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Show -tumttdi aUffii ,a- -i I. JtJLY'19 THE, DESERET NEWS. WEDNESDAY Sure Relief FOR hardingstand INDIGESTION INCENTIVE FOR - 4 JL ; MINEREOPENING 6 Bcllans rooor flw pxluut ( and course two a years recently completed In medicine at the University of Utah. Th B. Court Decision T. C. high school of Logan Missionary Farewell tor Elder G.J. Wright Will Be Hld Thar iday Evening -- Means Farmers 25d g ELLANS sef com-pan- I e, (By Assoc la tod Presa) Iowa 1EB MOINES, Iowa. July I In, line oeal mines will be wHh "President Hardings proposals, 'v) Uiayet, IV - company given thot th oojvent jMxi bad valuable aaaeta dnd further that If the Pionerf company held th notes !L.coui4 collect It see to flaw on Hit subscription. in tho note and bold them legal D N represented and Joel Ntbley Riraup Willey and the plaintiff and Willey Ia, E. Nelaon repreoented Mr. Price dot u dent will be Issued by --the govsrao.-.owners today and will assure the Iowa na-- from the ?r ample protection tlonal guard troops wer A missionary farewell entertainment will be given In the Mill Creek South and Six Trains Cancelled Ward chapel. Thirty-nint- h tance of President Harding's proposal the bituminous coal mines to Sixth East Streets Thursday evening. In Pacific Northwest H. T was announced today by July JO, la honor of Eldar Grant J. president of tho Pennsylvania CanSPOKANE, Wash- - July 1 Coal and Coka Corporation. Wright, who leavto July IS, on n mission to the Netherlands. Pacific cellation of six northern Associated rendPress.) will be (By The following program effective today, running be- ered: Selection, - Mill Creek quartet Trains PITTSBURGH. Pa- - July 1. Coal tween Spokane and Lewiston. Idaho; . -- i w, shut district, Pittsburgh the la mines Walla to Pasco. Wash; and v reading. Miss Gladys Hertell down Since tho strike was called April Pasco to Pendleton. Oregon, was the solo, Mias Virginia Freese: trio. Misses outstanding strike developments will resume operations to today. Lindsay, Lons the greatest possible orient" at the Virginia Lindsay- - Bessie PAUL KIMBALL. Linschoten; reading. Mis Fay Corn- Lasker scale of wages tn affect In Novemwas Sued for Loss remarks. Bishop E. M. Rynear-sober, 117. This announcement In the Emerson ward chapel this wall; baritona solo, Wm. H. RusaeU, made after a meeting of the Pitta, evening, n farewell testimonial In Steamer Collision will seburgh Coal Producers Association be given in honor of Paul C. Kimball, remarks Elder Grant J. Wright; will Ariel Dancing quartet. lection, hero today. 1 TOKIO. July Albert Lasker, formerly assistant businsss manager follow the program. (By Associated Press) of Utah Chronicle, chairman of the United States shipGov of thwillUniversitynext MISSOULA, Mon- t- July . II . . who mlaleave week for a ernor Joseph M. Dixon ping board, wad today sued for damMon to Canada. Temporary Agreement ages amounting to 13.171 yen as the to what action would be taken regardTho has been following program Is Made for Carrying result of the collision last March being President Hardings message urg- arranged for the occasion: Soprano tween the shipping board steamer of the eoal mines solo, ing the Mail to U. Australia S. Irginta Proexa; violin solo, Bath disno been Eastern Sailor and the Japanese veshas there that replied baritone Charles solo, Bamberger; sel Sakakt Maru by the Japanese volorder to Montana, and I do not ex- Pyke; reading. Onelta Rees; selecAssociated Press) (By Ho declined unteer fleet and the south Manchurpect there will be any-- " Clifton Jacobsen A Co.; remarks ' BAN FRANCISCO, July to comment on bis position aa to state tion, 1. Tha ian railroad. m leeionary and members of tho the announe-a- d the tf mines coal Oceanic Suit was first brought against the company Steamship troops guarding bishopric. Tha program will bo foltoday It had reached a temporary Columbia Pacific company, operators attempted to reopen them. lowed by dancing. Postmaster with this was dropped after falling to Oeneral'bnt agreement Work for a continuation of carrying ' attach tha boat. (By Associated Presa) , to Australia, under govsnment - Larfe Number Attend OLYMPIA, Wash- - July 11 company Is the only arnor Loots T. Hart, confident that subsidy. Th American line earning malls from no situation wHh wrier to this etatel Missionary g Farewell San Francisco to Australia and had demanding federal troops in tho coal Elder Paul K. Edwards Ul Elisa- announced previously the service mining districts, has sent tha followa leaves would beth be suspended because of failwho for avenue, today ing telegram to President Harding: -The new warm fresh water pool and to grant a n was tho ure of mission to government wire Germany, given regarding "Answering your sand beach at Crystal Hot lakes la the coal strike. I bag to advise you hearty farewell by a large number of sufficient subeldy. It will Ventnra An steamer The depart pleasing tha crowds dally. Already there to no trouble in this state and friends at hi borne last evening. wonderful I have faith to tha operators and Informal program was carried out for Sydney Saturday under the new la pronounced tho moat 45 sad refreshments served. He pea agreement. The company said the pool and sand beach In tha west. miners that no condttlon precipitatBroadway south ing a demand for federal Interfer- recently tendered s farewell testi- agreement was tentative and would minutes by auto from on State street Advertisement. not give out its terms. ence will arise." monial to tha ward chapel. (By Associated Press.) Accap- ALTOONA. Pa.. July I. Wat-kln- s. it, ORDERS FILLED. morning favoring the plaintiff la the ease at the National Bank of the public versln fc Prtrorkr-- t note exchanged for stock In the is said by. attorneys la the case to cost 1.50 farmer 1740,000 for notes a'gnsd hr them for stock. Difficulties growing cut cf the bale y of stock In the Interstate Sugar by Erneat R. Woolley to farmers who acquired the factory at Hooper and organised the Pioneer Sugar company hava c timed numerous law nuita Tha factory la now being operated by hat a receiver sad Indications are vato-ableventually Ha stock will become according to men acquainted with the case. .. notes Mr Woolley took the farmer for SlOilf fB'thU Interstate Sugar comwhich the owned Hooper factory. pany Later he sold the notes to various Thin suit wan banking concerns brought to teat the validity of these ! OofltW- Ketidkinurdarcrtodair of A produnatloifto the operator the state, as suggested hy th Resi- ej decision rendered by Judge L. B. Wight of the Third district court this I , "in . ship by truck within-- 50 miles FREE. We prepay freight within 300 miles. .. 75g Package everywhere the Conaellgsfllaialon. ahmcifcdtaIn this 1 mine ed notices at Its trtet that --tbepTedent el the Unit-- , to. Miuioruxry Farewell . eA States hag ordered all mines to start I Ut Ven I tSe Ul furnish womplete wBP OMgM once and at government eapects Ward protection. The work Emerson Chapel or Immediately yen to return td by others. 4 your places will be filled was notice posted; the with Along President Hardings telegram said they ould Company officials now wait to see what the men wtn do" Of til el r juants, two are operatare ing 71 per cent and the others shot Ooea aa a result at the. Strike. I W Must Pay Notes' 4 Hot wafer Sure Relief (By Associated Pres CO.VNELLfiVTLLE, Pa. TJuly W. Jr Raney Coke company, one of the biggest Independents in 1922 a :S A J ! wwas r r3 jr Bgaritr pedal This Meek Only As m Pictured ts SIMMONS BRASS BED 1 a 15 continuous post. at bead and foot. Height of bead, 65 inobea. Height of foot, 34 inches. Firs fillers A banded This is a most extraordinary saving Satin ribbon finish. opportunity. WEEK $1.00 $5.00Fleue,DOWNPrice and Term for Tfcis Week Only. Thi Special Remember, n; P fSs4 42 West Broadway . 42 Wet' Broadway furniture I ?7ew York City, New York. July 16, 1922. Jr. E. E. Calvin, Viet President, U. P. System, vlt Lake City, Utah. Jan Sir: pumic irom whom inquiries have reached me as well as for the assurance of our thor-rnghjop employees and those who are entering our service every day and to the end that our former employees may understand our position, I wish you would communicate the contents of this letter to the public through the press nd to all of our officials, so that the public and each former employee shall be personaDy advised in regard thereto. For tht information of the general ly Chairman Ben W. Hooper of the U. S. R. R. Labor Board, July 1, 1922, issued Ihe following statement: Subsequently the labor Board has declared that the rules and working conditions under which the mechanical force. me working before the strike are still in full force and effect. They cannot be changed except by an agreement between our employees and ihe management of this System, or In event of failure to reach mutual agreement by our employees (not ,the former employees) and the management, or jointly referring the disagreement to the U. S. R. R. Labor Board for decision, therefore, since our former employees left our service of their own free will and accord thereby ceas-in- g to be employees of this System- - the public, and thfae who remained joyal to our service and those who have entered ex-par- te the service since the strike as well as those who are entering our employ daily, may rest assured that the management of this System will use every resource at its command to keep faith with them, and unqualifiedly pledges itself to make so settlement of the strike which will In any manner what so ever deprive them of their rights or jobs which (hey have ojttf shop craf ts.agreemeat .jmd lh t declaration of, the Labor Board. The enly way that any mt of oar former employees may enter our service Is as a new employee and the opportunity to even thus enter the service is growing less day by day owing to the fact that our forces are rapidly increasing. The public wilH keep in mind the fact that this strike is not against' this railroad system, but that it is against the decision of an agency of our Government, therefore, the strike simply resolves itself into the question whether the order!; processes of law and order shall prevail or the arbitrary action of S very small minority. To that question there css be but one answer we are s kw abiding people the orderly processes of the kw shall prevail. The management of this all times, kept .faith with its employees both as to its spoken and written word and it etvay? system has religiardy, will- - it . -- "1 v " Yery Truly, " - G i. R. GRAY, PresiacuL. I f - Fighting Breaks Out In Piedmont District 8r International ivi Service.) - Texas Rangers May Take Command in ROME To Protect U. S. Secretary Denby In Plane Crash Swarming Travelers in , Rumania Engulf Trains 'And Create Difficulties Pheasants and Grouie Killed in Forest Fires In Western Washington (By Associated Presa) Wash.. July IS Forest fir in Western Washington are th chief concern of the game commissions, according to E. B Palmer, chairman of the King county commission here. The fires are causing a loss of young tremendous Chinese pheasants and native grouse. The birds fly Into the smoke, become confused and aright In the burning areas. The older birds are better able to car for themselves and the fire loss among th maturer fowl is not so BEATTLT, larg. (By Amoctated Presa) June It. Some railroad trains In Rumania are so Jammed with the roving populace that tha conductors are powerless to collect fares Hence the impression la eonveved that one mev travel for nothing, which serves only to bring largyr number to the already GALATZ, Rumania. JAPANESE ENTER BRAZIL. A score of JapTOKIO, July anese business men will sail Saturday for Braxll. where they hope to start a silk indu s(ry and promote Japanese immigration. I. counLike most other tries. Rumania has not enough passenger coaches to take care of the throngs of people who want to travel The Germans and Austrians confiscated most of tha rolling stock. Passenger today are forced to ride on Aha. roof, bumpers, ruaningJjoardx. of the and even on the nnder-truck- a coaches Fist fights and altercations to say nothing of accidents, fatal and otherwise, are of frequent THIRTY I By DUB b blind la bad enough besides haring hip broken and shattered by truck earning out of alley between . Dxyces-Bsrb- e Music Bselej .. . and companies on March 4. 1 waa about to cross tha alley when ths truck struck ms. I was standing at that moment listening for signals and was not moving no s'gnals Those who may have seen accident kindly nettfy Judge Stanley A. Hanks, . South Main, room I, or myself, 1C. C, Anderson, (44 Downington Ave.. as to guilty party. C. C. Anderson. Advertisement, -- Late Locals - ' ' street Re If to Join Family Gsrge O. Reif, manager of the. Hotel Utah, left last night 'for the' east to- Join hts family now visiting st Chautauqua Lake. N. Y. - I - Called By Death- - - J Carlle Npkta HaferAt th bom Truman avenue, Caroline Sophia Hofer. 54, wit of Carl W. Hofer. died today Beeide her husband eh la survived by eeveral children Shdcaro T 241 Utah from Germany 14 year fo. Funeral service will be held In th Burton ward chapel it 2 pm. 8unday Tho body may be viewed at th home from 10 a m. to 1 p m. on the day of the funeraL Interment will b in City cemetery Acrornt Mechanical Craft Employee? having gone on a strike the Colorado and Southern Railway Company win employ in its shops. Roundhouse and Car Department at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such serviceT1 Board and lodging free under ample protections Ideal climate and working conditions. Fbr information call on C E. Denney, 332 Clift Building or.wire or write H. W. Ridgway. Superintendent Motive Power, 359 Railway Ex- change Building Denver, Colorado. X. E. DENNEY, General Agen -- - 4 Jessup In Berkeley Robert J Jessup, well known newspaper man of this city, is at present In Berkeley, Calif, his address being 2211 Dana WANTED BRUSSELS. Jn,y 1 Thirty perron were reported dead or dying this afternoon a 'the result of an explosion In a blast furnace. io (By International News Service.) DENISON, Tex . July 1. Tho Texas rangers, that much respected branch of state police service, may be sent to this city to prevent further violence In the railroad strike Mayor F. W. Weaver today waa awaiting a reply to a telegram sent Gov Pat M Neff suggesting that a company of rangers be sent to ths city at once. The telegram stated that Mayor Weaver lld not expect any outbreak upon the part of striking shopmen but that "irresponsible parties might take advantage of the situation The telegram waa sent the governor following a Joint meeting of federated shoperafts with the mayor at which a vote waa taken as to whether the presence of state troops or rangers waa desired The strikers voted almost unanimously In favor of the rangers. Office of, Vice President. News Bsrvlce.) TAKE NOTICE PLEASE Denison Strike COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LX ICXPLOSIOX. ,7 T Labor and Political has July It. Fighting broken ont between Fascaetl and Socialists in aeveral small towns In the Piedmont district, said dispatches received here today. Fascaatl were said to hava be yun the attacks (By Associated Press) The workers In the locality of Hox WASHINGTON. Jnly II. A comhave proclaimed a general strike. Preplete embargo against the Importation mier Fasts has refused to resign, makof manufactured articles that can b ing it necessary for parliament to disadcuss tha situation arising from the produced tn tbo United States was between the rival groups senate today by fighting vocated In th Senator Gooding of Idaho, chairman of tho Republican agricultural tariff Political Evils Must bloc. Contending that other nations Bq Curbed by Church had adopted this source, Mr. Gooding said that only In this way could the Denver Judge Asserts United State meet whtt ha termed the overshadowing problem of putting (By Associated Press ) to work the army of 1.501.000 unem1 A firm OMAHA, Neb, July ployed. be taken by all Walther must stand "To me the situation tn this counto vice and Leaguers suppress I Senator corrupt try a serious one. declaredla dan- politics, declared Judge O. Bock, of I will not say it a Gooding. who admonished his audience gerous one, but it may become dan- Denver, must take a prominent gerous unless wa give the producers that religion curbing political evils aa opportunity to start the wheels of position In the at banquet last night of Industry and the great army of unem- speaking Thirtieth the annual convention of ployed an opportunity to earn a the International Walther league here. "The term politics means nothing more than the conscience of the community or state, striving to express Itself In public policies," he said "Walther leaguers mum see to it that his expression is for the good (By Associated Press.) PEKING. July H Secretary Edwin Denby of the American navy narroagy escaped death hero this afternoon in an airplane accident. He was flying at a height of (,IM feet over the Great Wall -when the- - engine of tha plane broke down. The machine was demolished tn landing, but Mr. Denby was uninjured. Regardless of any question of the right of tha men to strike, the men who take the strikers places are merely accepting the wages and working conditions prescribed .by a Government tribunal and are performing a public service. They are not accepting the wages and working conditions which an employer ia trying to Impose. For this reason public sentiment and full Government power wiH protect the men who remain in their positions and newsmen who may come in gained in accordance with Gooding Would Tax All Importations 332 Clift Building. T |