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Show -- ' ''''' 17 ' ' .' ,' ' 'k " , : - .. , , ' J ''x '.' - - - - . , ' ., ,. . 2 r I 171 - I ZE , ' . , ....... Old Spider Kelly STATE NET MEET Shows What Ring Are' For I Matches-Wil- l Headline tird Garnett-Smit- h Card of Tournament Play. -- . - 5 r' - It from r the Inc a id Monday rIV - owe-wad- ..ter-Tabl- - tOo-bu- Sone Le. N- - too t tither ' 4 - call. when the but ean r , , Players Sure tti f Capture Honors ,, ilr, , IR , , ttne ,- il 1111,11116'', t W 0 T. jt ' -- ' k ,...L.....1.....,..-...,-.- ,, !. L. m-- rt At"' , r s eyt-ri- A 't---i.1- ki:k': , i ! t - . 's.... t :nya-ler- s q0 .1 ' .; , , f Lr eh-u- , l 'vet--em- - Ruth ' a' fur EG eren-steph- ish' rn ' ', - , ' . 1 - )urg giect aate to i Roe- - ,! - M uch More Than Mere Cas - ;reb. per. - - oeears - r,. I. die- - i rom 'S Cngl,---..--- toa- - . - En- ded pan-Ig- or - for ! . 1-- t .. 11 - t 1-- 10-- 46 ing ' 1-- 0-- ' I-. 1-- 3. eta v ),,, I-- So- ' tUA ' 6-- 4. ia- , i 0-- - i'''' 1 t - n ,.. 1-- poi-e.ye- tull pie 4-- 1. 1-- 1--4. . 1-- 0--2. i -- 1-- 1. , la- g ----e--0------------ I-- 1. I 1-- - 1, 1-- ten r 111 ' 1- s ,,,".7,!,-1-.., It 1-- 1-- ' t 1-- 1. to :les in- It i A bout talcs aken td!er the 'pot, the WV- 118 . ,. !.to ' :viestprn, Tennis :: . t 3 - . ti le C.'l - slur 1 1 44 i ..Sci that - '' . - rt per- - : ,. , I - 4- - By Ripley , - ....,,c; - vv. root .. I -- . I the - Eastern Writer Admits That was held. and 411101- uIt posaible. surpassed in th mstches played yesterday. The large (Jim Corbett Recalls Great ' I , ;1711 Our Tennis Invaders 1 ntry of le players has narrowed down to 16 and even better tennis , Battle Between Hanlon ' le promised for today. trtf' Are Dangerous. , ..arolN;:i7 , I. --- 1:1" Neil. And t. 6 o'clock Frankie Ned Garnett will me et togatt's second best player InPerc. sJ I s ..,..-- . allowing his opponeSmith, and while Pero is playing a safe a cutting game, d,-master at that style of play and errors he 1. up again st nt-to make the .1 ,,,kt, T. I out I. I I VIMIkti EY. s --i- s trYlit te- bratthe ow p game. The match will bring ; , -r t g . -1'71.vi-ral Ily JAMY14 J. CORBETT. E 40, 1 ServIce. ., . some good play 'bItt Garnett should win hands down. , -will meet S. Pyle of Rock I., W it-- et Springs In another (Copyright 1921 by 'King ireaturest f C. R. Jonnana ofLogan. some 1021,-,i NI WWI seen 1 tennis.es salient yeater' Pyle ,rnatch that should bring out 410114 bASE S t ,4 t., t,, iii-- f V ::i ha e .to look lc ,,,...., . , , 1A ArarrApsedintorsestoae irLs ,plays a very . day,. for the 'first time and made.' 1171,11 v; , il Il finished game. raFfsef ri ..;A:,r3MMA,:rZa.....111...rtit-grIFM- All hia shots were Veil played but . ' 4741', ,, ' . N a Milo monger thana hi forehand. -, e'1 -W a y Lacked the punch of t killing itrok--- ' , . J:,T .1,...C,....,-....,''.t. '''aisi- Ike Dorgan. who ritillagee fight: 411(' , ,,,;- - ; . s from the I ens when not .s. I with handling -- - Hays is Today. ()1111111.."111W ' an will ,,Z,Ivs s. Madison at tern Mention H. meet II of Fitt,, ba L. arrangements such yesterday great ''' , ILA) bp.. played ' ,:1-- 3 and douti;es 1 . tip. l': .1,- , Vatr'' W ,.:i4krii-.71- k Tio s, I Provo. tielt.ren Ill)ifetift itirtial brands ef'151.11l wilt lite thei favortto. SquarW.C.eardeo. .....acd doubles -! .,rAt true because I saw tbe thing work "''''' ' to win in atralght sets. --I ikir ALt AttotiSittII: Mel. Gallacher should have no trouble with J. V. TEnight, although out At Frisco. in consistent game. Peirce will meet t the same :Knight is playing a very steady and Dixon. WWI,. t, en, to tose part f 1,ti . , , Provos best. will take on Barrett and has a slight advantage. a tiaT, io - of .ii.i tt. int astern at- up for honore. ' 6.7ortei. 'Howells in what will be a close mat eh and a toes Vill. demonstrate Colonel .ime prepare was in, the Hays the best ,in Ns of the matches played yesterdaY, .' .!' it...4,, ,',11 ,i., i which is real valoe of a The colonel has a very fast reverse- twilit itervice ............. Allen 'match. to the eastern " ,; a.. c it can be handled Is by a lob. '1...; l. lit (.,401:,,,,p,e,-1--ltring second. ....... .re...."'.', Impose :hie to stroke. the oly wayverr . n f, ION mond , feat ail. heavily topped. Jim lit ...:1..". "It Wag In the the colonel's returns are dritree '47.,if , A f ,,! g, casing the :. in used .:,IT '.,g: and he ' 4 was playing at his best His first eervic wa$ going .. ...1"'dtle2 ..1 Frankle NellM- ,- .- i te eat t of play- 4Sost, ,rin as to colenel. the the eemed worry which hie ferehand on cut a sharp .....ttA -' r:. die Hanlon fight for Allen' smash. Hays backhand . . omiotote,e'!2"".-l 'ball did not bounce quite highhe enough hard :,7-.which. by the way. O.0dt ,,e'lt,' delY It't ' Lit gio. ititi toltA Great. .iip 1811 and down ' and sure cross-cou' ".": drove) was particularly strong and -, i T ,-lat-. the was toughest of San Fran- ,,n the lines for many of his point,. ' 1 ever .7 rewas witnewied. some tennis th c -- ,, wonderful .., and I Bob Officer's day in 1S16 and S Monday.was - ,,,!,j. a..., y ear to Wii- g act Bob was a little unsteady while It went IS rounds t: sult, but Tuesday in the tact decidin , &114,11;4; ,, won .' N." r Johnson ;; same. the C. ft. Johnson la always 'r..oti, is reported train to a draw but the to jeuess jCoebettV i ,....,1spothdidly and'tact that it lasted GREATC5T SALL IlAYER Hard. Battle Aces ,1 ,..ng ',..,:t engageI' ;,,,,t -- , .Logan that long was due only to the supert on L'm itt ,....,p of on young Cowley seemed to have the Tndian sign human power of Neil to take punish.,, ,..., ,.1 h:a we May be obtained , . THE Logan champ ..,.. , old shrewd-e the and tennis ment and the quick thinking ' fr rh onto.., V t Iii,I. is defeated both TO- although...the youngeter 114ye4 beautiful itraight-statt. mt Rh 'lards thia spring bell-d, a nees;01 Ke,farnotin as a figlita- - in BY "MUGS" .11AER. w& s. always to position to return' every 1litre recently toe Ivano.and now even. more to win the junior Intermountain champlonshipt, the other-dayI,,n 'ht., 1 Young Cowley is the best bet sDoings-Have.Cost:Ht e 1 1r doean't shots his In and'IRwer4- - Kleteelec.,',i,'- l some SISLER trouble working famous as a second. ORGE .getttng , Pyle of Rock Springs had of Provo. Was beautifully iservice for the Metro,,n to Pardo. set Pyles lost the first 'and 10 . "'Me battle wag about -i almgorl pathfinding him among to a and well great help placed proved ii,::,,,,,,,:ondcti,r,;,esitt,ttie,,iheir,e,hlearatt asuglialtrz.,, timed and executed and was w hat whale swal'nee nt en or the match Then rounds. and nine But returns for made each eight good Pardo. many a day. needed he r. point. Iti'-3when 6..Z. 6:1. 11 ,,,,,L Iru;ther- Hanlon landed a terrific right to the one way close and exciting all the way.about the steadiest n me, he di i coi yoh in One afternoon. gulp minnows can eat by many that has been body and followed It with a left to player and John Smith of Provo is just I. ha t,,1 ts II none ha. s to be better while covers a of world nibbles. He reported territory ' seen on the courts so far. chin. Neil reeled and Hanlon ti,or, eler a ,icart drive. fast and ac- are all sure to be in and he makes very few the of his returns are fast they hardest Are over Fans he couldn't all swarmed to Close him, won to yet is whiie said his Melvin forehand Gallacher to and Watching beat ,r,ot finally FAD THE vEAN gllEgc errors, These men are the George is nibbling bitter. match in which the ball was played back put him' away. can paptt t hnt, ti,.., See How and Ruth from him in a long hard. fought the Will Williams "Babe" ..in was decided lithe was .'Neil the terrible upon. 1 before -ehapeas I point R14 ildra oft , .. WaLt and forth ten or fifteen times Bert Law who was a little off hie usual 1'2th ended. When the lith began. b!rboard- home run Make Out With His Many:- 1,7 ,,, Earl Peirce was too much hioforway no to.I Sts!er nibbles off his singles and dou- to the net where his sharp push shot moat merciHanlon with the ,,., opened ILI c,f game. Peirce always fought this IN and oulEN cAyq TilTr e Law was not able to lob over the blg fellow ,. ever I've seen in .ri less bombardment A r' made him many points. !i Intricate ah4w 41.8.te A Problems. to I have for Peirce he won in straight sets. t ,,.. A :iiitand Johristons as short lobs are 1,514(412 was Neil a I . down to the ring. Mrs. prize ladles' singles. Ryan's Mrs. Ryan still remains the favorite for the strokes Re's 40 points north of his nedresil tar the nattmal attic he now holds. Iii FRANKLIN IL 31101tNE. both forehand and ropes and hung there. seemingly chewer. 43 and cover court and her well developed Cobb by leads n R. ability to won , was 1.3. beaten. It Nv,h,ratt.,,V nitit T,,h,,t o ,,i,t. 7:1, broken and hoptiose:y iv,r.:sn irRich,,is, for her over Miss KateMaturin. tennis and a backhand Not bad f,r this' SAISi ESTERN SCRIBE barge number of 100 to I that he wouldn't last through Speaker bp 64. ,1:,s. bp 1,,,,rt s.t.,,.,,.it n ut that !L. ,,e r e Cr. , playing Inspirinlyf t brought out some exceptional 4,ME off Every match home bites who and student will start The doubles young Wednesday well pleased. the round. tennis fans went is nnnir.d ea sure, to give a finkwill fight it out for 010,41....nt tsr,m.itz k., me dt,,, ,.., Ian" while Ruth and other gourmandizerel a. ami f the strongest teams ever brought together in the state 'At that point the Chief of Police are choking Incidentally. Johnon home runs. h has delmtitiencles Rtattl Pal.. ,ost atva Wil.arna ,tT:Ideti the otate doub:es championship. all have l r wr.- r 1:, a started to jump into the ring. As An e;tt-l Zw I, l A. on the in f haseI champ...one:co trophy,Results' $.!,,:, he tried it, Kelly grabbed his coat -' la' that be truirors from g nod one ;1'.(.'1! V. .n 'lr..1.74, Seattle, to it ,' eithee-wt'l Answer ctorv perfor Yesterday's Toomey rirMg C.ts ti .raw.ant-.polled- . ported earning ,apa,diy of ' ,' him back The Chief hill her while others are aiming frimi Garnett won tress Slake Time's'', 0 o n Ly. is I' not and loose to that Aro1. Acre like!) 1, attempted again tremor. t.741ia, shoes. 1...z.yr Ita ir.,...a Peeve lisaith woo pjiz Floyd Itoseney.4. i.o.o Witt as.szt aeare over Haw the ropes to stop the 1 their 1. get through Peteroon won frost Captain Moore or 1: years ago. Whco w:th t.':evetand 1. T',,e tte- fight. Once more Belly halted him tfimm liah hitheIf winnow adran- A armoires woo from George rieele7a. a matter of another ha Sigler am'. S. I,. T A select:oh: A Mello 414o ity the t coat tail the method. wingi ill r; 1 Hayes won frees C011101 h:,,ra.,hotellw,1-nedr,lo,:!eg fact. Ruth tare. has 10-- 8, lost wit,11.e.1:11,27,..ar:A...,,b7,1.nror., E. that 1, probatly rWillia Lund WAS 1avie, No. 11; Philip Neer.Jobasso. make' Mansion woo from ! DILVIeS and Richard Hinckley. by no of pooned ultmit can amount !James Mom Kiel' woo from Moe Pylio. money repay Inhatiled out worlds 3da:kmen Chief the eat back champion "Having . little mirtnows arelLthe t Leland Stanford untversitY. whale him. and 'nit ti, Ws ainnding and pop- - i 5t1" Jeffries won from Dulness. 0-- 1. 5-- 1. to his seat, 'Spider' began to wave safe in worshipers. that freckled fist" the first two being the present Inter- their aquarium getting their; of We Piero, woo from Law. 1. ttuh roetd"tsh r,',)uf glAt ina'dru'leau. I one !thi,arrtard like a arms his and remember madman that to Jabber doubles cha mpiona. and the default. new day trent WOO ways Stuffy collegiate Eating and by up thinking Captain' Barrett 4. who hated hts hits as 8, did so In every known language. The con- sleep this unedu, ated man came Y"r4,4tert 1 'h hp 8tehl who Mel Galiseber woo from Jobs Smith. nibble of ainglea as a miser despises hts 41,41ars, much'', to went, t tt,i,,,k tii,t i.o ,,,,ti, young the Connenti,ut ttalf., tit-i- play duct of 'Spider' . was so Mere (deriding set) C. R. Johoson won from to n,i,ali ttting. bat In- ito and four titnce fanned be the 4. among 1hre, z reo ter than tne national pastirhe it- - r'''''"I4' will also C. It. Joimmos wen from Cowley. that the Chief was switched from his, Indicating that there are or vracs lot them 3. atiYr!., seif loolt-- I Pyle wen trona Pardee and began purpose fight than: halting door P3,11 Fames to (;,,,,h ,Stuf'f eel of us, getting through dort Howell woo from He.;. - oll Hard to Rest. mg curiously at Spidee! d;.ir t IC!: ,,'..h,,,L,Vt'nd,I.,-.',.- :' why b7 kicking it off- it hiftgeW Oleos won from Are,. There are taar:, o no I.,,:iea "his i,tt,th3. The stars o r Th e - nmn who will try Ruth th,-,before the Chief realized it the bell IlEaULT14 IN WOMEN'S MEET. . -. "has tohis :,i7 MallorY .,n er be., and out ti'ere," luy iiictedt d,f,.. 11. rang and both men went to their Mee. Ryan woo trees Miss listoris. 'It'!. t reen,e C., zrottml he ha. t, t - ti.e tia.,g:ts t,t:e their itex ai.n Said e,,nver,ott,n 14.35, ,,,r1 ThurP,T3v. 1.1. corners. 'Spider' pointed a wild flip- - TILDEN FEATURES Mime etiefel woo from Mrs. Hereekhmr. 3, NI h.s h: his kiro.a 'I.roneT, of ,, he, !woe Ovea,hrs chanip.on Sun,lav ,',,,,,a 11,,sy. R.tka, Mien Brodbeek woo from Mime Task. 1. 4.44 at the incoming Neil and LONGWOOD CARD a!, Onwent rnt. to fa Lean' Pr'd !'''' t"I'lh". tO keep a gm, on him- - ;ind who Ice, to Ato.la in the final last V,an. 0. Miss Keeley won frogs Mrs. Rath Johaeon. 1. . in cop: Ii ti. oo that there hat. I..., n ,,, morc di,t , ,,i. a , e that licit tit ??4, :It 4gain Iper to the dient yh.w The 19 I tell you he was all made BROOKLINE Mass, July nianThe way of rumor that a t fine "come mystic talon in Int. air aril once tn.)ro the toth on Boxers Honors Share Mies matches Elizabeth prowram I . feature Wins did wa tell you hed pull a ba,k;' Cleveland Player ;n mnt Stuffy take three swings three mood to for the who has been in the tournament CsHfornia dirties hat. of day hot girl. Ryan. him to at Now "M.p.g. looks the watch him in the Boat through. teas-woo-d BAIF1 tennis singles In Hard-FougTeat night, as we remember, ow beinning of the downward trail. Cer- - living in EnCarol ftr a number of14thl" Again in Roque Meet were William'? Tilden. If of PhilTopsy Hartsel heard McInnis' plaint 'tain It is that unless Ruth c&tt continue yearo, and Anos Helen Wills. Penr&ty:,11comeNeil remarkable ILNewsof a San MILWAUKEE. Wilt. displayed vs. Rations Phil July adelphia. that Gregg H on t have a thing out to hammer out b,ie lierkeley girl5 rse Ryan eri!! enute he will CHICAGO, July ILHarry Hayden. 10,,, in R. Williams. 14th so outIll back the and Norris towell he nit.,11 championship at fought Franeisco, and vs. his value. Cold ra.culatten reaeo t o the there on tin!s Sabbath, paper eritica were, divided On th the youthful Cleveland. Ohio. star. James Dabiek of Roeton. "Wen." sail the that aoide front thim Ruth nsith..1Foret,t Hits. slotittled for Aug 14. Topsy.ifact night be- In that round and Itthe 15th that he Vatted his. string of victories --In the come of the boxing bout last the California Intercollegiate chamLe r rrinre ver ta' has draw. Vet. a If "if thl.th been for hadn't got nut Ttle there '''nu:n"v' !hat, anything Iv4', litrb..71 14, rhe,l.o,r1,y, lighttween Johnrrr Mendelsohn,f ".' some day rm a ...ina td move off h, 1!!YIP'1'.'heI1, for pion. second division of the annual Amer-an ''' ''''' aar; ' 'g.. t ' c Ithe stratetry of spider' Kelly he would roih 1,4 t.ut-et. ;4 O'Brien of Los . Nathartel W Nnes. of Sneton, I it Wullir ces and :. Np;Ive rrdorrt Tommy TI lench Pe Wh!t ri,, weight. m been h I.I tournament r:or,,,,;, yestera technical with yu r,,, r, .,.,., charged Roque league , , a w,Okrov Pr Mendelsohn deand R. Ifirwklev, eaptain-efeSome 'ern furthf.' than you d:d Ad I., , ro., ', !Iry orreh;ng !a. to., hlse,l,..,' ml: 31 day by defeating F. E. Neel of Newport, perved a shadsthought is ranked No. the Lelln4 Stanford university ten-n- it and others credited iknockout defeat in the litb." -of "n Elkhart. h.,' W. G. r'Trhtr and Tyr?' ,,,,,'lt. ' Winegarten Ind.; .,e'a amt Atte r ,. : team as an opponent. t''''' til t.e '1t ', Str. O'Brien with the better of the light. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. :ran gerer, Ind. .2,1.1n.,n Z:nder,to,n !V, Each boxer accused the other of hit- IJohnny Dundee relates how four iiwiv B. S. Temple. the Eaton. Ohio. expert, w T. P,t -it .14 W zi ti 011e filth I.c! and fourth p. in the too low qf tho knock-two I ting knockdownsincluding w'il .1.s!,u- 212' scored three victories. Tate to Fight fa tafinIpolt 47, that A ,k l. oat., 14.4,4.: Stal, Is ranked No, and after the bout was over. in the game fight at Bill rounds, Paul It 24 .4',41 Kan c'ity .41 hl .442 ma', Xii.C.T. ,,,14.'t prefer ll,e (Maoccurred In the diamond m,tial division, unit revere. to ft"r Aits that i.f.:4r1 said. unofficially. the titortrt; 14 44 .7.7 443 SS .4,tIl W. Wilson loot to H. E. Euchner: Jacob- fair tactics. such as butting, were re- labout the same time. Tall Ftedie Fulton- Lou,sville 47 4S 317 erlurrtrall tn h:s ,;,..1, ilan T!'hAt"c h"a7th'W hth4 " "7 ; nO4 1;,,tel national ttele, , -- 22 fill .1,6 t Thitato A dozen years ago two kids were could not do I.s!tsr than' 'h. son. defeated Selden, Kansas City; Ar- sorted to by both boxers towards the 295 Los Angeles. defeated Selden; Bas,1 1" HOUSER TO ENTER end of the contest. O'Brien bled from tossed into the same ring at the ,old CMCAG91 July)9.B111 Tat., negro! Testerdsx's Result. 't,ar-as a ha!o ::; City. defeated Bra- Om mouth genbright, Kansas . in the third ande fourth Dry Dock A. C.." said Dundee. heavyweight of Chicago. and Fred Poi- n. R. E has iit "all oer- - I'le ,f run, IIcrl, f,,f-sezil, Norwich. Conn Minnesota. of ton. wets Mendelsohn Rochester. morel in the third round both picked ,M15".Pq". and rounds. "Along 12 s for C NEXT FALL afternoon S play in the enfre,.uent Summaries In a 3 nu, : ra;,t, bout to the While boyp tntt qr,,m1:nPru' blows. mat,hed vere . body Minnenootia band a ..... .7 off floor and both the follow. right S! ,:',7!, show tha t OH the third divielon championshipdefeated both were landed gaged in several hot mixups, at nod a. nOraenanoonu nOen,rnA.Unrtaotdaty. &beyon the opposition button. rdril'nrgt vb o) ate!eaWrIght. P.,1rt and Ko.her. ,,,,,:,-,ro ore ',Ile or mon!. Wasson. Marehalltown. Iowa, Ca I:f,rnia July 19. 1,0S ANI;EI.ES at the finish. i sTrisjwood. mang. and m.y.r. 4Iof s ruo. "One kid, in falling, flopped against Kid Howard. manager Of Tate. !e t nn,n on E. A. Fake, Chicago; 'Conical. Chicago, apparently strong at ;,rsaeh ..... kt, ONnArd High SchooVs tho nurnt--,r defeated Fake. !agairwst the referee. who was jump- At MTAW.111.107 R H. E 'weir Dearmtn. Gels Fifteen 17!.tnntritn4 l we,ata nlan holder of tbis only the I ing to get out of the way. But too! Ilia arm swung out and the elbow rt.ouivon, ...... - - -- 6 :7 1, haFts hi moro enm!ng world's. int,rscho:asti:1 trliOt put antt The falling body knocked the of It flopped atrairAt the bead of nisi 13 TWO BEST BILLIARD times th. umtker s.9 game& win tn; Strikeouts in Six Frames lvte Il ertf; rc,:t patterum,E.tor referee off. his pins and down he went discus throw rec.,,r,!,, and kately much, And that blow knocked lmyatt. anal PLAYERS MAY COMPETE The 'tent Utah Gas boasball teem defeated On the floor alongside one of the pros- - etrekeeper. ---the timekeeper off his seat . onto the Rrellrtt,Ins se to the outenm of !.ought after ly co;legt,a twnd univeral. Western Anne aggregatioe last night, tra.to fighters. cate..r on the ,!iamond are more' t,es s onP of the erfarest athletic At St. Past: floor. R tt S.:.! Ruth LINKS the - ON TOLEDO O. tore to It was easy "The other boy toppilid against the w or le.m by the wore of 1 10 ',.tt be inte'reting' Prospects in the had decided 0 "And so it weft that the two fight- - rmumbus the Geo players. eight of thorn Illlet IAA - ropey and fell through and out of era the referee and the oc,t, htw it pan, ov. e At the pre,zent to enter Hit. rniverf,ity of Southern I ;.''' CAN FRANCIACO. Jahr timekeeper stssPoa:f., Dearman. their icealmost all ottoman. le- tritt there time and ''rth"P : a of L" harte,, next pog-every :California of .; the In 1:.,;lege ring. falltnig to the ground. were knocked nut at tho same time." and uen7ieli IS fedi), 0 AU stay white's the Itsimme awn Arms betsnde rehabtatA,rt. el.'en th.ugh he. fall fw,ordina t, ;wnriDentistrr, gracs- pitcher, troth I NTr."" tem in oil lantana. lariat hie motes bit t,e irnr.rr-apectaele et two ot the to of the manaeer : ,m0 ua,P university.-th. world rus 'three billiard Pla PPM the Arms players to get Out Jite It afl ;,-,n Itouser f!rF ,,t; narlOn wide farne ilwit ena." !Barney got the enly at made by the losers. retina' in a national hardA of Ruth I1rn..iei.f, a, hen he defeated or not about a year ag to blo wonderful work in Of it woo annrime,d lilt!. been has plooship tourneY. able, Pitt Na- York. thP through to, r,...,t, Will box. Dearmbi elooted the trey home bun of I, ADAMSON'S Tile tourmalines You ,,s to rad they har3dwrntnir beret. Do Mean n the. shot put event of Good charnolon. tn seen tbe as .161TIO. so a loon Anamet the any bit 24. be beld i Jr; thA wall 'and to iearn the le,,del it rhe n.tiona1 seni:,r A A championmunicipal pork in pmn ums. Welker Cochran. eltanidered elomt 1, O. Jacobsson ',r,nveyed PaNad,na t'alfornla. He hoide By Gas. wester. Anse. - to Volans Jake charter as a two 'lab shot put I the in:ersohn ..... AB.11.31. may wizard. and firitaeter 'shorten li ETERN I.E 'WI E. .of j feet. while ..3 riluasn. It ...11114' be coadidateet this year in the an. Kt".11, ' t.. W di 1 W. 'his 1.,fla-nePt ,..riAt a A 14I, it .1 S 410tbeon. lb. rhantidelle Hone' munielmat wolfOrin .470 st .I Itmrth f.n a II roan. of H. lb ....4 2 TI letting...so ..2 ship tournament, the It ,Itiojkl. ,,,y 41, ',4 r. TO f4E:E JEN. S'.ux ety tr.abesit. Sib .....3 T1:1)1)1' 11 "tayler. et ....44 kited ever held. The tournament Ysa T .Lt P, .,s1 h s.stit,,, .1 ti . ea e. Ham. ..2 Johnson. who cho.ce C----Iwelters lo k11:.. Jut:, I. mpeR oully W tchlta Utz; J. Berner. It 1 0 11)acearty. lb 4 0 A IZ ; th,r,.., I , I ,j 41 . nothing ether bate eantpeted la on Ha'yett, 0, k twitpeey's tramer, . Trott. et, ....4 4 II; no.mt. cr. ...4 I: etualeipal then tournaments to hold a her,- end I c. arrived 6, Aubrey. R. Barney. rt. 2 11 areaultia Yesterday's enne Mika. 3 I st it h .kss tVillard (tonne:riling B. Mere. so .1 I OlDoorcoick p. V Ilt, both At Sioux City: Ft . Mt- Cochran and Wheeler. If E the prote,ted bow between Jers and n. It .1 4 Oi Mime we'll- ittlima IIP '4 :74 4 dLfl fall. thls fall. ;Ix on,..p, LthgztALIn t that I Al)crit. 7 - ... 3 - -I , 4, unantelp al U nita. It Is tenceded D better Batteries Adams, Gro,,, and Grat ,o sit. ' . Totaba .. ...title I .. I Cochran la probablythe the Tito,. i edged ad- and he hag .i; Tesar. Wiloon and Q'yery. Beata- by lantago.1 tIfer i ,... centpleteil tit . .... .... I 2 2 4 0 SII V V vantage of having lablell t.k 13.. . At Deg MoillPir a i Yeah.' R. It medal pier. le ..... -.011111141,-. Arm. 'amt."' M .01)0.8 i , I. , Schaefer la a stranger. i, 14 a n.1. Zrrere--B. SammitrY: ---..- .. Myers 3. 'airier I. 13,0 ter:,.. 44iermart, lischar. Mark . 1 I Myers, low"... I Horne a n 1 Wyarca, Cultap r.7t,rtir. i , 2. Sean Stolen baseaHam Will --' 2. Taylor. SWOOL Hajry Ertle littaOft Deartnla I. off .1 I E E ' ft ea baileOrt Dearmin 2, g Referee the Bout e.rner l. Baal, 3rIILIPirY T.'ea In qt. R. Pe'r1"16 A -. , , P, s; ,v,444044-444414,msoninsonwwavr, 4.'. '''':'"'''""---'--,,..,.. ......,..w... 7..,14m...ti., .,......,,,,, , mi4, ,,izi....4..s lib .,,,, 44041, .,,.....,. ' (Ely International News 4111.0 a Mt tiAnner . tt4n4, .iied at an or s, , . , NEW YORK, July IS.The selectionto ,n1h catch a . tram) . isa referee ut the lightof Ertle Harry -,-,, , Leonard Al.nt it Shame About ,,, 6) , weight bout between Benny. 0 be . and Lew Tendier. July t7 will Man undtrJCR; Old Cobb, Tyrus HOME RUNS, IN passtd upon favurably. mood. at a special meeting of the Of Muses Muter Landis New Jemmy boxing commission today. - LEADING LEAGUES ..;.--- ring ( Ertl, was the third man in the bout . Blot-Whitthe e during ' NATION Al.. (By AseociAtell Press.) ' V eater - Sesames CIIICAGO, July f 0 li ' Diarnuncl Mountain Landis. baaeltall nomdat. Total. 4le I t ' 1 ..... liceeon Slettokod. , .2 eniationer. took a look at the papers . kb. WhIte In Iatest I4t. I 1 tottit tearnedr-t- o ittesmith. St. bouts In -- - mounears. fIoId or l'istinum dents a 11,4 A was Cobb .. that Grimes. Georre I Ty giving Chicago iss. 0, 00 value. chronic) diseases -Rea;,,,,,. it 1 Silkier a desperate fkrht for batting An17.111cAV. ' of blood, nerve' ' Obr. Big Soecial for . -I honor of the Amerkaa lemma ,, I or skin; mere. Hooper. Chicago Iii This Week Only. Toms batting A00; Shaer .420: , ous akBoeekel, litieton . i . ,,,, .. 1 de : , I 4111. Call and see them-V ,. Cobb gets flee hits in one game, ; die I i 5 Wood. (let eland .. ; k,',.4.--dra'ns9r , ,,, -., to ' 1111 charges yield 7 Including a home ran. read the 5 "i ,7-7,1 k ,,,r''',-,- ', .., I . I , . ,,;-the best medt, I. commitakiner. Verseh. D'I:AtttCciittle 3 ' . ' ',ZZ47,-'eines promPilf...... "AM'S that a Atme about poor ;44477,',':' , 111; COAST. I have qualified old matt Cobb r, Landks salt Pr .1 as an , 14 , 1.' Lake ( ositalliropto 1 caA:rt Salt llwy said be was alippingand Con. .. , .11 specialist. 4,rSaltLake. i3 ..; 'for home ready the ,.. ' sultation free. kft- .' forth. aimd2 Sargent. Portland s "Five bka In one gameone a I' . DR. 1119. M. I lioe4ett. Pl,rtland 2 .., 411110(43) -g GRIFFITH ' the mimed former federal !tome," ,N,14). isteer....d.m. .1 . 6 Slunk Vernon wo 11S Slain I. judge. viand Ibis after, II you" In cs,"6. Tt:1111.illi . Was. 5314 , ' League total": tnerlran. 2S6 : the America lesepte. FArLietls FQ7. rrIMONDS 00 National. 237; Coact, 310. 'I RE high standard of tennis that uas started ,.e , 3 , 4-- 4- - o 'UMW' .- I , t. - - , - , - the Star' L ouis - , it the ,c. v . , 7 j thin- Wider 19'13 4-- St - By Cy Gallagher. , liter!) Ike es 19 4- - The -.- ? P , IN OF-PLAYI- itch' WEDNESDAY JITY 4- - 4- - - ? . AS STATE TOU CEEDS ROCEEDS P. l'k t, . NEWS ' 1 : RACQUETEERS OF EAST PREPARE TO SAFEGUARD LAURELS FIFTEEN ACES ENTER -THIRD ROUND n "., -- . , .. 'ENNIS GETS FASTE 'Pyle-Johnso- .''?"''- : '' 4,4' V - THE DESERET 4- - ,000 , . A - , . .. , . ,, , - , . . , Lit . , , ' . r , , .. ,, . . , . 4 -' Ntl 1,S1,,a,.yk s!,,, ,,1 . , ht (A- I- rian ru. ' i 30t : i ut tht 'eh to s : ,-- th , ''''' ..i ' .4 ' I s I . - 2 ro-t- '3. Ina-tur- on no ko Lt., ; n 1.t took-som- 111 b- :rctotta-,;r.ilti- . e- - - ... I Or r n 111 ivo-rlaI- I, z, r , ; Id I , I ru-t- t - eb he ' A ; i .... 111 at - .. 11.1 r- :k :)PrIent ADVENTURESWhat .11 . ;. 1 2I o l '''' - 116.--- Ot 1 Z ,.-- . .: .,,ipm.......1 cftIl r 0) ipt..., . arc. . .4.4.-- alit . . t .. II moo hi 4'.2 . --- ,, . . . 1 : :- eonfd-- : 1 ,I, CriEnSataraltrill ss '',..-- 110' 4 "eoinss ylor. . - :i lif i tt."' , ;,. v m .4&446.,44,404.;;Ik-: -- . rt rt -- -- To t. 1.7 .,,1 t , - .,, i . - , T J , , - . Isempsey-Csrpenti- SPECIAL NOTICE k. , - 64 -- allre, . - ' JO 11 all-rou- nd 1 ' . ; 1 ,.....-- 0 '.- - - , .."14,4,44,44,..." , f. - - 94..;', 7 .:417,.,... ' 'r ' 00'0"7,0, ' - '" , ' . '4," ' "".... ". . - 40." ' ''. :Ct.,' ..41.'.....,,,..., 0. 4' 'V . ' ,. 1144....... , .. , ,...,,,4 ,.,...4.4 .... .... . ., I , 1 $60 a ' , ik 'L-- i- Spenker;--elereland II t - . 'cIC:). - ,"-'7- - t s .,,,,,A ;- - ,, m.o... ,,, '' . . ikl.c-,- - -.... - m..mf , - L. i , - i aLer110 - .. . ; Rings -- . , k , Fine Special Lot -- . . 40...k.,,,o, .....fi..,......11.1A.,441,6.....,..,,,,,,,.... , A,.,,,..,.........,.. , , , - . ,.. . ...,,k,....4 .. ,, .,1,-...,- ,, i ,s,,,,,. -. ,.,..--.- .'-,-. '"'", I' r.. - ,.4 , , , . , : 5 - |