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Show Petition for New Alail tfoute. Salt Lake Herald. Postmaster Thomas received a petition peti-tion yesterday asking that a new mail route be established from Sulphur to St. George via Cedar City, and also a route from Cedar City, to Paragoonah, Iron County, and that mail matter for all points south of Beaver, supplied by the present mail service, be carried by the Utah & Pacific railroad to Sulphur: that a schedule be arranged so that, the mail would leave Sulphur one hour after af-ter arrival of train and be delivered in St. George, Via Cedar City, in twenty hours-, " ! The petition sets out that the Utah & Pacific railroad has been completed to Sulphur, a distance of about thit'tv-seveu thit'tv-seveu miles from MiUord, a station of the Oregon Short Lino railroad, and is carrying the mail of soulhf-istecn N.. vude from Mil ford to Sulphur, It is represented that the im.il is carried to (Vrlar City, Iron county, and St. George, Washington county, !MU ;;n adjacent towns in iron and VVashino-.. ton oo.mt.ie-, Utah, and A portion of Lincoln county, Nevada, an,! the southern south-ern portion of Aloluive count v. .Aruom, via Beaver, by buckboard, and that the , distance so traveled from Alilford to jS,. George, is 1(7 miles. About 10,000 j People are supplied by said route. ' I 41.e petition is signed by ,;lllln Lund. St. George: .loin, I 'arrv, ( 'eilar ! d.v: Isaac ( '-, Al:,er,.la,. Kt Geot-e" :n. C.A!cguurrie,S, Gec-ge: Gco.-e ; ' V ( lb Wool!,;, j. viinab: Vidian, 11. Sl,,,lir. I l'he petit ion will be forwarded to the Oostoliiee il.-OMi-lin,.,,! ... vv , . i nth ni ,l li,.ji,,n |