Show 40 ault U it dij future P T U it E ald and of zion it shall shail be said this and that man was waa wayborn born in hen her and hest himself shall establish her IlEn lien HEBREW reir PSALMIST can CL 4 any good od eer cler come from thee T hee from outcast race W what ai imi or merit should th there tiie tile eie eif r eve eva eV 0 jn in this tills secluded 1 butlo tild thi world deigns to confess confes s n that even iwen utah doth possess gri is tj J A trivial grace grade i ft T J uncultivated thy rule a bigots creed in tran than thy children should I 1 tl to much the harp or lun tun e the lyre iyre ils its passing strange indeed 1 ard and know ye y q not lie ile t ye xe sceptics skeptics cst est ye hk L chos whose lips in scorn are carlod cn card rd at mention of pour poor name s annd aund atad ye yo whose whoso choso hate like lile brands pf af fune tune arne against her peace Is 18 hurld that that yet her destiny shall claim guiche wonder of the wor world d 1 als worse than mockery to deride our bur seeming want of taste when from necessity we dwell upon a desert waste from men pf af sense and judgment too i f such buch taunts are cruel andrain and ana vain i for por een elen a barren country may ruay A cul cui cultured turid race sustain nor mor were the sal bal saints ants barbir lans laus born in this once wIl wll wiltrude wild drude rude place I 1 I 1 the future may in anthem them display A 4 I 1 superior skill and grace plain common sense was our defense i when life demanded bread 1 1 thus works of love we conand bot hot n ot oel oer I 1 but gilld the land instead filstead i much rauh useful knowledge know ow ledga ledge here hers weve gawa gained if much ive lve we have not read butet nd tiit of f zion twill be said and not in scorn tebis rois inis and that tha maly maiv man w whose liase truth and ana nd w worth ip 10 recognized all ail over earth f within ber her gates were born borai t talent and beauty grace and ml might 1 I ail ali all is lovely lonely fair arid ardd bright atiq ri u er palaces adorna 2 j a callad i i u sought bought out but bt nok nol Y t tnt tf Y i 0 scorn and exiled i we e sought ht this wild retreat irl in the beatt of a dreary wilderness all at the bocky rocky mountains feet brust us out and ud thought our doolie compete A wild w ade do waste but rno rao mode guy our ta and wants of not a fow t too barren for the fo flemens emens spoil unyielding Opyl elding but to slavish toil boll i yet have harp wa w rr from oni the desert toile I wrung life ilfe gna comfit too T god our oun gurgol gop goj the tile goodard and jut just our neven never failing falling hope and trust be BD all the tho lonor honor due sata data ashta out by man freeall the ther world by heaven shut in from strife while the vengeful rod of an angry god dod 1 bowa bowd d tile nation to the sod k ft that sought his peoples life AA t if j r we gloried flot flat that they were e glit J thus humbled ta the dust duit 1 dr or OR that heavens with retribution just 1 but I 1 mourna we th atthe good glod and fave brave should shara tha wic keds doom that th hopes ol 01 faithful loving li hearts were hui bui to tha the ha tomb I 1 aua aba an 0 that thi a mighty nation thus thug 1 Is sabi gloom ia 1 1 bu burille wille wid truest sympathy p tily our oar count rys woes boes we mourn I 1 we cannot cannat easily casily forget r t A f 5 for memry hath not failed us yeti yet i jhb wrongs that we have borne and if we fought not fifthe flat I 1 aa 11 V i 1 it 4 sin tin ane late inte c nor lost no limb nor life our must aurely sur gur elysee sae it their agency that wat we t TT aJ nix nil Weye b blahd nisha from th the e strife att jt our spears ar edrita ploughshares plough shares benti I 1 aw i i i for sustenance nanc e our days ar are spent glenn t in earnest active toll for peace indeed our feelings ar are nor ba have ve we any time for war I 1 except in self defence oin oan aur oun we must fulfill not yot those wha drove ns as li blice to him ulm m our loyalty Is 14 due mhd lord our recompense se for looking round hand we ivd seek in vain the desert land alid aud have good bause cause cause to fei feel t that Tha there here a people must reside reslo of native ta and honest pride of eberg energy gy and fealk or that or this we must assume god malits the wild wilderness ernes s to bloom he smiles upon the pot i Whichever way oar hearts with gratitude for our oar lot int II 11 4 1 for or zions takewo djupe do not fe fearl i nor he heed ed aba onia Onla ij dia dig gods glory shall around her shine though all the nations should combine her onward course to stay f upon these bockry mountain hight t truths ensign Is ld and zion shall shail increase in inight i W j glory and and hen her er d illuminates the world her young mend men aud and iid her shall shail 1 prophecy anid arid wonders 4 and twill be nothing stran goor leor n new ew in this our desert lane land I 1 her children child renAll aalthe the brave braye and true shall be preserved and and ana power lower and wealth command her destiny all men shall view 4 by lay heavens neat heat ens own hana hand the lord hath bath purposed sd thus to do ana And androne none can cali liim him withstand withstands 11 EMLY euly H gi S L at y july |