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Show RCPRtSENTtD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI5INO BY National Educational Advertising Services V ( A DIVISION OF 11 ft RUDIR't DIOKST SALES MRVICM. INC T I I 3QO Lexington Ave., New York. N.Y. 10017 .LU Published daily during the fall, winter and spring Quarters , during test week by the Associated Students of the University Entered as second class matter in the Post Office at Salt LaKe The opinions expressed on the editorial pages of The ( Chronicle do not necessarily represent the views of the stuae the University administration. stujtt! Letters to the editor must be signed and Identified with a . number to be considered for publication. RALPH MABEY ED PITTEBttt'E Editor-in-Chief Business Mnfx ' " " "ik SW I MANAGING EDITOR ZV 1 ASSOCIATE EDITOR ZZL - T, V COPY EDITOR Brf V ADVERTISING MANAGET!!!!Z!ZZIZ |