OCR Text |
Show -- , 1 ' - ye' , ' - , , , , , , , .. , ... , , - - . , . . -.. ,.....i. - , , . . i .. i ' tie i 0 ..,c., 4- - - - --- --.- ..., ;,,,--- . - - . i ...1 .4ex 0.474r ., ,,,I . ,it JP, ... L......i, .,' t It Ilt:14' , , ,, ,. 3. , .., - - , ',,,,i, , - . -. , , - , ' ' ' ,, - , ,A t h., . h'" ' , .,, , ..,..., . - . - , , - ...... ......, ....,...., ......,...... ma 1 --- t,- '4 - -- 1 - i , ti , i4 1 eica:id,,,,V,14eilt.,e RH, , . , ,,, istt 4,:, s oli 411 one rttlit) values , al- -- frlendvh,p, Naomi; the !tight:At ,t1:nt., In ft1i itfr, to .tetivt, Fort ri. hssA ,,,1 No one ,3UPt know yt tist . 1 nnV ' , 0 I'll i ! , 111 i i f', 4 - . t S? I ft, . 1 I!' ...A... , , , : - , .. . - ' S , , . , .,..,......,1 i , ., , .. . : Innebel vbriht qtall . . uf: I DRESS-'Th- e , . id - most fastidious yourog per-- son. would be pleased Indy a sleeveless frock like this if ii', , were made of Japanese erepe with i a guimpe of dotted Swiss or who 4printed lawn. The women er ch ilaccustomed to making-hi dren's clothes at home mold prob-- , ably slake this frock in two afternoons at a cost oi about , 85e notistoi 25c pee yard ' counting-o- n lot --Japanese ,Tforrot..4424-3,5cy- ard Per .,for lawn for guimpe. The . unembroidery design adds a very usual air and is wioit certainly !, worth the extra time it takes to i add it. The girls' Jumper dress patters SIMMS say Fy . fort eG6..51- GIRLS JUMPER A- PHA , . A ' t I, - - ;1 T1h..-.N- . I , . rate 21togret Tiew51 ir ..,,, ' : ' !! - - ..7.....,..,,.r. . . . . -7 -- ' p1). t ,1 - ' , " --,. .1 1- i -..- ....4..,...................-,..- th, , , P9t3,! ..:-71 )Our tole more than ' Ii tor i II, U11001111,4.6 have tirovrt to , '4 ' ' v.., 4tie titen4th and hirror of the moot ' .. ' I,. ... It , t ', And yet tt IA as iril. Il',..."1 4. I 0 ,i,;it he lo,L tor to. triit, ino Vort . , ,!.1 toy f,,,,111,,i., , ir ruy IOW, though f I i ,,,i',I you why. Arid ,, I, not n'tt ask. After what I, vui. ,; h,,i,,, ra;aerte,t totitght it will to, irr, --., it A .t.0 for ti,r, to eve you rtgAirt, and ate--):.,'-ii.- , . ,a ;it'. 1 ' , ?It t'N '. t"'', ' r, ,,,..,,,,,,,.,,,.....,,,,,,,,...,.., ., t ,r, "" , t9 1922 of "ir PAGE FOR EVERYWOMAN I .....N WEDNESDAY ....., - . THE NORTH. FLOWROF NEWS - A I i I , - I 1 1. e , , 7 I . . 0- -- Boys will be boysand girls will play. too.. And they pldy without regard tor shoes,. On the cement' walks they shuffle, about, - 111.1 4 NTI e. .. ',11 . ... ...., : ii,vd 1,f tween um You wilt gn 'f:k.,, 014.0, i trib , t' t tit. northing. And with you thkre wiii , t ' ---- 7,-, , tt' . to . eve ,.., my . i praycla. toe.aole and , ., 7, 41wearing JEANNE. . , ' to your druggist ' ' . ,t 1., ,, , from .tnetween t , , ,, ,,,,ct. It Th. paper dropped , . I ' , , fell ttr-illfrrfloor hil'Ii'ir Prittors arid ir -- ---tostoogY tra71-The Barefoot- sandals and Nay Oxfords FrVt .ssi times' ill.., ,E.,be i .. A . oe o , lila 'made, . ,74,,,,, received Mat ittity i.s..,... ,,,,,"briad 14 ,r 4 ,,,,,;.;,,,,,r.,...1,,:...,..,, ,,, ,:,i,,e4:......, '..a.r,t,,..1914viti-e''.''i t, felt now we It Ilii:ilinzam.wa,vand $ corn.in-',- -t I, i ,,,,,, s A touch stops the pain ,;,,,,d thootsit Otte Lf these hlows had de- - 1. Illue-ja, 1 i . t n'ttd uon, him., t.,' and t hi...riao i stantly. -loosens -to.. .,,,,sve,,,tio, turning. growing-feetfromkeep. rough usaie. and ger, o,..e.s. 1.ro,,, hin ries. lip . to , , in two formsa n,,i IntlKerr,' Made I Out. ...-- , ' ! r. gut ; the 1.4. tthair And dropped Into iit, .,...goletwel . t clear liquid (one drop does -deformity. , . i ,..- -,4 ::,i.,,. -- staring at the bit of white patter on. Iconies , : s, thin plasters. Use one had ettor,eo to hitn extra tikilltlingEP. in tf t,ntr ,1,u,,n: , . .. . ,..,....................I;Ot IINVO in ...ii 1,.. Nk .t.1 whichever form, you prefer.'plasters , .,.L 1 --- --...4. , ,,., Jj.tat, IntiItatnuLM ish- - t have laughed ti llii.&1,,,,,,timt , , lie ilitir 1,f cously. suiplcoeissserseetternownie ,,:,., ,, ' 12 and 14 years. Site 8 requires s in a world-lame,..-,-"Made Safe. i Hod and a ...outlet,t,t gentle, for sarottea, ,,1 ,, , ' t . plant, ,gp it, ;,.,,., , , ,, . portunities. . -d 1.,sards,36,inch miterialmate-for ,,,i,1 1,,,....r the ,24t,,, sf s .ie battle toneerrow. Isut i laboratory. Sold by all druggists. ' ,, e Aeon"' hea.s li, No!.t . with 14 yards f.ghter of 'nen and not tri dmi ,'.. , ', , terit,,Boto,04yeere,c'eweee.Depe Frew ',. o,f IMO lit ' ,, .4 Ti. ' iit,,' he VrOtr,n He had declared hie. Jove., ter ipalsiebie book ..Crrott Card lithe lett t' i,tt ,n. rial for "Move. Prite 15c, stamps , , , hilt sou! to Joanne. hod ,.,, t , ., kid open , , 4 y or in (coin prefered). i .. .,, '.,:.Arr ..nf nit.:0 atni to ta hoart ilhot him own, simple ; illMnobW,ommniiNt .., . .1,1. , st rtimetr'' . t - ,,-s-,0 Minder Pattern No. 616 is i.1,1,,,, boundless in its em- i..,-t..: , . , ,,.. .1.eere at,had1..4 to irs tio s i . , . ant,. be .,,,rd3. Iltht Asa; nit that enuid extra. ,,,,,1 blur only-- 15e it, ''. ,,, i t.. ,-- , "I tin' l'"'""EL 4I'd ,111.. Joanne's refusal of his love watt I!he reaehed out and grOpoeci the other's e , . it ',III J'arl,"' ilic I nd for him. He asseepted d ,', into t ,, -- iv,. .,,,t,t ,oaring hie hand. i , 111 ft In in that look. Stirs" In tdovi fate tNithout argument. In an instant I each other face :ttt,,,,a. '11. , '.1, -- 13 ritt - Kt one . the ' .,ti r strife than ' Wh1ni; ; he Wma,r1 hate fought I 1.1,1... Ili ten men- -a the cold crop of their hands. the . 1"n firrt revealedhe 1,,vs,1 I', truth h.,. hare in, hundred. the if owes nakert,handed, their ' '41 ., " , It, tric (tomer of aro, ..I chancelof !in ,notild have given him . iteelf. 'i , I tartlet a ,im,,,.., 5 tn.a. t he f, ,,t, I ri,,eiit the love her. Pierre." 111;001 "And would have died. tooYOU ,he. i 14S dal.. rrol ,. .tter , , Poor" . if It bad been tet leant Ph iyelip ILI' Ihn P","''.., n,t ..1'3nwr 1111 0t1,1 etruggiie4ifor llofMeur." , I replied Rut Jeanne thrseit "Yoe. love her, t -- I lie t Adl htmeelf Inn'. " watt ,,,i dett l' trthi her: tottit.r.. love her. not an a that blow. Pierre. softly. -m40.1,411,1,1- - - 1(js - 4iAt'n''''w ".,Inwr had 1I rot a long time he sat but as a rtoga s hose heart is . 1 tif-tIWO'''. ttl I otirl: b'tr:An." be, t, ft I,d ,.,,., .,....... SiZe$. I111,6 to.. Z in pletunr: the r'"":, chair, the an faring , 'alert, thon ft,. dtto ef int ranvae, SOP I "Now-- -1 understand" said Phillip. . .a. hreed lied burt.4 tor tte Wall Then he rose to hieto-,,,- ,,,feet, , timad, And ,ilie . I ,I..14,,,,,".4,,p.t.,. opriea here out ppn the barren.. so that or the Irmilttti.how-n-, ---- 1 was cold and bt-iethat wince but him. Even looked out she ani, a n . -I her. ,from a asking' i hotinto the or o The I moon received whom night.God he: to Fort the et.ttee morn, I) Ad Ileol the in et o' . till,n; and the poky VILA full of me to leave Fort never seen , p,,t brouyht ti,e,child had cold ' ; breast Oars. lie. knew that he was llooking ing," he went on. lookinghfrc!mb triberrr; woman tii,on 'ahoy, . . . the t Into the north. for the pale ahimmr !out beyond the rock . 1111111N0:11:1.0111011: Pierre ha,1 iqutiti tho little Jeanne, ., -of I will go tonoght," , aurora the was in the he hie ervoom reti hands sow With fare, lie replaced "It is limit.' Paid Pierre lth we to the wall. and the block edge of the sprure forest: lik.thre tno; 1 1111 ' 8Y2 the room.'1 the barren stretched left nothing in Fort o' God. so out. beian pare uti and downPorouM pale and , "I have to my . thoetil. into- the eight-- ehedows. :there is no need of oven retUrOttlit wondering if HeD'Areambal -1 I ".10alltle will He made an effort to open had hope of peeing I Ploilip.. 2 for him. the room." continued t'ou 112 . r must tell her (a. Ile felt window, but it was wedged tightly Jeanne again that night. understand. but 1 to in had stone its room, tame she suddenly her a lilt. mf..senrer He pure that heavy crossed the room, tiler that I and that even D'Areambal might opened the door. and went silently from Blond in';in lake. and that 4 . . nOt know that be was 'Plena in thpit down the- hall to the door through thought it ,o) . , bflute afworak "4 .. I event he bad a long night ahead of which Pierre had led him a few "' hours ening him. Will of filled with before. Pierre?' d'entroce. It was elfpleas:nets houre bim, of the not forked. and MK he I and torment He waited for three., permed out into the night. The freiph , part 46 "I will co with you the whole way, iSidi ,. 1 . pAlts4 idea air was like a Ionia and he , quarters of an hour. heand then the walked 'M'eleur. it is only 20 miles. ten by cam to him that ' might discover swiftly out into the moonlit apaoria,!esinoe, ten by land." Pattern model for he ' this may , i porno plauelble excuse for seeking out until he found himeelf in the said no more. but both went to obtained from The Deseret News derp: They , his host. He was about to art upon shadow of the gun Hoek that towardd were quickly lost in the ' the canoe-an- d 16 cents. Enclose at cost, . price he beard canoe had when mentel like this . other a sentinel suggestion above his head. gloom into which theminutes price of pittern with order end of ahead 1 It low ruetlinir in the hall. followed he H. made his waygiant few a around its huge hsee:disappeared address. a distinct and yet timid knock. It and then ClOPe. to where 'them- - They Few nothing of this canoe., 4 Pierre! ---......weanot .Enian'ill knock,' and filled with had landedstopped. ,se C.,4 , In the cano- e- There. --they when they came to Churchill and wag. dowtt-sireamca110411. returned. had litirither Jeannti the hope that was dogged.. every, I hireitebark ., ',5 drawn step thte beside , -'beaded up Pi. . , ; beto the door and opened arras, and two figures hantened a word ad-not Philip passed "I !"Every she I known," said. stood out IFor two hours 1 of that time. , It. clear in the moonlight. was foolish. I was so angrY 1 tween them. . At the-enMe heard soft footsteps Ono of these was a man. the tine half-bree- d turned in to phone I found it out that I deliberatethe 'when other hal but a the lights brsieur." woman. and as Philip stoppe4 . wonrapidly down the hall. trail the bore, take nt' to tried make !ly them believe from wers out. and he couid see nothing, dering at the 10(Celle. the man j explained. !several little things that I actuaill Something had fallen at his- feet, and vanced to the woman nd caught ad. T believed. head. Ile-saelae It would have He went on ahead. walking swiftly., !meant you harm. Mrs, Peter and be HERBS USED IN MEDICINES her And then when II view. he bent down to pick it- up. Ths in his embrace. He heard a voice. low when now end then Ph'ilp, caught, five little bunnies but he before this. But that they Ihis her -object was a. small square envelope: and expostulating . which sounded Hoe and face he saw in it a des- - came to myself I realized that there stopped see of his Peter. still this was a glimpse bhould not long remold In ignornnee A hie room he saw his En gland. pallet-- , and title's. end in of his own misery pair as great an his OlYtt. The trail: could be no peace or rest for me strange. Peter was often away urges Manchester. own name written across it in Jeanne. Philip smiled atspite the renewed cultivation of a huge ridge. itotil I started backbone of clean Old with the this dear from the other led and again. love along which certain. knowing their resourcefulness Sammy didn't give Briarpatch. dentate band. His heart peat with had found its way to Fort IV God. a hewed your forgiveness as one of the medicinal herbs in English Peter another He and then twisted down into hope as he opened the note. What ',turned baek softly. leaving the lovers determination as I did.- - - And thought. this they traveled. one which would help wipe off the things gardens. In to,i United States they slate. and plain; and aerosol into as he bad found them: he. read brought a gray pallor silent did the ahe of two when learn trick The remainder of that day Sammy have also gone out of fashion as a feamoving, they but he had after the other. baffled at every at,li found ! his foe: srarcely taken half a dozen steps in a desolation that seemed, tempt to myself had used to secure and interview with Jay spent where he could watch that ture of the small garden . although shadow ace you." Monsieur Philip.if you cannot for- - when he heard other the plain there end. Beyond in Farmer Brown's henyard. Sp they are imported in large quantities 'visit without pen what would me, and steps, penalty they PIM tested that the girl had left her Fat what I have done, please at 31edge's Prosaism. ridge. and ha:11 an hour parentty no one was in It Not a sign from Turkey. India and China, upon her? where companio n rose another try to forgive me. No woman In that and was hurrying toward had struck the top of it one did he sec Twice he flew of any after She him. they and how He intolerable inevitable the "Can't you stopped, imagine .... ,..... I down on a post of the henyard and they are grown purely for commercial Pierre halted. and loninted off into the ovestion sprang to Inty lips- dthreewrothakektoclkovsoeutinptomo optihbele jdhalardrtowveroyf. said such ahe as fiercely. their is" medicinal espionage purposes. is value shadow that world of light sod to look in the little round door"How is it then ilipt you accom- "And I have meant no harm, mean tried and the girl pillin04 thratilth the moon- - ghostly way of the box in one end of the recognized by many leading physilay at their feet. I althis be now. All none is aide wish Tons of plished to of Medicinal herbs are meeting ti easily?" '', "Your camp le on the other pen. Of course he couldn't see beyond cians. arm's reach of I wondered if it were his heart reamed this plain. 31Sieur7 he Bald, "Do you triumph that lowed to live quietly and earn my the doorway because it was dark in- used annually in the preparation of ,Inni; tciry-tal IIMI: 81: howl.thin , flickered in her eyes for a moment. as best I can. They will never side. He hoped whoever was a prison- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vehetable Comback the groan recognize the country?' living . 4 se"I have hunted along this ridge,That will have to remain his lips. It believe me. but I think they will be- er there would peek out. But no ante pound. a most successful medicine for 1 is oniy three miles cret," she said. "Otherwise I my him. It Philip. "It lieve if you can tell them that you did. woman. ills. It contains no narcotics was replied saouldi Jeanne. , a I will beaten etrike Now once Sammy Jars curiosity is or harmful fromhere. and to a have t seen them me. trust tell the have in A medon't afflict-Cwomen betray and -placed -drugs. -A thouI rail mornenthalf a miledoesn't easily a' iv up. Ha was But part of my- - success lays in the trick One,with such ailments should try it. The ma n ha d shoved she, say it was an- - acci- a Jausedno,there 1 nri thanke. Pierre" . cano early the next 'morn-lininto sa He fact that I have been as actionless dental meetingand that you are was bac,k the narrow stream. andhis was He hung around there most of Advertisement. held out his hand. -Ias a seashell ever since I returned ecnvinced I mean no harm. lost in the gloom. Then . and already Won't the day. It was the same on the next loota-by. Nrsieur" not until iI -then, did the cry of torture fall from the South. The most active you do that for me?" i Good-by. Pierre." day, and on the day following.. He terrify. larger sad hadsouter to from i - v Their hands cats dtze at the . mice hole some-- 1 I shut my ears relentlessly to the knew there was a prisoner o spO bAbnindwaribirfeatok Their voices trembled. there, for a. la so many cases with birder oat, e;fh I the vhoeatered rose A in a Ino,,t1 hard. still lump times." choking .. of , warning sounding, he saw Farmer Brown's Boy put food ANSWERS EST TONIOn gripped littlbiwe4s, and stePPing out into the turned away. hOlitra, X.fetes, There was a htht of satisfaction In though faintly, in my brain. I could In that pen. and each morning that Philip's throat. and Pierre in be stood face to face withmoonlight He NOTES. the gray 'I disappeared slowly manner. I wondered idly if it not afford to shut the door of hope food was gone. Pierre Couchee. went clown the side her Then one morning Sammy got over AMMER TO PREVIOLS QUESTIONS and phillip so gloom, were creature downed a or the whether the four, against by justified. it waa Pierre who moo' il The of the mountain. Proton the plain be- .! 1. Hew do road lilies she had named were Indeed fete as this. I stretched my hand out -t:e"I am sorry, Sisieur," heenroll. ll We'Rrreln'nror'3; reproducer low he looked back. For an instant he persons ; slow and and said as to believedl blind she ab her, hoarsely. "I know thai iit haswhispered a earnestly: silhouette evidently like when They go to geed like any plant, but drawn sew started for Pierre. Sammy Farmer broken t I can we do not see the seed pods do be. "I your heart. And mine. too la all for Brown's henyard. He got there just to could have will them That possibly i they readily . be. . i (rushed." ag.a.oinosodt thhye petyr.re... he rehouted. ..,, In time to see something white die. cause after the blossom ripens Inter- - you." no knowledge or my present Something in the and the 4 faca "Good-by- . in the choking utterance of -, pod starts forming, the stem no longer came faiethack 11'sieur," inside the box. little appear He knew his voles, .,........, struck Philip as new and up from bottom but what that white thing was. He had goes atraight . ii -ly. ' trange, on a i take. Mint which He seen It too often to make any misthe pod the eyes of Night and silence dropped about under water. The seedsbrings I eforw.;.. l AIMOtt.---...- . mature in animals filled with the wild dying them... take. It was the tail of Peter Rabbit' about , pain burst from eight weeks,, .',L , the pod that once For 'be in wax glowed continued.) ''' Pierre's. i Sammy Fro and Jay suddenlY , Or- ,.,-- speech. and float away to some distance) Each Unbelievable ', wee the prisonerl lAne'lrelle r Rabbit has a sort of membrane about , , it dr be any doubt about seed 74, : to float it short . . time, but this Youcanhanty resat it. What news to spread the decays and let the seed go to soon lp Niti A , ....ii the the wonderful Ins., Green Forest and over through , the Green bottom to find the mud bed. 3 Ab... Meadows! I 1 provernent to you:skin ' Con be imenpoing turtle draw its ,. and toropleidon Our aA ,, , The- - nertV'snlryrStamIrtr Recovers bend into Its &mill mirror will meet you No The snapper cannot abut him. HIs lii Speech." it, . etre asingclouraud'sOrien self a into ..Pqr ,. box as some turtle. cane . . . Cream tot, the first Om& .(Copyright. 1122. by T. W. Burgess.) to 1 though it does draw the head back in. eii,, By ADELE GARRISON. a huddled position partly ProtectSend 15c. doe Trial Slat by the shell. It can't lc ...me its tail e. '0, FERO, T. HOPIENS SE SON Copyright MI. by Newspaper Ironton, gorylec Inc , i ed In. either. but gets It out of pull harm's way --., New Twit lower-J , the by tail drawing the ' ; 2 alongside . - ; J .4dg of the . SAMMY JAY SPIES PETER.. $ me to promise silence but to GRACE DRAPER ask WRUNG RIM' ing S. Do gagerifrod ammo of binge the 7. kind bond instead she hurried on. - I, , the sante sort of nest everyseberof , , 1:1i0MMADGE . By Thornton W. Burgess, $ "Ever since I left the prison I same ' the I 11 of Probably nest but type conwas '43 I 0A, Linde!. I stifftened, offended. at Grace Lave known that l .., the detail may vary a good deal If at Pray never- peek and never - pry; I, SylUttlfroalurnmiket 11- 0PY. surveillance," the mid. "and I some I , be Ca spot do don't given to special reference Whate'er material you Mg Draper's flippant foot i -four ... Is ,, abundant and Rabbit. Peter some adaptable. Along I fdoitutnedre. ntt bewat ronhgalty f so closely "faithful kg'irdons seashore regions, for instance. eel. What do you want to know about t,lng o.ollionhierr my appeal' for tereeted in all my doings. When I grass conspicuous in nests,of was & prisoner Inhen-yar- a Peter Rabbit . Nature use a birds ' that Subjects? Sent; any quesdifferent sort of grass but before speak ten you that the names of those four wire pen inside FOTTOOT Brown's pardon. ' .,,......,,,, , Inland. and this more wiry material She- had redeemed her lapse into her tions of general lot to the . -It &as not only the loss of Hugh pereone are Miff' .Drake. may alter the looks of the nest con. . i 1110 . Old mocking vernacular with quick Grantland. Natures Notes Dept of this paper, i ..,, , Harry and Lillian Under- but also a sense of Ghent& Peter was Northern nest. are comsiderably. . tat Affe,. ItAll, and enclosing a coptrition. wood, you will wonder. I think. that 1 montly more orwarmly and deeply lined te, been , I stamped envelope for reply. ,' "Oh. klease forgive Ine for speak- I realized their interest in my doings ashamed to think that be had than those the same birds In the a ' .. ''''''''' ''''' ''5 ,,,, ,' caught He didn't went any of bit : t CAN YOU ANSWER THESE trzsing that way" she cried, distressed. Was simply interest in you." aouth, s .,... . . '1,f-1,:!..;,,, friends to know that be had been so from 1 TIONS One Item alone of ritsr little seeetch Cartit-s...,Latried it SO- - for the few days first Lit --In the women hove from '':t,111" pillar to post the way I have, every maprised me, and that was her In- Peter l kept inside the box which had I.r.P, 1. 1. lit. true ' will eat time Lapland 7 It uel immemortalstoottow ..,..cV...f irnocent act and ward dbrtorted, an troduction of Harry , .. Underwood's 4t. titer ran bold no morel' put there for him. and to was men of the communiwith the footing evil moths imputed to everything., I name. I had thought him the length been i.e. Olt V" ' .1 Al , Caltle out of only He S. 'What are tbe little brown elute ty. sight. The sexes have I civil and equal , ' dont believe you would have such of a continent away. yet she hall night. 'Cf , on tbe ander Ode et tern leaves!' moral rights and equally severe labor teN., rex crence or liking for the people do- spoken with such 4..?e,v2 Butl there are sharp eyes athong decision that I a. Ara Out wales id Moths and bat. as the daily routed. Green the Forest, . it.". little of the . ing , people eolld not doubt her. knowledge. He , , f, x esapelerteeni Old Or,hard and the Green Meadows, . tt "I am afraid I don't understand. 4 The Peter Rabbit Club le bout mud be in the vicinity of New York. and e them. I said a trifle stiffly. iftie---' ' the float popular organisation ever 4, No time pow; however, to specu- No there is little that rincaPh 0 of ...et eyes are sharper ' started in. this start of the country. maims' She looked at me IneaditY. IWO Sweb&,braulharsdlaa late upon this eurprininv bit of In- Sammy visits Jar Every day SammyBrown's Not onty ars there thousands of "Do you mean that you do not timation .Grace voice the Old Orchard Draper's ''''''''""a'''lrlddretr-eweelleti-tw-Ststa-1.aand Farmer hotbe atm and He het 111"-All.I'''"1"41614.64.1.4431111"1346'."...."1101Lrtiv.414,41011raboAt . will. ti;171717., '.1111.,..1107117.117t the club fame baa spread to all been subjected on your account Once-71". . parts of the Intermountain tor. IF Peter. asked. was released?" ;t',4.0 she ritorr. ta a charm hi the and wondered hentard what pen I flushed involuntarily at the ques- -' about the BurThere - Thosesaaa brie tholoaalas. of bads stow doom. Amy ono of many was next It be The for. morning-which gess Bedttm Bt,ries apear don. realizing that I had no right tot - k ageitswa bosom to dimly to Mewl Z. people am toast sottlertst iron was there bright-an- d , early...Atonce --- -la The Deiteret News for the sps. - betray my knowledge-of-an- y actions he saw the holes Peter had dug try- itipittkos is sit be Matooesms; few 10:4116 rett.321,1tmale eta! benefit of the club's child mom. other My than &a gouge's am hers. that entertains faecinitteeand "1111.11étalgt Ow tame of tbetrise."41d . "I know-nothin- gown. ." I returned "Naget out. tO . Sammy. 430,00.. at the same time educates young 11142 acootgoo, Almost amd parigall XS tills or"1114in a prisoner in there, and that minds in the habits of animal life steadily. with the specious mental,...4sk 4 .:,40,,,,anWto,.!..okomato moo of oum, if oortoct s "moot Amit the owes". ma or IMO servation that indeed I knew nothsomebody Is one who can dig. Now I around them If the y., If It to , wonder who it can be. I wonder if mere tha are emeetkpoted awl thew will , which I could tell her. t. the, plished nothing while. astootha op. pa' Johnny Chuck or one of his children But In addl. would be worth A spark of the old fire gleamed in swims "list's Iltie lbw foss bto, ti.... v- J has been caught by Fanner Brown's ..L1.1":64.a.L. Oen. it provid0s wholesome enter. 4i Pee wilt ONSI. at my answer, and I felt her eyes bores Dot, the Stet Wow Me pima& atfb chil8, one his it is of Boy. 'Ireouont Attervals Probably at tainment fat -she fathomed 'my tubterfuge. ' , - - the see ova " ,t,,, dren: Johnny is too smart to he ,e0 ..,.. et ;dallep , des mkt Ms potlint Oge younx admtrere of Peter- - Roily.-- - that, caught, , hit which ---. rlit-hav- e But it vanished as auddenly RA it ap- to keepan eye on this.-- - I -- al amid ow nerves to bring them to. litidilitinclara140111111 --- --- -. ' .......mgw''L... whOn.,1-fle- l ,t, llnor tiariontgon the "US" hi allatedinir- , win nomonset Xdboatest certainly will." 4 ft, '''. ' -' . . one was of d ores, eat belief , ' kir, ,spoke again Proper conditions., ---- -, -1 sondipeticsi to the dear old Briar patch flew Rara- -, in my usertion. , Ari, 1.1bed A 011111 laegue, was Aslant boos lo tat for O. , . bssidliast rgiagRetillenresw. amtm.lyohtillinzh A Surprise. ' ?11; . anyMoo, aro ametipatios gam big mod admit Istroirstbmo ' in be sat oes You a little believe don't 1.-Tossedr-Bwshe simply lo thing; Pawl In till names of two peter 4 do." &Moo the Imo et intones "sot , to uce In the middle ofquietly the Old Briar. said slowly,- - then with a rush of Rabbiti stories ?ea bar read or bad tlared4 aainided am yaw Alvah .4......t,,...... .0, , Norloggii Brea, aeohedi and immihied, am All the time be wawlooking patch.$ armismens read to you in The Deseret Newt "I ought not to tell you--,--1- 1 dm words, SIN& meet so moo& mold lien its east oat mood, es feet seyee bolding everywhere. He saw Johnny and And your name. address. age Polly ,st and Pere Ite..SR" lirl - . , wished you could make a great woodlottoll Chuck, Ile saw the four- - young sets this lesserees ostoillitoottscone los. Is Oat.. of birthday. an4.You will be oo- - you . ',01111.trtmenstumsto4 deal of trouble for me by repeating He knew. and Chucks. so Moo that sold teemel botad. Testi rolled as a siember. Bs our to what Johnny hod Wiwi foot AL, u., 'pa pees to' say, but I don't . 71191118 Polly bad only tour children. Sammy "".41 'writ. 'laird, and send all the above believeI'myou going tboo Ililbglia. OA .06.110 16. Vomit zwill." 100 owl Information. will t hruk-11114.1you thou scsiarh'0",, il:Tbrahaty bll want. : - beemoralSosiolil the 1 She etoPPed and eyed me, !twitter, vt your membership card itsd "businas.i.. t ' tor whoa bes pusided 11 lie - serstaeo , colored club button froa ILgly. I wondered It she were go- - .,. , , 1 , , , , . , , , , , . , 1 , , , , - ' ,,, -- t ' -4 i Blue,:jay. , ,,StoptPain ,, h0,1.tt ........,,.....,...,a.a..,,..,rt - ,: ,--- Ii II. ,' .u. ,t t,.,1 es: I", t, - ao , li-, , r IR ' A - Sizes to 8 Sizes 812 to -- ; Ana' Barefoot Sandals$1.25 III1 - $1.45 $1.65 014ds Play Sizes 5to 8 ...) I be, ralletA r LA ilidr - ioll 0 - A Sizes Sizes to ... to MAIL ORDERS FILLED - EfIrSC Supreme ShoesServiceValues 118 MAIN STREET. - - 7 ---- i (I ae BU HOLDING A HUSBAND V: SS BEDTIHE ' kivr,,,.. VISO 4 leere a peter Rabbit Club iriPt4410 ' ji FI t --- - eedy...;... i li BurronchtlIature - --- pena 5110111ES, di I 4oe Or al ub' otes - ; yr 0 , 4 Pilo A, lentil t - , ei 4 ,,,i; tl. rnor 4; tee1s Fly preus...:11,111I: I- rew I ,,a,a.e.ii,.. . - i i 7 eg - - - - - , 'Orr..-Aiter- - today ' ea Zeal - - lePlat OLD MONK "NoI -- body frocer How to Jom beaul 0 --- ipr i $1.25 $1.45 $1.65 . Pericct saw 2,.........."..... k , - -- , , , . -. ' i OLIVE. OIL .e.k.el.,,,,,,,,,,...,,,o,...rseere.,,,,,e..0,,,,,egeo,,,reolo, amotomoillt loradynt it - - . r., |