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Show UTAH LEGISLATURE. Salt Lake City, Jan. 18. Little business busi-ness was transacted in either branch of the Utah legislature yesterday, except the first ballot for a senator to succeed Senator Frank J. Cannon. Following-is Following-is the result of the joint ballot: King, Democrat IS 51 ;Cune, Democrat 11 'Powers, Democrat 8 Nebeker, Democrat 1 Sutherland, Republican 13 Cannon, Silver Republican 7 Absent 5 Total 63 The vote in detail is as follows: SENATE. For King- Senators Bennion, Robi-son, Robi-son, Thomas 3. For NcCune Chambers, Evans, Smoot, Whitney, Wright 5 For Powers Aquila Nebeker, W. G. Nebeker, Rideout 3. For Nebeker Peery 1. For Sutherland Alder, Howell 3, For Cannon Kiesel, Shurtliff 2. Absent Cannon, Tanner 2. HOUSE. For King Representatives Betts, Fisher, Fullmer, Greenwood, Hansen, Horne, Larsen, McQuai-rie, ' Mansfield, O'Neil, Parry, Redd, Robertson, Stewart, Stew-art, Wheeler. 15. For McCune Bennion, By water, Clyde, Cummings, Farr, Sbepard 6. For Powers Cook, Forman, Jackson, Jack-son, Lapish, Roylance. 5. For Sutherland Callister, Christian-son, Christian-son, Crosby, C. Z. Harris, Holmgren, Law, Murdoek, Robinson, Sorenson, Taylor, Welch. 11. For Cannon Bramwell, N. J. Harris, Ivers. Johnson, Smith. 5. Absent Lloyd, Miller, Richards. 3. Adjournment was taken immediately after the balloting, in both houses. Salt Lake City, Jan. 19. Five ballots for a United States senator from Utah were taken in the joint session of the legislature yesterday afternoon without with-out materially changing the result from the previous day's voting in the state senate and house separately. The second, third and fifth ballots were exactly the same as the first. On the fourth Representative McQuarrie broke away from King and voted for ex-State Senator Edward H. Snow, but on the last ballot called, the member from Wa fill I n o-t.nn cnnnt.T; swnttir VinnV t.n Vila first choice. The fifth ballot resulted as follows: King, Democrat 19 McCune, Democrat 11 Powers, Democrat 8 Nebeker, Democrat 1 Sutherland. Republican 14 Cannon, Silver Republican 7 Absent 3 Total 63 Little business was done in either branch of the legislature. The senate committee on contingent expenses returned re-turned an adverse report on the joint resolution providing for the purchase of newspapers and postage stamps for the legislators, and the committee on printing was instructed to have 200 copies of the senate rules printed. Seven bills were introduced in the house. Not a great deal of work is looked for, however, until the senatorial senator-ial matter is finished. S-slt Lake City, Jan. 20. Twenty three ballots has been taken and the legislature seems no nearer to the selection of a United States senator than it was at the beginning of the session. Seventeen ballots were taken yesterday. The last one resulted as follows: King 16 McCune 15 C. C. Goodwin 14 Powers 7 Cannon 7 Nebeker 3 Complimentary votes were cast during dur-ing the day for ex-Governor Thomas, C. E. Allen and M. II. Cannon. No bills were introduced in the senate. sen-ate. President Nebeker signed the bill appropriating 25,000 for the expense ex-pense of the legislature. Three bills were introduced in the house, besides the memorial to congress con-gress for legislation to restrain the depredations of the Ute and Navajo Indians,committed in San Juan county-Salt county-Salt Lake City, Jan. 21. Nine ballots bal-lots were taken 3'esterday by the legislature, legis-lature, but no selection for senator has yet been made. On the last ballot the vote stood: McCune. 17: Kinir. 14: Powers, 9; Cannon, 7; Reed Smoot, 13; George Sutherland, 3. Senator Robison was absent. During- the day, J. C. Hammond and Jacob Johnson were given the complimentary votes of the Republican contingent. Senator Peery, who has been voting for Xebeker, yesterday switched to Powers. Only one bill was introduced in the senate; it being senate bill Xo. 9, to amend section 3TS of the Revised Statutes of Utah, 1898, relating to bank reserves and liabilities. Harris' amendment to rule 36 in the house, which went over from the previous pre-vious day's session, was taken up and defeated, thereby preventing the printing print-ing of bills upon second reading. Governor Wells has signed house bill Xo. 16, appropriating 525,000 for the regular and contingent expenses of the legislature. Salt Lake City, Jan. 22. Six ballots were taken yesterday for senator. The last ballot stood as follows: McCune, Mc-Cune, 21; King. 12; Cannon, 7; Powers, 6; W. K. Walton. 13: Sutherland, 1. Neither the senate nor the house was in the mood for work. In the sena te one bill was introduced, relating to deficiency judgments, while in the house the members seemed more than anxious to adiourn, and no business wag transaotcu. |