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Show v -' y" - N- ' . J- - 'Pi t i" r-- v ' - ' i '"''. i . .) .1 v s H X WEDNESDAY JULY JXnELJPESERET .KEWS f l' 1922 19 SUPREME COURT WILL X V. . - ' '(pifBrtiyft 'wtM'rhw dlvorfed from her huaband la titled to compensation after the death -- 1 her huata4.Ja9.e,Atl4 . - ' . JtliJs( supreme IBourt nest month when the ease of Mrs. Amanda Wesley comes -before that tribunal for revi ana.,1- peal from a decision rendered by the Industrial commleslon denying such compensation to the plaintiff.Mrs. Wesley was married to Frank O. Wesley, an,emploee of the Martin C5al company. Hie left hand was crushed In an oat grinding machine and a week, later he died. Previous to this time 'Mrs. Wet ley had filed suit ' against for separate maintenance court entered an Inter him locutory decree of ulVdtt'e. Payment. of $5 per week, by order of the court, for about year. . ..were made wee Following his death, which K acciclaimed was due directly to the Weeley-meda Mrsapplication den. for relief under the workmens ' was act Bdf med by the commission on the WMP9..A';in 6. .ground that, she jier hatband at the time.an agreement set forth thit It aa drawn at th urn of v!!vorc in which both sly and divorce and his to tha earned vrtr name that both document. Mrs. Wesley declares that her signature was secured by fraud ard that sKe had not read tha paper. by After bng denied compensation to the the common Leth arpea'ed be will matter supreme court and heard Aug K- - j' a . V , ' : ' i , , fr v i , kV r TV t ' . X ivcuessAW . - . cheap kind because they may mean baking failures. THATS WHY mmim-- m I The Economy In A feeling of opttmlsm prevails the mining districts of Star and Untie. according to E. A. Hodges, new state inspector of metal mines, who returned from an Inspection trip to those districts, yesterday. He reports that the Progressive mine Ip the former dietrict Is about to resume operations under Lorenso Brown a superintendent, and with Long Beach. Calif, capital Interested Is slso starting work Angus Bticnanan on the Havnes-Cooproperty, five miles west of Milford k Supply Company Consents To Appointment of Receiver T. A. Williams was appointed yes-- " as receiver for the trday nf'ernoort company bv orJoseph Nelson Supply der of Judge L. B- - Wight, of the Third district court. The order was entered Experimenting with an unces wfll Karicton, IxLe and Maxine Briggs, children of W. King Prlggs, a grandson of Farley P. Pratt. who entertain at the Prutt Family Reunion at Farmers Ward Anmaemeit Hajl. July SI. KaVlton Members of the Pratt family asso- Russell will render a duet number en- Driggs. and his three children.. Louise and Maxine, be to Breaks. titled Morning The 21, reunion will hold a ciation July Following the program a social will followed by the election of officers. at S p m. in Famers ward amusement An instrumental selection will be be gren. AH friends of the family lnvitfed to participate In the fesare hall on State street Just below Seven- given by Florence Lambert and Louise for which no admission Is tos teenth South, and a special program Wallace followed by a vocalF.. solo by tivities, day Driggs he charged. The following has been arranged for the occasion. Hugo Van Cott White. Jean of the association will celebrate work. The opening number will be singing will give a talk on genealogical been refables w a where at ill Saltalr be A feature of the program America. followed by prayer bv Noel Pratt and Prana vaudeville entertainment by W. King served for them. Pratt. tain brand is expensive BZSt mem-1-er- be- cause it Wastes time and money BTnST The Worlds Greatest Baking Powder he Through the traffic service bureauB. he matter was referred to John k Giny, secretary of the interstate rwtniiierce commission. Jail Sentence Imposed In Petit Larceny Case .Word was received yesterday by the Commercial club that express refrigerator cars in sufficient numbers of the needs of fruit to had growers in the Salt " Lake districtmmediately been assured, and woutd be available. This assurance was rendered bv E. J. Crofton. superintendent of the American Railways Express company. Growers are now being supplied with from three to four cars a day to. handle fruit shipments to eastern markets Cp to the present time, sixty four cars of cherries nad beer shipped from the Salt Lake territory. as compared with fifteen cars up to the same time last year. It is estimated, fifteen more cars of cherries will be moved east before the season closes. Later on. It is expect-- t atse d tha aprpoximaly hlry caste ed that approximately thtrty cars of apricots will be shipped out. The matter of securing cars was -i-fcen up by the Commercial club when word was received from fruitImmegrowers that unless cars were of diately available, f uilw. one-habe wasted. th cherry crop would -- lf i Permission to cross the various highways, streets and alleys at grads level along the proposed branch dins from Delta to Fillmore In Millard county is sought by the I .os Angeles A belt Laka Railroad company in an application filed with the public unit tie commission of Utah. The declares that the railroad grade will conform as near as possible to the street and highway grades, and that the proper number and kind of warning signs to protect the travelling public will be placed alor.g the line. As exhibits the application carried with It a franchise from the town board of Delta for five street crosMagna Commercial Club and thres alley crossings, and Holds Annual Election sings also a blanket Ordinance from the county commissioners of Millard covAt a meeting of the Mkgna Commsrx ering all highways between Delta and clal dub held last night the following Fillmore, officers were elected for the ensuing Judge Grants Divorce. year: M. W. Bentx, president; d. A. On the ground of desertion an interRoswell, vice president; A. J. Clinger, locutory decree of divorce haa been ensecretary; Chris E. AUias, treasurer. tered by Judge G. A. Iverson, of the B. Duckworth, DivyJGeorge E. Mc- Third district court, in the case of Bride. Garry GrassT. E. Burke and George N. Stnke againet Bessie L. John Hancock, directors. Strike. Pleading guilty to a charge of petit larceny, William Beaman was sentenced byr City Judge Ben Johnson yesterday afternoon to serve 20 days !n the county Jail. JA man charged under the name of John Doe McLain entered a plea of guilty to a charge of possessing intoxiwas sentenced to cating liquor 2and pay a fine of SO. Andrew Garble, charged with assault with a deadly weapon a knife, on Jack Chido, pleaded not guilty and the case waa continued for hearing. petl-t-o- The Denver & Rio Grande W estern Railroad Company r The Oregon Fhort Line, Union Los Angeles A Salt Lake. Ogden Union Railway A Depot company and A fficrt-- n' RS .TVS yk Express were yesterday given permission by the state industrial commission to carry their own workmen's compensation risks Formal action of this character by the commislon is made necessary undr the statutes. The commission also waived its prior right to purchase IH.000 7 per cent bonds of the North Lake Shore Drainage district of Utah county. st& i HxpV c. ty mfi ii WANTED Preliminary Steps Taken To Let Building Contracts Preliminary taken to let contract Theres cootTeFrpshment satisfaction - end-heal- th in the wholesome goodness of a glass delicious Iced Postum. of Postum you usually do PREPARE dark and rich. Add cracked ice. as Held for Desertion. Serve with sugar and Tembiii or iugar and cream, as preferred. Invite the (children to share this delightful summer cooler. Postum is a safe, drink for - everybody. Never a chance of harm to nerves or digestion. A happy safeguard for health, against the harmful elements of coffee and tea. he News of Death Received. of H. C. Sturm. 5. father-in-laMorris Riley ef the Salt Lake police In West died Monday department, n- Iowa, according to word re- -' - Unioeelved here, Mrs, R'ley was with her at the time of his death. father , w t Oldroyd Returns to Work. ' Sold - Made by Postum Cereal Co, Inc, Battle Creek, Mich., a Reason strike-breaker- s. . rente. Cel. Trial. Flervave. tel. rte, R RltifaM, Walter Keberta. Maeter Meehaale, Faebl. Cel. Postum, served hot or iced, is good for you There's Differentials of three cents per hour over the foregoinp rates are paid to Mechanical Craftsmen on night shifts, and differentials of fire cents to ten cents per hour in excess of the foregoing rates are paid to highly skilled positions in the Mechanical Crafts. In accordance with announcement by the United States Labor Board. July 3, old men remaining andnewwreiraecepting employment am wilhin their rights ami are not They hare the moral nnd legal right to engage in railroad service and wiTT have protection of every department and branch of the Government National, State and Municipal The men who have remained in the employ of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, and who are now taking service are not merely loyal to the company: they are proving their loyalty to the public and the Government. They are not scabsl but they ere at- - ww-- updeF the protect ian of the .Law ar.d the labor Board, ard THIS - COMPANY INTENDS TO KEEP FAITH WITH THEM TO THE END. Applicants for work should apply at the office of : Ttrrmmu M elrlrk. Foreman, Gnlam, C!. ft. C. Steve, Mt Mpt-- , larU Shape, Deaver, F T. OwnsT Mastfr Mrekanle, Graai Jatett, Ctc .... Cel. E. (. Hawriiaa, Mssltr Merhialei AUmasa, Cata. Cetera 4 Cel. ... , . 4 k - On a charge of desertion. Armour Rhodes. 22. seaman, was lodged In the city Jail Tuesday at th request of Sergeant Frank C. Busch, in charge of the United States marine recruitwill be tak--- n ing station. Tha prisoner charge. east to answer to-l- 4 cents to 51 cents per hour, $2.16 to $4.08 for eight 27 hours. u i STEADY JOBS eight hours; .t it COMPETENT WORKERS TO TAKE THE PLACES OF STRIKERS APPRENTICES steps are now being for the erection of fede r bplaillubucdginietaolsbrdlu at Spanoi pnhiic ish Fork, Eureka and Vernal, according to word received, from Senatorwilliam H. King, who conferred yeeterday,wlth the supervising architect. Plans and specifications for the Spanish Fork building have been completed, and bids for erecting that building bill be opened August 22. The soon as other two will go forward possible. li MACHINISTS 70 cents per hour, $5.60 for eight hours; BLACKSMITHS 70 cents per hour, $5.60 for eight hours; BOILERMAKERS 70 cents per hour, $5.60 for eight hours; ELECTRICIANS 70c per hour, $5.60 for eight hours. PIPEFITTERS 70 cents per hour, $5.60 for eight hours. TINNERS 70 cents per hour, $5.60 for eight hours. SHEET METAL WORKERS 70 cents per hours, $5.60 for eight hours. " 63 cents per hour, $5.04 for eight hours; . CAR REPAIRERS COACH CLEANERS 34 cents to" 37 per hour,"$2.72 to $2.96' for eight hours; ROUNDHOUSE SERVICE MEN 35 cents to 33 cents per hour; $2.80 to $3.04 for eight hours; MACHINISTS' HELPERS 51 cents to 59 cents per hour, $4.08 to $4.72 for v Level Axeat, Level Axeat, 1 el Axvat, Caee CUT. Cel. Keilrr Stwhaale, 6, Heehiee,l.earllle. -t Axvat, - Legal r 99 ' 1 1 Office of the President STANDARD WAGES AS PRES CRIBED BY THE UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARr w will be paid, as follows: Companies Given Permit To 'Carry Workmens Risks Following his recovery from an operation for appendicitis,- John T. Old- royd, stats land commissioner. Is back to his office in tha cepitol. Sir. Old-- 1 royd was seriously til for several. weeks as complications developed after tha operation. I low price mislead you. ment against the other company for 24SOO. The Joseph Nelson Supply company consented to the appointment of the receiver. It la not insolvent a Its to the petition, assets, acording amount to J1S0.000. while It haa liabilities for IlSO.OOO. 'r A CAN or a very on the petition of the Marks Manufacturing company, which holds a judg- corn-par- J, BAKING POWDER y T BdntletaBIG" - Inspector Reports F eeling Of Optimism at Mines i Is the biggest selling brand In the world New Local Secretary for Government Loan Board Announcement eas made yesterof the day that George A. Crltchlow atA Marr, Crltchlowfirm. Pierce, secretary o torns s, has been named the Utah branch of The arrteuUural and liteet.Kk loan agency of tne United Sidle War Finance CorporaMr. Critchlow succeeds It A tion Marr. a ho is now chief counsel for th corporation. Mr. Critchlow. after completing his common school education attended He was gradPrinceton university uated in 1111 V.ith an A B degree. He entered the Uw school cf the L ni'h an of I ill graduating ters!-. Since 1913 H. decree m IV14 enMr Critclilow has been actively Salt gaged in the practice of lawof inthree with tho exception years spent in N w York. The local war finance corporation Is composed of E O Howard. Eimest Bamberger J E Corgnff, J. T. Farrar and C S P.urton. U Tv? Are Not Worth the Pricp ot One - .If. they.. are theJIbig can and U X' :' . ' s e? "-'- li - fcJK 1 Lrai C. AfrtrAt FtrtMi. Cal. Cites, - - Denver, Colorado. July 17, 1922. . Asreate Daraag, Cm Ha. ( arpratar, apartataalraU tRUgirayt CaK Aget, Tfllarlilc, Calm. LVil Avtat. Mata F Jfnr MmW. Dr G. (taaiaihaa, Aut 9apt. ML F Salt City. I take . 1cal AgwaL. Prava, Hsk C" J. milrhmmai."FaremarOitftIrttalfe Wal Ace&U Price, Atik Lneal Sail. Cel. Cal. J. by grocers everywhere! LralB. C. H- - YOUNG, President. The Denver & Rio Grande W estern Railroad Company T , - |