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Show 1 PHE0 CIsissss Nscssssn' i Concern over the general eduea- sis is beine D,a,PH m V 2I il jf Other students on campus have proposed a compromise: A Physical Education 1 course should be required re-quired unless exempted by the proficiency pro-ficiency test. All other physical education courses should be elective, elec-tive, they said. I Concern over the general educa- tion requirement of three physical 'I education classes per student was ' expressed by Dr. Ovid Hunter, chairman of the Department of Recreation, Health and Physical Education. Last week, Dean of General Education Edu-cation Oakley J. Gordon and the Faculty Council retracted all past decisions related to the department. Pp ; Dr. Hunter said, "We have made l great progress within our depart-L depart-L , ment and have worked hard to achieve a high standard." "We have the potential," said Dr. Hunter, "I hate to see any change J( at this stage." He said the Physical 'Education Department has quality R programs and complete teaching capacity. 11 X' "I maintain there are four dimensions dimen-sions of education the intellectual, k; the social, the personal and the productive." pro-ductive." He thinks much empha- 'S i 1 sis is being placed on the intellectual intellec-tual level, but the student of today needs a well-rounded education Dr. Hunter pojntGd Qut December, the department became he eleventh college on campus, by unanimous approval. This includes all the privileges and respect due its position. He said there will soon be a new building which will provide a more adequate setting for the program Top facilities for recreation including includ-ing equipment and space will give greater emphasis to the program. Dr. Hunter said he would like to see physical education carry credits with grades. "The student with a good performance should be rewarded re-warded with a good grade," he said. Concerning credit hours given, he said he was in favor of credit in relation to hours. Student reaction to the prospec- tive change in requirements has been diversified. A class discussion, headed by Doris Johnson, assist' ant professor of physical education brought forth expressions of resentment resent-ment toward the current system One student voiced the opinion that a clas held three times a week should be worth more than one credit hour. Other students maintained main-tained such classes are an inconven-lence inconven-lence and a strain on those who hold jobs. An opposite view was expressed by Carol Sorenson and Janet Johnson, John-son, teaching assistants in the Physical Education Department. They think a change in the requirements require-ments would be detrimental to both the department and to the students. They said those students who need physical education would not be the most likely to take the clases. Furthermore, Fur-thermore, --those already skilled could participate in the recreation programs. |