Show THE QU the following fol lowin 9 are the figures f agures 0 of f the only quadrille danced at the delightful ball given by b a serious family I 1 ladies advance and leave leave the room opposite gentlemen advance groan and retire sides same set to partners and turn up eyes to the ceiling all jump as high as possible till tired 2 gentlemen rise and rise leave the room ladies enter and to places dance al hodum libi tum and that only baltz va altz polka or maz ourka be permitted 3 ladies leave the room first gentleman advance ad tance sing a hymn and run round the room as hard as he can go second and others follow and all run together and finally out at the door I 1 L ladles ladies enter and to places sand still beating time ti me with one foot whilst first lady recites hymn all round opposite lady the same and then side fidei 3 U alk ly front from the tha room 4 n all go home but separately mind an I 1 a decaco ij to take care that the ladies shaft I 1 ach other and that there is non no nonsense 0 llense about being seen hom hern an nil 1 thi h |