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Show Publications Council States Editor Policies By ANGELYN NELSON Chronicle Staff Writer Publications Council has released a statement of policies and procedures pro-cedures which deal with its authority author-ity and the editor selection process as well as its general purpose. The council, consisting of six stul-dents, stul-dents, four faculty members and one alumnus, is appointed by AS-UU, AS-UU, the president of the University and the Alumni Association. It is authorized by the Board of Regents-. In a sense assuming the role of publisher of ASUU publications, the council has an overall independent supervision of campus student publications. pub-lications. Editors, managers and advisors are directly responsible to the council. Its jurisdiction is over ASUU financed fi-nanced publications, but publications publica-tions which appear only once a quarter and distributed to the entire en-tire campus are subject to the regulations regu-lations and policies of the council. , Its editorial staff must also receive the council's approval. Endorses Statement In terms of editorial freedom and responsibility, the Publications Council endorses the Statement on the Academic Freedom of Students, prepared by the American Association Associ-ation of University Professors and accepted by the University Board nf RpcrpntS. The statement reads in part: "The student press should be free of censorship and advance approval of copy, and its editors and managers man-agers should ' be free ' fo develop their own editorial policies and news coverage." In endorsing this statement, the council also states, "Student editors edi-tors are encouraged to seek out controversial issues and relevant problems, and may engage in artistic ar-tistic experimentation." This experimentation ex-perimentation must be used by the editor with discretion "bounded by a sense of propriety and good taste." Appointments of editors and business busi-ness managers will be announced by May 1. The term of office is one academic year unless otherwise other-wise terminated. Qualifications of editor-in-chief applicants will be determined by comparing the list of available candidates. can-didates. The initial assessment will be based on the information contained con-tained in the standard application form, letters of recommendation and familiarity with the applicant of outgoing editor, staff and council coun-cil members. After narrowing the field of applicants, the council will conduct personal interviews with the finalists. (Continued on Page 7) Council Considers Leadership council will establish business policies pol-icies and oversee the fiscal operation opera-tion of the publications. This includes in-cludes selection and removal of business managers. The Chronicle busines manager is not allowed to engage in personal selling, but he may deal as he wishes with policy questions. Also included in the financial policies pol-icies are submission of financial reports, appropriate advertising (no advertisements for tobacco, liquor or beer or any advertisements which are immoral or offensive, establishment of advertising rates, supervision of the rate for advertising advertis-ing sales commission and approval of a budget. (Operational policies will be recommended for approval to the council from the business manacprs. ' (Continued from Page 1) Attributes of the editor should in-tj'. in-tj'. elude leadership ability and potential, poten-tial, mature good judgment, the incapacity for making top manager-merit decisions, ability to work 4, X with staff members, intellectual L acumen and emotional balance, E? self-assurance, a sense of fair play, t initiative and resourcefulness. Other qualities considered include y, 'echnical competence, ability to I , elegate and supervise, experience f l journalism, (editing, typography, VJ lakeup, and in writing gained from vorking on either student or other -publications.) The applicant's time sTand dedication in service to the University Uni-versity will be weighted as well as f "the candidate's analysis and awareness aware-ness of the function, and needs of -J the publication and total university. -.; The council reserves the right to -j: remove editors on the basis of com-plaints com-plaints and violations. Publications Council will appoint '" managing and or associate editors iand associate business managers from the nominations of the editors. fOther staff positions will be filled 5 at the discretion of the editor. ee Oversees Finances 6 Because the publications receive financial support from ASUU, the |