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Show I : Cs SV, . 3W --XA - " 111 I in Mi iii iii i. I... .mi.iiii,. . n ii , It, -i W.i. ., . n ( ! Hi. iIT.-i. -ir -nmrni AWS officers for '68-'69 are: Debbie Powell, president, presi-dent, Sissell Hadell, vice-president; Jolene Ed munds, secretary; and Jane MacFarlane, treasurer, They will plan next year's events for women. Four Coeds Win AWS Offices The new officers for Associated Women Students are: Debbie Powell, Pow-ell, president; Sissel Hadel, vice president;'' Jolene Edmunds, secretary; secre-tary; Jane MacFarlane, treasurer. Plans for next year include a closer look at AWS. The new officers off-icers want to see if it is functioning function-ing as it should. "It should be made a more meaningful mean-ingful part of the campus," said President Debbie Powell. Subcommittees are predicted as new parts of the AWS Council. Applications Ap-plications will be available next fall for positions on the council. ' The officers agreed that the Affi is responsible for stimulating fc. terest in activities and to enccn age participation in such activities and to encourage participation in such activities as Women's Week. They will try as officers to answer why the interest isn't there. Activities that are -sponsored by AWS include: Women' VJeeVi, Leap Year Dance, a tea for the honorary groups, high school relations con.' mittee, rules and regulations of tie dorms and sororities (house and key rules). Debbie Powell has been fear president and regulations diretfn of SPURS, pledge master in Lambda Lamb-da Delta Sigma, Chairman of Special Spec-ial Events, and has recently been tapped for Mortar Board. She has been in Cwean, and been on the Council and chairman of High School Relations, and coordinator of ASUU orientation. Sissel Hadell is majoring in Sociology So-ciology and has been on the AWS Council, Orientation group leader, Secretary of Spurs, and an Athenian. Athen-ian. Jolene Edmunds has participated in Symphony Debs, a chairman oi recruitment in Lambda Delta Sigma, Sig-ma, state chairman in Mock Conventions, Con-ventions, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, and is presently on the Programs Committee. Jane MacFarlane is majoring i Medical Technology, a member Phi Mu, a member of Golden Hearts, Alpha Lambda Delta, participated par-ticipated in Women's Week ana Symphony Debs. |