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Show Wli.i ever is back of the railroad ., i , b.-.l: r baiil, t liro-e.'-h South-, South-, ,. 1 tali w ill lied it, a splemli I fiu-:,i,,.i;. fiu-:,i,,.i;. i ii .-est i .1 iii a I'-w years, to ,:r, no! hill:.' of I be good will which U e:.end' d by the peolle who llilVU so I ' ua.ile.l ii railroad hi thai, neigh borhood. S. nil 1 1 . ll l I'tall is Olieof the i-ichcsl, se.-t ion.-, in I he Stale, but it. still laeks ih", elopiiiecl . I 'rovo Em j uirer. We thii.nl: our llarmoiiy corresiiond-eiil corresiiond-eiil for w .iiie very eh'g-ant eanls conveyed convey-ed lo us willi kindly wishes for this pa;..-r's welfare. 1 1 is a source of considerable con-siderable pleasure to us to have our correspondents working with the editor to make I he i;V;-; a repivseniative paper of ibis comity. We have good correspondent-, although some of them an- ralh.-r hp:: but this does not apply lo our I la t-inoii ... .'orrespondent, for he has never failed lo write a lelt-r for publication every week. We again thank- him. |