Show JOHN SWORE FOR BETTY allow me said brown the clerk to ask ak a k you ru a few questions you are twenty one years of age I 1 suppose sir mr N yes said john do you solemnly swear that betty jones JO nes spinster is of lawful ian ful age made ad e and enacted by the legislature Lei 1 slature of virginia to take the marriage marr balle vow von thaw that said john mr B repeated wen well said john mr clerk I 1 want to get married and must get married but I 1 joined a med the church at the last revival and and I 1 swear for a hundred dollars then sir sir you can not get married ed 11 4 0 cant get married good gracious mr clerk turn me out of church if I 1 swear dont refuse mr clerk for heavens sake ill give you ten dollars if you let me off fro from in swearing cant do it mr N hold on mr clerk ill swear I 1 c give up betty for ten churches ill be bed d d if she aint ain it eighteen years old give me the license after the clerk burst a few of the buttons off of his vest he granted the license |