Show news ITEMS A min MAN named P porter r ter recently ak talked walked 40 miles against time in E R 1 I he accomplished the feat in 7 hours and 39 minutes loi lol 1 minutes a mile the second mile was mad made in 61 minutes n arid and the in being the shortest and the longest of the whole the mile was walked in 9 minutes forty four minutes heroal were allowed for rest and refreshment I 1 VESUVIUS is showing signs of greater d disturbance 1 tu urbanc than has been the case for or t two d years ars the volca voica volcano iia is thu thundering lider ilder and a n the crater emits an enormous enorT volume of fire i THE london timi times says the general accounts of the prospects of the tiie harvest which are now of more than usual importance owing to the degree in hach the continental supplies may ba inter fer edwith are up to 0 the present time satisfactory THE supreme court of michigan in a case eme brought before it recently decided that a man with only one fourth blood in his veins is to all intents and purposes a white nian ulan and entitled to the right of suffrage rage ivie inte WE INIE learn karn from the Tar anaki derald herald a new zealand journal that oil hai haa had been struck there at 60 foot fact it Itis is stated that gallons were obtained daily and that had been offered and refused by the six workingmen who i started the t h e enterprise e THE postmaster at Hartsville rass mass Nf ass recently witnessed an aerial fight between een a crow and a hawk for possession of a i rattlesnake which the latter held in the struggle the snake fell and audit it was found to measure 41 feet long and had geyen seven rattles SOME of the ahe ahe shoe makerson strike at newark are arel forming a cooperative operative co operate association andare and are going tos tart work iv 11 on their their own hook aud awl and with aith a good to do t e I 1 K A THE THI extensive bed neara the If hartford artford and nevy beir bravo Rail rall railhead read kead track in berlin on Uie tiie Meriden line proves to he immensely valuable the bed is furty forty acres in extent a eia eed rid froin from 15 topo tono fee feet I 1 deep dep chere are unfavorable reports about abou the th apple crop in if western new york yo rl and the Eastern states the rhe tue ff dc I 1 says say 2 a apples PP 1 3 thou thod though glit not snot so great a failure as iasu last yae y ear will be in ver very hirt supply especially mhd winters wint erv vae fri epics 1 I 1 IT is 19 told in connection with the sad story of the portland land fire that the engrossed copy of an old tax fax of that city Z was picked up after the conflagration aitho at the village of BrIan benswick iwick twenty I 1 javen miles distant from portland it had been becht kept in the portland city fiall w which caught arid alid etwas it was carried by the current of ar created b by tile fire and the wind that greats dis tance s buskin HUSKIN abates not a jot at llis ilis sap sharp biting bitin sarcastic stylo style new essays this bit from one of them is s exceedingly Iun lun pungent gent you women of england are re all now shrieking with one ono voice apu and your clergymen together be cause caus eyou hear bear of your sour bibles being attacked tacked if you chobe to obey your bibie bible bibles you will never care who attacks them it is just because you never fulfill a downright precept precept of the bok you are BO so careful of its credit cradit the bible tells you to dress plainly and you are mad for finery the bible tells tell you to have pity on the poor and you crush your carriage wheels the bible tells you to do judgement jud gement and and justice androu and you sou do not know or care tp to know so much as what the bible word justice means meang 1 I 1 significant statements are Fe made by the pall mall uail graeffe gat Gaa 1 efte effe in discussing the womans comans rights r question which ind indicate a abut future u re of df dee degeneracy de e e acy aey for the pride and alaa manhood mahhood of bf gr great at britain that X more difficult to become a wife I 1 andi and if ifa demay believe dr farr to become a mother also with regard to the first point if it is demonstrably impossible for all our women nay for more moro than igo two 1 thirds br or even less to marry because there are ara many more women than men nien aeed arid there are many men who nho cannot and arid many who will not marry and as to the second secand position dr farr has announced that there are in E england and wales alone more th than anone one million of childless fa miliea while other authorities affirm that pur our faco daco is so far 1 less em p prolific than in former times that 1 il au r larga towns two tb ildren hildren lidren to eacil each married in arili courie courte ou f te lias ilas ii as come conie to bo be the aver agdell degradation in a w the pen of juies jules simon travail which has just appeared Hn P paris is I 1 appear the following statements statement si of allie the condition of the children child ren Ken of wo workingmen rk in income some parts of france keven in france there are towns where women rival livai men in habits of into inta intoxication icax at lille at rouen there thero are re some so saturated with it that their in infants refuse to take the breast of a sober woman in the mountains of the infants drink eau de vie on sunday in the churches the air is literally infected with the smell of edil edtl eau de vie made from potatoes in those mountains there are no more frequent causes of idiocy and imbecility for in general the dy dwellings ellings are healthy and the water Is excellent the great misfortune is the children of babi babl habitual tuai drunkards are aro idiots so that the punishment follows from generation to generation from the guilty and degraded father oather to the innocent children in the manufacturing fac turing towns the mayors are obliged i to take measures cabarets that de vie to children for there are drunkards of fifteen as there are laborers of eight and mora morally li y and physically they present a me melancholy a n chol ebol y spectacle THE GUN gu the correspond corre spon dence denee from tho the seat of war in germany abounds with proofs of the efficiency of the prussian needle gun the wounded austrians Aust rians brought to vienna state that there is hardly any interruption in the fire of the prussian infantry the bullets continually rattling aboul about about one seirs like hailstone during a storm the london times in a it leader says ays F from rom first to last it is the needle gull gun that has apparently carried the day and the n needle needie gun is simply a breech load ing rinno rifle of very very indifferent erent quality in principle as well as in construction it is not to tode be compared with several breech loading rifles manufacture manufactured tl by english makers but imperfect as it is it has ha proved go ved quite good enough to secure victory 1 t ory for the prussians in almost every e encounter neo unter |