cable it will be seeri seen that althou although gy prussia concluded a truce armistice appended with austria hostilities with the minor german aerman states were not suspended consequently the tho prussians advanced into bavaria and fought a battle at wurtemburg Wurt emburg ili in which the bavarians Bava rians were defeated the cable announces that with the exception exception of or wurtemburg Wurt emburg the the ba carians have ave been permitted to enter the hessian city ono one of the most important of the oid old old oid federal fortresses it lies on the left bank of ot the rhine undoubtedly in that part of hesse which is to form a part of the liew new south ren den germany confederation itis at the mouth of the main maln and at the north eastern extremity of the new confederation As it lies directly between the prussian forces in bavaria and tho the rhino rhine provinces its occupation is conclusive proof that the war is over that stupid bavaria has consented to the terms and that prussia is henceforth omnipotent in south as well as north germany it ilc is only a question of time the gravitation of the still independent southern catholic states into the northern protestant power the london times says with lemburg and port poTt portions ions lons of baden and bavaria in his hand the king of prussia can afford to calmly await any overtures france may have to make inake for the present louis napoleon is well disposed but hut let him relapse into the very different mood evinced a fortnight ago age and the chance of all germanys germanas Germ anys springing to arms to rest resist the mediations of one whose good offices have ever had to be remunerated territorially will now be greater than ever ever even now when wilen the prussian armies have penetrated but avery few miles south of the river main the line of division between the north and south a change in the tone of public opinion is very perceptible in bavaria wurtemburg Wurt emburg and baden the more sensible begin to understand that prussia being backed by the good will of the whole northern people I 1 is is unquestionably tion ably stronger than the south and ill ili that thai 1 I t r resistance e sl stance is useless Iso b the johnson convention in faneuil hall today was numerously attended everett presiding anh and and among the vice presidents were 13 R curtis G ashman franklin hoorn gen coach C S woodbury and george n hilliard N new rew ew Y york L ork ore 8 the posies money article says gold oid old is strong and advanced under a decline in 56 5 6 0 Is in london the money market is is extremely easy and the stock market has advanced the queen of the sandwich island arrived here today to day chicago 0 9 the illinois republican state convention venti ven tion orl oll at springfield yesterday nominated gen john A logan for congress at large and adopted resolutions endorsing congress recognizing it as the supreme power in the matter of reconstruction st the faneuil hall convention I 1 at boston yesterday appointed robert C winthrop Q davis G ashman J quincy adams D N couch ande amle 0 bailey ailey among others delegates to fa the philadelphia convention the southern delegates to the philadelphia convention now at washington pi protest otest against han as threatened participation in its proceedings and say he has notoriety ty rather tb than an the good of the cause in view london londona 8 relations between the governments of austria and italy are assuming a more threatening attitude liverpool 8 the ship phlp Da inabu from bristol hor for nor the united states has been burned rit lit lt sea the passengers and crew were saved and and brou brought bt to this port by the sh ship ap compeer bom from mobile louisiana 9 sixty nine counties give duvak duval for clerk of the court of appeals majority only five counties g give e f hobson fob lob a majority A special elect election ibn will shortly be held for a member of congress gr esin in this district rousseau declines re reelection election el act ion lon as lie he intends to locate permanently manent ly in in washington chicago 9 gov wells of Loui loul louisana sana saua publishes a I 1 long iong 0 n letter addressed to the president on t the subject of the convention and late riot he declares that theriot the riot was long since planned by mayor monroe and had its motive in the same rebellious feeling which plunged the country into civil war and which flame is not yet extinguished in the breasts of the former slave holding aristocracy new now york 9 the ther commercial reports the money market unchanged and says there is a decided scarcity of old 5 20 and the purchase of about of them for shipment abroad was sufficient to put up the price I 1 R J pence gold continues firm apparently under the operation of the clique who are to carry out a scheme for producing extreme scarcity of coin for delivery advices advice from frankfort state that the senate and other municipal doges boges of that city have assembled in order to draw drave up a pe petition which M D rothschild was instructed to present to the ring king of prussia the prussian commissioner mis loner ioner of hanover refused the necessary permission burgomaster fellner has hanged himself out of despair at the manner in which tho the prussians have acted toward the city and himself the prussians have had irad drawn up a list of the names of the members of t the li e ab senate n an and dother other municipals pals pais together with a statement of their moveable moveably move ablo able property all the bankers |