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Show r Our Man Hoppe "TheTaw Nabs A Looter , By ARTHUR HOPPE "Sorry about this," apologized Officer Albert Law, Badge No. 378-18-4454, leveling his service revolver at the young man lugging a television tele-vision set out of a shattered store window. "But my orders are to shoot looters on sight." "Hold on," cried the young man hastily. "How do you know I'm a looter?" "Because you're looting," said Officer Law. "Now if you'll just hold still " "The defense rests. The prosecution prosecu-tion rests." Officer Law was silent a moment. Then again he raised his revolver. "I find you, the defendant, de-fendant, guilty as charged." "Hold it," said the young man. "I want to appeal on the grounds I was inadequately represented by council, improperly informed of my rights and . . " "Oh, shut up," said Officer Law, scowling. Then he brightened. "Say, how'd you like to cop a plea? Look, my orders are either to shoot to kill or shoot to maim. If you'll plead guilty, I'll put a bullet through your ear lob and we'll call it square." The young man thought for a mo ment. "Okay," he said at , "But, good God, don't miss "I think you did the right , dear," said Officer Law's hl" ; he'd told her of his adventu!a,,et supper. "But it just goes to what I've been telling vJ" years." m k "Now don't start naggw about that again, honey." ; "Well, if they're going to you to be arresting officer pro, tor, judge, jury and execution e ! at the same time," she said u eously, "you really ought to sf up your courage and ask them f0 j raise." h "But the law says I rate a trial," said the young man desperately. des-perately. "You got to uphold the law.' ' "It's the only reason I joined the force," said . Officer Law truth- Arthur Hoppe fully. "I love the law." A frown crossed his honest face. "But my orders are to shoot looters on sight." He raised his gun again. "Wait a sec, I'm innocent till proven guilty," said the young man. "You got to find me guilty of looting loot-ing before you can shoot me as a looter." "That makes sense," said Officer Law thoughtfully. "Okay, you are charged with violation of Section 409B of the Penal Code, to white, looting. How do you plead?" "Not guilty," said the young man firmly. "I'll testify first," said Officer Law. "Now I saw you, the defendant, defend-ant, emerge from this said broken store window with this said stolen television set. . . ." "I object," said the young man, "'on the grounds there's no evidence to show the set was stolen." "Objection overruled. You got the evidence in your arms." "Let me testify. See, I was walking walk-ing along, minding my own business, busi-ness, when I spot this television set in the window and I say, 'Hey, I better take that somewhere for safe-keeping before the looters get it.' Sol . . ." "I object," said Officer Law. "I object to the idea anyone" would buy a cock and bull story like that." "Well," said the young man de-. de-. fensively, "it's the best I could do on short notice." |