OCR Text |
Show , .L AP - - ., .s ' 1, - - , ' " - - " - "- -" - ' ". 10, 41.4.4";'.'9.4.'"....."V;'..42;6".."00.11P yr, , - oliripembomplitSbeogrool,Arren,1":0-11FP...16K- - 10 n ,,, -, - - 4. ikvorwease.,.4 . t "k lit ,04 - - I . , , 4 , t . - ;11E: DESERET x ' . JULY NEWS wEDNTSDAY I , , 191922 - , - , ' " I ' 1 . i i 4 ' 1 e . - I I. , coNsIDERED As BETHEEIAL AID A &filen,. it ph HT -- -- --- frank By -- Moser , Youwawill pfillicT Itt049):41; Art-picatit- .AEFllif adi , ..1710 Lite road comrnhation sail by B.- 3 Tineb, visei the U. S. bureau rim eetrheer-ferifficet t.,t,l!c roads. thartheanregioral Francieco is, . at State, Auditor Takes Excep- - ..e thetn bureau consider the Brig.ham-Corinn!. as a part federal aid project. bon to Report Submitted T, 7.i I,eyelopment of this road has been! 1 ,...i up tending the announCement of Animal , ,, ,,,, f the commiseion as, On etitur tit t be- Vtatriteeteral t.1 r 1 :.' - I ry 7 "t . , ' . "VIM Bounties- bound- i -- g'-- ' : e 1 gzioi , - 1 - td"ilng , 88 Nal 7 1 4 ; . 7-- ' 7 - - I , m-e- -- li - 1 ,,.,:-,- f' 1 '. -- . ;3.4 , f - t .t- of i 1 . ,I 4 , i ; , -- ASPIRIN $ Say "Bayer" and Insist! . i . ffib 1 11 , A r;),AvaR '.. ...,4 4J , . ' e," Til - pli ffi-- v1 It, ri VW -- JPoonibmill 1 t 4., T , :.. Ilona 64 bears, 17 mountain 13,771 coyotes and 27 gray wolves. a total of 14,444 predatory wild animals. These payments bene- S - - 6 4 ' , .. 1104AI ......,,, . ' c, 1.11;;7'..-'iI' - "to (( s- ,.,.., -- - I 1, pill r lb bi 1 ill I -- . .....' i t, Art 41.".0 4 - , 1 .. - am., ,411144tr, -- ; ir, "' - - N.' t - . ;:14, , - : l t, -- icr,& . - ( - . HouTE To sitiT N LAKE ....., ''' r I' '' ,,C., 2t: departmènt and, police ambulance responded to the alarm and the injured were rushed to the emergency hospital, later being removed to the Dr. W. H. Groves L. D .8. hospital. Plana were made yesterday at a meeting held at the Wilkes theatre to organize what will be known as the Nonpartisan Voters' Alliance" J. C. Davis. general chairman of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Oregon Short Line railroad, presided. Numerous speakers made short informal addresses. stressing the necessity tor th laboring class to organize and se. that their friends are elected and their foes defeated. Chief among the speakers were Mayor Turner of Roseville. Calif.. and Charles Crowley of Soldier Summit. After some deliberation those present reached an agreement to organize the city. with each municipal ward having a committee consisting of a and secretary-treasurechairman These committees were empowered to call meetined for the purpose of organizing each voting preeinct. The following nominations were made and &proved for the wards: First wardMrs. J. Id. Bradley, chairman; Charles Baldwin, secretary-treasure- r. üseda k li bl 11e4e l, .4.' t: s ; - tuLatitzeb,,,,dCaEontaxiintshLozree.litilleeirrec.teddistinto- '' 11 , flRYA. , '' -- re lor" - -- Won-Edit- A - or , r. - , I , . ' e- 4 I r ...5 -- -71 - it a il - ni , nd - ! u- at - i - Plans Made to Organize A Nonpartisan Alliance ithaIT ni- - ,.' 44'; " .f.. linancial-tlifficultiat Sceond Entertainment At Nib ley Park Tonight N ' "booting himself some time .M.70117.. were held at the family home today. Interment was in Cos iville cemetery. His body was found on the banks of the,Weber river about one mile south of town Tuesday by a searching party of $OO citizens which had been our all night: A nervous break down followare believed ing to have caused his act. Mr. Ball was bout here in 1882 and always resided here. For 12 years he conducted a grocery store and butcher shop. Ho la earrired by his wife and five children. all under IS. He was last seen alive Monday. about 11 cro. and when he failed to return home in the evening a searching party was formed. ft Completing an air trip by easy stages from San Francisco to Salt - ' .l ' - (Special to Tbe Kemal COAVVILLE. July 111Funeral services for Joseph W. Ball. well known local merchant and member of the city couar,11;valomom Med suicide by and-Jana- . :: T I r. I - I 4 The second outdoor entertainment will be presented at Sibley park tonight commencing at :15 o'clock. Talent from the Univeraity of Utah Dr. Richard R. Lyman summer school will provide the pro To Be Pioneer Day Orator gr am. classes in physical education will . the dance drama, "Miriam." An invitation has been sent to Prest. apresent Biblical production, in costume. Heber J. Grant and Dr. Richard R. the program The second number on Lyman to attend the Nebo stake will be an operetta, --The Trial of ,Fathers' and Sons outing in thei John Those in - the cast K:- Russell; Strawberry valley. Ally 24, 21 and ..p King- Coal,-?roNeither of the Church officials will he l Bluebeard, J. P. John, Prof. to be present, but Dr. Lyman. Lewis E. Rowe; Murphy; Jame, Jean Gordon; bias accepted an invitation to be the Jack the Giant Killer. D. C. Hoskins; orator of the day at the Nebo stake i Mother Goose. Astrid Lind; Mother Pioneer day celebration Monday. July Hubbard. Katherine Jenson; Sleeping 24. Dr. Lyman will then speak in the Second wardD. A. Camomile. Beauty, Virginia Freeze; All Baba V. Sartori, secretary-treasure- r. Nebo stake tabernacle on "The A. C. Graves; Aladdin, William Gal- - chairman, Joseph Pioneers of 1847." Rob. braith; Peter Pan, Ethel Lind; Third wardThomas Keith. chairIn Hood, Calvin Keller; Alice in secretary-treasure- r. derland, Annie Hood; Sant& Claus. M. man; Gideon Morris, of Denver Paper E. Oveson. Fourth wardCharles Whiteman. Is Visitor News Office .1lusic win be furnished by the to be chairman: secretary-treasure- r versity orchestra. directed by LawS. K. Cocherns, managing editor of rence Eberly. Those attending have chosen later. Sermain. Fifth chairman; wardAl at the Denver Times.. was a visitor in been asked to enter the grounds on Jack McAuliffe. secretary-treasurethe little theatre Salt Lake today on his way back to Sevetth opposite street. rather then by Denver from a motor trip to Yellowthe golf course, which will be Thursday's Organ Recital. stone National Park. Mr. Cochems and crossing in use. family left Denver on July 8 and a Thursday's tabernacle organ radial leisurely made their way to the park I prorram with Assistant Organist Ed- where they report they had a most Alleged Forger Gwen ward P. Kimball at the console win enjoyable time. They declared the be as follows: County Jail Sentence trip to be an exceptionally fine one I National Anthem. and said weather conditions and Mahonri Sanders. originally charged Sonata No. I (Mat movement) .. roads had been good. Salome a of entered guilty with plea forgery. While in Salt Lake Mr. Cochems yesterday to a charge orl obtaining Benediction of the Angele..Davenport paid a, visit to the editorial rooms of I money Re Romance Debumiy! false pretenees. t te wafs hi:1y party expect t Bach vn flouree by Judge L. B. Wight. Salt Lake today - sentence in six Favorite "Mormon" hrTin. "0 My to diatrict gene Third court, the ver Friday. is Arr. by organiat Father" months in the county jail. Sanders Arr. by organist alleged to have forged the name of An Old Melody' Southern Part of State Bartlett W. G. Carver to a check for 127.50. Song of Thanksgiving flimolls STUNT FLIER IS ! I The condition of Mn. John Evans and ber four small children who were seriously and painfully burned about: y Tuesday ,afternoon irgatitillite stove at their home. 231 north Hinth Wi-i street was reported to be fairly good this morning attbstir. W. H. Groves L- - D. 8 .hospital, and all are ex. pected to recover. E. M. Darigan, $22 north Sixth West street. who was In the house at the time of the explosion, and who made several trips in and out to rescue the children, was burned about, the face and arms. but did not require attention at the hospital. The four children burned were Shirley. l; Robby, 2; Irma, S. and Nettie, 7. was attempting to light the stove used in the kitchen when the explosion occurred from a reservolt of gasoline, throwing name. in all directions and igniting the clothes of the victims. The house was but little damaged by the blase which wasextinguished by Motorcycle Patrol-man T. W. Dee who arrived first and .. e - 110.111111 N -- - 111111111111111111111111111 - . 0 4 0 : (6 " , , 0 - cr . - 101r60, 0 '...11:i Cleaned or Rebuilt Likellew7-- and Cut the High Cost of Living , ''dkro lb '0 . 0 .A d' ,s, a, -- 0010111.110 SEIROBIED ' -- Mrs-,Eva- v 0(p ' , ok,--- -- 4ittor.. "Ilk 416., Ortr:11 s - - v- - 421 ' ' . , mitt" . , COIINEILMAN COALVILLE - L - I rft ,t1 1 .,Z.ii . tirri . - IIIE HEPOHTEBIMPHOYING "e Ca ) - 0 ;)P. .... . 4 3111 , - .c:114, . I ,,, - - :- 'YICTIMS OF EXPOSION i ..,i. - i iz.,,,,,,,,..7,T. ....,,... ' ' , - . 11 '''',7 d'Illirtilll - st ,, 41L . i a 1,-- The 9Tii.Z4tY Tea which 'costs so litail-- , f T fiTam, -- - cE1, 4 v LIAIIE IT REPAIREE , V , - ..ao -- v ' -. tr.tx I X ,1 11 A; ylE3it.. ( . arrive In Salt Lake late today or ear- ly tomorrow. Such is the it !tient made by Ivan R. Gates, direr. tor general of the air circus. which will be held at Bountiful on Pioneer day. under the auspices of the 319th observation squadron of the U. S. air reserve, stationed at Fort Douglas. Yerek. who is a flyer of interns, tional fame. is said to have been thrilling thousands on the Pacific coast with his reckless dashes through space. his famous "bullet drop" with a parachute from a speeding plane. and his stunt and trick flying. He Is one of the stars of the first circus of ''' ., ,li ))14 I1, : , stunt flyers ever to come to Utah. i , if , Yerex ha.s 12 German planes aft, ' . ' t chilly to his credit. He himself was )1. 4 down twice behind the Ger. brought , f i ;'4 4:4 , ,,:),,,, man lines and was captured once. On . ,. ,,, the second occasion he was held pris- ,1 ,,1 '1'; flit: nor. for seven months but escaped 1 '4' F ,i,', from the internment camp by crawl- .4 plof In g on his hands and knees for three 1 14 days without food or water. ti 44'4f Within the next two days, the en- c41" tire circus will arrive in Salt Lake, sic- ,i4, , Yerex ccirding to Dirrector Gates. known as and Clyde E. Pangborn. Is Relieved by Showers "Upside-Down- " holds who Pangborn. mica tR 0 T. BERRETT all records for upside down flying. are to The News.) (Special While there has not been much'. The News' Repair Directory gives all the peincipal places the advance guard of the circus. NORTH (GIAEN', July 19.Funeral!Pangborn is In Salt Lake change in temperature in the Salt Lake; where an artick, can be cleaned, repaired or rebuilt like and vicinity the low moving northservices for Richart T. Berrem pioneer iwith Gato.,,, already of tills place. were held in the ward new. Harding says economize. Here's where you can do It. ward from Arizona is now over thei chapel Monday afternoon. Bishop Fred- central plateau states ,and it heal 1 Architects Form trick Barker presided., Floral offerings brought showers to Arizona and southwere profuse. ern Utah. Temperatures are reported Firm New music the ward The Automobile Painting choir furnished Baftery Repair.. Partnership to be from four to 10 degrees higher with solos by William S. Wright ard tag Dos Right Our work la oar beat reconameod. In the northern Charles W. Eilis and a vocal duet by Bring your battaIDe a Rocky Mountain Tb. moat reliable- Ante Paint dbop The forrnatton by ai-partnership zy-go us tor. .sate. ,EltaabothGarner and EZIen Storey. i states. and somewhat cooler On the to the state. 'Harold' duet an mstrumentni by work. north tee istactory coast. Fertile and hi theSolithri .r7"PETERSEN .1" Evans, for the general practice of ern plateau states. Showers Charges ReasonItigrew and Byron Chadwick.. have ocAll Work The Invocation was pronounced by archite,t;tre. able is 'announced today by cured E5in the eastern United alhgTA Guaranteed. 'Lorenzo Ward and the benediction by Mr Ashton. be States. generally STALWART name will The firm The high moved eastward to George E Brown. The grave in North IT. East 2nd Se. State. IlToth dedicated by Ar- - Ashton & Evans. and offices will Ver--be1 the Missouri valley and as a result Wain I1V1 Ogden cemetery. was Mao. MS rhos rooms in were maintned The G. and Berrett dear peaker thur Illeaufaetarers Of pleasant weather has (Over Hy lama Ward. Sainuel O. Dye mont hllding. kthe showers of yesterday. Stalwart Batteries 1Patriareb Jamesstake Stover Co.) Mr. Ashton is As an architect, of the ogden presidency. Prest. The Salt Lake yes-- . temperature-foand stake T. E. McKay ot t.kgden itiap with,sly knnwn and has to his credit terdayo- reached 94 degrees. which is Ars You mot AVIV 10t8 THE SE IBarker. Tbo Brat la degrees less- than- - was regis Shoo Repairing W2B born at Steeple Ash-- - nanzhfirldInrsurizi BaLT.A klexiLot..h..: are tered on the TOPS. SEAT 11, hottest day this year. At tton, Wiltshire. Eng, Jan. 4, i40, the- er parts of Utah. Among COVERS oft o'clock this WAS 5408 son of Robert and Sarah tirifftn Br- !the county court house at Monticello, temperaFeb. san Juan county. and Fillmore. Mil- - ture reached 72morning theRecords Bo. tobalstery Pee rett. They joined the Church anderneat degrees. New Orlean 111 So. for Baia It. la r d county. Ono of his latest destirns various other points were: Phoenix. pairing., le, MS sailed 11 weeks later. They sailed up the la tho Lafayette school. a C200,000 108; Boise, 100: Winnmucca. 98; Ok1410,11tiTON 2n4 South East ing 11,451 West Broadway Auto Too Mississipoi and Missouri rivt.es. Cholera now in course of construelahoma Ott? 98: Pocatello 94; Grand Trimming ro. took his mother. a brother and sister.ibuildtrig 221 South State In Salt Lake. Junction. 98; Omaha. 82; Las Angeles'. ,;orge ar-A.;tion Vet Portal limit 115 loath Beat Temple They started from Omaha In -, 744411. 1a49 and 80; New York 84; Chicago. 88. 1Smithit company Jaly It. ,p,Wites. The 'rived in Salt Lake Oct 28, 14.49. to Farrsi they inmoved Wcit year Any mak ,10 !following 1855 to North! ' Fort at Ogden aMi Marriage Licenses. Summer GI" -Re Pair AelTdertflea.. REPAIRING LAW BOOKS re-- ,MPO Ogden where the family has since , Davld Wi Bock Kansas City; Myra sided. RN CALIFORNIA :Albaugh. B.Salt In tbe move Ad Other Works of lotrtnoto i The family participated -Lake. -7Us Value. C. stopping- ei S,...reteOtIzeiva. toin I. V-- AI marriell Mary Ann Nuns Jan. 1. - e he l EXCURSION. Salt Lake. C. !She died 111.1672 and Feb.,14 ' DESERET NEWS PRESS. 1 Kw?. .-Gun. Knell. Newcastle, Utah; 1 Annie E. Ttione. r marrgied .. Provo. IJames .. , mod Novettl-11-ortdWabgark 650 Fares I Inot Wemt 2..11 91o. 63 and 176 grandchildren J. Bu Bough. Ena C. Allred.1 Wale. 4ften, children. Silt Lake. nommosommummumull On Sale Daily AU Tryes Victor Horrocks, Neota. 1.7tabl Bee-at- e WE REPAIR AND I . I RADIAToRA to Acocks. Salt Lake. P,foetitiO:liFiled ,te...1A,V.Z.A.44, ..... David D. Dibble. Layton'. Lucy E.1 REBUIED- -'''''''''llalrAtarj1-4.(- 4.' CompanYI .1 il Cleaned Lo And t ocat RiverCanyon,..;,., - ' muffles! tn. Any', mai(' i Fred J. Barnett. Letldore,Ida'hit. . thILI 1:ilitill." !.ised? & lb strument:temCarr! ea,.plai: e; 'Sarah Mitchell. Eqraka. Petition for the dissoltition odf ,,,,nenarsaionotaeebtde r2;,-,:r1 --$48.8- 2 t Jam.. ,N. Snuck.. Loganf-Altdtlhsef lArserto wi..astrItit.a Syiestoen rdaivel nstuhe.n tT l Wellsville. derolt"wrei,r,.e4tiabingeouct.b,... 1.11.1ctrulti.C.S..tlyturli.ciAt.11; . Trtio Arnold W. Millar, Salt Lake; Ruthti Was. dele VW) Pio. Main. Nirna. esti Clarkson, Holliday, Utah. 'tition that derision to dtscontinusi l 'eargssisimmomst mitmeammewaust. , tuelutist Harry W. Green, Lucy C. Hart. Salt ' aotpearitionloenetolIngth eotcrnaPtocanisYholdera . Lake. last' San rreeetatv Broken Windshields and 'Windows zgeirec Joao San , al ILool 4 Hoyt F. Paige. Freb.ont, Pa.; Fan- - Ii f Our auto dimmers poett!eolv comely With 4 w".....Z.tu.',. i.won,.41,7- Me M. Strausar. Oriental. Pa.. . Stockton Ririe. , will mond a man ,,1, -the city ordinanceswe Autony J. Denny. Denver. Colo.; Szcironteutn.:'- -- 1:11:1;rselle"11to your hornet fix your t ,rri Program iirravelers . ': 'Lillie E. Hall, Honksville, Utah. 46 I -; windows on broken Santa norkorn s'- - 9 S. Jonow.Salt Lake; Stella 1 '2srS-sistleWilliam -,c' i ,Fc, Auto Camping ' i: I ,eatillhC"DetrnIC-111- ". ' e? W. tat So. ,A, Pkomp Nolo 54 Dr. J. E. Broaddun dejvereil an 1 rola and I REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARE ' lustrated lecture at the automobile' I IAt ,,,,,. replenentaMve i , TO COLORADO. . , , ' phis velar trip; ' lramping park last night on "tleeniC Via Denver A 111)) Grande Western. . musical program A special !Utah. THE DESERET NEWS, Utah's Leading Evening Newspaper I ii was presented an4 triortr than :00 pk.r. effective July. 1Ith and daily during E. H. JENNINGS., Geowral Arent summer. $14.10 to Denver. Colorado ' !sons were in attendance. Ninety-fou- r A 'Real Worth While Advertising Medians.' .111: , 84Vaa.' W332.. Clitt1 !automobiles licensed from all parts BovepTiringltrta ,1154N ptionindts.ret ruirnhai - of were in itit:Ipithe park last the, country. ' October , , oldhl. ,. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get- titig the genuine Bayer product pre-scribed br phyticta mt over twentY-te- o years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Pain. Pain Neuralgia Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin lath. trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoeticaddester of Salicylicacid 4 UN IN.: -- I I MI , ths..2ace-and.,,bod- . -.. J ' Iii ill .,,,, ' mg - III 81.0. , It holds its flavor. nt tkin' C. teeor i. .,- ( ' ill - - 'I ' -. I J 1: g e!", t' t 4 JP, 1 1 ,4 I - 11-1- " - I I, .. -- ldli fited a great number of residents of the' statoo citizens and taxpayers. as 4 noted before. In all but the exceptionFinal Tribute Paid al cases. Comparison Mat To Pioneer of 1849 1 "Compare these figures with those North Ogden Settler in the report of Mr. Holman for the entire year ending June 30. 1922. t ."'" aniwhich shows only 2,897 predatory . mate acttrally-ertiten by hunters. and , the amount expended 863,259.03. Give - ' :1;1 the bureau of biological survey full i :'' - .!... credit for animals poisoned and not ,, ,,, ';., of and still for. x,:. ,. ,- . 'accounted comparison ' t ' I ".''',, , , ,,, these two etatements will show that klto ,,,,,, ' the bounty system of predatory ant- It tl , 4,,,o-,-am P kl as is efficient r; mal.controt 'ti, ItAttP. tilt any fully 1 ' other method yet devised. ,1 ortNv -''' Mr. Tuttle further declared that it !,", -, .1 ,r.,was hie opinion the 'Utah bounty lawa s 1 '' ' . should be amended to the extent that 'l, ( ' . , the entire bounty tax on range ani' e. 't , ., , mals would be used for the destruc. ' . - , , ,; , s, 4,..,,, , ;.1!-,-.., In no animals. MITI of predatory , amount - , should the , maid, he 09,4.1. event, ';;VI'l i,,72...' , from the bounty tax paid out in con,,tv'k 1k ' ' ' , ,,,,, nection with the destruction of anil',0,,,,,' P,' ,:t ' be tuberculosis have permals which , Oil :; ,, ' , mitted- to exceed' the amount of the ,t., - , -. ;11 , '1 ,' ' 'e."" , bounty tax collected from dairy t' E. . i i ' II ,, El ) 1.,Iii 1 iriI, 21AT 9 4, 1 - , , 11 Fr"7""V,,-,- .. ,1,, 1 II lillifyiTs ' t ie 2.561 't--- . - Till-mont- ! 71 0 11:117 41 11) I s :Asliif, . , . i . .7-.- WO .4r 1.We , - : ., - to ,.., - ---0. et .., Iflo.. ::. A - 1 'qq7 d, - .. : - "'wk.. make it with eeTea . I . si ; . tate. ' .., - ..110 : iii ', '! r 1 - . :- - ' N . --- ;YAI:j - : -- 11 1 -- 1111 1 .17 iii , ries 4 ,Ittf".6 7..;),,,',, ... - -- .t I ill 'A 1 t7f , k i, 18 8 -- - .AVcr:d - 111-2''Tr- ---- .4 , i - 14 - t., ,,,,,,e4.--- .. I lell:.1:111L-11111's.:- ' - V one-ha- , - r i r:4 ' A 1,-- I 4.- ,- , ml'..-.-4- -, 1 - fi t: I i - 4 34 -- J--1- - - t, I -- ler!, Of Boxelder county. for the Plans and specifications Meca-Toco,lcounty line paving Int , UY I ExeerY 1 IV" "1"" S hlt Lake county have been forward, -certain ed tn the district office of the bureau State Aurt:,r :kiar,... T tle a roade for PP royal. They o f putt lie raternen ts rlatie ',y Gr t ge E, Hot- w"I, the next few t,e r et ewe,' ' hi '.tria'ti, p.eds',ory anima, i:Apactor for if PatittatiorTand daP survey, lu the Umted ,...,,,-the work will ,t a authorized ear., corn f,,rCornmssioners in a report s..ent,,.,,-.X. F. Maxwell and lt,, ek. , ,f ,Own Banntoti of Duchettnecounty t on Monday with the road commiesion ,,,tr-- ,.... The s'stement tett:lel by Mr ...,,:Plans I ()illroad -. , and county mrn ,.4 that between state anti know1ed;,-.'1'7 three. cia:e this season and next. They re and lf fufly r,,,,iy as work rapidly I Ported progretuting Utah in fourtha of the st,iff iv,untiol .441.,..trought ,on the two bridges on the btrawberry tit5,N the, and Martamneriverti.....; bi-- - D. T from other atat.s, ta in If made Report was also - 'tuff Was, bour,tled.inore th.,n once," t - 1 t LeenFret Hitchcock. and - William 7., i R. coun Ecortirriftioners of mery county on this statem ent In commenn ,ty. to tne ertect that th e county was Mr. Tatra sa!,i r"dY to sign the "I feel that it fit ntLy jt:lt to the ment to furnish 24 per cent of the ea- 7 various eolioiy clerks itro Jabnut the timated cost of the new. bridge at 1 refute that state one which to WoodMde the replace f r am oe..,,--, has been somewhat , w h ,n I a ssiime,I care of a menace to --- -, there were a number of. persoLs who The for sometime. county. on ammtils,trarr.c were procuring share is estimated at 19.431. The Jrnied alone, tbe border. and no douldi structure will be-100foot span con- some of them were kultd in neighbor-- I structed. nt steel. . Ing .etates. An active campaign was warted by this office, and the county clerks fully in that cam - Date Set for Arraignment it,V I paigm By the time that bounty pay Former Ogden Banker t merits were discontinued on account of i4 : lack I A of fund& Jan. 3,1 am certain that James Bingree, former banker, the evil of presenting for bounty ani- ha mals killed inside the state had been charged with the misapplication of Nplz..7 , , srfunds of be will national eliminated. b banks, -4n theperiod Qf slightly over nine i raigned Thursday .. Judge commenclog March 20. 1921. i man D. Johnson of ,The grate4 State& Ata4limrwith- - ,ths, data- - on which. district. court At Ogclen the notices were sent, out that the Others to be arraigned are Lloyd bounty fund was xhauated. Jan. 2. Treacder, charged with 1101211hr the (1.1 4 was paid act; Horn Mon Silt. 1922, a total of See 083 out in bounties With thatNamount charged with counterfeiting; Joe Berbounty as fixed by law was paid on ry. indicted for an Alleged violation of the narcotic laws. and Gue Branch, - 41 , charged with violating the national I, law. prohibition 141,.."1 4 - - 181.- ...MI, ; I north '". - - Padatorjt, ...esti N V--1 ,ier, if. you I I s, , such better I 1 hq-Nrit- for . IcalTed-----'--- I A I s ,s en' . , TrecTed , 0 me t sparAfi. f 1 W I Il n z fill . pl . , - , S12-31- 4. sites L DamMintillikmj ottly-tvv- PROGRAM i l WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 8:00 P. , t i 4, FailETIN:a 7:- - -- I ' . . great-grand- Langford, Ongapbottet and Thus Fern Batley. Soprano. Columbia sae Victor Records will be played tbrougb tatt courtesy et Glen Drosittele rts Coaspaay. 1. . 1 : . - Ar glt1 I. Plano Solo 4. Saxaphona Solo 1. Plano Solo T. Soprano Solo 8. Faxophone Solo . I - ., .. :it , I - I - "' , - - .. 1 . ' -", ' , -- zir , c3alle , --- -' ... - ' 13 . , , . ..., - I ,, I 1 , . . ... 1,,, - -440444440,.410,441018,00440qp.ow.mplito.,00.04,0,40,,,,, 20.,.......,.,...W.O.,...,".... 4., W., .... .","" ",,,".", , .11.040011.041411.1444,40444,44,4,er4r.t.W440-704,4- 4 A -. ,- . ' . ) ' '' , -- i 1 , - . , 6 , . .4 ,,,,,,iitoll'i, r' 0 . , ,, , . tik , 4 , . . i 21.6-1, iNp1,1,1110i' . ., 7,I 404lb - r., -t illst.--Ad- , - ithapjon, , k ! . . 4 cp6) Itr".';' ------''----------' N A, . e - ' AtIA..................,....,n tAl 0 : 01., . - (.) - I im 11' c 1, , - , . . , . ,. . . v. . , - , ..,,, ,..... ,..,...0-- -, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....--v--- 4, ,",,,l1",,,,,,,".,.....,......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""" , - . . , , - I. . . - , ,5 . 1 , dr 1 , &all ' -- C - .trict "Vali , . of Pearr Llawaign" t ! - t . , Loraine' de ., I - flear . ....Polks "Mother --.''' ---- I GYTO1n lii Mo" Rhapsody" Mo. 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