Show second judicial district court ano 0 march 9 1859 court at 1 0 A 31 i pursuant to adjournment officers present lion hon alexander wilson attorney P K dotson esq Mar marshal A V Bro brookie okle deputy L al M scovill clerk alexander williams crier and anda J F stone bailiff clerk read tho the records of the proceedings of yesterday after a call for motions inot ioni and there being donee none the court adjourned to meet again again at at 9 A dr M tomorrow to morrow march 10 court met at 9 A M pursuant to adjoua ment officers present as on yesterday clerk read the proceedings of last meeting by request the names ot of the attorneys At orneys present were are enrolled and read mr blair presented his commission as I 1 attorney elect by the legislature forthe for the territory and asked the opinion of the court as to the extent of his duties if any before the grand jury claiming the power to summon a new grand jury to pi besent crimes arising under the laws of the territory the court was n as of the opinion that the pow er to supplant one officer glecer of the court implied the power to supplant alt all even ei en to the clerk cherl he would therefore there foie take upon himself the responsibility of coinciding in in his opinion from one of his associates judge sinclair vi ho had already decided the question after a full and free description of its merits clerk called the names of the traverse jury who aho were dismissed till half past 2 S M thomas clarkson william holliday and william Mars marsden deny applied for naturalization papers vi inch were granted and the oath of I 1 allegiance administered to them by the court coart then took a recess till 2 p M 2 p in the court resumed its session mr air wilson reported that no bills of indictment had as yet been found by tare grand jury henry nelson and henry roper applied for naturalization papers which were granted and ind the oath administered to them court then adjourned to meet at 10 A M tomorrow to morrow march 11 court met at 10 am pursuant to adjournment officers present as before clerk read the records of the proceedings on yesterday mr stout presented the commission of john kay the newly elected Al marshal arshal oft of the ie territory and asked that the same should be made a matter of record the court could see no law requiring such a proceeding yet he had no jobje objections atio ns to it its a being recorded george carlisle applied for nat naturalization u realization papers which were granted and the oath of allegiance administered to him court then took a recess 2 rpm pm court resumed its ita session sei several oral bills of indictment were found by the grand jury the court excused wilber J earl from further services sen ices on the grand jury the case of mose mosa and looking lookingglass glass was called up and set for trial on monday next court then adjourned till 10 am tomor to mor row march 12 court met at 10 amp am pursuant to adjournment officers present as bc bere fire clerk read record of u na 9 b i cerday j andrew J steward presented ilia hig i lie p as a practicing lawyer and asked to b t e 40 1 rolled with the list or of attorneys eti frederick giles and thomas farre plied for naturalization papers a 8 j granted and the oath of allegiance aan 1 ere d c to them I coult then took a recess 2 court resumed its session mr air mackintire Mac and ile henry nry maiber admi for naturalization papers which borer ve ed and the oath of allegiance adm 11 W to them 11 court then adjourned to meet again aca 0 allt monday next it aj DT T 1 PS quite an interesting corres correspond poul 0 occurred this morning between the al a r A provo and t judge cradlebaugh a c colv 0 P Y of 1 which ilich will be furnished the valley tan iv VT |