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Show Jf- - 9'9W' -- -' - ff " '' - 4 ''' "''i-- ' L--. d rfcdM : v ,V : 4 T SOCIETY AND CLUBS MBS. A.at P.herfitoofl home, BtcrUfaed 107 T. FURNITURE Storage Packing Shipping to street at an attractive luncheon followed by eocJal afternoon. Garden flowers .In tortned mfa-tviriatyof bnKtit'nadci email at r2 Vienna er tables bouquets for the which luncheon w&J served. Covers "were laid for 44 W The hoeteaa eras aaelated by Mrs. tThsiiiss Sneckell. Mr. Elme2LT. Smith,v hfm. Iat'CcpjPoetsciae5eerr Mrs. Maiiloa E WUppii, Mrs. E. H Aa Bhankey. Kra. Mriy X- Smub. Ale liugA M...K hodeeALrs. r m. Robert Kitcbia and Mrs Vt Hiram C. gut -- Our open or genaral storage Is ths most reasonable high class storage you can get. For those who want the best w have the Keyaer Fireproof Private RoomsBafer than many safety deposit vaults. Fumitory. Shipped and From rh. AO o Parts of the WorM. IntehL M.AJCEYSER FIREPROOF Urn Robert Wolff was hostess toSTORAGE COMPANY in day at a luncheon at the umi BTza Ogden canyon In honor of Mrs W F Pkoa mu u. Helmick of Reno, .Nev., a guest la the etty. a Canyon flowera were arranged for eenterpleoe for the luncheon table at will entertain at a boating which covers were laid for seven close sorority by party at Liberty park followed-W. friends of the honor guest. L breakfast at ths bom of Mrs. on east Jhird Sooth street, la .Hunter The marriage of Mien Myra Edna honor of freshmen girls of ths Unlvsr-ett- y Albaugh. daughter of tars Mary. Alof Utah tomorrow morning. Miss ban gh and Oavld B Wlllock nT Kan Maurtn Bsnaipn Is la charge of toe eae City. took place last evening at e the home'1 of tnehrldes sister And eyimimnaia s"-brother-in-laCengrcesmm and Mrs MPa Hocner Thomas Bart of Vised la E O Leatherwood, on east First South 'California, is visiting with relatives and street, st I 0 o'clock and was per friends in Sait Lake Mm Hart was formed by the Rev George T. Davies. formerly Miss Beulah of iowelle A, buffet wedding- - cunner fllAwyd mat Mnsowwm vuw A bowsrof fem ird fftW dalseg erss arranged In the drwwlrg room for Mr P. N Cknirin, HIh Hfn Carn-ar.- v schema- - la the brldsl pnrrr- A ), Mlea Mary Doo!yid 11M, Ml saayev-roomwow carried wut iti-t'yellow The Dunham of Danville, Ky . h.y. woe a hire ntn Louise bride lo leliowstone park tor a tan gone trimmed in princess lare wih a tulle days' trip Fhe bloesma. with veil caught orange carried a bouquet of ptnk roses with a Halon Mias Eleanor Clark.'- Mia shower of white sweet peas Margaret Louis Knlgbt and Mia Marlon Knight Leatherwood and Katherine Albaugh. will ont.rtaln tea a at Friday large were of flower bride the nieces girl. o'clock at tho from S to the afternoon Musao was furnished during homo of Mra Maurteo John eon, (21 aaat evening by Mr and Mrs. Oenrare E. Socoad Bouth atreot. Skelton and Miss Rowena Kotrs. Following a wedding trip to ths lira. E B-- CrHchlow tiaa gone to coast ths couple will make their horns RochMter. Kina, for a Ttalt of aaweral in Kansas Cltv week a. Miss TTarel M TJttrrfl. dssghtwr of Tha dKa Ckl aororlty alomaae Mr. snd Mrs ? T T.lttrell of Austin. a lako party at Kev, snd Fdgar Reinhart of this city membara wlU an Joyafternoon and were united in marriage yesterdav af. Baltalr tomorrow J. 2 Con Mra st Tracy Wootton la In the First ternoon at o'clock Rev. Elmer charge of the arrangemtna. ths church relational by r Goehen A wedding dinner was giv en last evening at the Hotei Utah. Mr lira Clarence Morrill and dan gh ter, Reinhart was formerly In charge of Erena bare gone on a month o trip to the local office of the Aeaoclated Press tho coast. They will vleit In San Lot Angalea and the beachea and I at present In newspaper work The bride has vielted in Bat !,eke hn here friend times and many Mlea Maurine Saaoe ewill lea.e Friday ehe will apend Following a hnr acdd'ng trip they for Loa Angelea. and will be st home In th. Ulllcreai apartwith relatlvea several eeaka ments frlanda Ths msrrlare of Mias Marian JenJack L!o,rof hot Angelo took thoMra of Mro W H, Chiid. nings and Kdwln A f ederholm gueat s 8t Paul at afternoon place Saturday Episcopal church and was performed Mra Frod A Halo and their Mr and A rebv the Rev Mark Klfenbark Mr. and Mra Jamee CfOrady of in the evening at gu.eta ception was glcn bride mi Koch ter, Minn., and family and Mr on a parent the home of th snd Mrs Thornes Benton Hunter Fri-of The guests numbered 5a.n Park g'reet will go to Brighton Frsnclsco about luO. day to spend sevefsl days at the Hale summer cottage and Jttl'an Allen Miss Leah Jon Fvke of Fur ka w'l be married tnt of at the parbrnlea the hone evening Municipal Coal Yard is ents Mr and Mra fcjtiby Jones, on Ordered Discontinued Ninth East street in cr imiuii,th. t a . awo-nlu- g. Fran-clac- o. eev-rr- ' ffeewd-lAomsReThy OTtW lief corps, kenelngton club will be entertained tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs Charles K Gurley, tiv Lincoln avenue. All members and Mrs. friends are Invited to atnd Lillian Duncan and Mrs TV F McLean will be toe assisting hostesses. u'a for washing Miss Leah Woolley will entertain tha Mterary section of the Gleam Epeilon alumnae chapter of Chi Pelta Phi soravenue, ority at her home. STS7 Tlrlgga tomorrow evenlrg at 30 o'clock An Invitation la extended to all members to Attend. lnrematlonal MeTra Bervtoa.) LINCOLN, Neb., July 1. Lincoln' municipal coal, yard must go out of buslneaa. An Injunction perpetually restraining the city from selling coal was Issued today by Judge W. A. Redick ef the state supreme court Judge Redick overruled lower court decisions which held the yard was legally. Tha ault was operating brought and appealed by Id retail coal dealers of Lincoln. Charles W. Bryan founded the rr ' nlclpal coal yard, and sold fuel 10 per cent under retail dealera Three times a day in the dish pan tell-tal- PLANS OCEANIC FLIGHT. Use Lux for china, silver and glassware. It leaves them sparklingly dean. And it rids your hands for good of that LONDON, July 1 Major Fairfax demonstration on summer vege- Morgan officially notified the A merl table, and entrees will be given at the Civic Center tomorrow morning at 10 can embassy today of ills Intention to attempt an airplane flight across the oclock by Mra Haxel Dunford, Pacific ocean. Major Morgan is a British aviator. f I s l . - rt Cambridge, Mass. Are Sure It Is Clean . - pan look. One package of Lux will last for 44 disITwashings more than two weeks. Start using it today. Lever Bros. Co., You I Whatever doubts you may fv s, have about calories, or or mineral salts on which the - doctors and experts disagree you are sure vita-mine- ubletpoon to Just -- -- any skin strong soap would redden or grow coarse. e But now your hands need not show traces of dish washing. Lux wont redden or roughen them. It is just as easy on your skin as it is on your silks or woolens. The pure flakes bubble into a rich lather as gentle as a fine toilet soap. A The active chapter of tha Alpha Chi i Quick, rich, gentle suds 'wont redden or roughen the hands TRy Liberty Review, No 9, W. B. A . win bold the regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock at the I O O F hall Guards are asked to report for special drill work at 1 45 o'clock. i, - t- a pan. A !i tm. til . the dishes for more than ija WON'T REDDEN MANDS Two weeks. Lores yairgUtiwaTesptABng without a trace of soapy fim your tilrtT lustrous, your thma spot , - f kssly (term. ... that I Two Killed When French Government Pays Hojor to Gotham Woman (By Associated Press) PARIS, July 19 The French government has conferred the Cross of th Legion of Honor oh Mra Whltlaw Reid, of New York In recognition of her contribution to and participation In welfare work during the war. Mra RldbaS juv ha'ided over her prop-ert- y In the Rue de Chevreuse to ths fBy International News Berries Federation of- - University Okla., July It. Two rail- American women for five years road employees were killed and a number of passengers were Injured tocollision between day In a head-o- n a Missouri. Kansas ft Texas passenger and gnd freight Tulsa, on (he Osage division of the road. Tha dead are; Edward Morris of Muskogee, engineer of passenger train; and 8. J. Richardson of Tulsa, head UNION MADE TO brakeman of the freight train. A misunderstanding of train orders Y0UB ORDER was believed to have been responsible for the wreck. Trains Collide on Is clean, pure and wholeswneT so If know it" eaten It you-alIs nourishing, strengthening and easily digested. This is a whole lot to know about one food but happy Is the woman who knows It for she hassolved' the big problem-- of housekeeping. "yoiTHave" Two Biacuita with milk or cream makg a complete, nourishing meal. Eat it for breakfast with sliced bananas or prune; for lunch with berries; for canner with sliced peaches, apricots, atrared raisins, or t. other Lints. CaL Co Wheat Oakland, PadAc Coast Shredded Ready-cooke- d, ready-to-ea- Cochrane Funeral Will Be Held in Eighteenth Ward Chapel This Evening , Oklahoma Railway Zella Jeneo vs. Charles T. Jensen, a 7 30 a in. and automobile will be provided at Tooele .to convey those d ivorce. who wish to accompany the body to Han Peteraon v. Nls C. Jorgen the cemetery. sen, Sarah F. Jorgensen, Nel Petersen, Gerta Petersen. Nel C. Carlson, Marie Carlson and John J Walters, to recover '$500 on note New Suits Filed. Mark Manufacturing company va. Alya Rabould va Ward Rabould. Joseph Nelson Supply company; to recover $4,500 on account. divorce. Anna Williams ve. W. J. Williams; Mabel Whitaker vs. William T. divorce. Whitaker dhorce. Deeeret Building society va Francis Foster and Gladys Foster, to recov- Lumber company; to recover $2,477 on account er $963.40 on note. at 60 Rheumatism re' ft. S S. Tbwwufbly Rid tk Body Advertising Agents Are Greeted in 'California MINDOEN, of Quality Clothes 210 Bouth Main, i I' el (faring to. Bomaboy mother laof aurhaumatlam Th aoourga blghti baa wrarkad bar body; limping and offering, bant forward, aha eeee but tho common ground, but bar aged baert atlll belong to th (tarsi Doae 8. A S. la one Of th anybody-car- a? (1 era known, and it greatest blood-puIt mad. help build more blood call are purely abatatetnal ingredient ble. It never dlaarrmnga th etomacb. It la. In fact, a splendid tonte, a blood rhaumatlam from Joints, muscles and ths sntirs body. filbuilds firm flsoh. It Is what somebody' mother nssda can not rs tonight! Mother, if you out to ret a bottle of & 8. 8. yourself, surely somebody In your family wlA, Somebody, get u bottle Let somebody motherofKAKnowJ Joyful again tonight. Maybft maybe Bow glories yew sB teat, at bee, ft a your mother! .A ft ft Is euld a8 n La U alt gaaa, wbaa all ihrontt drug atores, hi ft. g. Ad It. It will bwlU you ep, to I largar Mao lg th rl Tikoc I Rkeemariam Imperitiew - fBy Associated Press.) Nev July 11. Adver-Bafli- g agehtsT representing fj .eastern railroad, were moving from Mtnden toward Yoaemite Valley, Calif., early today on the .second lap of their inspection tour of California's scenic wonders which began with a trip to Lake Tahoe yesterday following a reception upon their entrance into the state via Ogden by a number of distinguished Californians. i ST Funeral terrW for Georg Cochrane, promlnrtt' Utah sheep men, who died Mbnda, will be held In the eighteenth ward chapel at 6.30 pm. today, Wednesday. The body may be tewed at th Ult Lake reetdence, 217 C street, from A to 6 o clock, thla afternoon. - Early Thursday morning the body wfU be taken to Tooele for interment. The train leaves Balt Lake 'V Iv e M ft, ,f - J 4 1 a'SrVt v tv ?3r |