Show ONAL major dodge the popular indian agent at carson valley arrived here by the last california mail on business connected with the department and from this city proceeded to provo prove we are glad to see that major dodge is is properly appreciated in in carson valley and is is recognized as an efficient officer he has visited every part of his agency and for the benefit of his numerous friends in missouri although he be has had hard trips he is in in the enjoyment of first rate health and andee we u mill ill add as handsome as ever dr chorpenning came up as far ais as ruby valley and is is now there regulating stations and attending to other lousiness business connected with the interest of the the party that went ment out with the last mail for the states suffered great I 1 inconvenience when ahen they had got through echo kanyon they were struck with snow blind ness near cache cave and had to return to weber one of the party not a so 1 much afflicted as the others conducted them the the mail however was vas sent on by a fresh hand |