Show til notice t t CAMP rloyd 1 1 march lo 10 1830 I 1 i on Wednes wednesday dayo the ath ultimo ard e Pr insley Sheri dans comedy of the Ith anal alsi I 1 was p produced reduced m with ith the foeloa following ing cast t sir anthony absolute mr J Rut leile e f captain absolute it K ili at hr J rau rauland kland AV warren warrel acres acre a it C white sir lucius 0 trigger J shaw tag rag AV arav ford david 0 L baldwin baldin thomas J delano I 1 mrs airs Alala prop mrs tuckett Tu cliett lydia languish lansu ish 11 whitlock julia od lucy miss aliss whitlock hillock the character of sir anthony absolute 0 was very well sustained by ilia his acting was finished and ami gentlemanly capt absolute render his part with great couyancy bou yancy and spirit atil and 1 was very good throughout mr whitey white as aa aci acice es was very successful a mr shaw as sir lucius rigg r fully maintained his high reputation in tins this class caa of characters by lis his excellent performance on this occasion rag by mr crawford i ho aas not only very appropriately dressed but had a arr I 1 appreciation ot of the part mrs airs tri T edilh allois ot XV sur was of the first farst class lier her nus lus application of words worda was I 1 crous arid and excited the risibility of the hie audience this comedy is 13 very difficult tor amateurs to succeed in and requires acting of a iffy iery superior order to make the numerous meiti N cilins tell and although some of the char ackers were rather indifferently sustained we consider the association lias has lost none of its hardly earned prestige by it after which the farce of the irish attorney 11 in which air shaw played pierce ohara with his accustomed ability the louse house was very thinly attended led an and must have proved a loss to the management t indeed money is now noir so scarce that the lest best plays cannot fill the theatre i the orchestra played cata diva from the opera of norma very well we understand that venice preserved will be the next performance I 1 DRAMA |