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Show ri4 P ! SI if ! I! Ill I lift The new biology building; will be dedicated Wednesday Wednes-day at 8 p.m. in Chem. 103. The building has modern labs, and a center for Environmental Biology. Dedication Dedi-cation speaker will be Albert Szent-Gyorgi. New Additions U To Dedicate Buildings Dedications for three campus buildings will be held this week. Those officially joining the University Univer-sity ranks are the Biology Building, Build-ing, Chemistry Building and the Library. The Physics Building, the first newly completed building, was dedicated May 8. The Chemistry Building will be dedicated Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Chemistry 103. George Porter, co recipient of the 1967 Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be the speaker. Mr. Porter is noted for his studies of very fast chemical reactions and was the first editor of the ser- ies of volumes on "Progress in Reaction Kinetics." Chemistry Building The Chemistry Building contains undergraduate instructional labs, graduate and research labs, faculty offices, and shops and stockrooms designed to facilitate the latest techniques. An adjoining wing contains con-tains two large lecture rooms and intensive research areas. The Biology Building will be formally dedicated Wednesday at 8 p.m. in' Chemistry 103. Albert Szent-Gyorgi will present the address. ad-dress. He is director of research at the Institute of Muscle Research, Marine Biology Station, Massachusetts, Massa-chusetts, and a recipient of the Nobel No-bel Prize in Medicine in 1937. The new Biology Building contains con-tains laboratories for teaching and research. About one third of the space is occupied by the Center for Environmental Biology, a newly reorganized department. Library Dedicated Friday The newest structure, the Library, Li-brary, will be dedicated by Wallace Stegner Friday at 3:30 in the Library Li-brary Plaza. Stegner, a former Utah faculty member, is presently the professor of English and head of the Creative Writing Center at Stanford University. lie has won three Guggenheim Fellowships and is a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. The new library includes 3200 study stations, 1100 individual carrels car-rels for advanced students and 164 study rooms for the faculty. |