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Show fI ,, .. - , , , , A r.: - ... ,. ii , . , , , o , r, .' , , i ,, .. 'i ''' ,I I , , , .74- .- ., , ;1E ,,, DESERET - -- aoAok.....- ,1 0 -Midweek--; - vas . . , .. , r.. NEVITESTIMONY. o - . 4 - PANTAGFABotty Comp, Alwart the Woman"and nitykrHA IN miqg oclisi,t, the tam." Vau- , . .s. z Radio Each Day ,,' 12 :, . r...,17. I,- .4i, 4 ,: ., .::- A -.. PV. ', ilif .; .;" '. ''' ..,N...- Smulteata.--11.sprodate4oa- - -- ,- -L - -- .,. - ' 0 ..ACt , Air Otowrzryly rAE 04,9 GeNtr ;et toll-1.1)0- , t Powira eur Ciuvr 1: 777: T. et - 14. ' - - ;end I1 t 1.: . A , ' Weather Report : I 1 N .":0 ";-- , - Ii - . sc. -- - , , . it . did, 0 h- so (i.1, O . i . -- ......,, A, ...,, loamy : , As to cocAkoA,.r PAkm - Of , ' -- '- , . ' ,Aqtr. dts,1 ; trt tt--- 't , t a Precipitation: ; 4 1 464- CAA4 'Inch e411.4 v kr 4 - t.p. 4. - e : . t - V dosonorgaz, - , yeetorday . 1I T this meant ...le, I e .. m''.... 'areas. this month - -- Accumulated Accumulated deficiency this tcmath .1! 36 Connec TiOn 7otenilomeret. 1 . 1113t . -441:Ascumuicted Ie.". lino,' Jan. - - I Ell The potentiometer is constructed of '1,:' a carbon or graphite resistance rod WZATMEM onszatAtioNo. at 8 sm July 41; with a sliding contact or non-ind- . 11:40ekatitAr7.1-.- t , - - at the . tri9 - Iti : A de) .411,, J. pi' elm,--- 0 g 1 -- ., i - Vinzt '6, .44,e, y - ?'w'- -' 1 "14, ' 1SNor hAraukt theM Tile NOISt -- 27.97 HAS . oftqwe . 141- - ' - 111,4T ..... 1 Jiött dillim IN.. ,y. - ., -- Ave ------- 1.. 'Ilt 00W,V. BPI - 7:4,th- N477411 igiorN NZ ) 7710-eill- Cdr A D OA ,r, z You JS r e piAhA'S- Nzralt Yfs. -- Crr Na - -- - -- ON 711.4r VACANt 02-EAM- ,10111 1 N e, rNowA AlosteAb or- CAA7-41-- - . , - - :i 1 gt CAA"' , , nudzi-f-ro- zr Idi - . 0,er Anwr mel:eitt 4 - . . - to .....-...- ,-- i aps -- -,' ., Mir ell ?? ' ,, i ok ' -- s6 : .". 1 -- -4- att4fAm I small-bobbin- 11 t ' yy -- 4 - 44'."'-- I It - liltl Adire :pa, tv li. V (up Husband I "Her what constitute', ,,I 03YAZZ AfeAAS;90Aer Fr....... latest Prademark.' Gloria Swanson 3. . e which be th will Paramount vehicle, fi NA' olve latirA7,2 47,1711-,2- eirF'feature at the Gem for . days. In this case the husband's trade. , -41,Y,ftvoS letrii A PLivie49. , mark As a sorseously dressed wife. ..,... 1111: The husband I. not wealthy. but hopes . ALL coils are to attain wealth by making a show of tively wound reslatance QuEsnoNs x' ' . 12 :, wound on , and the ter- wealth. The plot thickens when a Za :11.. r4 L'a mina's brought to switch corKacts. friend of husband and wife. returns ' - after gaining both wealth and great- wi al vt2 a 4 awil - The total resistance is from a few bunlatia in lova with the wife' and c a s dred to several thousand ohms depend- - nand' P .. het 'wawa. five thousand treats defeated. The Farmers party, which -. c Premier Norris party, the liberals, arrived in port this morning from the Slatternthe husband. to promote his seifieh of . 2 g int on the type. 0 Orient with 5,600 bales of raw silk ;!,.. 3; alma. rather encourages the are being provided, according to the opposed the Norris government, cap- elected only ten legislators. financial 2 . Z f, a The advantage of the potentiometer romance. The outgrowth board for the New Jersey mills. or this situ- - announcement made by the commit- tured 6 of the 53 seats for which . is that very fine adjustment of ation la a powerful climax showins teo In charge- - The promise is maPte olecttons were held,- according to vir, .,', SILK RECORD CLAIMED. : : : rircuit be and "News" ads are believed. obtained. The main the disillueionment i after a thrill- that every person who visits saitair to. tually complete returns today. Thth may VICTORIA. B. C. July -- -with banditti in old !morrow will be pretiknted with some gives the Farmers' record sisadvantage is that the battery is Ins encounterscene control of the party raw Pi silk claimed the of friend's oiligift of value. These gifts will be the shipment - 1circuited through the resistance Mexico. the provincial legislature. 7Patst Admiral Liner President Madison.by which the death of the cowardly boafrom a large grab bag inside Rau. "ii i band and the triumph of righteous : W7 Do You Commit csigary liributed love. Cheyeamo DOCTORABEILDERs candy showers which bes nehmen Stuart the husband plays Citbeato IP, 14 14! of the potentiometer the leas will be with all his e finesse, as a always proves populaz in connection LAWYERS ? 22 2 44' the drain on the batteries. suave villain. Richard Wayne portrays with treiat days, will be combined with 'Pod "" , 4 City ...... ail in friend the of end other in tor expert advice? Another form roles It the the mit are Included I. ,,, treats.. potentiometer et grab bog , Durango bands of 'melon Littlefield. Clar- the is; Flavicart A toostaittto of mottos Nemo os are dolls. doll lamps, ham, bats .101which is, becoming more common is the gifts ence 611 Burton and Greed jowl, ' Charles ; Ogle. 9, fruit &she& free edit& porta sing yawed The production. directed by Sam con. coffeo, !04 st i eruoc.neveddir:ling.C:nrelnadYectetioelDaMatre:Ousit:pseinZly2 :ilea:: Wood. Helena ... is picturesque in theme plot free plays on the games, etc.the Saltair la:t...1.2. ; :: Harem , feature additional As as Lent& Moon wrote and scenic ', Xmases OW Hon. The potentiometer Is shunted the scenariobeauty. tatt.. from the ortiftlif photo-pla- y management b joining with the conI acroos the VIAtent battery and tho tandr , ti sof i, Clara men and will provide & free by cession Beranger. 2..- -, Las MaSeka .... 41 0 variable Sr 621 I conttot I., connected to the matinee from a to I in the dancing 661 ei2N31".ill ! " ? grid circuit. It is claimed that this Kinemaa The diotribution 'of gifts afternoon. ... - ' tsi ' As 1 on Neer York 711 TO from the grab bag will begin with the 00,16. arrangelnent..permits t?totopottntial Prodigal-T.4- ---sad . it41 ULO-netts 44t o'clocir trattrand row. that to.be cabtrr r I the,grjd adjured ofthe ef tits the - Illresglypt 74i I IitrrIval Ina .."7" set 1 '.t function below will log , .14 oireuit the 1):111. is which ueed "The in .just Wet, owssA -- , Ist 241. sr r.... oscillating point for the tisbe. Prodigal Judge." which is being shown ,a , ,Pbeenta ...t ,s,.... ' TI telf .44 2fit 1 T11KM SITUATION QUIET, The electrolytic detector which eon. at the Kinema theatre, nearly cost the Isseetsile . 7;1 10! a cs1":'Cy1 I : life of Jean Paige. who.has the role sista of a fine wire in an acid 1101UA of ao rartisad. oTa ... 7at aif ILStrike Ida.. July POCATELLO, the and heroine. Betty RASP Cam ..... Mairoy. 421 & potentiometer IS is! L , I 7 tion also employs cond!tions mem to realmsandabout tn. I chtid actor. ,'".. Itsee . rzeiftwooter...A., M.IphilMil 4' re Eaton. clever I Y tottery. This type of EML(E4r:1 is Charles 4i orderly, 7 The-fione of the every thing quiet failures across the twelve beibt was used 1 "- 1'4" 71 artless t..ci '' ate 4 I I ever since need OMscenes. of engine but it got beyond control, and ,sorne ', Pt-- Pau! report!' of Ingt 42 PO eta4 , hardly of call i The strike rumored. Ivaeuum has of ment two lam Dow of were the the the lives tube . in 'being "8' brought players 64, .01 i Oilers. and ..,t 3IACLYN engineers.--firemeSem Treaders A t ARBUCKLE i 'voluntary fire department. fttonary iv if $, , within the reach of many $O per esperime- danger. To reported to have brought out - bo Warne 14 et the sensitive form-detector, hese of the el:and servals, es flub I ..2 eosttie ... !cent of the 62' star! iir Vitagraph charming t use not tubes ',.1',54., those do wbo pref..; Pce":; .. Ns1 . dodge. the moot Womble character men Ii a Thit i 42 54 prevented catastrophe. scene;ihree - was filmed and et Stollen 41 of the sod the the 112.11.PlieltY s.iliscreen;1.. Pmeiteme . . it:alerts. : , or 641 were the 1 rescued 'morning. al, ...5;10614) The electrolytic de- - or thout any miehaPs.pair COP .. detectors. 641 4a. aa; Adapted trout V Kester's - - .. TonPab .. ARREST.' 74' 'washiness BRINGS has like the teetor coherer The of therefore 7.4, FIGIIT 'The faxteas Revel. story 1.6 Prodigal Judge KNIFE 2".L W111511MUOta .. ...- ....1 It is r,... but mbre , use. 0:: from than thet .64 spectacular. lalmost disappeared I are live men and (Special to The News.)19..".31"1" the characters -, H rin glue rises VII a.m. mut seta 7.61 a POCATELLO. Ida., July ilwomen 'with sli Melt' strength. and ot,1 was stabbed in the arm - -Beskellanas a Million is - , -It and weakneeses, big picture Signaturecon THEATRE-------"otaritrThe'best ever made Berretta. As a i kern Petition Asking Amnesty 'Perhaps the screen. night with AlbertboiA are intnates ..;; of the affair, FREE CONCESSIONAIRE'S t Grant to U. S. Prisoners Free Cherries at Int the city Jail. BaskellAas was book''' F peace g -- Lagoon. . ...1 aedndor;jearrcehntargweitohl cduitsittunrirbiann d toht. , . tabbing. - . BIG GREAT tie cherries by the wagonload a ,IIInd tay Presa) F, Q - ATONoc.'.July i WASHINO bne titi nenitd newt 4telniTeststrts"ar: ILApproxirryanyi itgiwla -. Farmers party Thumps i mately a million signatures were said nual "Cherry Day," an event which; , The swat on Elec . - trOni now on. will be held every year. Manitoba to be attached the sakpetition ling ' ,,I!, . ,tae coveter, The University ef Utah stimmtE,,, of amnesty to the remain,.. grant ------. . ..., ineraDeriltaParilaweziL find 8 r'rvvat Opirtion'''Prraonent Which' 'incedt iitudrittt, trefrbitireg'the'irliKot?:, -- - "'V ' :::: outing at Lagoon today . and prac-- ! gas brought here by a delegation to- at ,111 st t twill at-atudent thrall? wll every 111.AlMan.. ;nly. to President tt ::' day for presentation havn taints those :, Harding. The petition was circulated ptelandnannedreforSPeethelaoci cr,rsolgorn ams ibt:nesn' t ' I though PremieNorria, 02 Manitoba. le ss Iby Alia general defense tommfttee of also t Today ' oonality sad at. the annual i resort. apart thinrotubehopuatritlahme outing 'IP ,i ' couolideratios.7 .0 'Chicago. ere of the delegation Ineluded For the 24th of July a novel and of Idorria Hiliquit, of New York: Mrs. s ' , :'' t ble partywas. badly In Ii. slag ' , I , ..lt Robert La Follette. wife of the sena, you are era.. cnpi tor from 'Wisconsin; J. A. H. Hopkins. .tilt:Ina:n:I: Int . ..500 PRIZES t- it an ee ::::1::. nt of national chairman - , glories: the committee a ideatirtentioa , ei of 48 and James H. Mauer. presto mark which TBE BIGGEST DAY OF THE YEAR. . dent of the Pennsylvania State Fed- a I. Mew Chau history Itteettr. This act is exceedtngly danger- goon. Let so show you the aide en,. eration of Labor. Cottierfets lictlo bit IliarreolloalrialltaltairlaalarratO.Loolli-to-itb- it I 11 I "'rob bon near tbe treatssobody lift oat. coats tart, csalhatinittekreofcocm.ommmerecirced daring and skill. z'rCitubtlIBLe Irradiate Wa s,. sad latent striae in 000trittt to go bonito, sod boor Om fro Radio Contort. is ,.. l 7 7 Gem theatre Thera- d av will learn with atiofaction Piet Audience s INK"' foe 1 - Gem. 1 Tv Ral ., '... ,a.: 4'114 '''''N ' ... ,1, , (1,01 '''. It " ci ..tv .., ) "' t .,! iel 60fr- - . - g a, ?Jr, ,." . -- ' - -' , a - , 1 et-- , loWpoiyA, ow rwer PA,erAill,romP off NOV 41A$4Au. . v, ( 1' ..,N, - livcso,..10 ' , Iii - - I 1 0 . :.--.;- ) 4,,N PrErrr- , 4A l'1. . . 11N ' tItill,;,-- ' "' kt:g' k , tr 1 fleht 14 .,G,-- ,, In - (Apt, -.4 1 ' , ..-- -0- Iti L....fG.Dilf - " - qw .-..) - -- --- I I it-lift- i, 14 S. ',tit OKACA9 -- . , i t logairr hocArir C -- , r ' , ael , 41F ; ,, 4 1 a ' i -- t . . , lk -- , Agri - 4-- WAK07;e00,!ARte IL k. - IsIA..041yr,e111 ep. , . ' ' WAS VAMPJfE MY NEW PAkM 13,4cH soir a 4ipiee. 111 1 ov, '1.' ( -. 111Ntrefiv aze$511 - ---ft , IS. ... ...- .- -- i- WiaRt , . it? - . 7711(jArs ,, 1 A, ,,iy , ! tr, ship-boar- d . ' .). 1' 4 - t i Itt7 - qr.elliv., ,... MAkkg , ( ,,,, t, . '' N.. - - -1 i 1r ;111Ihr -- f.- .jôd,eR- IA I ,,....401, . 0 4, -- -- -- . .7 I ) , ear. Me.Calet. 4:fI ------ aA 1 ,., .,xo1) , fit)16 ' 1 .P.FPAlfro r ' ' li, I , - 4 sN,, 7.,. - ff ' s,,1,-11:.- n. - -- , .,lj t.X ,r . P ( i) 1 terittai-ot-aTe- 2 ''" ''''''''' '' ' e . - ' - t - . - ' , 5 s, .14) k . AL . Ak,.., - :::414 . i ..05....CA4 litrAh -- f! - 3 P") rr-419 .6 1 k , -- tre-w- as s ' . ' .Did 1 , ,.. Olp at - ... I. . xt -- ...,,J ,T: ,-. . . .".- -- - . 4 - 144P4k .,,, ,,. Yr . , , ',, , 1; ' - - on Old Mary Gloom Stráfigle-Hol- d - . , I I teletesses-vooretered,aa- - . , e - ... .. , , I Minutes Fifteen I . ' ' ..' , , Girt July - LOS ANCItt,g1t, Pay" fei,oritism Will being: that KINI,LMA"The Prodigal Judge." Charges Ohenchain shown Mrs. Madalynne 1 Dancing. where she ; I matrons at the county JailIrivertlaateel' bathing, boating. picnickbe tn were ing, bowling, rte. Cottonwood ! ta a prisoner. Stake day. Traeger. while, ."ts;glay by tibtrItt W.-, her second ' court, t1 the LAGOON EDWA.RD DAVIS. N. superior Dancing. awintodtur. 7 J., Eennedyi Belton for the murder of ,'; etc. N. boating, bowling. Edward Cherry (Copyright by Davit) v '. was in progress Hercounsel planned , day. Toebeleal Electrical Expert 4' 1 to iniroduce further testimony in sup-- FormerlyFor B. Goverament. U. Kennedy that contention its of it' :port 4 was not murdered by Mrs, Obenchain : AM "The Jungle" Wilkes. Leisann ICo. 164. .i Arthur C. Burch, jointly -indicted -----1- 11 Whet ragged Is svi ItlfYet'7"--btthe best moth ever .. by probably; parEvilomErra 1 ..,, strangers." by Call Rams) ter work to"Tte ..... .1A.11.1'0.111111...ReaCrysit-br.1.1altatt-rea- t. 'la..4- "--, ItitorglifteittIn'ttrirregHelv-ePro- Junsle; In whito4.ohe p$7..thi part , tars,. T'''''' """'"'"?,--the- Immigrant ilrL 0ea." - ..- - In ter by the itrrer. the "Mtge- and end brEffidj base.' on the groat stockyards story 1: Of the prosecution's attorneys. with v. Borns types of crystal detectors are by Upton kloolatir. I Her work is that of ea artist, Shel juror lost. - the result thehear found to be root .senlItive if a po-- i acres ,. not imitate the immigrant Slav ?Mrs. Obenthain say you 2 W tenIS ha Is thief. girk Oss forget that "Ohl impressedgirt reeling. a the In by a ts beaulitet roes shot her impersonation v. preseeca ; gedypertgr livirrernMata.Aditiattaittlt talented. AmerloSS isattrett.-I, ' dt.es sited Juror James is v a critical usually not Poe Gail fairly but requiring One. end One's Kane. r M. Rhoades of Edward Nittinger, a wholesome. was present very fine Voltlage regulation which is problems; anal, that she ess. who ..: defense witn . girl gives under- - with the device harm.... the riding peasant when Mrs,- Obenchain was taken to to lems her she brings , standing, prob The necessary voltpotentiometer. and the police station at Beverly,-Gleappreciation. From her age is usually supplied by several dry sympathy Introduction in far-oas Lithuania : g suburb, shortly after the slaying. Celle..COrtitected in series, across the the shy peasant sweetheert of - The state objected and the newt terminals Jurgisof which to in the the ocotillo a garpotentiometer tragic' Chicago favor. , i: in their ruled connected. A slidtng contact al-it is One. not Gall Kane, who 'miles ''i Your Honor." But. protested I. snd lows joys and morrows and EL Rhoades. "I want to know the fact since the retistance to be varied and lives grieve, before hs. current through the rests, 1 sverY fact and I think I should. tance the It neither nor le Ona, is constant voltage varies Overdo. but Ono. as underdone being calied upon to make a with the variations the Ona. as thou- , in resistance. Gna lived the part and Wftrf of sands decision. One terminal of the battery in' tom- faced with similar problems. that Miss 11 Judge John W. Shenk explained mon with Kart, uperbiy interprets. No painful. case meter is one terminal of the potentiothat rules of law governing the ed connected to the detector ly obvious makeup to break th tilu- Made the evidence Rhoades-desir4 on slit stockings where cotton while glen. contact the variable v of the 2 inadmisaible. 1 to the touid not, be afforded. no attempts to potentiometer is connected accentuate th charms of Gail Kane at other side of the detector through the ths expense of the character or the A fixed condenser la ustelephones. no exhibition of costly gowas story. 1 I 1 ually inserted to series with the de- to remind us that it mi ll la 01( tector &Ad secondary winding to preKano. mot and -One. 4 4 vent the potential from the batter "The Jungle" will be shown at the irs.tnitza rontaurr. stunted across the secondary. Wilkes theatre on State street the : it City, July 11. Ittg. being This small fixed .condeer is therefore week beginning July .12. ror Malt Lek take : boomirs City ssa vietnitr--1.- 1 called a stopping condenser. The potonight aed Thursday. tooter. For UtahLoral showers tonight and larity of the battery is also Importg Paramount-Emp- r ess. Thursday. dolor Thursday and Is aorta. ant in satisfactory functioning of the . sot wartime tonight. asand to reversed to may idetector For deuth000tora IdahoTonight A real and Judge pr esided for a few certain which gives the best result& tinsottkd with thundorstormo moments on the bench in Ethel Clay- 3 " Thursday tuoustaing. The carturundurn detector isproba- .toot picture -- For the Intfrns.. wnen the principal detector in general Judge Henry D. Clayton .of Montg9tii- LoraJ Cowsnistatis Wristhisr 4 bate roe bly use employing a battery and potentio- ery. Alabama. visited the Paramount July 111...11ITS. and poaed with Mike Clavton meter the perikon ranking next in studio t while the pictures "For Both types of detectors the - will bewerethe taken. Tontooraters. I Ds popularity. Defensefeature of d have been in use on for the now pbotoplay bill which opens at el Minket yeaterday sevetal years. and gtve very satisfacthe Paramount theatre to- litisheet is title mouth last Year results if properly used. The sili- morrow afternoon.Empress f; 141 tory Highest ht this mouth slue 1174 Lowest this morning Judge Clayton did not figure that 71 con detector is also operated with a be was related to the charming Para- toweet this mouth Mat year : tcweet 41 battery by many experimenters. mount star unleee perhaps in a veil' thie month MOW 1614 41 Normal for yesterday remote way. but he was none the lees 14 . 3leati CastordAY 14 Ao :el delighted to meet her and readily as- Accumulated estates Oda month seated to the suggestion of Director : deticiesey this month. Paul Powell to play the role of judge I Accumulated seem oe JIM .. . I In the trial scene- - He- did it creditably . S44 , . 4,41Isact, 41944 .tai6 too. ) There- la it strong supporting cast Rurntaite item eo me wh ich In affords ction produ thg Lrel. ' of the best dramatic work that Wise NT bulb temperature at 76 Wet bulb temperature at Clayton has ever been given to do. a.m On the Paramount bill with For the Relative humidity at I a.m. ; Defecte 1,, t will be Pery and Freddie In ttrry bulb trinperatere at I p.m. pee with tarifa, "Taking Chances." a comedy It r"' Wet bulb temperature at 0 p.m. 761-Sid Smith. A reel of thrills featuring ; - terday be shown. also will News Pathe ft the Relative butbolitt? at II p.m. pewter., y . 1'4 t . l - rantages Gets ,troin EMPRESS"I AM Porcupine." PARAMOUNT 4. ' ' - , AMERICANThe &LA AAL 1922 19 . TONIGHT deville. ,. . , AMUSEMENTS i - , ' 11 4t, . JULY . ! ' - ; WEDNESDAY,: - ; 10117:1223213131111521:11.1 soltry,-.- - , , - -. . , '. - - --,- - -- --I., 1 shortening - old-tim- I 3 TOMORROW AT br ;- l "The - I - 1 s, 74i : In "a 44, . 7.- 1,4- r , - 1 , ri:;: a n- - I ai't ot I 6 . I . Judge" 04,1; I :4 s I 11 ,usow y 6111 1 1111 .7Jjwi - - . , 1 1c,:. T4 1 - I - 11,61 --- 1 1 . 4 , ' ' ,-- .1 4.-, . !. - 3 A Fine Old . . I tif: , I , . ,,,,,,-- t ci i ; IfI 1 4 days 4 1. er, , i 1. , - -- -- , 1 ' - . 'Pr Ur,- mATINE.E: -- - -- RADIO CONCERT ' . ,,,iii:n TONIGHT I I ' I Sate 2., ' H --,-,-f CO,MPAN 1 Mre 44 ' AS; , ; POE - ; ' I Vh ' - 4, , Obregon - - Indisposed After Visit to'llorelos "Crab Bag" Treats to - , 03r- Associated- Press.) -- - ' MEXICO CITY.' July Obregon. who reurned yesterday. from a weeis visit to Cuernavaca and :other points in the state of blorelos. 'was slightly indisposed today leo that he was unable to go to the natiOnal , palace. condition. however, is not r His conaldeFed segious. - : , -i A Lemma wan , I the:Did-Side- - 5nn B ones- C regrading 77 - ILAfVaCtnr .......... - ttel eVlanrio Zei .; ,ouuuuouuormouuum ' , - , filt, , t y- belt peuede. quarter peeved's, tablekteah; end Year besetttut baskets. A TREAT FOR EVERY PEES014WHO COMES . $4, enan , Tomorrow...THURSDAY It1S- - - I - Tomorrow at Saltair the concomion-- ; Dr. James G. Greggersol, Aires "grab bag" treat day holds the, boards and the concetttion men have! NATIONAL LEcTratti. arranged to accommodate One of the ADMISSION ed CENTS largest crowds of the4187 thn'e Glot,118: If good health Interesta Tout do have been to May. cessionalret contributil utton to theito not miss this oPPortoottY soloed. r judgment on S; your problem truests and "1 the crowds attracted trf the treat days sit,c - a. WI". 'mom" he:Inside and - , .,, 41tO ' - ' . I 4., - 11 . , itatio-41004- 0 I ' fi . Custon i -- E Ili -- ..--- . l ;-- El:1 BIG - TRIPLE FEATURE EXCURSION ' -- r .r..'i . I , |