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Show kkicdom'v ci;i;ksixii-:nck. Continued l'rom 1st pag'e- d-.v and the Choir ami Hand intended to 'serenade the town on Xew Years, but on account of the unavoidable absence ab-sence of the Choir leader at Kauab no serenading was done. The weather here the present winter has been -exceedingly cold. Old inhabitants in-habitants say that last winter and the present season has been the coldest known here for years. Kvcr since 1 have been here the creek and ditches have been frozen over, and part ol the time the boys and girls have had fine fun in skating on the ice. Some davs the weather has been line, but it is generally gen-erally pretty cold at night. In leaving St. George for Iredonia, after passing over, the sand beds and rockv hills, one passes over large tracts of land that is usually covered with grass, but on account of the drouth the plateaus present a very dry appearance. Cedar ridges are scattered over the country in various places, so that there is plenty of wood for camp lires at convenient con-venient distances. About the section of country called Cannan lake appearances appear-ances tend to prove that it was once inhabited, for there are numerous mounds that appear to be ruins of some ancient people's dwellings. If some of these mounds were examined by digging dig-ging into thein, I believe that much information in-formation might be gained concerning the ancient dwellers of this region. Much of the country between the top of the Rockville hill and the Buckskin mountains might possibly be cultivated if the U. S. Government would take hold of the enterprise and bring the water of the Colorado out high enough to cover these land's, which now are covered with grass. |