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Show l V S' - ! WEDNESDAY .TTLY HEWS THE DESERET 10 oral services Delivery rt1 Cntn hebnnlw Tki PfW C arrl nmwl te IW Dwrtl DtWWwI. alt Laka M. MD.W. un, iaav r V.rS.ll ClmUMn OttT. Re MM. CmtW h fin.!.. U i)tw l kaalh. DtVnrr OmK Tr Uwrn fnrlrr. .. Lake Ctty, aa Harvey n Kred Marshall. Mpertti. m . , going to encampment from eojthern Utah. op TlrtwrntTvrYnT A U comes north The band will n ereh through Provo, bait Lake Cite g9cn and Brigham on lie way north rd give special band concerts. At the encampment the Richfield bar d vi give two band concerts dally Tr first conrert will be at a large y K acq tainted danre In the Smart Krrnium Thursday night July 29 rr o diatelv the following opening w i of the encampment to be held ' LOGAN Whitney Ward Young Man Start for Mission In European Countries I " Tel. i XtfMlH. 2" m Dim YEGGMEN BLOW OPEN. ARRIVES lg LOG aV" July 'Yl. r -- kjr hM thardJMMCt tnatprjgjp surfaced roads 8haw were t PrT' pakr krr Bllr Th otnln Eipier by rvid A. Kerr. nd thThbn4lctlo H Haasho. William by wr Patriarch Alexander K. 8pnce, Ullam John Wyatt, Mathtw Shaw, ol C Brochley and Thoma an Blohop B. John Loran Buyh cemetery Kerr The rtmv. In W1I.I11 by Henry R- - Murray. ,11 dedicated at Incaehtr Joeeph Bhaw waHe born Joined the CTiurcb Jn F,nglpd to Utah In in hie youth end cam 1171 maklnir hla home at WUina whefl be , ,wo three year brother url him V Final Tribute Paid To Elwood LeRoy Pratt ,7y:,7? roponed lion will continue to b. tausM !n the h.r. ar d report lit once rccommenda-- . ( Special to Th Neva ) ty nlof th. jdlrycrion c f J ' Fred ou- - n th. tvpe of pmv.ni.nt most Funeral eerelce TREJfTOV. July 1 - of 'nfr.Mo v ri D son, recreational experVT In a Tor ETdod XeHny Fratt-vkvdl, 4 try pgrvlge, Ine who arrived t erg it In i W Logan hoepltal Saturday, were hell d snnomo t noon yesterday afterTueeday ward chapel Trenton he would remain on. montl 1 . ,"v .r noon with Blahop J. E. Rcpbeon preeldH th work started by WIk- Th ''ll '"The openlpf prayer' w a by ,'!'1 j PROVO Howe, recreational organ i r f r July 29 Tcggmcti blew July 1 and hnd1tlti bv Albert Through n Brfiugh agopen a eafe U the Coneolldeted munity service Dr Dixon r mmnct d The grave In the loat on Machine company office this Bronrh s rr work Immediately his tip J ededicated hv J A. Fife 3 was 2 and am and , morning between sfy stay here Dr I x r wi During hisnaxea-nhv the ward Choir furnished was If 4b caah. caped wHJt ai conduct a and Peterson notes bv dpkTn,r Joseph Two aafee were In the office and with aV 1 '"'r'S J Th. Mrt R F Shumwey The speakers the daie f f earb were knocked off p.T were R F Shurrrwsy John J Jeneen hut only the amailer one waa blown wffl oontrlbn. - w. Wvn Ivntrc J! fount, coafrmmUy Thl. Tfruffph pgtjcrtrn and J R Rbon Sheriff J D Boyde i of the open -aakiaierkmen nf Work -1- 11 h coro- - i lTpratt was born Ar HMm. nt epteitefK -r metrtntftrwrmrwctot? 15 "Writ frrur uf Provo son e? J G and Belle Jacques JS at onf tag and and Is survived by his mother B. W. H1VUWAH1). JR. r Tb- - mad wrtf b- - t4r.jr of- dirt Jld f ( in the larer,Jifcfe''r i - end 'e L hro'hers and -- tatere .' . the following Bs- fiaetpy ar.i ciitTfzi Finger print wre obtained Cache NewAJk" Tiw i.Oganf .OCaQ.Q.1 ??r Rock Mown eafe and (botoerapha of them ?tprierfu . link moat crnnAorrOt Pretty ls rm important Tf Lake, WHITNLY Ida July 19 B are being sent to Silt Lake in an !! call William P Cijvee,- counti.a. and it win mn Windward uasrJ?v 10 foreat Budgets Keduced Inis Year'ih' Ravmond Fair Eart Jr atm of Mrand Mrs B Thomas L ihro-igeffort to identify them rmifh nf the r.aervt Adanta Tohn Mt Wlndwairt left for Df the halt Lake I w vy for your launi and reLogan July It The n hwi rrnrt Ooence F'foe Fret of Trenton and Orrman rfilsalon trday t of Cache couny anl Mr W nd wvt'rt wra the gueet of honinlshed. turn or at a largo farewell parr in Whuruv repored to he tag eomm De of 1 chapel Tusday evening JuiyJ.1 Idaho State Schools Sare f i . 'arm bureau that there will hr a gr at wrtitch A program was given followed or ormer tphTQim&lCltTOn reduction of the school budget Money on Coal Contract by refreshments and a dame The Cache county sehvg win year ffewa ) Tha to (Special 4 Associated Freaa ) (!? than be able to operate for rrr10 Funeral ISmlthfltf I A Matron FPHR!M. July last year, said Supt. Larsen whfle Lorhsg of 0 BOISE, Ida. July !1 A for Mrs B B Lawler were held in gan City school ean get a ng w'th h tabernacle Ste4 Mondav with Alma ,nr,r cn ,Mt VT Losran In Hosoital ant used than 000 less year vens In they ,$12 was furnished t uUt PROVO, July 11 To represent the In the pvrehae of coal for fh charge Musle stated T'e Orton C county Ryaa Supt P Mrs. bv the choir and a solo by 1st. SO. Utah county farm- - bureau In the varA. C Price commissioners and Logan Cy commis- Peterson, SO. STATE educational JnstHufln-naSO. 02 epeakere were Prof Jr The sioners reported that they wou.d h H K Jensen. ious Judging contests at the farmer s P. C Peteraon and A auditor end business agent for fh state the to reduce unable budget. r viekidh, Br Interment waa In the state encampment at Logan July 26 29 education, announces sedition to JbelO per eent Park cemetery . tins of Smithfield. died at theUtab- - j ThI J" , . L. L. Bunnel. R D Wsdley and J P In rates. Mr Prlee reduction frslght Idaho from Welch have appointed the following at Autos From Every State Tr'" 'TTfX Logan Monday hospital Iiwl,Lr Aa an operation on saM teams she died pneumonia following ' where for staek. which l contract The flw R ago C 2. W H price Genola was bhe Oore, Camp i Jlly 4, the body waa brought here Bundgy, July Pioneer Celebration Poultry apparently fhan anv other kind, is ft 19 E Allred, Lehi, H W Neion Palmvra ?sed more y her h the mines fhfs veer, while lxt survived la She by Automobile LGOAV fromSurdav tt John H, Lee. Mapleton .Ed Bank. Will Open New Resort July earn vearthe price wa $2 19 under the kind state in the United States J4 Mrsw5 C htrV?w Palmyra. A J Johnson Benjamin of Her husband, and five children, four conditions. Trices of the other Anr.ericac .rU ted the public camping grounds of M- Mr fthcep Harry chipman ond ta Tbs. ,urTlire News.) SsciT one he aister and Of one used brother coal InDuUene the by to thejErhram of Edward Fork, and Rulon D'xon of Provo to city this summer according ojttina. daughter SPANISH FORK. Ju'y 19 Lake maMrtiei choose their own team -- nd Martha compiled by the eutodlanl Richard wa born dropped accordingly, he MlABowcut e Jho-Vo The tourist mi' celebrate Pioneer day in charge of the grounds Beef cattle breeiue- Hanern,- - Pal., at BeAver. March 7. 1M3 Mr and Mr Found MILITARY HONOR GltSK. hwe Unidentified Man Fork, L myra, Jones Bowen NSpanish eejftbraMon will be held in Spanish traffic this- year hae-be- n 4vtey GttHMi and children, have Jived. mtnL conC Christensen seasons and few still in the P Thomas. Palmyra Burmester past Near ce Dead lv at bmlthfleld though they made; of Fork all the ebraberause wek tinues to Increase Bearer ftalem; John Roundy, Provo, Charles t Prior few their hom, to to a survey annoureed forth Flint Dixon. Provo According tlon of the Briffhem Toun un'yerelty ,lon ,rom Taylor, Provo, Lew j to 1919 held Tuesday morning at the BC Je- (Bpedal to The Newt.) M. R, Hovey of the Cham Mar Price Provo summer echool mxde t ' lodlen wer veter- - by Secret Dairy cattle He b.slnn'nr I an of 19 Th W W TOOELE, the body of Commerce, tourist thine July Elmer Rouse, Sprngviile, Tsylor 7, under very eat'efaeMonday mornln shnr. Provo, Elmer Holdawar, Iake ic Th, ,rrt,t, tnolude that Logan and Cache county 's as fine unidentified man was found on the Funeral 2CrVlCC rtCJa Manr Reed Knudsen. Provo, George McKen- - tory conditions, according to Preat the the usual program at id am, at a spot as they find along thetr route heeutlful norI 'offering were on th For Smithfleld Resident sit. fiprlngvlUe Pavilion a rport program which covers thousands of jjlaes fmm day ftt 30 Nothing was found, Harrle. -- ho returned Monday tl' P The coolness of the Pessant F 8 from will be given at 1 pm. which will in- - coast to coast. Warnlck. g vine A nlfht Aspen Orore where the fMMr.n , lff, ylrrt Grove, Chris Jeppeson. Vineyard Henry evenings, tha excellent water, Logan to New,J LundelL Benjamin. Lvman Kapple Pay-so- school la being held He said that the relar r&cen and fast and slow horse canyon and the scenery In general ere- - been a man of WT.LL6V1LJJ!X July 19. The fun- - Legion. Rted Warnlck Peasant Grove Ther wl!i be b At races and j ate Interest. 39 years of age students and faculty members are Theref "b 'atfon mill ho h.'J at the comfortably located and enthualaatto Reclamation Report over the work. New I incoln Rearh resort and will be, Fraternity House is school waa la-- 1 the formal opening of that place The Made to Farm Bureau The Alpine summer water plunge Is equipped wth Damaged by Fire ausuratrd to li. added value to Ih miner1 mnde.n t 1 around Landowners PROVO. July 1 VOC.as. tne courses be will nature Young There July Th, city fir, by in given the pavIMen dicing Utah lake met Monday evening In the was called out to ex- - fnr tho children in the afternoon and extinguish office of the chamber of commend, to university during the summer, two fires both within a short Tuesday listen to a report of W O. Creer of tble plained Br. Ham. The IneUtut.oa ha, distance of each ether. rnTgpibThV'oVk comcollection and the The reef of a house owned bv D F for the prietor and manager of the new city regarding provided three large tents pilation erf date for the reclamation work. In addition to those ne-- ort whDh !s situated nine miles west gtout at 211 eaat Third North was for the of Spanish Fork found ab'sse at 11 IS am. A defecproject. for quarters sleeping cessar) Mr Creer explained that At present a tive flue started the fire The deand t acuity one ef the large contour survey is being made around students partment made a quick run and suctents is used for a dining room aa- INSPECTOR NAMED. Utah laka which will show tha exact other is the library and reading room, ceeded In checking the flames with 6PAV1SH FORK. July acreage to bo reclaimed and that a soil white the third The Span-is- h but a damage estimated bv Fire Chief need for a lecture Fork ourvey of tha reclaimed area la also in room council at a apecta! Rapp at about 29h W H Vartey la mornIsst elected David 7:45 E living In this house. progress. Ho said that the Ltah Water each commence at meeting ight had included Ltah ingClasses The large brick heuse on the corner Storage commission ty ceirnt and sidewalk thre Rnbertson cOther and hold an hour At 0 lake In the Weber-Prov- o candidates of Second North and First East ownfor project. He is a daily devotion! period for the inspector was also of the opinion that a canal minutes which is devoted to prsjer, position were Fred & Dart and ed bv Weston Vernon and rented to will be constructed from the outlet of singing scripture reading and lecLudlow. the Alpha Delta Epellon fraternity of the laka to Magna in Salt Lake county, tures. The afternoon is devoted to the Agricultural college caught fire which would greatly reduce the level fled trips and study Religious aerv tn the middle of the afternoon and beWill Have County Wayne of tha laka Such a canal would also Ices are held each nunday fore the fire department ureedd ip aerva as a preventative of floods In school ef the the Dames under control a feature An Six New Public Schools getting conSalt Lake City and the southern part of is the impressive considerable of materials availability property damage had Davis county, and would supply water tinued President Harris. The teacher done been by the flame. The flre (Special to Th- - News) to more than 110,009 acres in Tooele of to have started tn the sec-it arms length believed haswithln botany MOAB, July 19 county 1th which to supplement! Wayne county has ond story near a switch bog and due A. iAtom, Educational meetings among the specimens to the location of the switches had amwide variety of theoretical discus-- r established new public schools at landowners of lake lands In the various asioas course do k to the a text ple In the During! get start opportunity Had, Summit Point, Monte-sum- before anyone could detectgoodIt The communities of the county will be held of one lecture tn the class- tn general im W eoBwletl under the dtrecetion of Secretary E & biology Monday, the ciass ooserved Cariie and Forb The rapid damage to the Vernon house is estimatHint kiey of the Provo chamber of comnaIncreese tn population In Wane coun- ed between and fl 909 three species of squirrels io theirthree merce. In a single tree, hsD.iat ty through settling of ne portions Among those present at the meeting tive PRIMARIFA TO GHR PAGEATT. holes were found harboring has caused this. Monday were A T Money of Palmyra different of birds needed Increase different The fund as chol jn many species pent, Aefigfoa nd tHk he tooi LGfJAV Ju! 19 -- Thq Primary as so-- c Fred Matley of Lake Shore J W AUe The skes have been beautifully clear s considrrabl) larger than nvoners a! Oat h i anon of Logan and Cache stakes will m,n ewriL"5oeijLr Inf h4 aetronumu- - obeer- - jotfed for the en.j7ne echool rear.' and for' of makln the ohneoiiBeott -J P. eage a pageant entitled, "Tribute of le . Urn MMy The- - caae mav- be neceoearv te gborten U d the Gladness at the Tabernacle en Stewart, George Tand Peay John W. vattonr Friday Of the plant Ufe ot achoot year corns seven to claesiflratloas me to months O W(lUm Howe C'rtr Mb tm k. mi yen Five hundred children ere ex Ferrer. V? JM night ara within read) with! the limit of the funds on hand many lit tone, which pected to participate. acceea. Th daa In ceolog) h Tc lessen expanses last year the numfor It eonetantljr the crxl force, re-of ber of teachers in Ban Juan county LICENSED TO WED at ork end th nature irtuaUj waa reducM from 37 to 27 The es-- e the- - operation lnthepaat- sult meat of the new schools wiy LOOAV July 19 A marriage license r Ipcreaee the force waa lsued by the county clerk to W Ilof wTathor aotlo'n Including glaciation, of teachers af'corcnglv ham Edward Kirk and Edith Elisa wind. etc. roe-aHutchins both from SmJthfleld yesterrunning water In frot, abundant." are found day. six second of Son th Ministers Park The regu.ar work weeks term at th unlreralty also J 1 i" ed ') m-- 1 J -- wllh-sedj- t"CX.roVe.e..l TI ED. DOWN r TO WORK ney from-Abe- te J0 "'j -- 4rl. t .rr. '' -- V ' rtu t4 t, I' pt-at- t - - pr't -- - .t;7 t t ti Tia 625 f i Hla-wlfa-- ? fSpectal to The News ) RICHFIELD. July 19 The follow- committee has been named by Nfhion of the Richfield jPrest M for Joseph held in the Wellsvilie tabernacle Monday, Bishop John B. Kerr of the WelUvine second ward presiding Music waa furnished by the ward choir With soloa by Brs. Elmer Glenn and lit. , A Committee Named to - Inspect Road Material Tbf peantt New Thrift beak MW leciutd from Verdell booth maj M Sereoth North Provo, Utah. u- - -- 7 1922 ttje Urge caravan of autos PROVO 1 rw w" , T, Vuit youmt rri i hus-exr- haefrd i i " , n.C'J: yr J 0J',p;ii,TJ?el?, br ikt iSSHeS n. f A t UET ''.bpr?: 1 ny gttBTblitter 1 ? eggs&clieese tt Ura-Hor- a. Banquet Better Batter 1 Z9 b: j idyidtff "JppV ax 1 ll SaS Gty com-ncno- H Monday. Service Star Legion Will Meet Thursday QeanSafe Convenient Economical The Prove chapter PROVO. J Uty J of the Service Star 1Legion wUl mee Thu reday Jaly 2. at p. m. tn th home of Mra J W. Hoteh. preotaent of the local chapter Mra. P G Adam, fourth vice preaidect. of the Ratio oal organixa-towill apeak on th work of the or. fknimt'oir Crosa Mias and Holefnger lieelate Red to a twitch jyb t tarn also explain present the degree of best 700 Ked Crosswill work want t lnrtantly n, Killed in Irish Trouble Richfield Band Will go To Farmers Encampment' (Special to The .Vow, I PARK CITT, Joy It The Re. Cgth-hert Hogan bee reoeirod word that hla eon, Thoma, Hogait, who Served In th, British army tn Mesopotamia, had died of woend, recired whit driving a Rid Crow ambulance during th Irish fighting Th, report eay, death occnrred la tha Jerri, atreet hoepltal In Dahlia. (Special to The Keva) RICHPIELJX Julv It The Rtchfteldl high e hool hard ef 0 pSeoea, will at-- 1 tend the Second Annual Fartnera Ea-- 1 campment to be hcht at the Vtab Arrt--' cultural college la Logan from Jufy 1 to tt. Inclutdre Th band will leave July tt, i' leading i Mh bTth re!j adjusting - of a3jaftn and draft. Enjoy the coolneu and Power County Grain i. Deatroyed by GraMhoppert (Special to The New.) PALLS, Idaho., Ju'y It have deatroyed Grasshopper 299 acres of grain la season end a largthis Power county er acreage t threatened. This baa been one of the worst In the hisyears for gresuhopp tory of the state, officials say, snd. farmers everywhere, reports indicate have been takes entirely unawares by the pest. Poisoning compaigns have been started with varied success, la Power county enoug 9 poison has been used to mix 99 tons of bait Hoppers bav been killed- by tha mllliopa. AMERICAN - McCammon Will Stage Pioneer Day Celebration -- , (Special to The New, ) Plon.cr July 'l Ida, Day will be celebrated her with exercises In th ward amusement ball in MJCAMMQN. tn forenoon Sports and athlftlc contc.t will be f cTer',ttrcr(nArTW rsnft'w'Ttrf"-arranged by N E Mllr and O V haeh and the nther sports will be suEdwards, J aaaa pervised by Lowry and Leo Hanson. Hal T R. is th general Bishop chairman ef the eaerultve eemmitte. on financial eeeleted he will and he km matter, by W J McAughay, Calvin and Mrs. Harold Price Obray. Tha program will h, ar Or gun, Howell and ranged by P A. Banks, Vert Helen Harris Mr 8 H. Oreen is chairman pt the refreshment cpmmtt-la- a Alleged 'Agita.tors.Are Arrested by Constabulary ' (By Associated Press ) WALLACE. 1. J. Idaho. D. Jaly Poster, a member of (he state constabulary, waa due her today with two alleged agitators arreit.d yesterday at Marbls Crash when they Induoed ft to Quit working tg'Mti. r&jtxms V I Stands Punishment Nothing so severely teste the stamina of paint as the constant wear given floors. But Bennetts paints meet these eancBtions eaaQy gtving long wear and good appearance, and preserving your floors from damage. Bennetts Varnite a tough, elastic, hard and glossy varnish will meet any test- - It is impervious to hot or cold water, and will not crack trader severe wear. For any floor in tba houaa webiweQmrTgM finish,''' jsr of oil stain, varnish qf paint. 'Sou? kitchen. linoleum wi& Ipngen, moo satasfrctorjr wear- - if gives a yeanljr-- Qoai Vacnish. Bennett's, paints hae fh&cecomnten&tloa otthousandsof users throughout ths west. V a t |