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Show Editorial AlMew CAP? The Salt Lake County Comission has made public its interest in grasping control of the Community Action Program Pro-gram (CAP) . It is not surprising this interest not only comes at a time when the War on Poverty has come under criticism for its notorious red tape but at a time when some commissioners commis-sioners arc facing reelection. The Community Action Program has been operating in the Salt Lake City area since 1964 without the bureaucratic bureau-cratic problems which have faced many of the same programs pro-grams thorughout the country. Now, after four years, the county commissioners can see good reasons, either political or financial, in taking over a program that is already well established. Critics of the proposed change in the current system fear if the administration of CAP is taken over by the County Commission, it will become a local patronage football and thus mean loss of control by the people in poverty areas. Proponents Pro-ponents argue county control will improve the program. A public hearing will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the Public Health Bldg., 610 S. 2nd East to decide the future of CAP. Since students provide much of the energy needed to make the Community Action Program a success, the Chronicle urges you to take part in the democratic process and make your views known at the public hearing tonight. |