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Show SPKIXGDALE. The grip has visited this section and all have had a touch of it. All on the improve now. Snow not all gone yet. Will soon be putting in small grain if this fine weather continues. Allen J. Stout started for his home in St. George today. He has been visiting relatives in Rockville the last few- days. John J. Gilford and George Hep-worth Hep-worth started for the Washington Mill today. We think some man of means could make a good investment by building build-ing a roller mill in or near Toquervilie. We had a visit from Elder Charles A. Workman and Morris Wilson, of Virgin City, last Saturday evening, in the interest in-terest of the Seventies. The meeting was poorly attended on account of so many having the grip. Dixie, Springdale, Utah, January 13, 1899. |