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Show UTAH LKGISLATUIiE. Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 10. Every member of the senate was present when Secretary of State Hammond called the seriate to order at noon yesterday. yes-terday. Mr. Hammond announced that the list of members of the senate ;comprisedeighthold-oversand ten uew-!!y uew-!!y elected senators. Justice liartch administered ad-ministered the oath to the newly elected elect-ed senators, after which Senator Aquila Nebeker of Rich county was elected president of the senate, receiving- 10 votes, while the opposing candidate, Senator Joseph Howell of Cache county, received two votes. The following fol-lowing Democratic caucus nominees for the different eflices were then elected: For minute clerk, W. S. Tol-ton Tol-ton of Leaver; For docket clerk, I. R. Vance of Utah; For enrolling and engrossing en-grossing clerk, Martin Lenzi of Salt Lake; For committee clerks, L. C. Johnson of Salt Lake and Charles Au-gustin Au-gustin of Uintah; For sergeant-at-arms, E. A. King of Salt Lake; For chaplain, Harmon Cummings of Wasatch; Wa-satch; For messenger, Asa S. Hawley of Sevier; For doorkeeper, II. J. Faust; For watchman, Reuben Nebeker of Box Elder; For page, John Jenkins of Utah. After the new olliccrs were sworn in by President Nebeker the senate was declared organized, and on motion of Senator Hideout the house was so notified. At 1:50 o'clock a messenger from the house announced the organization of that body. In tho House. Salt Lake City, Jan. 10. The house convened at 12:22, being called to order by Secretary of State Hammond. The roll was called and every member answered an-swered present, after which Justice Miner administered the oath of office to the legislators. William M. Roylance of Utah county, coun-ty, the Democratic nominee, and John R. Murdoclc of Beaver county, the nominee of the Republican caucus, were placed in nomination for speaker j of the house. The ballot resulted: Roylance, 40; Murdock, 14. The Democratic caucus nominees for the following offices were then chosen by a party vote: J. M. Cohen, Salt Lake, chief clerk; Fred J. Marshal, Cache, minute clerk; Milando Pratt, Salt Lake, docket clerk. Nephi Palmer, Davis, engrossing clerk; Ezriah Tuttle, Emery, sergeant-at-arms; -A. C. Smoot, Salt Lake, doorkeeper; William Ridd, Salt Lake, chaplain; eorge Whittington Rich, watchman. The successful candidates were sworn in by Secretary Hammond. On motion of Mr. Shepard, the rules of the house of the last session were adopted until a proper committee can report new rules. The compensation of the officers of the house was fixed at 4 per day, excepting for the messengers, mes-sengers, doorkeeper and chaplain, who will receive S3 per day. A communication from the senate, announcing the organization of that body, was received, and a like communication commu-nication was ordered to be sent from the house. The speaker then appointed appoint-ed Hansen, Robinson and Larson to await, with a like committee of the senate, upon the governor, and thereupon there-upon the first day's session was adjourned adjourn-ed until 2 o'clock today. Salt Lake City, Jan. 11. The legislature legis-lature met in joint session yesterday afternoon iu the hall of representatives representa-tives and listened attentively to the reading of the governor's message. The executive himself was greeted by a warm round of applause as he entered en-tered the senate chamber and ascended the platform, where the president of the senate and the speaker of the house sat. The former presided over the deliberations of the joint assembly and ordered roll call, which showed a quorum quo-rum of each house present. The preliminaries over, Representative Representa-tive Robinson moved the appointment, by the president of the senate, of a committee of three to wait upon the governor and notify him that the assembly as-sembly was in session ready to receive any communication from him. President Presi-dent Nebeker appointed Representa-tiveRobinsou Representa-tiveRobinsou and Senators Robison and Shurtlift" as such committee. On their return they were accompanied by the governor, who began to read his message mes-sage at 2:55 p. m. r,-c Senator Cannon has the dis- tinction of introducing the first bill in the senate. As senate bill No. 1 it was announced by title to be "A bill for the erection of a hospital building for the Utah state school for the deaf and dumb, and making an appropriation therefor.'' The bill was referred to the committee on ways and means. Five bills were introduced in the house, four of which related chiefly to court procedure and litigation, while the other bill interests grand larcen-ists. |