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Show MEN ARE NOT THE MOTIVE. Women Do Not Don Their Prettiest Frocks to "Win Masculine Smiles. There is a fallacy confined, though, to the masculine half of society and that is that women dress for men. Of course all women know better thau that and laugh at it in their sleeves as the most ridiculous of ideas. Most of. them would like, though, to let men go on thinking so, but I don't care, so I'm going to toll, says a woman in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. I think any creature who belongs to such a stupid sex ought not to be allowed if there Is any way of enlightening him to go on thinking that any woman would throw away time and material to dress for him. Let me tell you, please, what I heard once. It was this: A woman of my acquaintance was clothed iu new and most beautiful dinner suit, which had cost hundreds of dollars. She wore It for the first tlmo with an air of a queen ah, mo, who couldn't have worn It so? and looked as It she hud just stepped down out of the latest Parisian fashion shoot. A man looked at her a mnn who had reached an ago when he ought to hwvo had discretion dis-cretion find whii who ulill not in his dotago looked at hor and Bald: "That's your hint winter's suit, Is It not?" I don't think I need to tell J'il more, but I will. Another human adult of tho same sex told mo oneo that my gown was very beautiful, it was 11 ten-cent, lawn that 1 myself had nuulo. So, of course, nil women save up tholr best clothes for people who can -preelato them, and Uioan people ro men. |