OCR Text |
Show Clii'UlTI NOTICES. IHIM I' M t-SlO VAKY AE1--T. ii!;mu. Immu .awl Morris Wilson ;'oaiier'.-iiie. January 22ml. Richard l'arker ami Ira Hr-KisUw Springdale. January 22mi. Iil.-tju.fi A. Mums and Getvtfe T. Cot- tam-Guu;ork, January 22:id. Jo-mli It. Naeglo and IJyrum Dultin Vi'nrin City. January 2'.th. R.me" Wei and William Tohler Buckviiio. January 2'.eh. XieU Sandburg anil Alexander Y. Milne Price. February 5th. William H. Tliomjion and Xephi M. Savage Santa Clara, February 1-th. Xephi J. Wausworth and Arthur O. Leellovcr Valley, h'ebruary 12th. Danif.l D. McAuTliCR, daviu ii. cannon, Krastvs 15. Snow, Presidency of St. George Stake. |