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Show f T t i s. Solution Washington PETITIONS ASSURED WHEN BROUGHT BY UNIONS FIRST-RIGH- - T' w SAX conseen few developments of importance and each side of the seems to have adopted a policy of waiting for the next Eccentric Coiffeur J Frowned Upon by a Svrarthmore Heads right-of-w- i - ; r ,111; I ' iihnl II Ib.pt.board And ettA to the labor Cf prompt action t promieed. One Dispute Refesred. Tt te this promise that 1 believed to have influenced the decision of the brotherhood pf malntenance-of-wa- y employees to defer strike action. One dispute between the trackmen of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad and the railway executives already ha been referred to the board and placed on the calendar for prompt disposal. Whether the shopmen who are on strike can reach a settlement of their Is grievances through this method doubtful, however, as the railroads deal not will have made It plain they with the strikers, untjl they return to their Jobs The strikers declareof they full will not return until assured restoration of seniority rights. Several roada it is understood, have refused to agree to this proposal. Adjustment of this difficulty st present seems to constitute tho chief obstacle to settlement of the shop eraft controversy. Grable In Control. - The danger of a strike of maintenance of way men la believed to be remote. E. F. Grable. president pf the brotherhood, thus far ha Wood out strongly against a strike and he declare that ho ha full control of his Grable Admits that organization. about 20.000 trackmen have walked strikes, but conunauthorized out ,oa tends that the nnir.ber.'eo'mpaFtr wlrb a membership of 400,000. Is negligible. A meeting of the grand lodge of the brotherhood, which we to .have been held In Detroit tomorrow, has been . postponed until Friduy. In order to lodge opporgive all member of The This Detroit. meeting tunity to reach determine finally the Is expected to attitude of the brotherhood toward a - I I Pa.ie'r h ay A the strike. Grable has left Chicago for Detroit after conference here with member of the railway labor board and offiAlcial of the striking shoperafta. result of the though no definite conference are evident the opinion waa current that they may have laid the ground work for future parleys out of which peace may com. The strike situation throughout the country continue . only a few Isolated report here, with instance of trouble. Michigan Will Take No Side in Rail Controvery (By Iaternatlonal News Service.) Jtim Thr stufe-will not take sides in the DETROIT s I - t. , Michigan th Per Marquette railfight between labor union way snd the Governor from This statement G roes beck snd the withdrawal of hlne-tee- n Per Marquette the train by were today's development in the coal and tsU strike situation which mow wtth threatens Michigan fruit growereshortmillions of dollar loss. Acuta th reason age ot coal waa given aa for the removal of the train by the Pore Marquette. xh governor' announcement wa by made in answer to criticism United State Marshal Frank T. Nw-- : TutArthur J, ton, and Federal Judge 4u iHe latters court yesterday during the hearing of the Per th Marquette's petition to enjoin strikers from trespassing. Judge Tut- tte scored state official and iteglnaw wlth-- f pollre, th former for reportedon duty drawal of the rial troopers Utter and the in Saginaw etrlkeoreokere to rtfut&l protect fop at work. tl,-vo4- ce4 1 ! - AV- V -t ve ha-vie-d -S a" t--e organization known consuls" which was organized by Colonel Erhardt. There are now Z'S persons In Jan In connection with the assassination of Rathenau. British Airman Continue Flight Around World permission from the United States government for the through Alaska of a consignment ter-of liquor to Yukon ha assured thla ritory a two. years supply of drlnk- trans-shipme- nt , , When an order Issued at Washington recently banned the .shipment of Intoxicating liquor through United States territory en route from one country to another. It began to look as It the Yukon would have to go dry in spue, of Its popular vote in favor of liquor. . All of government sal present roads to the Yukon lie through Alaska, At that time a consignment of liquor worth 70.0 was en route from the United Kingdom to Yukon, the property of the Yukon government. In the emergency the government here purchased a little amount in Vancouver and had it shipped by fast freight to Dawgon. It passed the boundry Into the Yukon a few hours before the United States ban went into effect. Thus the tercouple or ritory' liquor 'supply year Is safe. 9 fty J dad Prea) LOS AXG-- Li Osllf. July 1 Jffi pig to ha BBC " tom orro w by Vr Oar fwlUlp to Indictment charging her wjh the fourder of Hr 'JWadtrwR wldW; was expected to consume much of the attention of her counsel today. Whlla W. C. Doran, '(chief deputy district attorney, said the state waa practically ready now for the trial yet to be set the defense gave no Indication of any such degree of p re pared neaa Although the statement previously was made that insanity, either permanent or temporary, would he advanced ms the defense of the old wife charged with tta crime, the latest word from her attorneys that no examination of her mental condition had been mad on their be- - ta p. ' 1 1 r- Liquor Advocate Fare lATV- a -vjv, Two Eva Gordons Mix Up Papers in Divorce Prr-e-.) (By The SPOKANE. Wah.. l Whew Mr. Eva GordonJuly apprwrrd I tlie mtinhoaac with her attorney to check over detail- - of her divorce suit against Harrv -- rdon. she discovered that, accord log to the flies, site iud the. wrung at. ... cient ton. age Is represented by those operators favoring peaceful settlement. then the miner are willing to talk business The operators who are directing the peace feelers have begun a careful canvass to determine how much tonnage they can secure In favor of holding a Joint conference with the miners to seek a new national- - agree- lias-ban- d. Arouses Opponents (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON. July 19 The announcement overnight that today's meeting of the Council of the League of Nations would he private brought forth renewed expression of disapIt wit understood that pointment. the subject for discussion would be the Palestine ' and Syria mandate, which th opponent of privacy contend are particularly susceptible to of- - traditional diplomatic n. 1 1 the--ev- nt i PRODUCTION OF A UNIVERSAL PRODUCT Chris-;dlatel- wa-slo- Remission of Fines -j -- -- tt ent , LSr d ' - e I . - , - t Prompt assurances of support cam to President Hartling today from governors of states to whom he addressed his telegram last night, appealing for state support In getting coal mines to tunning again, and offering federal aid. if needed. Early this morning replies had been received from Governor Morrow. Kentucky, Kendall. Iowa: Mc Cray. Indiana; Hardwick, Georgia: Hart. Washington, and Mcecham of New Mexico, with others expected. President Harding was said to be well pleased with th promptness with which the state executives responded and with the tone of the replies. They probably will be made public later. Most of,the operators departed for their homes today to surrey their districts, although not before the split between the two factions had been more clearly emphasized. An organization was formed called the "majority tonnage policy committee. representing those operators who favored unconditional acceptance of President Hardings arbitration proposal, who In a general way. ars destroy of- speedv peace. This, organization will continue informal peace talk with the miners Council of League J'r- ii ment Secret Meeting of - F worfcerslmt Mdt i th union Is concerned, it is eulelg a question of tonnage, that Is suffi- deputy bterks Iiad Ihooglit them dapUrrntee and had filed them all in the same Jacket. The rases are set for heating next week and clerks a re 'separating the records of the two eases and wondering wliat would have happened if the mistake had not been discovered and the wrong Eva had secured a divorce from the Harry who wasnt her gressional candidate favoring vision or repeal of th Volstead actapparently did not fare well In yevreterday'a primaries, according to ln7hVtWrd wnglo RepubHran. Paul Manhart I e torney. Inrestlgatioa showed that lira Individual bit Gordons had filed vwy similar dlvorcd eulaa agaln- -t y y Osadpsw tb i mi Poorly in Nebraka ; Filings Urged on Congress ; r. Cabinet officers In touch with all of ihe Industrial turmoil described the situation aa "still tense, but hopeful " The eleventh hour more toward peace originated. It ls understood, on the part of a considerable number of operator who were privately peaslm-st- ir over the prospects of mining coal, with volunteer workers, under the protection of the federal and state troop They are operators also who have always dealt with h United Mine Workers, whose districts are strongly organized and who. from th first have favored a conciliatory policy towarl th union. Mesbagea-havpaveed between them and union - officials remaining' in Washington. It & ' understood, that John L Lew!, head of th , mlnei sides Penn-ttjlvam- a. Dr. F. H. Taylor, the American missionary, who, together with hi wife,-wa- s cap.) tured by Chines bandits and lmpris-oned 35 days in dally Jeopardy of bis; life in th remotest mountain regional of China, eras among the panengera, arriving from the Orient on the Ceos- - j dian Pacific liner Empreea of Japan yesterday. Preaereporta-from-tlM- L Orient in February and March told of his capture, of the anxiety entertained aa to his fate and of his ultimate release, i prayer had been ssld for hia aftrs welfare throughout th g world. It i to these appeals to Providence that he ascribed his safety today. Dr. Taylor 1s returning to his home In Colbrook, New Hagipehlr & miners and operators in .Washington. Asainst Profiteers (By Associated Press.) VICTORIA. B. C.. July 19. AardteMiie, Say Union. who announced he waa In favor of n haviny Uyht nlnea and beer of home, te runnlnr third In a field In the Second district. W. A he said Ransdell. Republican, who would do all In his power to liave the Is second In Volstead act a field of three the latter having more In over Ransdell. than three to on th Fifth district, however, the situation reversed, and & J. Franklin, Progressive, who referendum on a lead of two to ore over his oppon- - bargain Th chief opposit Ion to these manenjgrm. Irens C Buell, Democrat, only has been expressed from Italy, dates In the woman candidate for Congress has which nation is accused In some quar-bee- n Unions Sars Maintenance apparently two major Men Will Quit Mines Posts . defeated on ?he"faof 'return. ( ters ofseekmgeconomlcadvantsges. her objection to the French o far received, her vote helng 455 while to BY W EBhTER K. NOLAN. Chrtsover the claim 1 protectorate 377. h oDoonents Iti the near East also ls said International News Service Staff Ashton C. Shallenberger. candidate . tian. ) in the for the Democratic nomination Is for to stand WASHINGTON. 19. Ten July Congress in the Fifth district. Cm the other hand there la reason thousand maintenance now enparently nominated by a v o to one!(to believe that the Vatican's opposi- - gaged as stationary miners engineers snd rote. - itlon to the redrafted article XIV. of pumpers In the idle mine In order to the mandate will not be pressed, aa, prevent ruin of the mines, will imme-- it y ha been decided that th desert their post leaving the n tlan representative on the commit- - mines to the mercy of the flood for custody of holy places shall, ter If strikebreaker are employed attl-'a- t United Mine Workers headquarters he a Roman Catholic Italy tude on this point, accordingly la today I daretood-to-ha.heen mod (ted. When the miners went on strike A April l. tfiy'vn''QirrrTroo,pr-t)v- r i bird rhrm to safeguard tha coal mine iggainn flood waters, possible explo-- j nionn due to collection of In pock eta and against a virU-tof hazards, Perhaps yon did not know that salt te a sentimental product or that It get temperamental. A a matj Great difficulty. It wee decleredby ter of fact tt la prod act that reflect announcement on freight rates as quickly as any beer, wolf, bull or j miners' leader, would be experienced lamb that can be found on the Salt Lake or Kansas City market. The reason eems to be that all the rest by operator who try to repUceitrtk- te of the world watching Utah aalL? operation of elate eiatute in This Is the home of salt. The streams have been bringing it down Into tho valleys for million Indiana end Illinois, provld tt now for liave we million another and and will to there. continue dcpo.it years years leaving (t They fog that all matlonnry engineer must l.thfO oa Two years exhand to supply the Colled States for years. have state licence. rotugh perience Id the mines ie the requisite There are several companies la Utah iliat mine reek satt front n quarry or take tt from Great Salt lake for jeh a licence, the miners aaid. (By AfwocUted Preee with tho help of Old SoL They call this latter peoecao, aoiar precipitation. There are three plants getting There wtlj be no defection from WASHINGTON. July II Peeeege of ' satt fat this manner and four quarrying the rock nit from where it waa deposited ages ago. a bill by Senator Elkin Republics. ,thra"kV'l1th ,unlon miner". Joh1 te The reason salt te temperamental although it should stay pat. th fact that Utah salt te 99 per cent of West Virginia, to remit the fines of It la absurd to think that the pore. It just arcana to he the salt of tho earth, and tt directly reflect boat ness conditions throughout persona convicted during the war of' United Mine Worker are going to I In food has bran recoin- - j fight the United State the nation. For Inula nee, ws make $00,000 worth of salt and It coat $700.00 to move tt--i When tho rat profiteering srmv.' ha ' mended by th department'of Justice to j g,d on commenting on the message cotnmteelon recently announced a 10 per cent reduetioa la freight gates the salt industry wa jubilant. . th ranat claim committee, to which sent out by ('resident Harding to tb Wo are making the best aali In the world bar Pone. We are gaining each year oa other states that th Elkins measure wa referred governor of states have had almost a monopoly In the past Oaf salt goc io tda, where It rater Into competition with Robert H. Lovett, assistant attorney j -- jt j, wen t0 remember that every ; the .be committee written fi general salt from other sources successfully hi spite of disparity In un,on mfn,r who wanted to return to endoralnr th Elkins bitL advising the the mine wa free to do so for H permit, our salt woold br In every salt reilar tn Nrw Tork City legislation In view of the fact that the weeks of the strike. The action of the supreme eoort declared void s section hundred men actually engaged in making salt In thte 'state far, of the Food Control act. under which federal govranment ns expreesed in railroad rate question come up every salt official burnt aom te of President Harding tinea of 1277. 0 were imposed The court's decision gave convicted persons merely s gesture which will not proI rates Aft. The whole business stops over Bight If freight sue of for to return fine paid duce coil In anr event the right almost ss good salt aa ws do. If th rates get belter ws pdkh p the handle an the old front door and make amounting to 1121.9. are readv sow a wc have It would appear to he to th beet beenWesince more salt, because w have the pereat salt in tbs world.' 2 last December to Join tn Interact of the government to hare the relief propoeed In any constructive move . towards adCongreea grant CUp them each day. Tha collection will be valuable inf or nation n your own atst. th atUy" aaid Judge Lovett's eptnio. justment ot thla nltuattpn. AN EXCELLENT Safe En Route Home w-- w Are Used, THE TRUTH ABOUT UTAH in China " m Settlement in Mine Controveriy Regarded to Hinge Up .on Tonnage Question Maintenance. Worker in.-.Col lieri e WiTl QuI I if Strikebreaker By Associated Press) Two conOMAHA. Nehr.. July 19 - -- MivAir 12.-79- 1 . a e Incomplete The most surprising upset was that of Congressman Albert W Jefferi. senseeking nomination to the L S ate as an old guard Republican R B, Is Howell, progressive Republican Unleading Jefferi by a wide margin official returns on the Republlran senatorial race from SIS precincts out of 1,913 In the state give Howell Jefferi. 9.292. C. A Davis. S.17I, C. H. Gustafson. S.404 Hitchcock Winner. U. 8 Senator Gilbert M Hitchcock Is conceded Oie Democratic nominaHi nearest tion to succeed himself was contender ls J O Shroyer. who senthe behind more than 000 vote ator at o'clock this morning onHltchhis ceckmadt-hl- a campaign Edvsr. progressive record. Shroyer t.sed himself as the most progressive progressive.' oa w Wet appear Jn cobgftiWaaal and win ManbarL Republican, light leading a fleKfc of beer candidate. HI margin fiye in the First dlstricL of only 21 voles may be overcomecon-by the of complete returns Count alow to Indigressional vote 9 a m.too cate result at The gubernatorial contest also Is still In doubt. Charles W Brysn. leading J. N. Norton, Democrat. narrow Progressive Democrat, by amachine C H Randall, margin ha a short lad over Republican Adam McMullen and A. H Byrum. Progressive Republican, in the race to Gov. g r. McKeivI. INSANE Oben-chal- American Long Held English-speakin- state-wid- Cocasel fc? Defense in Ham-- t Case . Busy to be Made t t ; k i (By International New Service.) WASHINGTON, July 19 The deep ?hade of indigo that Nomination. has enshrouded official Washington for the last two weeks in its unsuccessful efforts to grapple with the twin industrial menaces presented by the coal and railroad was penetrated today by a By International Newt Serrlee.) Progree-slve- s few rays' of optimism. LINCOLN, Neb., July 1 scored again over reactionaries In On top of hopeful messages from Chicago that the rail strike both old line parties In Nebraska's is yielding steadily to settlement, it became known here that tenprimaries on the face of tative peace feelers have passed bet wet the warring camps of returns early today (By International News Service.) BOMBAY. July It. Major W. T. Blake, British airman, who set out from London to fly around the world, has reached Karachi, in British India, according to Information reaching half The state. however, has had Mrs here today Major Blake began his flight late In May but has been held Phillips examined by aa alienist, who up by mechanical troubles. reported that she was not legally in- sane , Fire Force Girl OfBcera announced they had locat- To Abandon Summer Camp ed a c.erk in a downtow. More who ham- o!4 would testify to havin (By Associated Press) Mrs. Phillips the day before to mer Two hundred SEATTLE, July It twenty-fiv- e Firs Girls were Mrs. Meadows mutilated body waa Camp forced to flee for their lives yester- found upon a lonely hillside drive. day before a forest fir that swept officers said, Thla witness, th down on their summen camp on Va- - showed them duplicates of the hamshon Island. In Puget Sound Mrs mer said to have been used Th young- refugee were hurried Phillips They were priced at by 11 cents board a steamer bound for Beattie. each and had handles of spruce. Mrs. Phillips is said to have become State Police Duperte intimate with Mrs. Madalynna JBOtr rt trial for th second Periniylvania Miners time for the murder of her evr t. J. Belton Kennedy, and whose WASHINGTON, Penn.. July 19 cell adjoins that of tha alleged slayer Sheriff Otto Luellen and a detach- of Mrs. Meadow. ment of state police today dispersed their time toThey pass most ofwoman a mob of striking miners assembled gether." said ano'her prisoner. a second time to attack the Wilson They talk and- read to- - each other Mine at Cokeburg Junction, this coun- They read the newspaper stories of ty. Borne of the men were firing shots proceeding in Mrs. Phillips' ease toad the min when the officers ar- gether. Mrs. Phillip smile most of rived. the sheriff Induced the men to th time snd laughs often. Everybody return home peaceably. The Wilson likes Mrs Phillips. And she said she mine yesterday started shipping coal thought she would be happy in Jail and this aroused th idle anion because everybody was so Jolly and happy there. ter its Nebraska Primaries Indicate Opposition to Reactionar Hitchcock Win ies Foret By Associated Press.) DAWSON. T. T. July 19 Special By-Band- 23 w super-patriot- Yukon of Liquor , of. as Special Permit by America Assures tWe. fcf so wl his, Intention of kilting the so Ada!ta,' ffkfowl "itraTold In brother. Ernest, and Ernest told Wilhelm Guenther. Alt these youths are In JalL They all belong to the secret sc st AfoTlovern mens and Miss Ethel Brewster, dean of women women, to appiVsuns for admission, emphasizing that this hM long been a tradition at Swarthmore. and the women student and their mothers, lo uphold and preserve this standard. We hope especially. the letter addA that the mothers of our girls will agree with ns that extreme or eccentricities In style of the draw and of the coiffeur are ant indicative of the good taste which college women should pra-W t kSl Rathenae J t of a 17 JIa. i a Aubenrwcb' firing Lie flat In the If . one-poli- ce B 1ST f4rir .. l CLARAFHILL1PS Inter-allie- ptan7 Although no definite pent ha been announced aa tho result of; parley held here during the present week, belief prevailed that the eouree of the atrlke la tending toward an adjustment of tho laeue. Borne observer professed to e a , doorway to peace In the promUe held out by the United State Railway Labor Board that the board will give questions of revision of tho wag seal whenever nett. petitions .z- -' f By Associated' Fees) ! are benqgbt bafor iL.ih procedure - 8WAKTHMORE. Arts Win be for the qnlone to take up the SbnpMtfoy and modesty i are bo RsdnkseN CoUeg co-e- d question of wag aeate rsvtriowwith . the in dlvtdnsl railroad. If no agree--f July AISflSTSAYS It waa reported from Stuttgart that d he military control commission has found SO machine runs which had been bidden there. It la reported that some of the arms and ammunition had been collected for revolutionary purposes. President Richter, of the Berlin police department, said that be believed-number of arrests would be made within the next few days In connection with the assassination of Dr. Walter Rathenau. lafv foreign secretary. The police are t-- 4 convinced that a revolutionary plot v a responsible for the asaatwine Ihenau, accord-Itttg- ' FRANCISCO. For more than a month. Gorge Anderson waa in Jail tierr charged with grand larceny.. He had bon identified by the officers who arrested him. He had been Identified a the man who hud pawned the eeoten tnkOi. Bis handwriting had been declared that of the thfaf. Bat he denied his guilt. Today Joseph Whelan waa und-fo- r petit larceny.. He polio aay, to the crime Anderson has been psy- for ftted. ' troversy move of the opposition. EXPRESS OPTIMISM OVER. NEGOTIATIONS -- DcpiteEvidence BelTeveTto HaveTn flucnced Maintenance of Way Men in Railroads and Decision to Defer Strike Action Men Deadlocked on Question of Returning to Guns "and 500 Machine Work Before Negotiations Begin- Many Rounds of Ammunition Believed Hidden by (Bv International News Service.) presiH. grand E. Fitzgerald, 19. Militarists. CINCINNATI, Ohio, July dent of the brotherhood of the railway clerks, announced todaj and that he has sanctioned a strike of the clerks, freight handters railBT a D. WETEB. station and express employees on the Chesapeake and Ohio If. & Staff Correspondent ) affects order The oclock. 10 at (I effective road Thurday morning BERLIN, July 1. Largs stores of 8,600 members of the C. and 0. system. arms and ammunition which had been " secreted In various parts of Germany " (By International News Service.) toare being unearthed, it was revealed situation appeared strike rail The 19. CHICAGO, July today. A big cache of arms including suras So far watchful waiting. day to have reached a stage of dum dam bullets, has Just been lohave face indications are concerned the past twenty four hours cated at Potsdam. "4 cabinet officers Denhl of Guilt r . Strikes Near Coal ok |