OCR Text |
Show . . ' t , .,,, e ,,,,, , ,,i, , ,. , ....,. .. ifin.,...., .,,, ,T, ,s. ,,.....,,..,, -- . - - .. A, ,... -,- ,, 4 ,A, , 1 tv ,.. 4 .,- , ,,tt Nit 4',11 .. ..- a ea " ',...,-,6 0.9.4" ii 1 . 1 , . . , ' -. " .......... D 19 171. CLASSIFIED - )1 ADVERTISEMENTS Buyers. e.1411' pLltr SVesteitItelp 1922 WASMDMOH savittemaSerAltrig- Se ,st, line each tint subsequent consecutive insertion. M!nitnum charge 20c. 34in1mum &VEaMe words to a line Count six averose twords to a lino. FOR THE BEST WANT Al) WANTEDTOr a . 550 ' - TEN Di'ath h !T firookAt--kith eig a tli:1.....!' Amu )1..LC"!The-111,- '. mortuar - ! - 'Let ?tit I FIVNIERAII. ftat WALK 4l63 'AL AWL, T TtikzAnrl, inasanble rr's! Tills 1,4 MI tas te 13 t,1t, MILSTICIN C0.1:1 t,qT ad 5 I. of bullfullY fIrniantel nnthing nester tn cl.r In a plae ni tots sad Pttitneas. mato rhos twat!! el'earst 1,0 ,r,ta th rulit!h Ubo all ;!rat!ng nap...area W t parlr-h- !a 1,,,Yttil t 1.rtfla. AWL J. BY PALIC Ws, - Sooll atalm 1 GRANITE IriARE NEAR ACRE ..;;;;;I elsrin.0.; CARS. 4100 Pr! -. 11- "to Mat ; a.4 n-1- - apart-mois- t 131,0 I of cowetwato T.""t. b,,,, ,,,iv,- - ill I , p;41,of thIS 1,nol hi.. to her inT,,,,,v0 1 ,or AeR 'NFAII, WAWDAMtftle. pork 4,r,,om n,,,,tos rtlfinlry motor. ; r . Inston ht. ls. ell, horn. - , ft Ou24 BRICK,. m,,n- l7 at very vta,osonablo , ?cit.. Itee down, 4,0 Wil 'i'.4 oft II . IN WE! EQVITT -, hwt-t- t yr, esr I:, s . , rt Loco HI. rrt,,n, C. ": fIltleK ,T trlor t4Uvrnit 'T.1,0'19,- so - A . tr i ,,,,,,IT hotwito., 1r-- tro,o. CITY cONVENIEVI-EsOV A,REg At Ill! So Ttb E. 1 C.tw.N ANT) WILL FELL ,b.s Nr-- w,11 w v97 iltte wiltdp:Foi PlOPP!,, 'PRICK tor f'ult aeld aback omit pentor - to IliC from- tho whew ctatt throtigh then :ncoeic neIghttoro ov:::t vdOw.st In that local',ty, tkon I tton ne Yoe ,rni Toll CAN $A-vIIIOI ,ft itoOtte at MY eooPt'oloon? I,,s Prt', A S'.t0. fly. 410 W. or Was. MET en'4 PIttrK-Ilil, o4 Se,49kti !CAPT.,- V, i ; t w,. 1 11,...,1.4,, t,e oaten cow! . 3i14-W- tt" , ,., I, ''' touring, f1rst-01a110 touting. good con1tt00 1100 ' 4,!! , , , , 4- - -- . 1 I 1,...cro,-- NJ--nEccirtalliwc3 Funeral services (or James Ma:vey.- if Si PERat rolZFN 'Fergus. hems.. Expereence annsees- who died llond4y. will be held to- - -- tow. Ines ler Tapestry .ramp ,Partl,f,ara levy anOrrew morning at 10 O'clock al la, ALKIItt-PUTTAUTO 05. Pete! Co.. 204 I.A.Orange. int of I' the Maileit'ne. t' Cathedral The will leave the- - res14'ne (11' h" IF Yrir WANT TO l SS la W. ath la. A GOoD E OF SR a6S4. sister. Mrs. T. Holland- Was eatetthroadnowitIon. Aware itensweee Business at 9 3fi ocio,k. Interment Wiii DSY and "eve. Petitions guatAnteed. be in Mt. Cdivet cemetery. or Phalle' evening amegoaxna C.J. ,rrIt SS IMAMS. East TWO OIENVINZ intrmation. lila, The body of Williarit Charles Ciark-- . Oroadwar Illi 40, Via a" bur biota St- You had boiler Act 1100 gash son Freeman. 93, who died rice 11100 VIII Ford Ton Truck. good stoke body, ROTAL IMECTRIC VACTI'M rrIMA ',Meg was tient this afternoon toTuesday quicitiY It You want this bargain. !ato, good tubbor. and In good MediRocIci with, sold and moted. Walkr Electric Springs. Wyoming. for the seryiees and CALL Iron' PrECIAL wirrrinG OF THE tine mechanically. SM. Slit.. Was. VOL CST LISTED. LITTLE gNara Interment. The deceased at one time OF . Al STIN Ford Delivery. motor la oxtremely brotikuotnEms BOARD AND 110031. zms practiced medicine and surgeryal Rock good condition. good rubber. Frio only Ills. SHON SALE ....- .east side, beautifully furnished. I le esimma Springs. BZSIT COMPANY. Kyr" ignore. I, ss.. Li. rn6dere building. SUMO; $400 card, AND ROOM, CoOL. NICE BOARD wiptrric PAGER LAyesirs KRWIN direction to and the Pueguant authority I rooms. 1m:tutt1ng a beautiful mahogany, or Brown Whits Canemes Ma's Shoes. w0.0 ICS State. South c.00,00 hbm., $7,,,., 2,, 2,0". of the board of directors of Austin Brothers PThrKIZAL HIBECTOBS. . in.f.eit.. loath Isola. 11.11: Ladie's en. strap can- - dlning-"e"t VI"r014 0,1 al"im Practir f A PODeil tion. a corporation organized and calls otw rugs. Every Part of the house 6 sole 11 leather hotel. Vali nt 8." aby etkehial hea been thoroughly cleaned and la In Rubber iota. Orford wALLAcr a RAIN. WintsT SIDE 71e; Ti... the'. meeting of ha FIREPROOF STORAGE. tamtra. III North Sth West Waa. tit Pluntw SI 00- 'slurs. f,r 11 sit, vett,' rear. of condition. EETT AA CA- R-of Paidtlii.w.evit;ic..e".;;; la .;7IS looms. good locatton. good ruge and .. Blamer Patent Loather Pump ttpeti-datII S. undertaking parlors Out of Voris'14'dcra0."; STOR.A.4111111.tads- Rant.. 444. mtIu any Owe yea driv ft. We brown Masa, -$1.40;.. the his, rent dretrict Prices and morale" ftompe.,.. Ilfe. .401.Vormant Kids,. la the City take th pmbing and ahicotng. Kyser Fireproof Rubber Rola Wary Jones, Se and St $11,.. suo titan. guaranteed. of Utah. and County of Salt Lk.. Phone's Waa 6712 and 17211. 13 rooms, Rubber arti Storage.. Sole Han. :5 Shoes II Heavy hoarding STAIIIL OM rooming; lagant CANAGIL CAPTTA. I'S rn the of at th hour -- , t, , 44 061016160 046nclit.1,11 Cr0tria,n4 PK WINfl ccf ci," 'I' -- 310 coup 1,4r-.- 1 t tf.,,c,,,, ,.1.1, :tt mr,I)T. t' 'Reif. (ARDEN 11 A,VIrg !CZAR TITGVILAND pRivE, AN , el, la tnI-v- r. I I', lit 6 lo 1,1,111 (140.1 L. 01,1 haus fru:t rcfa,,tiril risrfar, woitpr rti0104. t,, itronyf w;h rt0p,,t401114 wooevery tactory .,,Amaao, ...,,, 4, ,......keR,o, yo,,,,00n., (WWI ,,,,,f.,,,.'-'''Il.it- Amyl It weclir- Piy 'coo, 'rent ,ac-C1"1',V1I-014- , I 4 ii a 0.00 i';. ber r '..A A1 1, Itzt Of coovs., ,' Xiactratrittir-loo- r 'Pato Woo fit, k.o,,i4L ,ItAte isorhere, yhy,cors hoot! o . .t.: Sle4. hom In tho c,usitty, 1.,ut wosts to the '''llitat ettoo ructlerrratirl tly tii Mat, '' (1,4' 4" WrgT ts: 11.1, T APPLY ,,torii coot oisto ity al 0 011Y 11,0 SUIT 14710.04 CASH ROOISTICIt 1,31,1 M otSrn f r .. fiiiit ilitAr 'owl bui, R1 SOUTti ,,Es EXCKACi hotter 'HERE ARK TaVENTT ACRES et ruytrttng water in oil rtAirno snit Niithicy 111 111A1A o n4 1Prove, 1, the goo, tf furniture Ilrrithltill. A then, 0.1,, 01.1,41 10 p,otato.0. for . irciod Pitt., oil tutwourd lc rh piunio good groin, elsciabellrarahrre banding dittribut... st If yoit aro looking will 4i arras in nrhat. I a,r01 r, earolv aatirty you 3,000 ar totria eabh restattros and 4, . In periabre horellw this IC!. rnop ea peril r for acre tn atrantotorrina.. eta. buildings, will be roryglaril to allow or, National card regiorra,,cr tau u it. h..ecrne in arid Ltylue arr..m, nu li.,, ant. hautioa of watar,In IWAttr .64, IT,Koly wars and thtt to ro,i a tar, stock. eorrat awl harm. nn ;,d r4q,, safr - ...At. horno lord ..', ., el, h r Haim lull,' Iratlit 111,1 (0.51 600 rtrtlnt tArn of frat trera juin, cornik,g in. Pine. or:1 tr,r ROC,HP. (CLOSE, IV.) or prioeo - Wit are Ili br maraud for got Inas ittotorte 1 00. 10100 Stood ,gaoh ,,,, and !! ull: earth In too yay ) the at 45ta bettor air location Nothirg cAL,, Hy, r, i!th repitors Do not trnd !oar of foroltur Webilach11.11 W3s (00 or more nd furoloh,ingo Tho rout .id about 3 block Coll for Farm Dopartmont t riffro htat year ((KIS rettelaTIL but or': to tiroshell la Li). 44 per roorth, irieng hoar and ,40 pays inorc for SPOT CASH. pErrit,Yox HomE bulLurFts ro. Income about 1100 par ronnth hot water, .,. El.ni-7t,.- hirmts? Machine& 26 rbovro$et Oil touring roithrov:2,-Chovrotor F. 1, ;.,r ..n; - OHIARANTicto 0116 0060,0100 'MUSK BARI1AIN 1,;"'r" rt'.' ,, ALKIRC.SMITH AUTO CO. Chevraiot 12q 1'410 p.111 r 'iRTMrsil 'Otte. iltrir A ftItteWeee-e-otww-two--1-,st-- welt Row.., ttOm psytct PSI'S att it !O LT b t4r t , A 'L evy. 01.1) ifiWthe OwNPP.--Elca- Wet 'Mat: a w!!ts . t.' WT. SAN FRANCISCO, TRADI propsrrf. Idalzeiv 4Staw ,.1.:149? krld "kirk 11 Ka-na- riNE ,- - ., MODERN ROOM Rt'NOfi LOW, OA M It, Divers Coprlo,.MFAKOld, 41.11Ath , littob, WWI t .4. t,urea. Ziee 60 I" It, $ if, pee most, Id d W.ot 4qt fie fit H7- - 2i4s-J- r I t.r BR no co tos-- t wrote lc fe ' Inde. Roai P'.st. nal Mts, Loss. Thaes BY ,,., II u for ovrwrit. VI Cr Was 4761 hwte! buy In lbw eIy. fo,n!tu, tad Ito lAetb Sra Witett r r re et th r.r) 'ow IV. atvi 6,e1 CORN HARVESTLR ruts Ind r:IL11; ,.44 rnr.n ng watr in akont ene:ha!f of !ht.', Pr.no .., N7aR on harvester or wtoroao ''''''o'e FAI,eMt tirecntosto corner 100li,l'i l'on heAt q coin heft WI por month, ine,,,l'aft horse Onto and. aho,ko A 125 'en cris;te atom. rest ittoroy ort thlo tv'e:, Binder old in everv te,rnont su,;It hani:o.am or w ti ac. t 3 APItEk with fodder Heine atto ),,r. , ,..h ,, Or automohtio t,,,rno fttet wr h por, free. r,e and .n,;, moniale catalog !I r Writ of Harvester.- Pro. AUTO 113114:WNTNO ,,,,-t- ' : Ushoprvell amid Improved ,7 your Outlasts . ESTATS L .04 , fins With tlyrs .4,41. to-I Itttle short bLeke south South Ss Ord East. Pries Ith Goo. eater right. Nauss .111- 11,Ttill frit! 'UM $4000 1647 tit 'MOM WITEL. ' I Farms and Arreave ci,IENTs. taki4C.L4011,,, A P Aar MigNT AROUSE.. apartment bout's.. artonnatic 2.incia. - roll ESTATE. SALE....:REAL 1,011 OR PROTECT 1VE ft, And FOR I Rea Rooming He's; t'Avis iiivEsTmENT COMPANY 1,1ah's Patens:table Hotel Brokers. thee ft Stnett, "nee ft-- , tAnch. 1i7 S2766 OPPORTVNITUCS. IlitSINESS to-- - I. 4 ft. Cane LE11111E7C -- i WX'...-- ki ,:.ii, THAT Wan tedIrrly ,cfrrityallo l a.!rtrere!r'w11.6 el:. hand La take down the bright Inta: our child. tatrings of ,honit....F elate , ALL NSA! and coupled; ali available prilea 'Pa.'', At attractive ter11- Inne ft. 11141 ft. 100A ft. 10 000 ft. IIincti. la 0.4 ft. 141;11 b ' ,,' I 011.1" !CRS - 0 .. So. ,,-- - ,' , Flotrto ntmecie,.1111) 7 7 I.., rofto TON TItUele. With basurbatie tire atiatin arm cords as tsar. moat. S2a Clotott tsb for drIvarr Kolet hal ins Inst " rill dkr a o,00ld maks a Ono eat for a fruit paddler or a farmar tO t rial bug card$ truck to UMW. CLAFR IIALEn1IEN LIART ob at nr- - 41 Part Lyykyy ry.,, Wrtt.rfd yyfrinntonitI nyvv.hants Inv loaf aye anywarenev MT Cat! azAt --ralvvontena a tinynorway.liatany.......zavyytay void v ay and Th4rvd.r Iyetbro In a I Cillid TEDSA WA ; and ask for the Classified At Taker------ 1 - TO KNOW ron 'mut I I TONCOHILZ 1th to:looginti n App4 , 4 hoé'--:-Né$:-.'.-VV4'ot.-7'- ... ,fm,,.."0.,.ammmitammiii.osmot.wistimum,,itàe...aar,..-,- -. , -, 1P1PS,. ,LEARM TWE BARBER ?RADII AT M01.1 eel Berber Co 11ege, 114 Resent 114 Weide We guarantee nopold wbsa leacting. sults, THE DESERET NEWS - AL tril. and Use ER gore HU.Inte. Crtiigo gigue 10HEN1 Dag ati1,1 graduate, th good guititteig, night serums ail Vito you. Enreit how 41 East brogdway , Phut. ' SERVICE' Phone-Wamtch- CLASIS fr ea:Par:tan handhrg co orrirne.mml leowoos. th so rruot re.trsr,, , c, ' LSCTRIC WASH t trothod Confidence! Response! Thorough. Satisfaction. itimis!I Cost ' l (atnie) ' .'''' - , A FOR MALE rim DalaAutousibbtfre MRS IS PLASTERERS Eit WANTED. Also. plumbers. P'Irst t'aso "non ye& t4 R. 21...441 'Ralson, S K. C , . Th4 214, - , AN TRACIIERS. LOS EXPERIESW42, T C A, AAte AAKAII arse that Ph Read"Dail7-15,41quaands,.- ---Ponpe- ctiys . 1,4siren .. ea . , ., all to , II - . . . J171.1- - , ,,. V 1 NvLDNESDAY iirEWS. Trim DESERET ,. . , , MP' - - I , , ! :i - , , .. , to-- 1 ,,i .. , 11 tor-tea- I1 I 'v.-A- .114- i (1,t4 ' i i ii f PT OWNER, 0(4)1 MOVE RN BUNGALOW. OAK te'attireL te,qrst (rim gr',4 41 risTob. $ 4. n, 1 mbnth, Weart Teumvio nol gth S!..z,12 3 La rzeq. Hy. 23W-- J rr , Assot-LtrioN- NP:W CNITTA0 Ptiyolt AND P,h 10,b 3rd SOUTH. WOO. A ePLT. TER MS TO PUTT. WEST IRD fiCTWFFN 0 e tt Ilia I nth a m, of UNDERTAKERS AND of 14 o'clock day said day. to conetder wt.". Wald Tann" al-- the aerinoof the board of directory of said as recited in . cortsn resolutions AtertIAI, VIED CAR RALE TAILOR. ti.z, al ldopted by void board. at s rnesting of "LIBERAL CREDIT TERRI." finp, undertakos mid board Temple, St. Utah', loading the at they elitist and Bovines and and embalmers. r re he ju I oars goods the beet. Priette et your lobter Ilipoe. "IrkCialrlando attiring that sal4. corporation do borrowsuiting. Was. 7600. Itsohtoes ItcaoClialiners Ceditina money in the artgregate menet of Two HunOve lisad tired and OlympiasVW Dollars 1011044,6 OW Thousind Fifty (tile COMPANY. ISTINTIR CARL EDDINOTON skid uo bonded in a tndebtednees creel," st Direetere. toes L. 214 seem. ow "MARA ?crimp for that "Masa, rsTsbi In am"nt tho high !sat districts. "Quailth food coin of or Of the Un;ted States Of America S ervice." M. ORAIIAM CO. and of to standard the briniest quad weight 1136.1131 flo. Wont Tempt It. finenes& to be represnited by firet closed IrLOINUMPI. morrgage bonds of the rorpqrat!co in the 'mount of Two Hundred PittY Thousand FLOJtAL mr.thioNst NINet Fixtptht. CO maid corpora-Il- e ts:50.640) Dollars. and thatA It tad South. Waa t n d Isue as re.der.,- - g said bonded !i.e. Indebtedness. in It$ name and under its coDrive It Yourself Co. rCEMETERIES porat seal fret eloped mortgago einking 111 Weft 4 t h oth. A Was. 166. tUnd seeen (71 per cent gold bond!, to the LAWN WASATCH CEMETERY ainiount of Two Hundred Fitly PAR. soirees-tpotatol--oas- s Was. IDE Se Maio-&tThousand t I:130.000) Dollars. that said BEST BUT IN . bonda boar ditto of rebroary 1. 1122. mature BlotkrtT sew meet have sem mono,. MONUMENTS. and becoms poyablo on February Inquiro onion ...es. and be respectively' numbered. and bat of Sport modol tottoreon oar. No. E. lot So I Was. Marko. CO, such reepectipo denominations ail la more ,ALT LANE MARBLE AND MONUMENTC. O. Johnson, Prop. 116 N particularly to the said rarolutioue sot forth; CI Worlu. DONNELL & anthamarai Cr). w. j A os.aG Diu oaer..r.a. yttc. s pale taatht furniture. with fine piano and Victrola. faced gloves. 104. iodine out straw tolbar,s,al.a si .11:40:7,117..alcraPriA.4Cult.malfloaCtlac,..0..t.11lipibinpir,.. lf40... T7.main. R.." one, STrOttil.eG T hats. 11 and 44 coots. 112 13 cash. CHICAGO STORE os houaebeld olualve ha gest s rooms, free beat and hot water. 1400 10 IS Root 1st So. Opp Salt Lake Theatre. 1,,of gvapraor cash win handle et a Wost., Phobia thecae south Os., lag 1 I steam meima hest furrtabe& rant 160: NO T FREE. Wag. 1464 aad 1461. IMO cash month. 126 per creering nealtani But bawl train over offered to o mit IOW i your !Ire p.,,,pr.tr ' FOR RENT. machines. We have hotels,. rooming houoca and &Pact- - I . GO OVE.R VHF min T to f m-1!,0 rrwqrri lar prik-e- r, from ranging AND COME EARI-V- . PARTLY RODMAN. IIIS ROUSE. Ito suit the Dont mee to us fall purchaiter SSC 0. if 1221 W. Old.... South lith and at "lit Strati?' 1148IS el Finger Ingulre 3,,,, .neic.tp.te 1,..,,,t,ir .. wa 000 I ocatis White Drontmad. field Store. rhos Wait 12110.J. w. A. w. .... Icso you mattotactoilly nd qufrItly. 12 Plan Curd SO"' SIntst IS TWO-ROOWhite Dropheild NEW DAVIS INVESMIENT comP,toy tioust. PARTLY 10 Vtou 17 IC Triumph atb go. Pat.. Muttabio tor young 0.0Atch 1141 IS OS Suit 121 34cIntyro Itc White Rotary ... 14 Singer counio. $2: 00. Walk 4301. OS IS Domestic Fsonkia It..00 II t.ingor Binger Electrto IN FIRST CLAP; ROOMS. MODERN. Whit. Ofitoe. 7 2 6". Main. ATTORNEYS. endttlon. Close IL an Mock from Enet Y 11aa and Osta toil range, RENT A ROYAL TO CLEAN TOIR FREE BUREAU OF LEGAL INFOR52Aporch; reaannabla to rIght party. v.ny Walker Eloarte. lig Fe. State. Weal 4101. tion. divorcee. bankruptcy. wills, PUT ear taro? la Canyon can. Rd. Wan 4441. tracts. ciairrie disputes. Inveatiserions. terviosre confidential. R. N. Mathews,. SIMONIZE TOUR CAR. 4 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. 450 La.wpgr. 405 Hooper 133dit, 22 Zest Firer W444h-- b Parattbre or efface flstores. They eta, len Id North and Wald Routh Wee. 2325. Phone 111111013124K1. and when bright inexpensive Ord TWO, NT eELT RED easily applied. Call tor denloastrashaa. KIND AND SCR ltAlliEN ATTORNEYS AT rooms. with PIIMrn prfra to horns RUBBER SALES CO Law. snit. 411 Judie Building. oon von mosso. It 1rd &wk. Wu. 121. Was. SIII. 114 Last Broadwar PATENT ATTORNCY J. M. THOMAI .REST STRICTLY MODERN 115 00 TO 222 SS SAVED tures patent direct ialth U. M. Piitent ate FOR Itrirk Neese, with Garage close I. Call Ws buy, ea a small bill of furniture. flee. Call Vim 722 . 311 So. lath Zeal. neer terms. for taped; easy sad sechangs leichigan No. 2, SUGAR HOUSE. kt... D. Set. ALTO PAINTUNG. GENERAL DR AT A011 Do manager. Hyland 1121. ELLERT AND HOWARD. CI DO LET AND TORS Wit Toni NAL-LINBANK. OFFICH. CHURCH 7 70S Po. State. Kap-rasaspecialise la bandits( 8 Daturas. manufactured by Lb. Salt Lan Phon Was& 3637. riano and ruralture loving- - Bodoni Cabinet and Manus Co, IS Rickards 8achliters aad Bala Work. 0 A .6 Esstreet. WWI. MC preao & Transfer Co, UI Weet tad bra BFAUTY PARLORS Pilaus& Wasatch 3211 &ad Ilia& rrit ER1 IIAfifiF Qua tty sod hld t e".6""6" tett redIttei '4 " NEW FORD RENT errr. Ittyrricm - faiPainting. Electricel In wyrie II HEREBY orrEw BY TEE Beard of Commissioners of Salt 1m.k. City. of such Board of natl. of the Intention Commisaioners to make the following described Improvement. 'to grade and conetreet ronerete eidtwalk on tbe north wide tit 2Oilse7 Avernue from Mein to State Street. said walk to be five (i) foot wide. and on the out side of Main street. Kelsey Avenue to Harvard Avenue. said walk to be six (it) feet olds. both sidewalks to be four (4) inches thick. the Mob (I) of an inch topping to be thick with three and (3t) berm. in Sidewalk Dietrict No. 44. aecording to the plans. profile and specifications en fge in the offiet of the City Engineer. and defray the abutter's portion of the cost and xpense thereof by a local aseesertient upon the lets or pieces of ground to be affected and benefited by sold improvement. situated within Block Z. Five Acre Plat A. Big Field Survey. fronting or abutting upon the etreet above named. and to the entire depth back from said street, and within the district bounded on the north by Harvard avenue. on the south by Keisey Avenue, on the East by State Street and on the West by Main Street. The total coot of said improvement is estimated at Ono Thousand Nino Hundred Thirty-tw- o at (21,)12 44) dollars, of which um the abutter's portion is Ntoe Hundred Twenty-fou- r ($924.00) dollars or One and ($1--4 ) dotiars per front or linear foot of abutting Property for said five (I) foot walk; Eight Hundred Sietefive and (Sittl.1411 dollars or One and ($LIO) dctlars per front er linear foot of abutting property for said six (6) foot walk. All protests ant objections to ill earrrIna out of "web intention intuit be prodsolod jo wilting. rioting thsroin lot ond block. frontage is feet, or doscription of property to the City Recorder on or bofaro Um iftb day of Attguot. A. D. 1922. The Board of Commie. loners at tto first it: the regular meeting thereafter, lath day of August. A. D.. 112 1. will oon. wider sock proteote and objections to Bald proposed Improvements so WWI boos been ma do Br ardor at Mirloan! OfCbrowitsdlnerl of data Lk. City. Utak, Doted. July 111. liumbing. Beating and Ventilating. The Board reeerres the right to taSant or ali prolmeals. any BOARD OP EDErATION. Weber Normal College. Winding a clock by merely opening and abutting the door le the latest idea of perpetual motion put out by a Hamburg firm. occur more Automobile accidents frequently on highways free from curves, steep grade and railroad cross-Ingaccording to a survey by the Maryland State Roads commission. In times of depression men and women usually go to amusement parks Cone: in times of. prosperity the men take the 'Women say experienced show' men. e, your granite or utine. lave 11597-- US ring MAN WED HA S TRIED SU MiGet tiot. Boriow Auto beryl-Ie- . nos Stroup. rot ettv orrzcza. a co. R. H. Sawyers and Skippers, Arrnilk West Temple Street. Salt take Send tor Sample Envelopes. III So. C. U. covrApt. 160 take. Was. 4114. I. ix111 RUGS atoricar ars. W. TZW71.14. SA1.7 werTrtio grEcikt Or irrocitHoLorns COMMERCIAL COMPANY. WAREHOUNS COLOR RECarPat Casa- orricau coLNrImot OPTICAL, 311 MAIN IITRICIr? Dopeudabis az work- - itigla prices. rucrline Motor St., -- a I ti aeo., July Raturn to IT. Pl.r1SIRTNG GUESS THETALLDO IT I Vt. 1 ' 70 - ,-- . , - - aalnkm9atmm.tektm.emete .1zal, . tetts HAVe wrr,4 4 ...,,,,,, f,t 117 u5 AM MAEAL OWNER ITERICI4 CITY LA. DUCHASNIC STAGE. SALT or SCHOOL VAN& Wu Maio. Bo. MAKE DRICASHAHHOSL 1111. MOTHORS. LEARN WHILE YOU aro 'clung tit moot ell:nolo wad oceorato Kloster School. 34 gyotom of Arcoornahlor. So. Mo. 01 RUN. STEAMSHIP' TICUTS. CARS AND TREIONT TO AND depot Promptly SAASI.1 av 0 A S J. O. TOMLINSON. GENICLILL AGENT. Co.. US Wein Tanotr boa. Phases WeA 1211 mad IV ea. SUS. ?emigre Extbakte. Notary Pubt 104 111Iieek HetoL Saki Lake CIty STOWAG- E- eil! SHEET METAL ITERNACS We Moving. pecking. Wooing the largest &loving Vane In Utah- - operate Off!.,. BYWATER In Warehouse, rear ab M. let Mts. 01100. 144 WRST CUTS Was, Tempi. Tnrri4 Zone lissom& Waa. SIM Esprooe 41t Wad Spociai iota." morn and (Soso; al topiarist. MOTOR AND 24ACHINIC CO.. 42 Richards Bt.. Woo 4SIA Machine work Auto repotting. welding. Motor whatnot; and installIne. TYPEWRITERS FOR ItOTAIT rtraumL WORK DON. QUICKLY eotreetly. Squirm& Deseret Nowa GET TOUR FERRIER AND TAXIDERMIST. a REPAIRING. NB REPAIR, R SY'? AND BELA. pain-Ra- t makes. Tu." CO. 21 II IL upstairs. Was 11111. 'S ' I Inctrawo e LA5-C) .13 5HE,. sril -- A,10"Tvism r HZQt5 ViE wp,5 TO THE sit tPSGP V415gT ffz, -- Dto rrr , Totoczytr M Nei I IGUMESIT IlE12 ;tot zopiebtatA NITA Ibib r ur.. -. ,I, ,r,.. , !C1Li - 1111101. .- --- 1114.---- . s.,...- - - tei4 -' --- REPAIRS. of sall kind. Bottw work on nay kind Auto frames sad aorta ed metal, opectultj. 411 West 'Fourth Soulk. )(ADS LIES It Ew. SyR.1w'. taro and Was. Stee. de. L. Mattress ê Mts. Co.. at W. iltd South. MATTRESSES I I ' , WANTED. pit ; fialltak ' - ato - , - - , ' Ett-Ii.te. Qt6691)1155 Rewol t I CONewl;OENVc-t- 14,0.6' .., .., , . t , - Ilitvott-- :rsfr-A.;poop.- V- , - Vie a . ., ,...., ...,.. ... . ''''''704-- ' , 1 -- 11". - .. . - -- .11,..,..... 4.110411114o, . ' 7, MOTORCTCLIS Evnual IN CIO-Erunning eondltion- - Writ& ;01 21. Deodtet - '..... Amin 1 lor ' a '3 . -- CHIROPRACTORS. ''' CYAN -- - -'.- .-- ' ,- ' Pidt. Was. .4. .tit.; I,- - agog. won:- - q. .00 , 1 - an win,61111116. ,,, - -- -- ..17.1 co..t.e' Warn. Pre. COTTAK. Itra . Was; III& MM.; - lilt W. U. INLPEL 119 lirs. 00P, ..: , sad Stile Se. 1 atita IIIIATRICIL ...Hrs.Elt.1-14.-- , - 1 p;a1L 1 N. Ilrd ',A...4 omit I-- 4 - Cothadtution Hrs. , Ottito polstm4st. Pirerr. , -- 111.1,4 4-- at K dr,.. A . ' ASSOCIATION. 111,212 11115. ournm... alio . 11,N7. 0111r E St Mc Hat p.m. daily; p.m. Saturday. 11,10 appointment ray 111. Ryland 1211 J. ' . P SA11101MT. ALPS'S? - ,,,,, . if v --- --.. CH raorickcloottor KRICKPOPT. . "11'11" hitso, ' .1m, A da-l-' . lif el It - -1- Arb eiEt . ...1 ..,41,,b, .. - o, ,iritikt,, atel stIe irt ' . , . r. PAPER CLEANINO CO.. SMALL rooms IL Wos. riL ()ale Fuller Plant MODERN , - - - WALL PAPER, CLEANING. . v - ;kit 'Gag " 41:,11 1111,.......7.1119'' ,,,,'" It ''. fa ' ill 0 -' ..:....6, ---.". 7-- . U19;11 '- tNre;y1.! 10;144 44,,ilv :11 le tO - - f - a .r411" 1 -- - -- ..... T..71.', ........, .,ii,,, 411100,0 16-- r D A tr wok ipo , '' ' - ..., ...ob r'''...11A.,Lan-14I pqrri WIN CIMCER..-"Iiir5-c;TDB. Mtvirl Da . EttiT m1115. w lithi lfe,vapa - '' " leeZenDet k. . ; a 4:.' ,A11;a1v.....7 Zalk I, jilltte5 M tioue.! Ref Noce NU. OVE2. 10"r" 11 ifIiL11I,,,, . - , . --- --- AW4l titailitilitgidcm , , - ro , kf41741E4 , - , .11211114 ROME& 4 - me Gooier me tm tekm i. ,... --- glis pgi I - - Itr4411:4 -- -- 129,1G Hr,14 CIPLI Kea tIPROLSTKILIWO RADIATOR Jimmy Murphy- - l s , Nll lbMliZe Ger LLIL, IN TYPNWRITERS. ingy eVNNYTHINg3 ROYSI Corona. Utah TPowitor Co.. 16 W. loci So. Woo. 4131. AND .0. r &tueve " AND BROWN'S SCHOOL OP DRESSMAKINO 6 close. bern ovory Monday- $4 ' SHE C5AZA HAO wit ALIA Leaving Cullon Hotel a am. daily. Arriving Dueneatio pm same day. Goad roads. wonderful oictsery. Call Doug too 1111 and LARGE DTAMOND PIN. LARGE STONE, In center and De 'mall It Onefi around It or Wis. 14. ruder please phdde Waa. 6270. lAberal reward. . - rept tem CALL WESTERN rolNuity kande of Water Jacketa u.4 WaA 4414. fro Estats of Rome. IL Goss. decsass& COZY FUR SHOP. Creditors will present claims with vouch- rum; TANNED. Nt De IT, REHODELED ers to the underalssed st No. 14 set South mut toyairod. Work guarantmd. Temple street. Salt Lake City. Utah on or mukity blarkat. 47 East Broadway. Wax 391 beton) tit 20th day of Septombet. A. D 1021. W. ft. sitowm. WS MANUFACTrRE. REPAIR. Plimoryemote of Horse R Administrator of-t- ho l and clean all kinds of rum ComGoes. cliessasert. plete stock .of maaufacqured fors, o H. Drachmas. Attorney tor admints. rears In Salt Lake.. Highest ;mess Ssig traitor. for raw furs. R. Stessel Fur Co, Dot of first publiestior. July it, lik21. flototh Mats straot. ONETIMEINtANOTHER, fres. Mos AXLES,. to 4ttr4or, (Cootot-o-Hot,,- ts Was. Fourth So. DRAT) 0111LSELst:SJ.CONVII - - SEWER FRAME'. Trork booltra tut!I Slums) IFS Ittot SPRINGS, etc.. botitre. , m04 ' egtimates R. Cam. HI. WHEELS. f7. WORK. pir.pAnt torint,t,on 310S 1762 o. lith PAM, and receive rooncdr COLE'S .... 191L and WtPAtR Sat, Now and used &tar. Winding and PLCMBIVG-- liveriAmitne OP POWERS. NOVtur picture machine. Near Lake. Ilth Wilma 4484. So. ASDERBIllta. 2121 ORICZN ST. HI. 21411-contraeor. ratatSug. paperhassins. tinting $ad diteoratiztg. POOLED EIXTURE9 MADE TO ORDER Elcctrkal construction. ail bratutisa Eardloy Electric C.a, 64 Etchange kl.a.cru Was. PAPER HANGING. PAINTING. W. AL LARGE MOTOR WANCITT OR otrr-or- : Town bout CAE florup'e. WA& 1641 of WoA 11016-- LIGHTING MOWS,- - Mo. STAGE LINE CALL LEAVER going. wg ELECTRICAL. let IS YCIC WANT MONEY ON REAL ERTATEI ao. A Itiebtr Cs till S. Ma:n. Was. Si173 LOST FOR prgNtrt-g-g long trim Woo- - 21i7. Buttota made to oriitr Wall orders a eelaity. Kid Tailored Caraet Parlor, 40 East Broadway, Was- - SIM rond!tions Co. IL 110111110 PLEATING. Aceorlion aide and boa or Natio is hereby given that Ved meeting of the stockholders of the Coin mercial Warehouse Company. a Utah corporation. will be hld at mat totataar office, No 102 South Main Street, Fait Lake City. Utah. on the 28th day of July. Mi. at 4 o'elo,k p in.. for the purpose of voting upon goastina of amending the satinea Of. 11100tROrati011...Of VILAlialt.compant the following reaPecta Making the capital 'took of wild corn pony assessable in the planner provIded b) law. HENRY Y, MetWAN. itecretanr Dato of first publication Jwly 41h. 1422 Date of lact publtealloe JUIT IT. 1422. NOTIC1 TO CREDITORS. W. A. LEATITAM, D. DRESSMAKING. NOTICE. NOTTCE CLEANED. SlitMitt.Carrick WaA. SIORTGAC;EB proprtyso Bros most prirtlesesTutt:o Carsick Weis LOST cLimkruga, RESTORING COLORS. RANT work; rom0000 oil grease or stains; Iwo.. oorgoblo. Frook Mortin. 21 'moth Wow Temple. Was. 1271. . HOTELS. 'IMMIX() UACIIINIKS. ALL MAKE".- "A l Muds. Zardley-- Ig102. count Cleaners. WHEN IN BALT LAKE CITY. Co LAI Exeltani6 Mac. WIUL 8464L make your borne at Lind Rotel. 126 East BroadwAY. BABY CARRIAGES WRILIS RETIRED rt Ito you .if? beis ha stock. J. LINCOLN' 101-SIW. GUTHRIE RICTELB CO., HI IL 150 ROnS(8. BINDLE ROOMS, Ige,, 41144 tee IND SOUTH. WA& VA. and 60e. baths ian. Wag. SUL L 60$7-R- CARPET CLEANING. AND CHEMIST ASSAYERS cutxtrft le BEAUTY evening classes twice each week. Yes tan specialise in certain breneboo et the were if &Cr.& Keys & Meesh Marinello obey 403 Clitt iii,dig Pnell, Win- - III44. CARPENTER WORK. roR CARPENtER WORK. BRICK, CE, ment, Remodt.ltng old or now nuildlnp . built. call Bros. Hy tt one-ba- ASK City Recorder. Warreu City DPlItY Recorder. 01ewalk Extension No. M. ?Dot publication July lg. 1$111. Lost pubBoatioa. Aug. I, 1022. NOTICE TO CREDITOR& Tonto of Andrew Adamson. oesomed. Creditors will peasant C111111111 with IrettChWS to the undersigned at 411 Jude, Building. Salt Iwke City. Utak on or be2oro Um let toy of Sopiember. A. D.M. 1929. ADAMSON. J. Administrator of the anat. of Andrew Adamson. deceased. Daniel Harrington. Attorney. Ditto Of first publication. Juno U. A. D. work. REPAIPANO AUTO GUARANTEED g. By OIALSLEARN AUTO SA ITZ 4 0 TO IS PER CENT ON PARTS. I AUTO SALVAGE CO.. 7 81 SO. STATE. ' TO LOAN. NONICY .... itErAmance AUTO 21 MA PER CENT 4 I. Mt that each of said bonds be payable truth treet. Nemirow or to thilt registered holder-there- ofif th Sarno b. regletered. at tho Moo of CitARDIA741111IP AND PROBATE WOrcatattio Truitt Company. to tho env end xtyriez. County Of San Prancime. 8ate of CaZifor-- , each of said bonds shall bear to Commit County' Clerk or respective tel. tthat at tha rare of moon 47) Per cent Crawl; for further information. per annum. sayable In like gold coin semi' annually on the tat day of August aod Cif 'ME MATIrrt DP THE terrAtz OF February of each year. at the office of deemustd. Litlias T. 1... Mercantile Trust Company. In the City and I oell at prtvate gale The underairn.d County of San Francisco. grate of California. either tn one p.rrd or in sub41vie9ma. the ,tithaut deduction Inr nr no account or any tax not over two (1) per foilowind deocribed real estate Mutated in Federal incom Pelt Lake County, Utah! cent that sold corporation tray be required Cotitmenclug at the --Northwest corner of or permitted to pay thereon or to totals-tot 4. Block 37. Plat I)," Salt 'Aka City therefrom under or by reason of any pree-- 1 Survey, thence Ettat S3 rods; thence South sent or future law of the United States of rode; thence North America. and the amount of which said tax Se VMS: thence West 14 rods. to tho place of beginning. cantors- up to the limit aforesaid said earner tion shall ogre, to pay ac far as it may Also commencing at the Southeast -do so without prejudice to the 0," Salt tAke !lotto-A-- rt Let 1. Block U. Plat thence treat 10 rtehte or bnidore of the said bonds or the City survey. and running rods; thence North 10 rods. thence East 4 rooaone enerhed thereto: that to rods; thence South 2k rods: thence Etat etirh intereet there shall be attached to foie; thence South 7e rods. to the ploSe teh of aid bonds Intermit coupons.of oath the of begttining Staring the facannilie signature On or after July 27th. 1222 at 10 'clock ereont eeereterr or meld 00,1,n-siloand A. NI and written bids will be received the number of rho bond to which it le at.I at the office of G H. 13ekman. No. 14 East tackled, that each of maid bonds shall have South Tempi. Street. Salt Lahti City. ttah. endorsed thereon o certificate to be atoned Terms of sale cash. by the Trustee and a form for the regtstra- John F. Bennett. Admintxtrahm whit will non of the said bond; that said bonds and annexed, the tampons and ,Trusteo's certificate and David R. Lyon. Executor under the last ndoroement for rerotration thereof shall Will of deeeased be drawn sod shall be in ouch form am is G. H. Backman. ASSOnliff for Adminimote particularly in tho sold resolution Out' strator and Executor. forth; and that said bonda. and each sod all, of them. shaft he secured by a trust lodes- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. tore given by said corporation to said Mer.1 remits 'Trust .Company. aa Trustee. in ouch! gesZed bids wIll bo received at Ms officio form and containing such provisions sod conditions. as is more particularly sot forth of Woods & Jenson. archltects. Suite 724 and covering all real. Building, Ogden. ttah. until Noon Au- In the saidof resolutions, said corporation IS the County property gust D. ISM for the erection and complotion of Utah. State of Utah. in the of the Weber Gymnasium. Plans and specifications may be obtatned from tbe abwee ties of Caribou. InBannock and Bingham., the County of Cinto.i mentioned office upon poyment of SIPS. State of Idaho. State of Wyoming. and in the Count), of deposit. Each bid must be accompanied by a Ce- Niko. State of Novada. and all other real, may rtified chock for Five IS pc.) per" cent of property of the corporation which hereafter be acquired; and that a certain' the total amount of the bid. the silo of said Each contractor will be requirrd to fur- - agreement respecting stab a Surety bond in the amount of (he) bonds be approved. And to consider, and act tenoti the coo., per cent of the total amount ,of hil bid. - firmation of said actions of said board of for various parBids must be director'. and to consider --and act upon the tioneof the erora,. Aka, 10)St!rai 'efny arra( all other actions (1) Concrete work. Pain said board of directors is connection with (I) Brick work. Terra entre. tile. compo- of any of the foregoing matters. and to int ton floors. work. mill wdrit. structural sder and set upon soy Other matters in with the foregoing which. may steel,. hardware. light iron work. root connection come before said mooting. Mask MARE AUSTIN. (lb Gairanited lion and tin work. Provident Austin Brother Aaeociation. (19 Paistering. S Co ADM OVER LINO Call Cis& morokpo. F It tko. Woo. 1P44. TT R ESP Ed WOOL (corrom hair. !rather or boa spring) mad OV1. :!h. to.", Piano Lor MitttfOSO ',actor,. 1101 waat Third Ne,rtia., Was, 1411., OLD 'I'll. t. let liattroso tl 7 4 " trAtallt , OLD nolo al.11.0-11)(- PRAI par.-mo- m. fr.,i sac a;11--.c- p - WEST 117 vt"" t" I. vicnrn-1."1"'"nd- 4 111 1 Mar. . - - 011. II: ea: . 4..............................L. - irrl -paw.; 6 ao'le ph. - Pelt. Std.. Mem Was. 1141S., .,11 1 ItoConlick Sbigt CI, 1.1 p.m. Win. gilt S01 lk-1-1: J1,919all Milt. , - , ' t --- L - - , . " ' , ' , -- - - . - -- , - ,, -- ., ''',''.,',''"."' , . , ' ' ?-' ", 0, . . , . ,.,,.I''' , . - ,,,,Wcimr''''r', , 4 tier5k ;. |