Show FOWLS plucked PY LIGHTNING A curious eu rious instance of the effects produced by the electric fluid occurred a week or two since to two girls who were on their air way to markeV mark efat ht Bress nire with of slung from their ie respective shoulder hould erg erl they went kent chatting along when a few great drops of rain which came pattering down warned them that a wasat handt and there happened to be an enormous rock near which projected over the road and beneath this they took refuge presently without any previous vV warning arning they were half stunned by a loud report I 1 and simultaneously with the report they baw saw a ball of fire fall into the joada road a few paces from whery they wert standing The only effect on them I 1 was as though they had been violently shaken As soon as the storm had passed over they continued on their I 1 journey nota little agitated by what they had seen and felt it was not until they reached the market that they boi doi came aware of the exceedingly narrow escape they haddad had bad had on their baskets found bein lifted from their shoulders they found that the whole of the fowls had been stripped of their feathers feathery in the cleanest possible manner dickens i p |