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Show TILE 8 ' Bait jmmm amrrd ij Jv w Thrift liw ViiT DmhtI ClM .Grasshopper Destruction f Campaign on at Nephi Bank ortlo (Special to The News) NEPHI. July 10 Tho for the destruction of Jgreeshop-per- a la now on In earnest and good results are a pec ted A big supply of hamrorcH poiaon has been prepared by County farm agent Smith and a wide distribumocks...HAM- - !u ' C at mere.-Th- e OTHblt J( Cfl A o tion ha beerr p icampaign carried on a short time ago .ttotxt la . GRASS reported to have been very succesaUeUW sful. In feet the moat successful over RIGcarrier out here. The objective In tho. Other ktee Aeeerdleely campaign was to destroy ae far CHTIeORKAS CAWS Afl afirstpossible C7 the pest along the ditches aieWU SMISG fence lines. Jn the present fight iaco FOI.DIYG PORCH farmers hope to extend their lines .the SETTKB.. . Into the fields. n(4)Kde& j second-cam-npai- ga $14.50? e. !- rqj,t I- Co-ti- urvr the - nr.aua-- J.u 8. Rlchnrdt neHnasoMUMUXlf ucaoBsaj. tlon her couM be - (C - CAMP EQUIPMENT etor.r e'er i A by bocrevery of W ,B Weller t Reasonable Rrtceg. H rrk Will Do. REPHI, Jqly e . Suit Filed to Stop . . them. Interference With Stream was filed la OGDEN. July the Second district court. Tuesday vv the FlaJn City Irrigation company against James Martin. Jr., Milton Star-ke- y OGDEN July 19 Funeral service state and the of Ctah. asking that wf for Mn. Wilhelm Van Zvl Martin Van Zyle, warn held In the the defendants be restrained from InKmth ward chapel Tuesday with Paul terfering with the flow of water from Interment waa the officiating Kfflmvr company's canal and asking judg-- r Ut the Ogden camatary. ware rendered by Musical selection bftee Jennie Van Umber. Gerald I explelned la tbe complaint that klomy and Mr. Mary Fnrlny. The theIt etoekoolder of the company are gpeakerl ware Btehep W ford W. Raw. farmer. In th. country lying weet of Den Xoorda. ton. Henry Henry her. more than 2.000 acres have sod Ogden Martin Pafebout and Mr Kammeyer. Theaa are - Mn. Van Zyle arrived In Ogden 10 of crops under cultivation. destruction with threatened through daye ago from Holland aa a member of tha placing by tha defendants of a the Church, She died suddenly Sattir-da- y to tha divert In tha atraaa erenlng when stao waa evercoma filank alleged They claim tha 4tiaflow, was from the heat while at n dance in the made wrongfully and unlawfully. White City. The atata is made a defendant In tha suit so that ft may set forth It inter eats In tha water If it has any. Military Take Over Cae of Guardman d Infantry failed to appear In the district court with Trooper Henry E. Hewktns Tneeday and th case 1 aa continued until Thursday will be It la probable that tba caaa July continued indefinably owing to Hawkins being required to appear before a military court In Carbon county. Hawkins wjlj arrest d here, three ego charged with desertion and ,r.ks s discharged, after, habeas corpus H wee rearreeted Saturproceedings to day and bis father attempted habeas hi release by Instituting corpus proceedings against Captain .Lindquist. The Bingham famannual reunion In Lorln Farr park today with members present from all parts of Utah, Idaho, Arisons and some from New York. A program of songs, recitations addresses, games and dancing U being enjoyed by several hundred members. When the family organised a genealogical society recently more than 100 members were present. OGDEN. July 19 ily are holding-thei- r ra Free Transportation Only For Pioneer of 1847 GRANTED. ma-ohi- pense. Tho Daughters of the Pioneers make a plea to relatives of all pioneers up to May X0, I960, to sea that tha pioneers SET. DATS rrHERAk get to Balt Lake to enjoy the celebration. They will be' cordially Invited WILLARD, July II. Funeral aery. to attend. Officers of the Weber conn- A' Ices for Mm Rachel Montgomery. organisation voted with otheicoun-- ! II. will be held In 2tbe ward chapel ty a state celebration thinking it Thursday. July Id. at p.m, with Bish ties forInclude all pioneers up to May op Ephraim Whit officiating. Inter- would and ask pioneers to continue 1849, 10, ment will be In th Willard cemetery. to with Miss Annta Brown at Mm White died at th family home the registerrecorders office in the city Monday. She wee born at Willard Dec hall, city later to Include all pioIT, III! Surviving are her husband neers hoping in state a This Is celebration. Lynn Montgomery, one- son. parents the reason Weber county had not taken four brother and three sisters. the thing in band to have a county IIEOTR. -- Planned at Beaver the-clt- Gymnasium Campaign Committee Will Report OGDEN. July The Weber campaign committee will meet Friday evening July 21. ItW Is anAdams nounced by Chairman Orval The committee was organised from the various civle clube of the city to raise 150.000 for the gymnasium fund and It is anticipated that the member of tbe committee will report the full amount collected or pledged. ,Th campaign has lasted longer than was 1 -- MS Sooth State. Cheap Rent Far Out 10 WIT BELL rtrMJriTCR W CHEAP . 8TM Vs mis Martin beds Relied -- edge 40-l- b. irseeee - ...... iagless-sprin- . .B.se HW .03 AOO Buffets, all kinds rrei.iA0s .......0J8OO Dressers tU Axmiaster rug a g2S.ee Davenports Teed Ranges Heater. Regs sai Fimthift at Half Prlee Dining table ........ tad-Hs- ed TERMS . - MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO. State It Off Caaaty Bldg. 1 n reamer! belli out of town. Fifty Juab Farmers" Will Go to Encampment (Special to The Ktwe.) NEPHI, July 19 County Farm Agent A E. Smith reports that at least 80 people made up mostly of farmers and their wives from east Juab County will attend th Farmers Encampment to ibd held at the Utah Agricultural college. July 14 lo 19. The party will lravehere early Tuesday morning. July 26. and frav"Tn igromobtier going tn jl body. rTfco 7Irt stop efuimportanre will. be at Saratoga Springs where dinner will be served. From here thev will more on to Davis county where the Davit County Experiment Farm will bo visited. The party expects to reach Logan Tuesday evening. J. W. Faxman, president of the Jufcb County Farm Bureau, County Agent A. E. Smith, Harry Beagley President of the phl Poultry association and Bovs' club leader. William H. Warner, of the local poultry associasecretary tion; W. H. Brown; dairy project leader; sn Operator Dies Suddenly DRIGGS Me.. July 1 L.rny Hill- man. 40, died of heart failure M - and He retired health day. made a struggle about 4 J0 .am which his wife thought was nightmare She tried to muse him, but he did In a few minutes Mr. Hi'lman was born !n Fort Hr-rtmaUtah, Sept 9, 1901, spent his boyhood days ,1n Pleasant Grove, and later engaged In mintrg In Tdiho, coming to Teton valley 18 years ago and was principal owner and manager of years ago they were sold to th parties who organised tbe Idaho Coal Mines - -w company. He Is survived by hi wife tnd two sons. Dewey and Claude Hiliman, Funeral was held la the stake house today. BLACKFOOT MATRON BIRIED. BLACKPOOT, July 1 Fun.ral wrote were held Monday .renin fir Mr. Mary Walker, who died Sunday evefrom heart failure. Service were ning held at ( oVlock la the Brown-Eldrodparlor, with - undertaking Pee- Interment- wee made la cemetery. ' - T!Tbt nilt: WITH BENCH 15 ROLLS 1T Tu.e-(K- T AND JV valuation year it.r'of the 'ft re 6T lower homes and other real esta VM Th'li In SlOCash od-- . New Im- valuations. provement bring up thfn $'4.14-The The levy will bring 21 mllle is divided aa foTows; Contingent, I 25; streets and eldrwa'ks. 3, sewers. I; city buildings. library bond Interest, 4. sinking fund 8 waterworks. 2. No levy waa made for electric light 4s the plant brings In $2.50b to 83,000 per month. The waterworks depsrl-mealao earns about 92,000 per month. LONG TIME BALANCE -- 2; YOUTH . ,, ROTARY CU B MEETS, BLACKFOOT. Idaho July 1 Tha met noon club at th Tueeday Rotary Ereles hotel. Th committee which waa appointed to meet with the county rommieelon In regard to erecting a building for th uae of fair exhibit! this fall and later (or th cavalry, reported progreaa Nothing further waa transacted other than be regular routine of bualacaa. I , -- USED PIANOS IF YOU CANNOT CALL, SEND THIS COUPON MUSIC CO. full particular Pleea. Mad. without any obligation on trv part, reear din, your U4 Plano and Player Clearance Sale Bargaine. DATNES-AEXB- Kam. ........ . Street aad J?o gain- - USED PLAYERS Stnyresant ..V Lexington . . Story and Clark Autopiano . . 7 Kimball lh t wit: th regular meeting Athr.ft,r. w,!1 contld" th. D. ! Air ot August, .eneider such end hear end levy, proposed end objection, to Mid proposed ae h!l have been m.d. By order of th. Board of Commiwion.r Kelt Lake Clir. if trwrr-t Juiy --U. lari-- Peter Rabbit Invites AH His Friends W. A COMMITTEE Ida., July BLACKFOOT, Law Thursday nr nh (. l?5VJKCTSlSTAIl New Isrk. Chwbearg. IJwcpwol. rhilo. N. y.. tleeeostewM, detphte, ttseewetowa. Llv trp.il (H- Madelgm, IMM. Anm. N. knltw. Sept qwesime Mastreai; Uwry I 4ha, V-R-ed New York, rtn vwp, Hemherg. New Yw. lnrc Star CRrtw.ABt. nk. Ute. lMlt. Wrmeetk. Chwteorg. Haas- -' Fa eaUbag Methw Irttor, rr;ra. Pearbwa Ce,ht, Comr ftv2 l naeea. RYlaea O. Te r,J.fgagi Keaye Hagej, L. Aawrtcaa It. La Mir. ted teath. tel! Ida. ftty, I tab. ted HuiUiiM An-- Oitm, luk rhlctew Heget XmM :it trt tbeof. etirr 1 and and linear foot dol.a- U of Tn'Y-- a r'' or Thr- - rool dollars abutting property at full 8. Half IUU f aVutt'nf prop- For th for sowers In the renon aid's boh arty from llth West Temile ter of strea. street from to ?lt South atreets. Richa-d- s and from At to .rdrew South llth Harris Avenue to 17th 9ouih and fr m 31st South to Tfti feet north. Major street from 17ih Souh to 2T.i feet riith sni from Hollywood Ave to 2M 44 fe- -t EdWon Street from Garfield A'e . to Westminster Ate.. 2nd Eat from Uth South to and 182 feet south ef Cotiillr Av from Garfield Ae to Westminster Ave Roberta 8tret from Westminster Avs. t Av 441 3 fet north and from Holljwood "to 2!el ff'uthr ITfh sorth street; West Temple. Costs' ill Ave from Main 2nd to 3r2 Evt rtreets. to Stats and to. Avenue from Roberta Street OarLeld -W' at Are. from- - Prat minster d East. to 3rd East, Hnllvaroed Are from Main to Stats and 2ltt South from West Temple por-- ! to 5th East, and defray tfe tlon e.f th rest nd expense thereof, estiHunSeven i Thousand Eixhty-smated at ' 14 dollars dred K.ve and 3l an-2i or Tw i(f 71 dolUrs p front or linear foot of abutting property j at. tb half raM. Imsaid ; The tbtal esroatd cost of Fortv-threHundred provement Is On 9 Thousand. Seven Hundred Fin and the 1143,745. 14) dollars of whirh sum total abvtterf portion is One Hundred Thousand Stten Hundred FI's and amnt Free tickets to and from Saltair, and for the following concessions will be mailed to dob members: Captive Airplane, Old Mill, The Over the Falls, Dodge Em, Whip, The Midnight Sun and Bathing. Merry-Go-Roun- , d, For Safety, Adults Must Accompany the Children. Tell all your friends and make this the Big Day of the mer, July 27th. Two Guards Found Dead At Railroad Bridge Sum- Tlv NOTICE. 4 (8113.705. 88) AH of tbe shutting XOTTCF IS HFREBTOIVBY BT THE Hoard of Cf.mmiKjoMJH of Salt Lake CHy. of ibo fatentlon o f surh Board of Utah, Comm loners to ihak t h folllowlrg (By International New Service.) (9 Jmprov iqfAt, M ONTOO M ER Y. A To cade sad Wert EM ward Hagler and Herman foneroto a'devalk rdeo of 8'fit Avenue from 4th wer found dead early todav, return. on both airoot to I JO East, and on tho Pintla-l- a near the Iw train ably oath aid of Spe Avenue from 389 foot creek bridge of the Western railway. of itk Eaft Stroot t,o 9th East street, aifd walk to bo tw (8) wide and four (4) 1 miles from Montgomery. rs the to bo tachs thtok. th wer toppin men bridge.. The guarding f of ab loch thick with thro It Is believed they went to sleep on are fttdewallL In (34) Hielrbas. the track and wer run over hy a District No. 31 aeoordlnff lo tho piano, pro-filaad apeciffcatlonj on !! in tho of-I- f freight tratn. Th sheriff ahd coroner laTJuTy dollar. propertv to he taxed the iota or by locil assessment upon to be affected and beneof ground piece fited by sa'd Improvement, situated withand 11 ot rive in Block 4. 4. 4. 7. ! Ten Acre Ilst A. Bt Field Parley, shotting r fronting upon tbe above named streets and to th entire depth hark from Ek M street and 0)1 withn the dlstriot said tut bounded on tbe north by 13th Booth Street between Main and West Tempi, hy 17th let South Street xbetween Main and 3rd East and by the north prhpeHy l.ae of those on the north side paroei of land abutting of list South tret between 3rd and 8th East street ; on the east by Main Street between Milt end IZib Booth, by 3rd East acJUtefc.i abutters portion of the cost and expeaio thereof by' a local a ensmoot upon the lots of 31st South and hy 5th East from the tfa PtP-Bloc- k fitted by said Improvement, situated wtthta I South, on the south Kn but 14. Fiat B. 8rt Lake City Sorrer. 1 rl ' South street or the above upon .1 street fronting abutting W 1 betwean and 5th East Street Teniple named, and to the entire depth back frm F the west property line ir 0 said street, nod within the district hounded of aB4 on the north by tbe north s.de of those par- buuing on the Weat of side Temple Street between cels of ind abutting on the north side ef west South In Sewer Dtotrtct No Sego Avenue between 4th East and 339 feet 13th and flat v east, and by Sego Avenue from 334 feet ost I. to the carAlt pretests and objection of 9th Kart to 9th East; on the east side by Stb East: on the south by th south side rying out of such Intention must be preof those parcels of land abutting o tha sented in writing, stating therein lot and south side p( Sego Avenue from 4th to 9th block, frontage In feet, or description ef to th city recorder on or be' East ; on the west by 9th East street-Tproperty, 9th day of August. A. D..19JJ. total east of said improvement Is et fore tbeBourd-wftlmaied 0ifnwsetners ot ita frrt undred.Xlneix LhraaaadT'TTh 14440 tIHI 134 ftoitar f which-suthe regular .meetlnd IhetttTttr, tpvn, akuttore' portion is Six Hundred Forty jftth day of August. ?932, will consider the nine end (9441 40) dollars or Sixty-seveproposed levy, end beer aai consider such coots (.47) dollars per front or lin- protests and objections said proponed ear foot of abutting property for aald Improvement aa shall have been made. sMewalk. By order ef the Board of Commissioner of Salt Lake City, Utah. Dated Jnly All protcets a ad objections to ihd- carry14, 1928. ing mat of such totes ties moot he presentW. A. LEATHAM. City Recorder. ed In writing, elating therein lot. and tonck By H. Warren Smith, Chief Dspngy. er description of property te the CttyoRe-eerd- er on or before tbe 9th day of Aug sat. Sewer Extension No. 354. A. D. 1932. First publication, July 19. 39Sf, Last publication, Aug. 8. 19J3, Th Board f Commlaaioners 5 t first nitrl klUI j!, DBLlXOriXT NOT1CB. Irrtrxtifm Company, Th Josb 'Lak prlsclp'.Saltpt Lakef hurts. 40 mertk Main strvrt. City. tub. Ji o t ic Tbrv an Mnqant a balaae du upon th (oUovlag decriM stock, s mast No. I of accouot f a per v. oa April It, 1989 tb tort ahar, tb name ef ral amounts st eppoeft tb rspctiv stock hoUrs a follow: Oort Sfcam Amt No ' MMlniE IXSXjSSwg- - .mU tho boar of dlrotor nad bars. Danelg. Rt. wt MEETS. The Tr publication. bf JJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES 8.U of Board of Con1iMr ? Intention of th. Ut.h. City &Aar4 Commiioir to max 'f tna 104 denbed Impror.m.st, losing eewer Constructing end leying pip. from r trifled or concrete (HI Wb ?7bt clew mch to thirty-.- ! Inrludlng irenhetae. in dletr.t.rec- at! co"iplet.. T' end Junction, tank, prof lo .r.d corning Into pin.office of th. City Engineer the Ton Cle tn end to d.frey th, .butter.' portion of " of by a local co.t and ...nw cf n ground or thun-lot. piece, men! as thereby nl benefited to he .ffect-- d foitoa Full t from ad of Main In tb Boutb freen 1 Jth to Tfb m hjh m th o tb at to 7S to Coa:' South i Main Itth a?rt frtn Ho!lrnod to 2l A i Ar. urdin fr.m ueat s d of Stat th defray the from 17ih totr 21a South and and xpn of th enat abutters yo-fThousand 19. (Bv International New Service.) Four WELLSBURG. ,Va.,-Ju-lr w.H known farmer of Brook county lodged In county jail her today by Captain W. W. White, of th Wert Virginia elate police.- The four men are charged with murder. The finding farms is said to have led to their r rest The pr!oner are; , Martine Cline, 4t; and hie eon, Shirley Cline. IS; Riley Shout. 49, and hi eon. Graham Sto t. 19, who occupy farm doee to CUftonVile, where on Monday nigh dur.ne a pitched battle 8herlff H. H. Duvall and three othere were killed. ' NOTICE. tha Blackfoot Chautauguarantors qua for 1922 met Monday evening et the Commercial cluo rooms to formuOfficers late plans of organisation. were eleued as follows: E. D. Bloom, L B. White, vice president;A president; R L. Ludi. scretary and treasurer. evening meefirg w'tlt be held Thursday to complete the plans for this years work Four Virginia Farmer Charged With Murder In Battle With Sheriff City Rcordr. SldwMc Btnion No 19,21 19L fjrat publication. July Auf. 4. J92L one-sixt- CHAmiQll LEATHAM Ry H. Warrn Smith- Chief Lrty ' ST' v l,k "a,T rr.ee, or M that ' rlr.ra.ro .ale prior, PI.ror PI. O.r Jolr teo. ...in... Plea,(rrm. ever. ower tbaa are kero Wo DROWNS NEARLY th. Grove Cl(y " ' J, ) t the tSund&y schools of both the East and Weat wards, to arrange a program for Pioneer Day. for the benefit of those who are unable to attend the Pioneer day celebratu. at Puffers lake The committee 'consisting of Grant Smith, chairman. - H A. Christensen. Ernest Shipp, MrsMire L dta Rr.b rn. The follow will be given In the auditorium of the new school, beginning at 10 80 o clock a. m. Music by band, song, congregation, invocation; song, girls chorus directed hy Miss Drucilla Tanner, oration. Dr Joseph F McGregor, vocal solo, Mrs John F Joseph; reading, Mrs Betsey S Goodwin, song, glris' chorus, benediction. The afternoon sports will be held on the public square beginning at 2 20 p. m. and will consist of races, and outA childrens' dance will door sports be given at 4 p m, !n the opera home Refreshments will be served all day on the square. A grand ball at night in the opera house will complete the days , program. - a, m. DODGE BROS. ELECTRIC ' COMPANY. Th ThtLClty Price city council (By The Associated press.) BOISE, Ida.. July 19 --A saving of 940.000 was made by tbe state on a contract for the construction of 7.74 miles of highway !n Bannock county recently. ft was announced by D. P Olsen, state director of Highways, upon his return from a 4nv at in f the elate: Tbeetate had estimated Ihe work wou'd cost about 984,000, Mr. Olsen said, but when the bids were opened recently at Pocatello the low bid was 945.505 03. William Devlin of Mountain Home waa the low bidder and the contract has been gentatlveiy awarded to him pending the return or of W. J. Had. state commissioner of public works.1 The stretch of hichway, lies between McCammon and Lava Hot Sfrlngs and is to b widened, graded and graveled h of the The state Is bearing cost of the work, tbe county two sixths to the federal is and tho extent of 60 per cent of the cost of the project. Nin contractors submitted bids for tbe work but the bid of Mr. Devlin was low His estimate has the approval of the cotfnty commissioners 0 Bannock County. x . FREE and make some real money. Apply July 18, 9 - Spc!l 1 to PRICE, July wee eet by th (Special to The News.) BEAVER, July 19. A meeting was held in the auditorium of the library. Monday evening, under the auspices of er A chance to get a Radio Set Levy at 21 Mills . Road Contract is Let Below Engineers Estimate r WANTED Price Sets City Tax til rt iCram BOYSCOUTS , rer -- -4 "USED FLAYER J PRICE, July 19. spencer Cunningham, son of former Sheriff Georgs la recovering slowly Cunningham, from the effects ef nearly drowning In (Special to The News.) th municipal pool Saturday night. MAGNA, July 19. Copper lodge L O Everett Kiserale U said to have O. F., held Joint installation of officers dove the water and saved him with Harmony Rebekah lodge at after into he had ceased and Uy Cooperg hall. District Deputy Grand on the bottom of thstruggling pool. Master w. R. Miller installed the following officers: F. B Radsbaugli, N O.; C. E. Athaa. V. O.; H. ClufLR. C.; Extradition Granted Two V- - A E-- - J- Rickey, warden; Vincent Cllnger, conductor; Charged With Arson W. J, Hoffman. R. S N O.: Dan Evans. BOISE, Ida., July 19. Following a I 8V N G; Dr. C. F. Westphal, R. 8 V. in th governors office st G.; A. P Olsont L. 8. V. G ; Jack Nell- - hearing n chaplain; W. B. Gallagher. L O.; which they fought extradition. Governor D. W. Davia, yesterday signed ex-- , steve Kaiiaa. o. District Deputy President tradition papers for James Wilson and Special Lena Radabaugh, assisted by her staff Delbert Rudolph, wanted In Lane of Installing odWra and guards, con- County. Ore, for arson. It Is charged ducted the installation ceremonies of that the men burned a house and a the Rebekah lodge. Tho following table to Collect the Insurance were Installed: Era Taughlln. N. G ; Henrietta Nellson. V. G,; Helen Ftckey. Idaho State Fair Deficit R C : Nora Gallagher, F C ; Bertha Hibler, treasurer; Margaret Olson, Being Raised at Boise chaplain Mamie Rogfre. warden; Elisa, beth Hoffman, conductor; Lena RadaBOISE, Ida. July 19. Following a N G R ; 8 N. 8 L. Vera baugh. decision of tbe board of directors of Jones, O : Elisabeth Cllnger. R B V G, Olive the chamber of commerce Haves. L S. V. O ; Irene White. I. O.; noon that the organisation wiltyesterday assume William Gallagher, O. G no responsibility for financing the IIZ2 Grand Master Davis of Salt Lake and Idaho state was It announced ac. fair. Vice President Mary Coil of the Utah tton tw being taken to liqutdat the state assembly of Rebekahs were the 1921 deficit of 400 in unpatr fair of the. evening, foL of Bodao eMlsene 4 bustueaa ftlncipai speakers Mrs H Moore, Mrs. R Had- pledges men who promised sums to the Chamley, Mrs. Sudhetmer. O R. Smith and ber of. Commerce cimmltue men last Mrs Cannegieter. all of Balt Lake. Mrs A P. Olsdn presented the Installing year. Of this deficit Secretary Graff said officer. Lena Radabaugh. and the in- yesterday, a committee of the Chamber coming noble grand. Eva Laughlln, has either collected or received promise with a bosquet of flowers In behalf of of payment of 9450. and efforts will be Harmony Rebekah lodge No. 44 A, made to collect the entire amount beprofusion of garden flowers decorated fore the 1922 fair. the hall. Refreshments were served by Mr. Graff said that the fair associathe Incoming- - officers. Three hundred tion has promised to carry on this wars present. year's state fair unaided by the cusof Commercial club repdrive tomary 0 resentatives for voluntary pledges from j LDSCfTRIlCC Ot July a4 Boise business men. fievktag to rcovr alleged to ba dos an a promis- Episcopal Bishop sory note, suit war filed Addresses Luncheon Club district court, Tuesday, by tha Federal Reserve bsnic of &aa EraAClaco against Ogden. July 19 Bishop Arthur W, J. E. Staker. Moulton of the Episcopal church of Utah, who was a speaker at the ProRAILROADER LOSES BARD. gressive Basinets club in the Weber OGDEN, July 19 The right hand of club. Tuesday, declared that the charOliver J, Davit, an employee and womanhood, of the acter of manhood Southern Pacific company at Pigeon Pit. caught In the clutches of the sensual, was amputated at tha Daa hospital oo material and emotional life of the Tha hand waa crushed Mon- twentieth century is gradually going Tuesday. day under tha whaala of a freight car. to decay- - He declared that the type of Davis waa crossing tha tracks direct- character as developed in young men of modern time, does not ly in front of a standing car when a and worn switch angina with cars attached ap- compare well with that of previous Th to centuries. in attempting proached. avoid tbe condition, ho said. ma angina ha fell and hit right hand was due to tbe divorce from the organised of the under church. He declared tha.whaela. Pavia home expression caught la In Weston, Idaho. that no man ran be permanentlv successful unlesrf bound up part and parcel with organized Christianity , LAST RESPECTS PAID. France, the declared, owes OGDEN, July 19. Funeral serv- her degenerationbishop to aside ices for W. G. Heltx of Big Piney. of God. Now that Its casting country holds out Beautification Plans Wyo.. a former resident of Ogden were Its hands to Christianity and its progheld Tuesday at the Kirkendal ress and prosperity will be rapid In tbe Indorsed By BeAver Mr. Holts died at Kmmcr. Wyochapel. Satfuture urday Interment was in tha MounJ. Brown, baritone, sang sevNephi (Special t(5 TH News " tain View cemetery. Members of the eral songs. REAVER. July 19 Plans for beaufamily from Wyoming. Idaho and Salt . Lake attended the services. tifying the public square and th- - new, school, were dist'uiuied by Lrili HanOgden Chamber to Aid son. landscape gardener of th AgriculYOUTO MAR DIES. College at Logan, at a meeting In Exploitation Plan tural OGDEN, July 19. Howard Sfarshall, Mondav night the school bcird. the Alien Zl. son of Marshall H Allen, council and tbe following commitOGDEN. July J ThVOril.n Them-b- city died Tuesday of pneumonia at tha Commerce will with tee fbom the Beaver Citv chamber of home 1004 Hudson avenue. Ha was otherof chambers of commerce: Timothy BrownhtU. chaircommerce In the horn in Obden. July 14 1894. Sur In exploiting the Intermountain man. Prof J. Frank Dav. countv superare his widow, Lillian Morgan state of intendent viving George M.trhel. campaign for Utah pro- Frank Smith. schools ranee Allen of Vernal, and Charles H. development S O Whit. Jr and H according to Secretary Jesse 8. A. Allen of Kilgore, Idaho, and a sister, ducts. demonstrator Christensen, county Richards. The purpose of tbe campaign foes Alien of Ogden. The city council voted to support the is to have people of the state and wul which week, man use Improvement country products ordinand to enforce LICER9ED TO WED. ufactured or produced In th district begin ances to pole line, pertaining be directed will curbings, Tho Utah campaign OGDEN. 19! Marriage licenses by J. E. Amey In August and Sep- etc., for the improvement of the city. wera IssuedJuly Tuesday by the county tember Mr Amey exploited the Northclerk to Robert C HHlen, and west development campaign. Madellna M. MUUksn. both of Jr, Ogden. Drfggs Coal Mine OGDEN, July 19 11.719 - SPECIAL frtv 1 OGDEN. July 1). Ute. and Church officials have decided lo entertain only of 1147 at the celebration to be pioneers held In Salt Lake Saturday. Sunday and Monday, July 22, 22 and 24. it la announced by the Daughters of Pioneers of Weber county. All pioneers are invited to participate at their own ex- decree of divorce wo granted to H. C-- Patemao from Flora Pateman. by Judge James Second district In th N. Kimball - court. Tuesday. Plaintiff alleged that to come to Ogden III wife refused when he moved from Ontario. Canada, ta 111). They were married in On- -- tartOjAng. 1. 1111. A , a Sec-en- f thlpnl.nta Eight Browning automatic rifles KeUeovtv-treaau- Bingham Family Holds Annual Reunion OGDEN, July II Cept Walter E IIdadqulet. commander of O troop, tilth I J.. to rrA Magna Odd Fellow and Rebekahs Install Officer 11 lc - m E5SSI irend.1 1 . and two machine guns of same make, a telescope and engineereoulomenl, stab1 suppaee, U caissons and Umbers, steel helmets and of flee supplies hav just been received Uniforms for the soldiers have also been received and distributed among the men The arrival of the uniforms has added much to the Interest in the organisation. Several men are at work remodeling the Whitmore building for armory . Newly Arrived Immigrant Is Buried at Ogden DIVORCE OGDEN. July fcer UU- con-trbu- 4 1 19 for- Bat'rv Mi Flewt Airirtog: ftcwwrw trejrc buy- - takls cere ol et -- Jt IN Special to The LEHI. July it Eirm Brad.haw. 14, prominent daughter of John Brad.haw. 8" local citisen was found at seated with her back against a tree In a fork ef Provo canyon. Searching parties had been hunting for kersiscs eariy is tbe evening. Mia Bradshaw lef eafy m the from the famllv ramp shout a mllo above the old fish hatchery Ina for 8uth Fork of Provo can von, wot lo hike. When the Lehl and cate her a caXl was sent ne and, 28 local men went to the started searching. . - Mims Bradshaw ea!d the became turu-ed around In the timber and as It was aeeh very dark without any moon,when sne elded to welt for daylight could not find her way lack to camp. I sr I Broadway at State. Tjeedey come eerrted'wnt ence W the d tzWet-L- - tv mar-lonreroeetl tttke until the money benefited edrenre be ren meke a re the etete l.qieteiur who bodlee relmbure the ftrnf tv the money. The fovernment will edrenre II 00. like emounl if the etete will gle - made-yTbw- Equipment Arriving for- Nephi Battery of Artillery ornt-- ' Western Furniture Co. w,th the (Special to Tb. New) Mthe- work end of tke It aeau ... - The Oirn Oiam-k- r Uken under d- of the. lull W. '.el'-n- . the: - 000 he ter Ftorkr I h y the rfceeihe,- to carry on OOrEX, July of vleemeM tne LOST . aasK3. jljnwr- - WEDXSDAYLJIJLY19.1Q22, .Leroy FHcrtnon, eecretary of Mona ' Farm Bureau, and J. E. Meanmott a heat marketing project leader will LEUI GIRL bo among the big delegation from thte aection to attend the encampment, i Agent Smith declare that the farm, thte part of tho otato and (era from their wtrea will go prepared to take Jan active part In the folowing eonUata which le to be a feature of the env campment, live atock. grain judging:, drees form construction, hat making1. ' cleaning and pressing. Keep an Eye on Our Specials and Save Money. OGDEN DESERET- - KEWS 944.18 87.41 - oa Son of th t?tb ay Of AprU. 8988. and oa July oharos of acb 14, 1988, w many ptrevi of Such stok a may bo cesaary. will bo old at public aactioa at tho offteo of tho company 40 north Mala street. Salt Lak day of Anpuoc City, Utah, ea tb first 1982. at tb bow of 9 p.m. of said data moo to there-a- . to pay tb delinquent a toftttor with tho port of advnrtialni ami axpoao of sale. W. A. SHBFHERD, Bsc salary. 40 North Mai Bmt. Salt Lake City. ' " f0" th" |