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Show II. 0. McQuarrie & Sons MERCHANDISE and FURNlTURE. We are here for People who want the Full Value of Their Money and a Square Deal. Try us. THINK migm CAREFULLY-DECIDE CAREFULLY-DECIDE WISELY ACT PROMPTLY. We possess the facility and inclination to give you Real Bargains. We still have a few pieces of Dress Goods, Calico, Shoes, Men's Clothing, etc., which we are offering at Less Than Cost, JUST ARRIVED A Now and Choice stock of Dry Goods and Groceries. St. George Co-operative Mer. Inst. Addle E. Price, Dealer in General Merchandise. eirid Villiroory. NOTICE Land to rent in the Washington and Clara Tonaquint Fields, Enquire of Mrs, ADDIS & P'FNCE, Cor. Washington & Diagonal Streets. PROFESSIONAL CAliBS. I . FREDERIC CLIFT, CITY ATTORNEY St. George. UTAH. DAVID H. MORRIS, COUNTY ATTORNEY, St. George, UTAH. ; GEORGE R. LUND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, St. George, UTAH. All kinds of practice solicited. THOS. HARIONEAUX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Beaver City, UTAH. I FRANCiS L. DAGGETT, A. R. WHITEHEAD & SON DEALERS IN General Merchandise. We also order Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper on commission. St. George, - tJtah MILES BROS. SADDLERS and Harness flakers. Everything in our line from a Hame Strap to Heavy Harness & Stock Saddles. Sad-dles. Outside trade solicited. We will please you. We also run Feed Stables: Hay & Grain. Prices Reasonable. Call and see us, half block west Court House St. George, - - Utah. CITY MEAT riARKET AND CHOP HOUSE, J. H. PEARCE. Prop. Prime Fresh Beef Always on Handt Orders Promptly Filled. Meals at Any Hour. St. George, Utah. AttorneyatLav & Notary Public, St. George, UTAH. All business connected with the settlement of Estates of deceased persons a specialty. Conveyances of all kinds carefully executed. PYMM HOUSE, St. GEORGE, UTAH. MEALS REASONABLE. JOHN PYMM, Prop. Also dealer in, Jewelry, Stationery, ' Groceries, Etc. Antikainnia for Headache. Neuralgia, and Sciatic Pains. Sure Cure. Farmers Mechanics, Sheepshearers and all others take notice that W. G. Miles keeps always on hand the Celebrated Diamond Valley Grit GRINDSTONES, Mounted with Hangers ready for use, or without mounting. Prices and kind of pay to suit the times and country. 2nd North St, - St. George. J, H. RIDING, TINSMITH Anything in the Tinware Line Hade and Repaired. Prices Reasonable, Work Guaranteed. Workshop at residence, 2nd North St. - St. deorge. W. GRAY, Toftsorial Artist. Hair-cutting, Shaving and Shampooing in latest styles. North St. - - St. George. WAS HINGTON ROLLER MILLS. Flour, Germade, Chopped Feed, Bran and Shorts, at Lowest Cash Prices. Have for sale Chopped Barley 11 cents per lb, Some of the Things to be Obtained at the Pioneer millinery store: Hat3, Caps, and Ileadwear for all Sorts and Condition? of People. Peo-ple. Also, Infants' Cloaks, Children's Coats and Jackets, Feather Boas, Dress Trimmings, Kid Gloves, Trunks, Ladies' Belts, Ribbons, Hair Nets, and j Notions of many kinds. Constantly on hand at E. B. SNOW'S a largo Supply of Furniture, including Chairs, Tables, Bedroom Suits, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Etc. Also carries a good assortment assort-ment of Undertakers Supplies, D. M. Osborn Machinery, Machine and Wagon Extras, all at Bedrock prices. 3M. IM. 83. POUIvTRY FKXCi;. SSSSSJ .sAl, IjSSSa: hWWWiei.lKU. (TRAOli MARK J tecENT. savins, fjgxs ytitcrx&X P"-kl Uwn Fnce, Gates. Posts. Rail. etc. Write for full particulars. UNION FENCE CO.( Kfl?b. UU CITY DRUG STORE, J. R MICH ELS, Proprietor, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Cigars, Candies, Stationery, Perfumery, &c. |