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Show FIMCDOXIA, AltlZOMA. The News is sometimes two v.c'eks enroute here. A general good feeling exsists among the people of thi: place. It commenced snowing on the 10th inst., and on the morning of the 11th the ground was covered with six inches, which has not all gone yet. We were visited by missionaries on the 13th inst. in the interests of the M. I. Associations of this place, and much good instructions were given. Joseph W. Carpenter has just got his new residence so far completed that his family are living in it, but considerable work has to be done before it is finished. fin-ished. The Reservoir company have the water running into the reservoir now. J They had to make a new canal about half-a-mile in length, us the former canal was not suitably loeatorl and wa too su.ali to carry the water from the creek. j 0'li!'!'.irms and Xew Year's passed off quite pleasantly. !n s't'ging, dancing, and other recreations. The String |