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Show J tft) and COMPANY ;:j 131 EAST FIRST SOUTH g 1 s? I J ' HllJM'll M4M$I$ SELECT YOUR OWN DIAMOND 1 1 SAVE UP TO 50 I Documented Proof of Savings ..........1 COWS CAN'T GIVE BLOOD ONLY GIVE MILK! Be a beautiful people E I Give blood this week I I TOMORROW THROUGH THURSDAY 'E R 10-4 DAILY I 0 UNION BALLROOM I r'7ZUt V STUDIO f WEDDINGS 355-4842 Professional Quality Student Prices - TAKE A TEST DRIVE RANDY'S DATSUN SALES Where they sell you once to sell you again! 2775 South Main St. ill tfl&H EE WOU. KAyME lit, pr teas wmmmi a km1 : llj 'n I 3mm am I LU - - - W 'd JKM!SS)W.A. mm ag) J |