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Show NOTIC E i'OU I't'liJ.U ATIONA No. 3S.S0. Land Office at Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Decern Iter 9. lSliS. Notice is hereby given that the iol-lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to maka llnal proof in sup- ( port of his claim, and that said itroof will be made before County Clerk id Washington Co., Utah, at St. George, Utah, on January 21, IWifi. viz: DAVID CHIDr.STF.R, II. E. No. 11851 for the SE SW i See 35, Tp 40, S of Range 10 W, and Lots 2 and 3, and SE i NW Sec 2, Tp 41 S of Rang;e 16 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence resid-ence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William J. B. Carter, Joseph Price, John Z. Alger, and Silas G. Hig-gins, Hig-gins, all of St. George. Utah. Frank D. Hobbs, Register. Isaac C. Macfarlank. Attorney. First publication December 17, 189S. |