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Show 'r - r ire pv ?. ir if U t o JTLY '19 THE DESERET HEWS WEDNESDAY 4 5. 1922 r . i pMtofflo offlctala ttld, motor trufti oervtce from Clco would bo eriabliih-o- d to supply Croea Plains, Pioneer and Rlxlng Star. , EMYPEACEI 1R1SM4RFARE ; China Would Cojtfcssocs Convention Willjbe Held In Ogden June 21, 1923 t"'irAS in N'G T O N. - July 11 Dates (By Associated Press ) to poUJ conference-conventioTERING,' July 1. Chins Difficulties of Provisional f0r be held In every state during the to build a modern navy for dfem Government in,i ear, were announced today when purposes only and would welcome the I aid of American naval j Postmaster General Work designated experts In cities selected for the meetings. planning modern battle craft. MTni-t.Combatting Insurgents cf Marine I A Ting'! fain said toThe lit Includes Denser, November at a dinner riven here in honor' night Cause 1. Omaha. November 12; Dex Molnei, of May Long Secretary Edwin ieehy t the 141 Ban Antonio American navy department. lows. November Trias. Jan. 22, Cante F. S M , May LI Tinr-Hsl- n added that when China 12. Phoenix. became a progressive nation an effl-- 1 Arts, March 18, (By Associated Press ) N. D., May U. Bloux Fails, cmnt' navy Would be easeniial to pa- DUBLIN', July 1. Recsnt specula8 D-- . May 21; Cheyenne, Wyo. June troi her coaat for defen v purpose. tions on the supposed Impending large Ogden, Utah, June II: Reno. Nev Secretary Lenby replied to the ad Si., dusss.xijthout referring Ae.ttie-appea- l lnst, ,IM. PLDUWJ: June 22; Thin Jrancloco , Kle operatlp-.- s -- June NeeJlH fotATiicrlcsw etd In tuMng navy PijrUan;l.f)re, Xnsurgeale J,,,WAxest.-Jraiffi- ' July 4. Boise, Idaho, July 8. He expressed the good wishes of teems to have moved the free elate Wash, 8. Butte, Mont, July America for China's a el fare and said government to put the brakes on pop- Americans regarded an active navy as a factor in promoting peace. 41ar anticipation of an early march to! Russians Suggest New I . Jriumph and peace. . proposala - to Cover Chineid And 'Japanese "The pro14Tdpt goVeHurTe nlVrewa-pape- r Confiscated Property' TRUTH today puHlshes an arDelegates Wrangle as to ticle emphasizing the difficulties to be Associated Press.) (By Property in Shantung Met and warning the public not to THE July 19. New Pro- -ttpect Immediate achievement of the- poeals InHAGUE). connection with compenaifBy Aseoclaed Press.) i" points out that the exper.task for eonfleeated property and par- - j PEKING. July 1 9. Negotiations in liture of both lives and money may tlon ment of adRussian were debt the Le considerable progress here between China and before the end is vanced by the Ruesiar delegation at Japan for the restoration of Shanleached. . a with the entire meeting today tung to China developed a dispute Means hlle. although the military commission of the dav The Cnineee delegates contendtoun.cll is busily preparing for action, on Russian here. affairs ed that wharves and warehouses bui't Ihere is no .outward elgn of that The an Russians railroad hv arrangethe suggested along great advance- of the free state armv ment by which Russia would under- Gftrsrs beShantung cons'dercd apart from the Sf which everybody has been talking take to with foreignrailroad Itself negotiate The directly Japanese deleluring ths last fe days. ers for the payment of compensation gate on the other hand,insls(ed that There is general anxiety to learn for confiscated property and bond the Washington Shantung treaty proSlat is happening in Limerick. Ths horters for settlement of the Russian vided that they be Included as raillack of recent reliable news from that debt. , road property and therefore held os t!t has occasional numerous rumors, teme of which havs been quite One story is that half of ihc city has been burned and that lighting is still in progrssa In ths Itreeta without apparent advantage to tuher side. owing to difficulties of oommulca-i.n- non and 'the censorship there Is oesjble means of confirming any of ihcse rumors. DAY POWELL QUINTETTE LAST TIMES TODAY . HIBBETTE& MALLE James Oliver Cur nod's great story of the snowdrifts of the Yukon. I: . heres & Fight - m TO er b is ..ALL NEW Building New Navy Pre?J (By Associated treasury or tli'e China to negotiate loans on security for ths inChlnr-fur the m Japan s position has been that notes to be given pemri dtr the treaty Jie has sxciuelve railroad, and a archounej am to these properties as eecuri- Jf the wharves acre conrfdered apart, they would like :AmerieaitlIelpra Ilfidb IS IMPROBABLE t e , . LULU ' Wallace I!e r , r helped' i AM THE LAW. Featuring yho . COATES AND Gaton Glass, Kenneth Harland and others. Lake - ' famous- - WLV BEEMAN& GRACE Beginning Tomorrow The superlative in suspense Fhe kind of picture that makes you sit hushed and breathless from first to last! With the most amazing and daring climax ever conceived! With a popular star, a great cast, and a story thrilling to the last degree? Ethel Claytons biggest picture. 1 -- fe CUNTON & CAPELLE HARI & NAGAMI feETTY COMPSON LARRY SEMON I Percy and Ferdie Trucks Will Be Used to Transport Mail as Result Of Texas Striker Action In Taking Chances Ml&0iffkm vHwto mis vftnYtMfc Featuring i By International News Berries.) WASHINGTON, July 19 Striking, rallioad employees have prevented ' the operation of Imin service be-- 1 tween De Leon and Cross Plains, Tex- - I as, according to a telegram to the postoffice department this morning from the superintendent of the moll I service at Fort Worh Texas. The aunperinendent- - esid the rail! wws bond management hoping note a trtln late lat night, but wax doubtful If they could If train service was not resumed this morning. SID SMITH tTptea Sinclair's Great Stery ef The Stackyards. F estarlsg GAIL KANE And GEORGE NASH- hr Am AU Star Cut Directed If Atvutvi firfrt43 REEL COMEDY lND A SPECIAL 8 DAYS STARTING JULY MATINEE 23-- tea. XEVtS A Roaring Comedy Tfcai PlCTtRE. Pathe News. Doors Open 12 Noon. BIGHT 25. .til PflHTAGES- HV - MERICA Knights of Columbus Day REAL COMFORT The Girl TOMORROW Freni t h eiU When the Knights of Columbus get to gether, you can be sure of a rousing good time. Join them in their annual outing at Lagoon tomorrow. s.. Porcupine the town is the talk of day and thousands who have seen it say it is the best thing James Oliver Curwood has done. Radio, the wonder of the age! Hear it at its best at beautiful Saltair Thursday, from 5 to 7 p. m. dtr i TjrUGE amplifiers hare been in-- stalled at various stations on th ;ttr tjie bathing pier as well as at other points around the resort, to broad cast Sweetens hand concert to bath- ers and all other patrons. - x r7 Free Matinee Dance - For thosewba prefer- dancing, - have arranged a free matinee dance. Music by Sweetens nationally- - famous dance band the largest dance organization in the world. Time 5 to 7 prm. - ; : r ; ; TRAINS! Leave Salt Lake 7:15 a. -- o and BUSTER COLLIER The broadcasting is unusually few metallic or - jarring clear sounds. Bathers Vay out in the lake can catch the faintest note. Honey-moo- Daniels-Pollar- st Other Attractions for the Week Thursday, Traat Day. July 19 d. Tomorrow we open a. Big.Pouble Bill HOME Scnnett Comedy, ana A PERFECT CRIME Bathing, plcknlcktng and dancing. Saturday, July SundajrljBlyj. SUI p. m. 22 92 TALENT A Gyab-Ba- s A prize for everyone In attendance. Friday. July li Society night. Free Concert, 1:11 p. m. u- -l . U. of U. Day T Cotteaweoa Stake Day. 99 Ceaeeeslonalre First annual "Cherry Day" is being celebrated at Lagoon today. Plenty of free cherries for everybody. And oh! but theyre sweet! n PathrReview. Danish Day Three celebrations rolled into one today. Come and have the time of your life. Swimming, dancto ing, boatingrand'alT the-- concessrons-read- y five you joy. With Monte Blue. Tnberniele Choir yaira irW) hour rrom 12 oclock. Special at 6: 20. trip. Autoa, lOe per ear, 10c per paaaeuger. Bathing. Dancing. Picnicking. Bathing and Baad Coeceri GEM at 9:15 a.m, 12 noon, 2 p. m. and every 30 minutes v.-thereafter. ' . t head a splendid cast and make this story a wonderful picture. Laughs, and tears pathos, and alwaj s action. The Jazzed is a with comedy Jig Lloyd. heart-intere- i. Free Cherries Today FAIRE BINNEY We4aeaay, July i to- y Todav BACK PAY tin Sfr, rouad t. -- With Irw Own. Ben Turpin Comedy. (ABTOOV Bathing Is Groat Plonfy of Shallow' Water Thursday-Frida- y HE HlXBtVtV MARK. TRADE. FeatnnnjA GLORIA SWANSON r - fT . f VC' nip; i a - W 4 -- r -- J r |